Re: NSAttributedString fill with gradient

2009-12-19 Thread BravoBug Software
 Why would you even expect that to work? NSGradient is not a colour. At 
 present there is no supported attribute for gradients.

Oh? You might want to let the folks at Apple know that ;)

[[NSColor selectedMenuItemColor] set];


On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 3:50 PM, Graham Cox wrote:

 On 18/12/2009, at 4:31 AM, Chris Purcell wrote:

 I've tried setting the gradient as NSForegroundColorAttributeName in the 
 attributes dictionary when creating the string but as I expected that didn't 
 work. How would I go about filling the string with a gradient?

 Why would you even expect that to work? NSGradient is not a colour. At 
 present there is no supported attribute for gradients.

 You could create this effect by converting the string to its glyphs as a path 
 and fill the path. Alternatively you can create a subclass of NSLayoutManager 
 and override the method:

 - (void)showPackedGlyphs:(char *)glyphs 
 atPoint:(NSPoint)point font:(NSFont *)font color:(NSColor*)color 

 and render the glyphs using a gradient. Doing that implies you'll need to set 
 up a text system programatically, which is a fairly advanced topic - see:



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Re: breakout game - openGL or quartz?

2009-12-07 Thread BravoBug Software
Everyone seems to have already pointed you in the right direction, but
as someone who has specific experience making such a game solo
( I wanted to just throw in my
.02 that OpenGL is definitely the way to go. NeHe's tutorials will be
very handy along the way and iDevGames is definitely worth visiting,
as the folks are generally very helpful and know their stuff, and you
can likely get quite a bit of help with all manner of game dev topics
(collision, audio, interface, etc.), not just graphics.

Be sure to also look into OpenAL for your sound effects. And you may
even want to take a peek at a 2D collision/physics library like
Chipmunks ( It's not
really necessary for a breakout-type game but you might be surprised
at how much work it can save you. And you can do some really cool
stuff with it.


On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 10:48 PM, Patrick J. Collins wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I wrote a breakout style game for actionscript3:

 and it's been on my mind to make a version for the iPhone..  But before I do
 that, I thought it would be good to just make a version for plain old OS X...
 So before I do this, I wanted to ask the opinions of every one here--  Should 
 use OpenGL or quartz/core animation for my graphics drawing?  I am thinking
 that I want to use OpenGL-- even though the game is 2D, I still would like to
 be able to do gradients and shading and glowing, etc..  Which I am assuming
 isn't going to be as easy to accomplish with quartz/core animation.

 Also if anyone recommends any particular books or online tutorials for 
 how to draw simple rectangles and spheres, and make them glow, etc, that would
 be great.


 Patrick J. Collins


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Re: Transparency Help 2

2009-11-23 Thread BravoBug Software
Here is a method that applies 'mask' based on a given NSColor. ie, you
pass it an NSImage, a NSColor (in your case, white), and a threshold,
and it will make transparent all the pixels of that color within a
threshold. So you can use this to knock out the white pixels of an

Then, of course, just draw that new NSImage into your view using

(PS: This was thrown together pretty quickly so you may need to tweak
it if it doesn't suit your purposes, but you can at the least perhaps
use it as a jumping off point)

-(NSImage*)calcMaskForColor:(NSColor*)c :(int)threshold :(NSImage*)img
NSBitmapImageRep *imageData = [NSBitmapImageRep imageRepWithData:
[img TIFFRepresentation]];
int i=0;
int w = [imageData pixelsWide];
int h = [imageData pixelsHigh];
int numPixels = w * h;
unsigned char *data = [imageData bitmapData];
unsigned char vals[4];
unsigned char col[3];
//assumes nscolor passed has r/g/b components
//ie, dont just pass [NSColor whiteColor]
col[0] = [c redComponent]*255;
col[1] = [c greenComponent]*255;
col[2] = [c blueComponent]*255;
int dif;
//assumes RGBA
memcpy(vals, data+i, 4);
//custom alpha check, you can remove or modify:
if(vals[3]  240)
//visible pixel, check color
dif = 0;
dif += abs(vals[0] - col[0]);
dif += abs(vals[1] - col[1]);
dif += abs(vals[2] - col[2]);
if(dif  threshold)
memset(data + i, 0, 4);

NSImage *newImg = [[[NSImage alloc] initWithSize: NSMakeSize(w,h)]
[newImg addRepresentation: imageData];
return newImg;


On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 10:01 AM, R T wrote:
 Given: A litho Image, Black  White pixels only.
 I want to show just the Black Pixels in a subclassed NSView.

  I've posted previously with some code and had 1 simple response that has not 
 panned out for me. Any ideas out there, anybody been down this road?



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Re: Detecting when sheet has finished appearing

2009-10-10 Thread BravoBug Software
-beginSheet methods return once the sheet has finished animating
(IIRC). If you call -beginSheet you can add the code you want to
execute after the sheet has been displayed immediately after that (but
before any modal calls such as -runModalForWindow). The code will
execute after the sheet animation has finished.

On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 3:50 PM, Squ Aire wrote:

 A sheet animates into view. I want to detect it when this animation is 
 complete. There are certain things (like a progressbar) that I wish to start 
 only when the sheet has actually finished appearing on the screen. I don't 
 want the progress bar to start before that.

 All I can find are a bunch of SheetWillBegin stuff. But I cannot seem to 
 find any SheetDidBegin stuff.

 I therefore ask: How can I detect it when the sheet has completely appeared 
 on the screen, i.e. detect when the sheet animation is complete?
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Re: Disappearing NSStatusItem

2009-09-25 Thread BravoBug Software
Make sure you're properly -retain'ing it. Just because you have an
ivar pointing to it doesn't mean it will stick around after
GC/autorelease pool releases stuff. You'll need to explicitly -retain
the NSStatusItem since NSStatusBar does not.

On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Jacob Schwartz wrote:
 Hello again,

 After making headway on my first cocoa app, I have run into an issue. I have
 created a NSStatusItem in my class called Application.m. When I run, the
 icon appears in my menubar but then disappears and becomes ineligable to
 click. I read something somewehere about thr garbage collection taking it
 away but I have it saved as an instance in my class so Im out of ideas. I
 also read about the AppDelegate class that is made for me when I make a new
 project but I don't know how to use that. Fail. Anyway thanks again


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Re: drawing/masking one image with the alpha value from another

2009-09-21 Thread BravoBug Software
Modifying the bitmap data yourself shouldn't be too difficult, for an
NSBitmapImageRep you'd just grab the data with the -bitmapData method.
But have you checked out CIFilter? I'm not entirely sure I understood
what your goal is but there's likely a filter in place already that
will do it for you:

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 9:32 PM, Roland King wrote:
 I'm trying to construct an image which is colored according to the alpha
 value of a different image. I've been hunting around the Quartz Core docs
 and I can't figure out a good way to do this. The motivation is to do
 something similar to what apple does on the iphone tabbar items which are
 drawn white or blue using the alpha of the image you supply and it's a
 pretty good effect I want to reuse.

 So for instance if I my drawing color is D and the point on my underlying
 image is {r,g,b,a}, I want to draw a point of color S * a.

 Assume that I have the image I want to process and I can get that into a
 bitmap - because I do and I have.

 I've looked at all the colour blending modes but unless I've missed
 something, all of them deal, as you'd expect, in colour, not alpha, so I
 can't find one of those I think I can use which totally ignores the colour

 I thought about using a CFImageMask which has points which are white where
 the underlyer is alpha=1 and black where it's 0 and all points between but
 creating that from the original image is the same problem..

 I thought about wandering through the bytes of data in the bitmap (assuming
 I can even figure out how to access them which currently I cannot) and
 changing them but that seems pretty hokey even if I deal correctly with the
 byte orderings the packing and .. getting to the data in the first place.

 I'm sure I've entirely missed some piece of Quartz or CF here which does
 exactly what I want, or a blending mode I can use cleverly for this. Any
 pointers would be very useful.


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Re: Possible reasons why no help is available?

2009-08-22 Thread BravoBug Software
Here's a walkthrough, in case it might be helpful:

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 4:19 PM, Brant wrote:
 Hi. I'm trying to get a Help Book to open for my application.

 I have a pile of .htm and .css files that were given to me by someone who
 generated them from Robo Help.

 I put them in a folder called XX Help, dropped the folder onto Help
 Indexer which generated a filed called XX Help.helpindex and added it to
 the folder.

 I then added step to my build script that copies XX Help to
 Resources/English.lproj in my app bundle.

 Then I added a key called CFBundleHelpBookFolder with the name XX Help.

 Then in my applicationDidFinishLaunching method, I call AHRegisterHelpBook()
 with the FSRef from my budle.

 When I call [NSApp showHelp: nil]; in response to the user choosing the help
 menu item for the app, I get an messagebox that sayd Help isn't available
 for XX.

 I made sure there is a reasonable file called index.html in the help book.

 What should I do to get this to open?


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Re: NSProgressIndicator Subclass is slow

2009-08-21 Thread BravoBug Software
Have you checked this:

If it's a redraw issue that should solve your problem.

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 3:50 PM, wrote:

 I have a subclass of NSProgressIndicator I wrote (is attached). I've
 overriden the incrementBy: and setMaxValue: methods to redraw the progress
 bar every time its value changes. Then I have a list of shell commands that
 are run, and after each command the value of the progress bar is incremented
 by one. The problem is that the progress bar doesn't update after each
 command, it updates after all the commands have finished.

 I think this might be a problem with me redrawing the progress bar every
 time it changes, but I don't know how else to do it



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