Re: How to support dictionary service in a custom text view?

2008-07-08 Thread Evan Gross
On 08/07/08 12:16 AM, Charles Srstka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes, but I think this check box is not relevant to this functionality.
 At any rate, my accessibility methods get called when I type command-
 control-D, whether the check box is turned on or not. If I comment out
 my Accessibility support, the dictionary service fails to work whether
 the check box is on or not.

But VoiceOver is a trusted app, and (I'm guessing) that the Dictionary
Service might use a trusted app to obtain info via accessibility, or its
component makes the process it's loaded into trusted (temporarily). So they
will always get results, whether access is enabled or not.

 My understanding is that the check box only enables certain advanced
 parts of the Accessibility API which allow the user to manipulate the
 UI. The basic accessibility stuff, just to read the screen and such,
 doesn't require that check box to be on. I think that VoiceOver uses
 the Accessibility API to read text on the screen, and it doesn't need
 that check box to be enabled in order to work.

I just commented out all the AXAPIEnabled() tests in my app (actually, it's
an input method component, much like the Dictionary service), then disabled
access, and got nowhere. The only calls that succeeded were
AXUIElementCreateApplication() and AXObserverCreate(). But any attempt to
actually obtain anything via accessibility
(AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue...) failed with kAXErrorAPIDisabled.

So for untrusted apps (anything not from Apple, for the most part),
disabling access for assistive devices, well, really does disable it!

 It doesn't unless my Accessibility code is there.

It probably should, though - otherwise all you're seeing is the Dictionary
service taking advantage of it's power to get something it needs via
accessibility. It tries a number of things to both succeed and get the best
attribute and positioning information it can from the underlying app. If
accessibility fails, it tries TSM, and vice-versa.

But it definitely doesn't *require* that the app implement the various
text-related accessibility support. For example, it works fine in BBEdit (a
Carbon app), access enabled or not, as BBEdit does not support access to its
document's textual contents via accessibility at all. But it's got great
support for text input via TSM/TSM DocAccess CarbonEvents.

Anyway, what you've got now is perfectly fine if you're only concerned with
the Dictionary service working. AFAIK, other than my app, there's nothing
untrusted out there that makes use of the same TSM/NSTextInput and
accessibility APIs to do something similar to what the Dictionary does.

If you'd like a copy of my product to test with, I'd be happy to oblige
(off-list). It's in my interest (even more so) to make sure it works with
custom text editing views, especially if it will be used in a
publicly-available product. My product works best with access enabled, but
will work fine if all that's available to is the necessary TSM/NSTextInput



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Re: How to support dictionary service in a custom text view?

2008-07-07 Thread Evan Gross
On 03/07/08 3:26 PM, Charles Srstka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jul 3, 2008, at 12:03 PM, Charles Srstka wrote:
 Okay, so I've got a custom text view that's a subclass of NSView
 (not NSTextView). I've followed the instructions on this page:
 I override acceptsFirstResponder to return YES, I override keyDown:
 to call interpretKeyEvents:, and I've implemented the NSTextInput
 protocol. I override all the mouse events and send those to the
 current input manager if it wants them (it never does). I even told
 the NSWindow to accept mouseMoved: events so I could forward them if
 the input manager wanted them (it doesn't). I've also implemented
 Services support, accepting NSStringPboardType data and providing it
 to services.
 Anyway, this all works great for the most part. Text editing works
 fine, services work fine, everyone's happy, except for one thing - I
 want that dictionary widget that NSTextView has when you type
 command-control-D with the mouse hovering over a word. Since this is
 a system service and seems to get loaded into every Cocoa app, there
 must be a simple way to get my view to support it, but I'm drawing a
 blank as to what it is. I'm sure it's something simple, I'm just not
 sure what's the remaining piece of the puzzle that I need to
 implement. Anyone know what I'm forgetting?
 Never mind! I found the answer to my own question - I needed to
 implement the NSAccessibility protocol. I've done that, and now it

While supporting AX is always a good thing to do, the Dictionary service
doesn't require access to be enabled. Have you tested at all with
accessibility off?

My product (well, the new version I'm working on) makes heavy use of the
same TSM and AX APIs that the Dictionary service uses (and a few other). I'd
be very interested to see a custom NSView that's not derived from NSTextView
that supports these APIs (to know that someone has done it!).

Feel free to contact me off-list if this interests you as well...

Evan Gross  
Evan Gross, President, Rainmaker Research Inc.
Developers of Macintosh and Windows Software
Spell Catcher for Mac OS and Windows


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Re: How to support dictionary service in a custom text view?

2008-07-07 Thread Evan Gross
On 07/07/08 11:14 PM, Charles Srstka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not sure what you're referring to with regards to accessibility  off. If
 you are referring to the Allow access for assistive devices  check box in
 the Universal Access preference pane, that isn't what I  was talking about at

That is what I was talking about. The Dictionary service will work if Allow
access for assistive devices is deselected (off).

 What I did was implement the methods in the  NSAccessibility informal
 protocol such as accessibilityAttributeNames,  accessibilityAttributeValue:,
 accessibilityAttributeValue:forParameter:, and the rest. Implementing  these
 after having implemented NSTextInput caused the Dictionary  service to start
 working with my custom view.

Sure, but when Allow access for assistive devices is deselected, those
methods will (should!) not be called.

 I know that the Dictionary service *does* apparently make use of the
 accessibility APIs, as if I set a breakpoint in the accessibility  methods,
 they get called quite a bit when one invokes the Dictionary  service via
 command-control-D with the mouse cursor over my view.

Sure, it uses (possibly requires) NSTextInput (TSM  document access events)
support, and (optionally) accessibility to do it's thing. If accessibility
isn't available (Allow access for assistive devices deselected, or the
app/editing view doesn't support access to text via accessibility), the
Dictionary service will work using only NSTextInput.

See what happens if you deselect Allow access for assistive devices - as
long as your NSTextInput implementation is complete (enough for the
Dictionary service, anyway), it should still work.



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Re: How is Apple + Ctrl + D implemented?

2008-04-30 Thread Evan Gross
On 30/04/08 11:00 AM, Nathan Vander Wilt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What none of this explains is why won't give a pop-up
 dictionary even when a PDF has selectable text (which can be pulled up
 in For me, that would be an interesting explanation
 to hear.

A good question (it would be nice if the Dictionary panel worked in PDF
views), with a simple answer:

Preview (or at least the view it uses to display PDFs) simply doesn't
implement the necessary TSM/TSM Document Access/Accessibility support needed
by the Dictionary service.

Maybe it's time to file an enhancement request...

Evan Gross

Evan Gross, President, Rainmaker Research Inc.
Developers of Macintosh and Windows Software
Spell Catcher for Mac OS and Windows



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Re: How is Apple + Ctrl + D implemented?

2008-04-28 Thread Evan Gross
On 28/04/08 1:55 AM, Ying Bian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am thinking of developing my own dictionary tool which can detects the  word
 under the cursor and automatically (or when a modifier key is pressed)  popup
 a translation window.
 After researching for a while, I find it more tricky than I estimated.

If you search the Cocoa Dev and Carbon Dev archives for dictionary panel,
dictionary popup or dictionary service, you should find some useful

And you are correct, implementing something like it is (to understate) a
non-trivial task.

 The accessibility APIs may of help, but for text in a text view, the  returned
 information is not enough to reproduce the layout and let me detect  the
 exact word over which the mouse hovers.
 There is a similar functionality in Lepoard (I am not sure if it exists  prior
 to 10.5):

It does, definitely in Tiger, not sure about Panther. The required APIs
first appeared in 10.3.

 in any cocoa-based applications, if you press Apple + Ctrl + D, the current
 word under cursor is automatically selected and translated in a popup  window.
 It seems to me not implemented with accessibility APIs as it does  not require
 to enable access for assistive devices in the Universal Access  System
 Preference panel.

This works in many Carbon apps as well. Strictly speaking, it has nothing to
do with Carbon vs. Cocoa. It depends entirely on the capabilities of the
text view/area/engine. It works just fine in BBEdit, for example.

 Then, how is this implemented?  I want to get some hints from this.

The Dictionary panel is a special type of input method component:

It uses Text Service Manager (both regular TSM and TSM Document Access)
and Accessibility APIs to determine the text (and its attributes) under the
mouse. It will use various combinations of TSM/AX APIs to get the best
representation available from the underlying document. If you look closely,
the results are often slightly different with Universal Access on vs. off.

It does not use any Cocoa APIs (as suggested in some other replies) for this

Reading up on TSM and input method components is the proper starting point
for what you want to do.

Hope that helps,
Evan Gross

Evan Gross, President, Rainmaker Research Inc.
Developers of Macintosh and Windows Software
Spell Catcher for Mac OS and Windows


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