Re: Repository of older (outdated) PDF Guides?

2017-05-19 Thread Kevin Brock
I’ve got a collection here:

Ranging from 2010-2014.


> On May 11, 2017, at 00:32, Nimesh Neema  wrote:
> I have a few lying around here:
> See if you find anything of use.
> Nimesh
> On 25 April 2017 at 23:50, David Hoerl  wrote:
>> I've googled til my fingers are black and blue, but no luck finding some
>> of the older PDF guide documents. I could never express in words how
>> disappointed I am that Apple discontinued producing readable documentation
>> - I use to crow about it to all my non-Apple dev friends.
>> Anyway, does anyone know of a place that stashed copies away? I'm fine
>> with reading 5 year old documentation to get the big picture, then make
>> annotations on paper copies, finally go online to see if anything of
>> interest changed.
>> Thanks for any pointers!
>> David
>> PS:
>> Note - I have some myself, but didn't keep them up to date so some way old
>> (never thought they'd go away). Need one? Email me and I'll send if have it.
>> ___
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Re: ObjC question

2010-04-10 Thread Kevin Brock
On Apr 10, 2010, at 2:38 PM, Tony Romano wrote:

 Using the sample below,  how do I get the instance of the class in which I am 
 contained WITHOUT passing it as a parameter or using hacky sizeof tricks in 
 the method Foo:method?  Thanks people!  If this is not the correct alias for 
 this type of question, apologizes in advance.

You do need to pass it as a parameter.  If you look at how Interface Builder 
connects with code, actions called by, for example, buttons include a 'sender' 

- (void) myAction:(id)sender;

This is done all over the place... 

You call the method:

[f method:self];

and you're done.  I'm not clear on why you don't want to pass it as a 
parameter.  If that's really a firm restriction you'll need to explain why in 
order for anyone to answer the question adequately.

BTW, when you say (in a later message) that an instance of f is contained in 
one instance of Bar, that's not a language restriction.   It's just how you 
designed it.  If it's an explicit part of the design it's OK to write code that 
knows about that...

try this.  I've left out anything related to reference counting, but I think 
it's basically right: 

@interface Foo : NSObject
id containerClass:

- (id) initWithContainer:(id)container;

@implementation Foo

- (id) initWithContainer:(id)container
self = [super init];
containerClass = container;
return self;


@interface Bar : NSObject
Foo* f;

@implementation Bar

@implementation Bar
- (id) init
f = [[Foo alloc] initWithContainer:self];



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Re: Moving from nib to code with custom controller.

2010-03-31 Thread Kevin Brock
On Mar 31, 2010, at 8:01 AM, James Cicenia wrote:

 Hello -
 I have always used IB before. I added my controller and linked it all up and 
 it worked great.
 Now, I have to move this instead to code. I am confused on how to do this.
 1) I have a custom view controller. (FeaturedViewController)
 2) I have a UIScrollView  (FeaturedScrollView)
 3) I normally linked it up with IB 
   scrollView = FeaturedViewController
   delegate = FeaturedViewController
   view = FeaturedViewController.
 SO.. How do I set this up in my init of my master Controller 

Take a look at the ViewController sample, from Apple's web site.  It sounds 
like you're asking for exactly what it's demoing.


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Layout timing (was Re: setStringValue problems with dynamically loaded views.)

2010-03-24 Thread Kevin Brock
On Mar 17, 2010, at 3:20 PM, Kevin Brock wrote:
 On Mar 17, 2010, at 2:42 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
 which is designed for just this kind of scenario. NSViewController
 doesn't have an analog for -windowDidLoad; instead you are expected to
 override -loadView, call super's implementation, and then perform your
 setup. That is the approach I would recommend.
 Thanks.  This fixed my problems!

Well, this fixed *some* problems.  Since I'm doing dynamic layout of the 
controls in the window I don't know what's going to be there until runtime.  
The problem I'm seeing is odd, because although layout *is* being done, it's 
being done inaccurately.  By that I mean that the frames I'm setting aren't the 
frames that are getting set.  All of the views have wantsLayer set, and none of 
them are set to automatically resize subviews.

I'm doing the layout like this, where layoutFields: also does all of its layout 
using the animator:

[NSAnimationContext beginGrouping]; 
[dynamicView layoutFields];
[[window animator] setFrame:window_frame display:YES];
[[dynamicView animator] setFrame:view_rect];
[NSAnimationContext endGrouping];   

[auth_contents layoutFields];

The required height of the window is calculated from the controls, and here's 
an example of the values that are getting set:

-- -[mydlg initWithTemplate:andDelegate:]
XIB loaded.
-- -[mydlg initWithTemplate:andDelegate:]

-- -[mydlg windowDidLoad]
-- -[dynamicView initWithTemplate:andDelegate:]
XIB loaded.
-- -[dynamicView loadView]
-- -[dynamicView loadView]
-- -[dynamicView initWithTemplate:andDelegate:]
Initialized dynamic view.
Window rect: X = 22, Y = 442, W = 340, H = 292
Dyn View rect: X = 20, Y = 20, W = 300, H = 230
-- -[dynamicView layoutFields]
Field 2 rect: X = 0, Y = 0, W = 84, H = 22
Field 1 rect: X = 0, Y = 44, W = 225, H = 22
Label 1 rect: X = 0, Y = 70, W = 225, H = 17
Field 0 rect: X = 0, Y = 95, W = 225, H = 22
Label 0 rect: X = 0, Y = 121, W = 225, H = 17
-- -[dynamicView layoutFields]
Window rect (after): X = 22, Y = 526, W = 340, H = 208
Dyn View rect (after): X = 20, Y = 20, W = 300, H = 146
-- -[mydlg windowDidLoad]

But the values aren't getting set correctly.  For example the view might get a 
Y position of -3, or 0, field 0 might be at 87 instead of 95, and everything 
else might be fine.  The confusing part is that the layout *is* getting done, 
and its *almost* right.  I'd understand it if it wasn't getting done at all, 
but why the inaccuracies?  All of the numbers are floats, they're just shown 
here as ints.

Any thoughts on this?  Maybe I should be doing the layout later in the load 
process, but I thought that once the view was loaded that would be enough to 
layout the visible pieces...  Order of the calls to setFrame: doesn't affect 

Any pointers would be appreciated.



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setStringValue problems with dynamically loaded views.

2010-03-17 Thread Kevin Brock
I have some framework code which dynamically loads some views from it's bundle, 
based on parameters that are known at runtime.

Calls to setStringValue appear to be having no effect for any of my 
NSTextFields, either labels or editable.

Here's code that loads a custom view containing a text field from the framework 
bundle and then sets the text.

@interface MyTextController  : NSViewController 
IBOutlet NSTextField* textField;


In the implementation:  

- (id)initWithText:(NSString*)field_contents
NSBundle* mybundle = [NSBundle 
self = [self initWithNibName:@MyEditText bundle:mybundle];
[textField setStringValue:field_contents];

return self;

The view is loaded successfully, and the text field shows up where it's 
supposed to in the top level window.

But the text isn't set. 

The .xib file shows that File's Owner is the correct subclass of 
NSViewController, and that the NSTextField control is connected to the 
textField outlet.  

Any ideas?



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Re: setStringValue problems with dynamically loaded views.

2010-03-17 Thread Kevin Brock
On Mar 17, 2010, at 2:42 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
 -initWithNibName:bundle: doesn't actually load the nib, so at this
 point textField hasn't been hooked up to anything yet. If you set a
 breakpoint on this line you'll find that textField == nil. You will
 need to move this logic elsewhere.
 The documentation for NSViewController (perhaps the release notes?)
 makes oblique reference to NSWindowController's -windowDidLoad method,
 which is designed for just this kind of scenario. NSViewController
 doesn't have an analog for -windowDidLoad; instead you are expected to
 override -loadView, call super's implementation, and then perform your
 setup. That is the approach I would recommend.

Thanks.  This fixed my problems!



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Dialog boxes with dynamic contents

2009-11-09 Thread Kevin Brock
I'm looking for some pointers to information on creating dialog boxes 
with content (# and type of controls) determined at runtime.

All that I really know ahead of time is that there will be a dialog box 
to gather some data, and that the UI objects in the dialog come from a 
small, well defined set of types of objects.  I don't know what order 
they're going to be in, or how many there will be (small number, almost 
always), either in aggregate or or each type.

I'm pretty sure that I could just do it programmatically, creating and 
laying things out on the fly, but I'm hoping there's a simpler way.  
Most of the application is standard windows in a nib file.

What I'm wondering is whether there are tools that would help with 
this...  Although I've done some basic GUI work on OS X I know that 
there are plenty of things in the toolkit that I'm not aware of.

Anyone know of anything that would make this simpler?



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Re: Dialog boxes with dynamic contents

2009-11-09 Thread Kevin Brock

Kyle Sluder wrote:

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 9:10 AM, Kevin Brock wrote:

I'm pretty sure that I could just do it programmatically, creating and
laying things out on the fly, but I'm hoping there's a simpler way.  Most of
the application is standard windows in a nib file.

You could take the NSPredicateEditor approach and create different
views for each kind of thing that will be displayed in the dialog.
Then it's just a matter of unfreezing these views from their nibs and
arranging them at runtime, rather than arranging every single control.

I don't know the higher level arrangements in advance either...  It 
really is down to the per-control level.

If you need finer-grained control than even that, you could do the
loading using a subclass of NSViewController and put your
view-rearrangement logic in that object, which would be the nib's
file's owner.

I'll take a look at that.  Thanks.



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Re: Changes in KVO behavior on SL?

2009-09-02 Thread Kevin Brock

On Sep 1, 2009, at 6:11 PM, Ken Thomases wrote:

On Sep 1, 2009, at 7:14 PM, Kevin Brock wrote:

We've got an app that is using keyValueForPath: and  
observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: to keep a status  
window up-to-date.

On 10.5 it works fine.  On 10.6 keyValueForPath: is called exactly  
once per property.  When we later create a change dictionary and  
send observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: to the  
observer for a property, valueForKeyPath: isn't called again.

Huh?  You have never been supposed to call - 
observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: yourself, nor  
construct change dictionaries.  When a property changes in a way  
that KVO can't automatically track, you are supposed to call -will/ 
didChangeValueForKey: (or the corresponding will/didChange...  
methods for set or array mutation) and KVO will generate the change  
notification itself.

Good to know.   I'll give that a try.  Lot of legacy code in that part  
of the app--I doubt that this is the last thing I'll run into.

Likewise, there's never been any guarantee that invoking - 
observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: will provoke the  
receiver to call -valueForKeyPath: on the object whose property has  
changed.  If the observer wants, it can rely totally on the  
information in the change dictionary.  If you were using will/ 
didChange..., then KVO can be expected to invoke valueForKey: on the  
object whose property is changing, but that's not what (you say)  
you're doing.

Thanks.  That was helpful.  On 10.5 the receiver *does* apparently  
always call valueForKeyPath, at least with the receivers we're talking  
to.  Maybe they weren't checking the dictionary on 10.5, or were  
calling the fn if the data on the new values wasn't found in the  
dictionary, but are being stricter on 10.6.



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Changes in KVO behavior on SL?

2009-09-01 Thread Kevin Brock
We've got an app that is using keyValueForPath: and 
observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: to keep a status window 

On 10.5 it works fine.  On 10.6 keyValueForPath: is called exactly once 
per property.  When we later create a change dictionary and send 
observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: to the observer for a 
property, valueForKeyPath: isn't called again.

Is there a known change in 10.6 to how these functions are supposed to 
work?  It's really odd, because all of our low-level code, including 
some  KEXTs,  works fine in 32 bit SL, but this one piece doesn't...



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Re: NSConnection Proxy Crash

2009-07-10 Thread Kevin Brock

Mr. Gecko wrote:

[MGMDaemon setProtocolForProxy:@protocol(MGMDaemonProtocol)];
[MGMDaemon runTest:@Test];
The basic code looks OK.  I've got code a lot like that which is working 

What's the declaration of the protocol methods that you're calling?

The low bytes of this:

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0xc023

look suspiciously like a Windows error code, 0xc23, 
STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL... Is there anywhere that you're getting back 
that type of error code on the other end of this?


Crashed Thread:  0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libobjc.A.dylib   0x94738688 objc_msgSend + 24
1  0x95b9ac1a -[NSConnection 
handlePortCoder:] + 1178
2  0x95b9a72e -[NSConcretePortCoder 
dispatch] + 142

3  0x95b99e93 __NSFireMachPort + 339
4  0x94f331c5 __CFMachPortPerform + 
5  0x94f57888 CFRunLoopRunSpecific 
+ 3896

6  0x94f57c78 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 88
7  0x95b943e5 
-[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 213
8  0x95ba0504 
-[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 84

9   itunesmenudaemon  0x22e7 main + 320 (daemon.m:61)
10  itunesmenudaemon  0x2056 start + 54

Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
  eax: 0x00104370  ebx: 0x95b5b2bb  ecx: 0x947d4334  edx: 0xc003
  edi: 0x0004  esi: 0x95d46874  ebp: 0xb508  esp: 0xb398
   ss: 0x001f  efl: 0x00010202  eip: 0x94738688   cs: 0x0017
   ds: 0x001f   es: 0x001f   fs: 0x   gs: 0x0037
  cr2: 0xc023

I can't seem to find the problem, the command gets executed and then 
it crashes.

Help please?
Mr. Gecko

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Re: NSConnection Proxy Crash

2009-07-10 Thread Kevin Brock

Kevin Brock wrote:

The low bytes of this:

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0xc023

look suspiciously like a Windows error code, 0xc23, 

I meant 0xc023 of course.



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Re: NSConnection Proxy Crash

2009-07-10 Thread Kevin Brock

Greg Parker wrote:

On Jul 10, 2009, at 12:18 PM, Kevin Brock wrote:
look suspiciously like a Windows error code, 0xc23, 
STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL... Is there anywhere that you're getting back 
that type of error code on the other end of this?

No, it looks like a malloc free list pointer. The base address was 
0xc003 (in edx), which is NULL with the top two and bottom two 
bits all inverted. malloc masks its free list pointers that way on 
Leopard, and stores a free list pointer at the beginning of every 
freed block. So this pointer came from some code reading from a freed 
block. In objc_msgSend(), usually the receiver object has already been 
freed, and the malloc pointer was stored in place of the isa pointer.

Coincidental resemblance...  Just jumping at shadows :-)

So you crashed in objc_msgSend: 

Nice page.  Very clear.  Thanks for the link.



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NSConnection recursion -- (was Re: Long term performance of NSConnection)

2009-07-07 Thread Kevin Brock

Kirk Kerekes wrote:
Use Activity Monitor (or other tool of your choice) to check for a 
port leak.

It wasn't that...

Turns out that the protocol on the connection had a call which took an 
Objective C object as a parameter.  The parameter wasn't declared as 
/byref/ or /bycopy/, so I believe it defaulted to /byref/.

In the remote function, that object was being sent a message, which 
appeared to call back into the original process.

There was only one part of the object that was being used, an integer, 
so I changed the API to pass the integer value instead of the object, 
and the performance problems went away.  Possibly declaring it as 
/bycopy/ would have done the same thing, but there was no point in 
copying the entire object when we only needed one piece of it.

It's not completely clear why the performance hit was cumulative.  I 
suspect that the call back to the original process was creating 
connections on the fly and not cleaning them up.  If that's the case I 
think it's a bug in the NSDistantObject code.



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Re: Long term performance of NSConnection

2009-07-06 Thread Kevin Brock

Aurélien Hugelé wrote:
Are you sure you are not instantiating/creating/opening a connection 
each time? are you really reusing the same connection?
Yes.  There's a lot of logging around that code.  If it was being closed 
and re-opened we'd see it.  I've also debugged through that code, and 
the initialization routines are only called once.

In the event of closing and re-opening the connection each time I'd 
expect to see a constant performance hit, not one that increased over time.


Objective Decision Team

On 2 juil. 09, at 21:29, Kevin Brock wrote:

We've got an application that uses some NSConnection objects to call 
between binaries.  An application calls interfaces of an object which 
is vended by a daemon.

The calls between modules are made frequently, and during some 
testing I noticed a steady drop in perfomance of the application.  I 
ran Shark, and saw that after a lot ( 1,000,000) calls across the 
API more than 95% of the time was being spent in 5 calls, all of 
which look like they're related to distributed objects:


I can't find any references to these functions on the net, and don't 
see anything in the docs that would explain this.

We use a long term, persistent connection.  The degradation starts 
very soon.

~10,000 calls
~20,000 Calls
lookUpConnectionForProxy 0.4%
lookUpLocalProxyForWireID 0.8%
lookUpLocalObjectForProxy 0.3%
lookUpOrCreateLocalProxyForObject 0.5%
lookUpWireIDForProxy 0.1%

Is there something we are missing about the usage of the connection 
object?  It looks like there's some table internal to the connection 
that's not being cleaned up.  When I graph the actual perormance hit 
taken by the application (secs/1000 connections) it's essentially 
linear increase in time from 0 to 500,000 connections.

When I run Shark on the daemon side for the  1,000,000 call case it 
shows three calls consuming 97% of the time

lookUpConnectionForProxy 58%
lookUpWireIDForProxy 28.9%
lookUpOrCreateLocalProxyForObject 11.2%

I'd really appreciate any suggestions about why this might be happening.

Kevin Brock


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Long term performance of NSConnection

2009-07-03 Thread Kevin Brock
We've got an application that uses some NSConnection objects to call 
between binaries.  An application calls interfaces of an object which is 
vended by a daemon.

The calls between modules are made frequently, and during some testing I 
noticed a steady drop in perfomance of the application.  I ran Shark, 
and saw that after a lot ( 1,000,000) calls across the API more than 
95% of the time was being spent in 5 calls, all of which look like 
they're related to distributed objects:


I can't find any references to these functions on the net, and don't see 
anything in the docs that would explain this.

We use a long term, persistent connection.  The degradation starts very 

~10,000 calls
~20,000 Calls
lookUpLocalProxyForWireID   0.8%
lookUpLocalObjectForProxy   0.3%
lookUpOrCreateLocalProxyForObject   0.5%

Is there something we are missing about the usage of the connection 
object?  It looks like there's some table internal to the connection 
that's not being cleaned up.  When I graph the actual perormance hit 
taken by the application (secs/1000 connections) it's essentially linear 
increase in time from 0 to 500,000 connections.

When I run Shark on the daemon side for the  1,000,000 call case it 
shows three calls consuming 97% of the time

lookUpOrCreateLocalProxyForObject   11.2%

I'd really appreciate any suggestions about why this might be happening.

Kevin Brock


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