mouseDragged and bindings

2012-09-29 Thread GW Rodriguez
Problem: a declared property in a NSView subclass doesn't update members bound 
to it (with bindings) when in a mouseDragged method.

So I have a subclass of NSView that has an ivar that I declare as a property.  
In IB I have a NSTextField that I set the binding to the same variable (and I 
do everything required to add the NSView, use an IBOutlet in the AppDelegate, 
etc).  I can confirm that the binding is connected because I set the ivar in 
the initWithFrame method and the NSTextField shows that value.  Also I tried 
adding a button and connected it to an IBAction method, which worked fine.

But when I click and drag the mouse and attempt to update the ivar with 
self.ivar within the mouseDragged (which I confirmed that it's being called), 
it doesn't update the ivar.  I tried also updating it in the mouseUp method and 
that didn't work either. 

The only thing I can think of is it has something to do with the thread that 
bindings are in, which must be different that the thread that mouseDragged is 
in, but I can't confirm that nor know how to deal with it.  Below is my code 
for my mouseDragged method.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

-(void) mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
    NSPoint mouseLocation = [theEvent locationInWindow];
    NSPoint convertedLocation = [self convertPoint:mouseLocation fromView:nil];
    CGFloat difference = convertedLocation.y - dragStart;
    if([theEvent modifierFlags]  NSCommandKeyMask) // command key
        myDial-rotation = dragDialPos - (difference * 0.5);
        myDial-rotation = dragDialPos - (difference * 3);
    // check limits
    if(myDial-rotation= dialMaxLeft)
        myDial-rotation= dialMaxLeft;
    if(myDial-rotation= dialMaxRight)
        myDial-rotation= dialMaxRight;
    // set the dialVal
    // this assumes that the range is 300 from -150 to 150
    self.dialValue = (float) (-(myDial-rotation + 150.0) / 300.0) + 1.0;


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Re: afterDelay not working?

2012-01-28 Thread GW Rodriguez
Just an update:
Thanks for the help guys.  I found out I wasn't running on the current loop and 
didn't realize that time based methods and classes wont work.  My flash method 
was being called in the background.


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afterDelay not working?

2012-01-26 Thread GW Rodriguez
I have a simple NSView class that is an indicator light that I want to flash.  
Here are the two methods to perform the flash:

-(void) performFlash {
    if (ledOn) return;
    ledOn = YES;
    [selfperformSelector:@selector(endFlash) withObject:nilafterDelay:0.1];

-(void) endFlash {
    if (!ledOn) return;
    NSLog(@Turning off LED);
    ledOn = NO;

For some reason the afterDelay method isn't working.  I know my simple methods 
work because when I call endFlash independently it works just fine.  I have 
tried every permutation of the afterDelay method, I tried putting it in the 
delegate class, I tried using a NSTimer scheduleTimerWithTimeInterval: with no 

I am completely stumped on something that should be extremely straightforward.  
Is there ANY instance where the afterDelay method wont work?  I'm pulling my 
hair out on this one.



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Re: afterDelay not working?

2012-01-26 Thread GW Rodriguez
Correct, it's not on a different thread. That's why I'm so confused as to why 
it's not working. :-/

GW Rodriguez
Audio Technician
South Coast Repertory
(c) 909-720-4202

On Jan 26, 2012, at 9:12 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:

 On Jan 26, 2012, at 8:56 PM, GW Rodriguez wrote:
 For some reason the afterDelay method isn't working.  I know my simple 
 methods work because when I call endFlash independently it works just fine.  
 I have tried every permutation of the afterDelay method, I tried putting it 
 in the delegate class, I tried using a NSTimer 
 scheduleTimerWithTimeInterval: with no success.  
 The code you showed should work. How do you know the perform-after-delay 
 isn't working? Did you set a breakpoint at the start of the -endFlash method 
 to make sure it's not being called?
 This code is running on the main thread, right? Perform-after-delay probably 
 won't work if invoked on a background thread that doesn't have a runloop.

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getResourceValue:forKey:error: Unrecognized Selector

2011-10-28 Thread GW Rodriguez
I am trying to limit files with certain UTI's from dropping into a table view.  
Here's my code so far:

// in the init method I set the registerForDraggedTypes with NSURLPboardType

-(NSDragOperation) tableView: (NSTableView*)tv 
                validateDrop: (id NSDraggingInfo)info 
                 proposedRow: (int)row 
       proposedDropOperation: (NSTableViewDropOperation)op 

    NSDragOperationdragOp = NSDragOperationCopy;
    // if drag source is self its a move unless the option key is pressed
    if ([info draggingSource] == playlistView) {
        NSEvent *currentEvent = [NSApp currentEvent];
        int optionKey = [currentEvent modifierFlags]  NSAlternateKeyMask;
        if (optionKey == 0) dragOp = NSDragOperationMove; // option not pressed
        return dragOp;
    // if drag source is not self then... OUTSIDE FILE BEING DRAGGED IN
    NSArray*firstType = [NSArrayarrayWithObjects:NSURLPboardType, nil];
    if([[[info draggingPasteboard] types] containsObject:NSURLPboardType] ) {
        NSString *availableType = [[info draggingPasteboard] 
        NSString *fileType;
        NSURL *url;
        NSArray *filesList = [[info draggingPasteboard] 
        for (int i=0; i[filesList count]; ++i) {
            url = [filesList objectAtIndex:i];
            if ([url getResourceValue:fileType forKey:NSURLTypeIdentifierKey 
error:NULL]) {
                NSLog(@%@, fileType); // just print the type for now
    [tv setDropRow:row dropOperation:NSTableViewDropAbove];    
    return dragOp;

So as I'm sure you've noticed, I'm not changing the dragOp for an outside file 
being dragged in.  For some reason I keep getting an unrecognized selector 
error with the getResourceValue:forKey:error: method.  I'm completely stumped, 
any help would be greatly appreciated. 


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Xcode 3 to 4 - CoreData in IB

2011-10-09 Thread GW Rodriguez
Back in Xocde 3 you could drag an entity into IB.  With Xcode 4 you can no 
longer do this.  I have found a way to do the exact same thing in IB but miss 
the ease of use of dragging an entity into IB.  

Does anyone know if the IB team will be bringing this back in future releases 
of xcode?  

PS - I currently have xcode 4.1


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NSTableView - Drag/Drop not working

2011-10-08 Thread GW Rodriguez
I have gone through many different threads on this, read the docs and went over 
a few example projects.  For some reason I cannot get reordering via drag and 
drop to work.  I have even created a new project with only a NSTableView with 
one column and pasted code from a working example and it still wont work.

My guess is my error is somewhere around the registerForDraggedTypes method 
because I cannot even start the drag.  It only start to highlight multiple 
selections.  I dont fully understand that method and I should also note that 
all the example projects are document based projects and mine is not.

This has been really frustrating because it doesn't seem complex at all, and 
everything I've read suggest how easy it is.

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

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