How to sample MTLPixelFormatR32Float in Metal buffers and/or textures?

2020-06-10 Thread Demitri Muna via Cocoa-dev

I have float array data that I want to use to create images in Metal. My plan 
is to apply one or more shaders to the data, then render it into a new RGB 
texture and continue from there. I’m using MTLPixelFormatR32Float as the source 
pixel format with success.

In all the kernel examples I see the sampler returns a float4, which is 
appropriate for an RGBA format. But my source data/format has no color. What is 
the equivalent for sampling single float values?

I’m currently putting the source data into a 2D texture. Given the use case 
above, does it make sense to use a MTLBuffer instead and then render that into 
a new 2D MTLTexture?



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Re: Is the list alive?

2019-05-30 Thread Demitri Muna via Cocoa-dev

I thought that this list disappeared over the New Year, but it turns out it was 
just a period of slow traffic. While the frequency of posts has diminished from 
its heyday, I still find this list very useful. I occasionally skim the subject 
headings in the digest, but the real value is in the archive. It’s not uncommon 
for me to search past posts for a method name and find, if not the answer I’m 
looking for, something that points me in the right direction. I very much 
dislike the UI for Apple’s developer forums, and it feels like the history of 
comments there is not as deep. The signal to noise ratio here is extremely 
high. (What I *really* miss is…)

Here’s hoping this list sticks around for a while!



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Animate layout changes in NSCollectionView?

2019-04-11 Thread Demitri Muna

I have a 10.11+ NSCollectionView and a custom layout, and I’d like to animate 
the items in the collection when the bounds change. This does not involve 
inserting or deleting items or changing the layout, just repositioning them 
when the view changes size. It’s exactly this question:

I see the code belongs in 

- (void)prepareForAnimatedBoundsChange:(NSRect)oldBounds;
- (void)finalizeAnimatedBoundsChange;

but it’s not clear to me what to put in these methods.



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Re: Dynamically change NSCollectionView items based on view width

2019-04-08 Thread Demitri Muna

Pro-tip: when updating a legacy NSCollectionView to a modern implementation and 
you leave the old one in another view “just in case", update your 
“collectionView” outlet to point to the new one. Sigh.

“Never mind.” — Roseanne Roseannadanna

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Re: Dynamically change NSCollectionView items based on view width

2019-04-07 Thread Demitri Muna
Hi Mike,

On Apr 7, 2019, at 4:20 PM, Mike Abdullah  wrote:

> The obvious first question to me is: is your notification actually firing?

Yes, it fires upon every frame change so I know exactly when the view’s width 
becomes is less than my threshold. I am observing changes in 
self.view.superview where “self" is my view controller, “self.view” is the 
scroll view containing the clip view and collection view.

What is strange is that when I place a breakpoint in the block (from 
observerForName:object:queue:usingBlock) both 
collectionView.indexPathsForVisibleItems and collectionView.visibleItems return 
empty arrays, despite the fact I can see the items in the view. I had also 
thought to try deleting the items (via deleteItemsAtIndexPaths:) and adding 
them again, and reloadItemsAtIndexPaths: providing paths for the two items in 
the view. Nothing is triggering 
collectionView:itemForRepresentedObjectAtIndexPath: again.



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Dynamically change NSCollectionView items based on view width

2019-04-06 Thread Demitri Muna

I have a 10.11+ NSCollectionView. I have two representations (subclasses of 
NSCollectionViewItem) of the data - one large and one small. When the view is 
resized to be narrower than the large representation, I’d like to swap the 
views to the smaller versions. Similarly, when the window is widened enough to 
accommodate at least a single of the larger views, I’d like the views to change 
again. I’ve not been able to make this work.

I have set up an NSViewBoundsDidChangeNotification so I know when the width of 
the view crosses the threshold. I’ve tried:

- [collectionView reloadData]
- [collectionView.collectionViewLayout invalidateLayout] (on the 

I think I just want to invalidate all of the already created views and get the 
collection view to call makeItemWithIdentifier:forIndexPath: again.

One option I haven’t explored is to handle the change within a single 
NSCollectionViewItem subclass (two views in the one .xib), but since the 
representations are sufficiently different (e.g different number of subviews) 
I’m worried about running into auto layout issues during the transition. Also 
it feels messier.

Bonus points for how to accomplish this with animation!



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Re: Bothersome "NSView-Encapsulated-Layout-Height" constraint?

2018-08-30 Thread Demitri Muna

On Aug 30, 2018, at 9:23 PM, Quincey Morris 

> “Encapsulated layout height” sounds like one of the constraints that IB adds 
> to your layout when it’s under-constrained at design time. Are you adding the 
> other constraints at run time?

I’m not adding any constraints at run time. IB isn’t reporting anything as 
under-constrained. I tried to add a height constraint to the NSTableCellView, 
but that constraint is greyed out (and I found would have conflicted with the 
NSView-Encapsulated-Layout-Height anyway).



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Re: Bothersome "NSView-Encapsulated-Layout-Height" constraint?

2018-08-30 Thread Demitri Muna
Hi Rob,

On Aug 30, 2018, at 8:34 PM, Rob Petrovec  wrote:

> You need to implement -outlineView:heightOfRowByItem: to return the height 
> you want for each row.  Hope that helps.

Sorry, in my email I wrote "outlineView:rowViewForItem:” when I meant to say 
"outlineView:heightOfRowByItem:”, which I have returning 20 or 24. This 
correctly changes the row height (it is being called), but the highlighting 
remains at 12 pixels regardless of value.



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Bothersome "NSView-Encapsulated-Layout-Height" constraint?

2018-08-30 Thread Demitri Muna

I’ve been hitting my head against a wall for more time than I’d like to admit 
on what should be a simple problem - maybe someone can spot it immediately…

I’m implementing a view-based source list style NSOutlineView (I’m trying to 
mimic the Finder sidebar). My header items are a different row height than the 
items underneath. I’ve implemented outlineView:rowViewForItem: (returns 24 for 
headers, 20 for items).

The rows are spaced as expected in the column, but they are not drawn 
correctly. The cell is cropped to 12 pixels, as seen here:

I expect the highlighting to extend to the full height of the row. I tried to 
force this by adding two constraints, 2 pixels above and below the image, then 
got this:

2018-08-30 14:55:36.807612-0400 Nightlight[78272:15775715] [Layout] Unable to 
simultaneously satisfy constraints:

This shows where the problem is: a height constraint on the row of 12 with the 
name "NSView-Encapsulated-Layout-Height”. This is the exact height I see being 
drawn. I have no idea where this is coming from or how to fix it though. Any 
help welcome - it’s annoying because this seems like such simple thing!


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Recommended way to save NSPredicates in Core Data store?

2018-08-15 Thread Demitri Muna

I'm building an interface that contains an NSPredicateEditor (think iTunes 
smart playlists), and I want to save the predicate in a Core Data store. What 
is the recommended way to do this? Serialize the NSPredicate object and save it 
as a blob? Break apart the predicate into one or more NSExpressions (left hand 
value, operator, right hand value) and reconstruct the predicate? I can think 
of several possibilities, but am wondering what is the path of least resistance 
(and, I suppose, most binding-friendly!).



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Re: Animating source view design advice.

2012-06-07 Thread Demitri Muna

Thanks Corbin for the reply. For some reason I completely forgot that 
NSOutlineView was a subclass of NSTableView. Yes, of course that is the best 
(and should have been obvious!) solution.



On May 30, 2012, at 2:57 PM, Corbin Dunn wrote:

 On May 30, 2012, at 11:37 AM, Demitri Muna 
 Just because I hate orphaned questions (as no one answered), I thought I'd 
 answer my own question.
 Most examples that use Core Data/bindings/array controllers use a table view 
 as the source view, but I wanted something more flexible with my own custom 
 view that involved a little animation. Although NSTableCellView makes this a 
 little easier, it still felt shoehorned into a table view.
 Really? Why? It fits quite perfectly with the view based tableview.
 I think the best answer is the realization that I don't need a table view at 
 all to use the machinery above,
 I think the best solution is to use a view based NSOutlineView with variable 
 row heights and custom background drawing on the NSTableRowView.
 FWIW, Xcode uses NSOutlineView (non-view based at the current time).


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Re: Animating source view design advice.

2012-05-30 Thread Demitri Muna
Just because I hate orphaned questions (as no one answered), I thought I'd 
answer my own question.

Most examples that use Core Data/bindings/array controllers use a table view as 
the source view, but I wanted something more flexible with my own custom view 
that involved a little animation. Although NSTableCellView makes this a little 
easier, it still felt shoehorned into a table view. I think the best answer is 
the realization that I don't need a table view at all to use the machinery 
above, and that one can simply have an array of NSViews managed by an array 
controller (in a scroll view). Everything else (e.g. master/detail, bindings) 
just falls into place after that. The most illustrative example was mmalc's 
Graphics Bindings, located here:

Although that link will only be valid for about a month before MobileMe ends. :)


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Animating source view design advice.

2012-05-27 Thread Demitri Muna

I would like to create a source view like Xcode 4's project navigator view. It 
will have parent views (e.g. the project) with a twist down triangle that, 
when clicked, will reveal the contents (e.g. files) in an animation that slides 
down. Many of these parent views can exist at the top level. When one is 
revealed, the ones below will slide down as well.

What is the best way to implement this? Is a table view with NSTableCellView's 
a reasonable approach? I'm wondering if that is the case since the items (when 
opened) will easily have differing heights depending on the number of children. 
Is an NSOutlineView more appropriate here (at least I get the sliding animation 
for free). One complication is that I'd like to be able to select the parent 
view in the same way that you can in Xcode (that brings up the project/targets 
inspector) to bring up a summary detail view.

I don't need a full implementation (not that I'd turn it away if one is 
available!), but a high-level view of the best approach to do this would be 
greatly appreciated!


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NSRuleEditor with variable-height rows?

2012-03-16 Thread Demitri Muna

I was wondering if it might be possible to implement an NSRuleEditor with 
variable-height rows. There is a rowHeight property that can be set, but that 
sets the same height for all rows. I can override it with a subclass, but I 
don't see any obvious way to know which row height is being requested.

Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly welcome!


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Re: Bulletproof way to create a new CGBitmapContext from an existing image?

2009-11-06 Thread Demitri Muna

Hi Steve and David,

Thank you both for your comments; they were very helpful. I had  
thought that I had to match the context to the image I was going to  
use, but that's clearly wrong. I had missed that link to the supported  
pixel formats - that's very informative.

Steve's comment also suggested to me (if this will help) another  
trick. I created the context with the *cropped* image size. When I  
draw the image in the context, I specify a rect positioned such that  
the context region contains the bit I want cropped, i.e. specify a  
rect that is larger than the bounds of the context. CG scales it as  
appropriate, but I only get the bit that I want.

Again, thanks very much for the help!



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Page flip effect using Core Animation?

2008-07-22 Thread Demitri Muna


I'm beginning to delve into Core Animation, and am trying to implement  
what (I think) should be a very simple effect. I want to rotate a  
50x50 layer around an axis defined by one of the edges which is fixed.  
The best analogy is looking down on a book and turning a page, the  
edge of the page being fixed in the binding. I have this so far:

CGFloat angle = DegreesToRadians(-180);

CATransform3D transform = CATransform3DIdentity;
layer.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(1.0, 0.5); // turn page to right
transform = CATransform3DRotate(transform, angle, 0, 1, 0); // y-axis  

transform = CATransform3DTranslate(transform, -25, 0, 0);
transform.m34 = 0.01f; // for pretty 3D effect
layer.transform = transform;

This is close in that the final and initial states are right, but the  
translation I added to get that makes the page move off the binding  
in the process. Also, why is the value -25 the right one to move the  
layer to the right position? I would have thought that it would be -50  
(i.e. the width).

Any help greatly appreciated!




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