[self setLayer:] in initWithFrame:

2008-02-21 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
I provide an initWithFrame: for my NSView subclass,
and as it is a stand-in for a Custom View in IB the
method is called. It does initialize all my instance
variables as expected.

However, when I try to turn my view into a
layer-hosting view with:
CALayer* rootLayer = [CALayer layer];
[self setLayer:rootLayer];
[self setWantsLayer:YES];
[rootLayer setDelegate:self];
[rootLayer setNeedsDisplay];

My delegate method is never called, nor are any
borders shown if I set those properties on my
rootLayer. (The delegate does get a look, though,
since I can crash the app by feeding a garbage pointer
as a delegate.) Moving this code into my view's
awakeFromNib handler makes the delegate work as

Why can't I enable layer hosting in my initWithFrame:



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Re: [self setLayer:] in initWithFrame:

2008-02-21 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
> If you don't have layer backing turned on in the nib
> file the view  
> loading machinery turns off layer backing after
> initWithFrame: is  
> called.

Ah, that explains it!

>From my understanding (and the docs don't elaborate on
this much at all), I *don't* want to do that, since I
need to provide my own layer before  calling
wantsLayer:, correct?



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Catch CoreAnimation layer size vs. GPU errors?

2008-02-22 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
I'm playing around with Core Animation layers, trying
to figure out the best architecture for my view. (I
basically want to be able to set an NSView-like
"bounds" for all my sublayers, to automatically
transform points from a huge coordinate space to fit
in the frame.)

In the course of this, I discovered that a CALayer's
bounds seem to directly correspond to the OpenGL
texture size, and so Core Animation assumes any large
bounds are accidental:

-[ display]: Ignoring bogus layer
size (87.937500, 581999.937500)

...and even misfires on slightly large bounds. For
example, if I set my root layer scale to 0.5 and
maximize my window, the constrained-to-fit sublayer's
size causes:

CoreAnimation: 2480 by 1290 image is too large for
GPU, ignoring

At this stage in the design, I can try figure out an
architecture that avoids the "bogus" layer sizes, but
I'm worried about the slightly-too-large layers
occurring in the wild (eg someone with an older
Macbook and a larger external monitor making the
window bigger relative to the GPU than I could). Is
there a way to detect these errors programatically so
that some sort of fallback can be done?



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Core Animation geometry, layer hosting, and resolution independence

2008-03-12 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
I am having trouble understanding how Core Animation
geometry interacts with NSView geometry in a
layer-hosting situation.

I have an NSView that hosts a root layer, and it has
two sublayers that I need the user to be able to drag
each around. I want to be able to convert a mouse
coordinate into a point suitable for -hitTest:'ing on
my root layer. I can convert from the mouse
coordinates to the view's coordinates, but then I am
not sure how to proceed. The convertPoint:fromView:
method of NSView translates into the bounds rectangle,
which is distinct from the view's frame. CALayers
don't have this bounds/frame distinction, and I'm not
sure whether the view's *frame* or it's *bounds* get
applied to the hosted layer.

I looked at how GeekGameBoard does it:
CGPoint where = NSPointToCGPoint([self
convertPoint: locationInWindow fromView: nil]);
where = [_gameboard convertPoint: where fromLayer:
CALayer *layer = [_gameboard hitTest: where];

...which is straightforward enough BUT when I use
Quartz Debug to double the scale factor, GeekGameBoard
breaks, as if mouse movements/locations were halved.
How do I convert points between these coordinate
spaces in a more savvy manner?

I think I get Core Animation's geometry within Core
Animation, but I still don't get how it relates to the
device and NSView geometry. Given the huge textures
Core Animation wants to make when I create sublayers
on a layer with a shrinking transform, it almost seems
that 1 unit always corresponds to 1 pixel. How does
Core Animation's geometry relate to NSView's
resolution independent geometry?



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Re: Core Animation geometry, layer hosting, and resolution independence

2008-03-12 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
--- Quincey Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Mar 12, 2008, at 13:13, Jens Alfke wrote:
> > On 12 Mar '08, at 12:13 PM, Nathan Vander Wilt
> wrote:
> >
> >> I want to be able to convert a mouse
> >> coordinate into a point suitable for
> -hitTest:'ing on
> >> my root layer. I can convert from the mouse
> >> coordinates to the view's coordinates, but then I
> am
> >> not sure how to proceed.
> >
> > There doesn't seem to be any API for converting
> between the  
> > coordinates of a view and its root layer. You
> could probably do it  
> > by getting the root layer's transform property,
> and then running the  
> > point in view coordinates through that.
> Is this what the new NSView convertPointTo/FromBase:
> are for?  

Aha! Yes, that does seem to be the solution. If I
change the hit testing in GeekGameBoard to:

CGPoint where = NSPointToCGPoint([self
convertPointToBase:[self convertPoint:
locationInWindow fromView: nil]]);
where = [_gameboard convertPoint: where fromLayer:
CALayer *layer = [_gameboard hitTest: where];

It works a bit better (there's still some dragging
issues to be cleaned up elsewhere, but picking up
cards is fixed.)

I don't understand what this "base" coordinate system
is (not the window's, otherwise the conversions would
likely be offset by the view's position therein,
right?). But whatever it is, it seems to be shared by
the CALayer. I'd appreciate a greater understanding of
all this, but those functions seem to be necessary for
any coordinate work in the layers that needs to relate
to the NSView world.


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Re: Core Animation geometry, layer hosting, and resolution independence

2008-03-12 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
> > CALayers don't have this bounds/frame distinction
> They do, actually. The bounds is the internal view
> of the coordinate  
> system, and the frame is the external view.

At first this sounded incorrect, because it's
emphasized that frame is just a function of other
propertiesbut I was overlooking "transform" as one
of those. Interesting...not sure if this helps clear
the situation or not.

> > it almost seems
> > that 1 unit always corresponds to 1 pixel. How
> does
> > Core Animation's geometry relate to NSView's
> > resolution independent geometry?
> I think you're right about the pixels. That's news
> to me; I'm stumped.  
> Hopefully some CA expert can enlighten us.

Despite the apparent help -[NSView
convertPointToBase:] gives, I'd still appreciate a
summary of the way all the many many CALayer
(/sublayer), NSView and Quartz context transformations
work together in light of resolution independence:

When one draws a rectangle in a CALayer delegate, and
the -drawLayer:: concatenates (and/or sets?) its own
transform before drawing, when the layer has a
transform, and the root parent layer has both a
transform and a sublayer transform, and the host
NSView has different bounds than frame, and there is
resolution independence / interface scaling.*deep
breath*. where/what order are all these transforms
applied to our brave rectangle victim. And between
what levels of all that does a (mouse, drawing, layer
origin) point need to be transformed for use, and how?

[As if that weren't confusing me enough, I'm actually
also applying a cartographic projection or three to
half of my source data...so being clear on the
Cocoa/Core Animation/Quartz interaction would help me
focus on just the map issues.]


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Re: Core Animation geometry, layer hosting, and resolution independence

2008-03-12 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

--- Jens Alfke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> On 12 Mar '08, at 2:49 PM, Nathan Vander Wilt wrote:
> > I don't understand what this "base" coordinate
> system
> > is (not the window's, otherwise the conversions
> would
> > likely be offset by the view's position therein,
> > right?). But whatever it is, it seems to be shared
> by
> > the CALayer.
> The Cocoa Drawing Guide, under "Pixel-Exact
> Drawing", says:
> "These convenience methods make it possible to
> convert values to and  
> from the base (device) coordinate system. They take
> into account the  
> current backing store configuration for the view,
> including whether it  
> is backed by a layer."
> In a layer-backed NSView, it seems that the
> 'device', aka backing  
> store, is the view's CALayer; so these methods will
> convert to/from  
> the layer's coordinates.

Most excellent! Glad to have a documentation reference
that seems to guarantee correct behaviour in this
situation. Between that an the individual geometry
guides, I think I should be able to eventually build a
sense for how it all meshes.

It'd still be nice to have a single "go-to" document
that describes all the various coordinate systems as
they meet in a custom drawn layer hosting view. Maybe
some of the individual places could be clearer as
well. I hate filing bugs like this against
documentation, because I really don't know what would
help until I've read it, but I'll try file at least

thanks much,

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Re: Core Animation - Modifying CAConstraints

2008-03-13 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
> I have a situation where I want to re-order
> sublayers of a layer which  
> are positioned using CAConstraints.
> Is this at all possible?

Not sure what you mean by "re-order", whether z-order
or sibling order, or if you mean re-layout? Using
CAConstraints will help with the last option.

> The constraints array property of a CALayer is
> declared as:
> @property(copy) NSArray *constraints;
> Which tells me that I can't modify the array in the
> object, but could  
> modify the objects in the array.  However,
> CAConstraint is completely  
> private apart from initialisation methods.

I'm pretty sure you can also provide a new array of
constraints, eg: [sublayer setConstraints:[NSArray
array]]. The (copy) just means the array you pass will
be copied, there is no (readonly) flag on that.

But typically to add a constraint, just instantiate a
CAConstraint and add it to the sublayer with -[CALayer

You'll also need to set the parent layer's
layoutManager property, to a
[CAConstraintLayoutManager layoutManager] (you can
also provide your own, without even using constraints,
but this one is meant to specifically deal with the
sublayers and their constraints).

You may occasionally need to explicitly call
-[CALayer setNeedsLayout] on the root layer, but it is
done automatically for some changes, IIRC.

Most of this is covered in: 
which also has some sample code.

hope this helps,


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NSDate from xsd:dateTime / ISO 8601

2008-03-17 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
I'm trying to convert a date formatted as a valid
xsd:dateTime format, which is a subset of ISO 8601. I
though I had it when I saw that that -[NSDate
dateWithString:] takes an "international string
representation format". But when I feed it a string
like @"2007-07-01T01:33:01Z", I get back nil.

Does -dateWithString: really not support the
"international [standard!] string representation" of
ISO 8601?? What's the right way to convert such an
xsd:dateTime to an NSDate?



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Re: NSDate from xsd:dateTime / ISO 8601

2008-03-17 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

Does -dateWithString: really not support the
"international [standard!] string representation" of
ISO 8601?? What's the right way to convert such an
xsd:dateTime to an NSDate?

+[NSDate dateWithString:] is, I think, configured to recognize one  
particular date format, which depends on your system locale. It's  
not very useful. What you want to do is customize an NSDateFormatter  
object to recognize your format, and then parse using it.

Here's some code I wrote recently. [...]

Thanks, I'd forgotten about NSDateFormatter. I took your code snippets  
and made the following function:

NSDate* dateFromISO8601(NSString* str) {
static NSDateFormatter* sISO8601 = nil;
if (!sISO8601) {
sISO8601 = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[sISO8601 setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterFullStyle];
		[sISO8601 setDateFormat:@"-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZ"];	// NOTE:  

if ([str hasSuffix:@"Z"]) {
		str = [[str substringToIndex:(str.length-1)]  

return [sISO8601 dateFromString:str];

This works, BUT...I had to edit the format a bit because my time  
strings (in this sample!) did not have the decimal seconds. However, I  
wouldn't be surprised to see input with sub-second precision. How can  
I specify optional format parts?

As it is, I might as well get rid of the hasSuffix checking and put a  
quoted 'Z' in the format, since that is actually far less likely to  
change than the seconds part in this case. I'd hate to have to go in  
search of a RegEx library or something similarly beyond the scope of  
this one line (ideally) of code, just to process a date in an ISO  
standard date format. Don't property lists store dates in 8601 format?



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Re: NSDate from xsd:dateTime / ISO 8601

2008-03-17 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

Does -dateWithString: really not support the
"international [standard!] string representation" of
ISO 8601?? What's the right way to convert such an
xsd:dateTime to an NSDate?

+[NSDate dateWithString:] is, I think, configured to recognize one  
particular date format, which depends on your system locale. It's  
not very useful. What you want to do is customize an  
NSDateFormatter object to recognize your format, and then parse  
using it.

Here's some code I wrote recently. [...]

Thanks, I'd forgotten about NSDateFormatter. I took your code  
snippets and made the following function:

NSDate* dateFromISO8601(NSString* str) {

I should note for posterity's sake that this function is poorly named:  
ISO 8601 is a versatile format with many representation options. I did  
come across http://boredzo.org/iso8601parser/, which is a category on  
NSCalendarDate that looks like it tries to cover everything. It takes  
a very low level, state machine(ish) approach to the problem.

I've killed an entire afternoon on this already, so for now I'll stick  
with a format of @"-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'". Unless I can prove I'll  
never get a file with sub-second date precision (or some other  
allowable variation of xsd:dateTime), I'll have to revisit this  
eventually. NSXML does seem to be able to take an NSCalendarDate as an  
objectValue (http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/NSXML_Concepts/Articles/TransformObjectValues.html 
), but I can only find this for emitted XML, and not during reading. I  
still hope this functionality is already in Cocoa somewhere, but it's  
looking less likely.


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yearly NSDraggingInfo -draggedImage question (BEWARE!)

2008-03-20 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
I implemented a dragging destination, and only get nil from [sender  
draggedImage]. Why?


p.s. IMPORTANT NOTE! No one has lived to answer this question:

I take no responsibility for any alien abduction that may result from  
your attempt to respond. I can't imagine the carnage that must have  
happened in '06; not even the question survived.


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Re: yearly NSDraggingInfo -draggedImage question (BEWARE!)

2008-03-20 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
[sending to the list this time, I might maybe someday eventually get  
used to the reply-to policy here.]

On Mar 20, 2008, at 3:00 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 5:19 PM, Nathan Vander Wilt <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

I implemented a dragging destination, and only get nil from [sender
draggedImage]. Why?

My car wouldn't start this morning. Why not?

Probably the aliens! :-)

If a more detailed explanation would help:

I subclassed an NSImageView to turn it into a dropbox to help me  
prototype a file-opening feature.

I implemented the following method in my DropBox class:

- (NSDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id)sender {
printf("Dragged Image: %x\n", (NSUInteger)[sender draggedImage]);
return NSDragOperationLink;

When I hover any file/folder from the Finder over this drop box, I get:
Dragged Image: 0
in the debugging console. Likewise if I check it in my prepare/ 
performDragOperation, this value is always nil.

The documentation says nothing about this method ever returning nil,  
so it's even more suprising to me that it would *always* return nil. I  
would expect it to give back a reference to the file/folder icon image  
that I'm dragging around underneath the cursor. Is that not what this  
method is documented to do?


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Re: yearly NSDraggingInfo -draggedImage question (BEWARE!)

2008-03-20 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Mar 20, 2008, at 3:31 PM, Dave Hersey wrote:
Do you get anything different if you print the object as a pointer  
(%p)? Printing it as an int value is... weird.


 printf("Dragged Image: %p\n", (void *)[sender draggedImage]);

That's a useful format I'd either forgotten or never known, thanks! I  
was just casting to an int to get rid of the warning for the hex,  
though. (In C casts are pretty weak.) Now from all three methods I  
always get:

Dragged Image: 0x0
...which is prettier, but still doesn't explain why the return value  
is always nil. Or why Sherm's car wouldn't start.

If this is a bug, it seems to have been around since before 2004. (See  
list of unanswered links in OP.) If it's a documentation omission,  
nobody seems to know what the docs *should* say, also since 2004. If  
it's user error, I'll still blame the docs, but at least I can make my  
bug report better!

Maybe this would be a better way of asking:

What is the NSDraggingInfo protocol's -draggedImage method supposed to  
return, and under what circumstances?


On Mar 20, 2008, at 6:15 PM, Nathan Vander Wilt wrote:

I subclassed an NSImageView to turn it into a dropbox to help me  
prototype a file-opening feature.

I implemented the following method in my DropBox class:

- (NSDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id)sender {
printf("Dragged Image: %x\n", (NSUInteger)[sender draggedImage]);
return NSDragOperationLink;

When I hover any file/folder from the Finder over this drop box, I  

Dragged Image: 0
in the debugging console. Likewise if I check it in my prepare/ 
performDragOperation, this value is always nil.

The documentation says nothing about this method ever returning  
nil, so it's even more suprising to me that it would *always*  
return nil. I would expect it to give back a reference to the file/ 
folder icon image that I'm dragging around underneath the cursor.  
Is that not what this method is documented to do?



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Is @"constantstring" pointer equal to @"constantstring" a guarantee?

2008-03-27 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
If I make two identical string constants
(@"samestring" and @"samestring") in my Cocoa program,
are their pointers guaranteed to be equal? I assumed
this without thinking while prototyping root objects
in an NSOutline view and it did work, however I just
realized that perhaps I shouldn't rely on this

The compiler documentation
doesn't say either way. The CFString documentation
says about the CFSTR() macro: "If there are two or
more exact instances of a constant string in an
executable, in some cases only one might be stored."
Which I'll take to mean that in some cases two or more
might be stored.

However, when I get to the documentation for the
@"..." construct
it says "The compiler makes such object constants
unique on a per-module basis...".

So does that mean once I'm up at the Cocoa level, that
constant strings *are* guaranteed to have the same
pointer if their contents are the same? What is
"unique" and what is a "module" in this context?



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Fixing my massive memory leak with NSImage/CALayer

2008-04-01 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
I want to pop up photographs inside their own Core Animation layers,  
but I get huge real memory usage that never goes down.

I have an FRPhoto class whose instances manage other metadata for the  
image, and also have a convenience method to get an NSImage* as follows:

- (NSImage*)image {
if (!cachedImage) {
cachedImage = [[NSImage alloc] initByReferencingFile:filename];
return cachedImage;

...which I use to show the photo, in my view's method:

- (void)showPhoto:(FRPhoto*)photo {
CALayer* layer = [CALayer layer];
	CGImageRef image = photo image] representations] objectAtIndex:0]  

layer.contents = (id)image;
layer.frame = CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 50.0f, 50.0f);
layer.contentsGravity = kCAGravityResizeAspect;
[interactionLayer addSublayer:layer];
[layersForPhotos setObject:layer forKey:photo];

To put the FRPhoto into the layersForPhotos dictionary, I just  
implemented a lazy retained "copy":

- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone*)zone {
return [self retain];

These FRPhoto instances are kept basically indefinitely, so when I  
hide the photo (also in the view) I make sure to call -[NSImage  

- (void)hidePhoto:(FRPhoto*)photo {
CALayer* layer = [layersForPhotos objectForKey:photo];
[layersForPhotos removeObjectForKey:photo];
[layer removeFromSuperlayer];
layer.contents = nil;
[[photo image] recache];

So by my reckoning: The CALayer should be autoreleased. And its  
contents, too, were supposed to be an autoreleased CGImage, and I set  
that property to nil just in case the layer itself is somehow sticking  
around. The NSImage that my FRPhoto holds on to should have  
"invalidate[d] and free[d] the offscreen caches of all image  
representations". But yet my memory usage just goes up and up and up,  
every photo I view. Images I have looked at already pop right back up,  
so they definitely act like they're still cached somewhere.

Even after many non-photo-showing event cycles, or just leaving it be  
for a few minutes, absolutely no significant amount of memory has been  
released according to both Instruments' ObjectAlloc and the Activity  
Monitor. By the time I've look at a dozen images my RAM is totally  
overwhelmed, making iPhoto's 15 second beachballs every couple minutes  
look pretty attractive, compared to total system-wide gridlock.

What am I doing wrong? How can I get these images out of memory?



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(SOLVED?) Re: yearly NSDraggingInfo -draggedImage question

2008-04-01 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Mar 21, 2008, at 10:47 AM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

Well, the glib answer is that it returns whatever the dragging  
source passed as the first argument to - 

Seriously though, I can't explain what you're seeing, but I can  
duplicate it. In my tests, I couldn't get anything other than NULL  
from -draggedImage for dragged files from either Finder or Xcode. I  
even tried pasting a custom icon onto a file, which made no  
difference. What I suspect is that both apps are passing NULL to the  
above method, and so that's what gets passed along to your app.

I finally got back into some drag and drop portions of my code, this  
time also programming my own drag source. In that case (when the drag  
source is the app itself) calling -[ draggedImage]  
produces a pointer to the image, as you describe above.

The interesting thing is that this image pointer is the same pointer  
as passed in. Since this is in the source application's address space,  
the dragging internals would have to make a copy in memory accessible  
from the dragging destination application's space for things to work.  
So I wonder if it doesn't just return nil in that case.

The window server does display this image when other apps are active  
though, and even in other Spaces. (But of course there's the  
obligatory Spaces SNAFU: if the drag is rejected the image zips to its  
original location but in the CURRENT space, instead of zipping off  
toward the space where it came from. Bug filed.) And of course, the  
big gaping hole in that theory is that the pasteboard data itself can  
be transferred between apps. This is done through the pasteboard  
daemon, so the dragging sender object would have to put the image into  
the NSPasteboard it has. Perhaps possible, but not likely.

Oh, and I apologize for the snarky tone of my first response. Thanks  
for being a good sport about it. :-)

No problem, I was pretty curt in my first post. I'd seen the same  
question go unanswered a few times before, so I guess I didn't want to  
waste time beating around the bush again. I was glad to just get a  
reply at first!

Maybe I've done enough handwaving above that someone can confirm or  
deny my allegations. I hypothesize that the image could be transferred  
between applications but the App Kit implementors never found it worth  
doing so. Thus it's the documentation that needs to be fixed to warn  
that -draggedImage: will likely return nil; the framework is behaving  



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Re: Fixing my massive memory leak with NSImage/CALayer

2008-04-01 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Apr 1, 2008, at 4:24 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:

On 1 Apr '08, at 11:07 AM, Nathan Vander Wilt wrote:

The NSImage that my FRPhoto holds on to should have "invalidate[d]  
and free[d] the offscreen caches of all image representations".

That doesn't mean the image representations themselves are flushed,  
though. They're still there, typically holding onto big uncompressed  
pixmaps. All -recache does is flush extra copies of those pixmaps  
that were copied into VRAM to speed up blitting.

If you want the pixmaps out of memory, you have to dealloc the  
NSImages themselves.

Okay, I was confusing "representations" with "caches" -- using lazy  
initialization for the representations is equivalent to allocating the  
representations eventually. A more careful reading of http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CocoaDrawingGuide/Images/chapter_7_section_2.html 
 explains "-recache" in the correct context. Looks like I'll have to  
design a smarter architecture to keep the right images in memory at  
the right time.

It was really frustrating to see my app balloon up like that without  
understanding what was going on. Thanks much for your help!



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Re: Getting the mouse location in a CAlayer's coordinates

2008-04-08 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Apr 8, 2008, at 9:15 AM, douglas a. welton wrote:

Hi All,

Would someone provide me a pointer for how to get the mouse location  
in the coordinate system of a transformed layer that is underneath  
the mouse.  I thought I could do something like this:

	Mouse_Location = [Target_Layer convertPoint:  
NSPointToCGPoint( [NSEvent mouseLocation] ) fromLayer: nil];

using "nil" for the fromLayer because Target_Layer is the view's  
"topmost" layer and contains all other sublayers. Unfortunately, the  
results I get back are incorrect (no conversion appears to be done)  
and when the Target_Layer has a transform (scaling) applied, the  
results are very wrong.

I still don't fully understand how all the coordinate systems interact  
(see thread:http://www.cocoabuilder.com/archive/message/cocoa/2008/3/12/201189) 
 but I think the following steps will get you what you need.

1. Convert the NSEvent's -locationInWindow to a a view coordinate, as  
describe in the documentation for that accessor:

NSPoint event_location = [theEvent locationInWindow];
NSPoint local_point = [self convertPoint:event_location fromView:nil];

2. Then convert the view coordinate to the root CALayer coordinate  
(since this may not be the same with resolution independence) using - 
[NSView convertPointToBase:] as follows:

NSPoint root_point = [self convertPointToBase:local_point];

3. Now you can convert it to the layer you want:

CGPoint layer_point = [rootLayer convertPoint:  
NSPointToCGPoint(root_point) toLayer:desiredLayer];

Note that none of the CALayer point conversions say they accept nil  
(as -[NSView convertPoint:fromView:] allows). In fact they are  
explicit in saying that "The receiver and layer and must share a  
common parent layer.", though I'm pretty sure this still allows for  
the root layer to convert into its children's systems.

hope this helps,

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Re: some questions about creating image thumbnails

2008-04-09 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Apr 9, 2008, at 8:32 AM, Jesse Grosjean wrote:
 I've heard (or maybe imagined) that some image file formats will  
already embed their own thumbnails. Is that a better way to do  
things... what image formats support that if any?

This I do know a bit better. TIFF images can indeed store multiple  
representations, and it seems NSImage is well suited to using those  

You might consider PNG as well. It cannot store multiple  
representations in one file, but it can compress many screen graphics  
(think screenshots of a typical application window and such) better  
than TIFF compressions while still keeping the original pixels.

JPEG and other (usually unwritable) camera formats can store a  
thumbnail in their metadata, but I wouldn't recommend going that  
route. Not the only reason, but unless you're dealing with  
photographic material JPEG's lossy compression will not likely be  
suited to your needs.

hope this helps,

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Re: some questions about creating image thumbnails

2008-04-09 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Apr 9, 2008, at 8:32 AM, Jesse Grosjean wrote:
1. If I don't care about on disk size is NSTIFFCompressionNone a  
fast way to write? (assuming that compression would take more time).  
Or maybe compression will actually save me time since the disk write  
will be faster?

I am by no means a performance expert (is anyone besides Shark?) but I  
suspect that nowadays you would much rather do a bit of extra work in  
CPU/memory than extra hauling from the hard drive. You'd want to  
confirm this yourself in a small prototype that kinda mimics the  
behaviour of your application, except many times over. Watch out for  
both NSImage and disk caching, though. If you oversimplify your code  
by (say) loading the same image over and over, your prototype might  
not end up mimicking your app correctly.

Anyway, I haven't experimented with this much myself, so I should let  
someone else give you a real answer!


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Re: warning: Image scaling is not supported on Mac OS X versions prior to 10.5.

2008-04-14 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Apr 14, 2008, at 6:12 AM, yang younker wrote:

/* com.apple.ibtool.document.notices */
/* com.apple.ibtool.document.warnings */

Image scaling is not supported on Mac OS X versions prior to 10.5.

Image scaling is not supported on Mac OS X versions prior to 10.5.
/* com.apple.ibtool.document.errors */

This means your NIB/XIB has a deployment target not equal to "10.5.x",  
but you have some sort of button or other view whose "Scaling" setting  
is not "None". If you go into Interface Builder, and go to your file's  
Info window, it will show a list of all these warnings. Either change  
your deployment target, or click each warning to pull up the  
problematic view in the inspector window and set its Scaling to  
"None". It may be alright to ignore these warnings, I don't know.

hope this helps,

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Re: EXC_BAD_ACCESS when calling CGContextDrawLayerInRect

2008-04-14 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Apr 13, 2008, at 7:15 AM, Carter R. Harrison wrote:
CGContextRef context = [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext]  
CGContextDrawLayerInRect(context, CGRectMake([self frame].origin.x,  
[self frame].origin.y, [self frame].size.width, [self  
frame].size.height), cgback);

cgback is a instance variable pointing to a CGLayer.

So my code works, the correct things are being drawn to my view  
(more or less), but what happens is that after several seconds of  
use, the app crashes and I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error.

Can you post more information regarding your cgback variable? How is  
it being allocated? That parameter seems to be the most likely culprit.


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Re: How is "Apple + Ctrl + D" implemented?

2008-04-30 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Apr 28, 2008, at 5:35 AM, John Joyce wrote:


Thanks for your reply! But how can I "find the range of the word"  

the glyph index?  I just can not find an API doing so.
The range of the word is up to you to find and depends on the  
language. If it is any common language from Europe, your job is a  
lot easier. You mainly need to work with whitespace and punctuation.  
If you're working with Japanese, you'll need to learn of lot of  
complex tricks to identify the range of words...[snip]

"Nota bene" that the popup/Cmd-Ctrl-D dictionary does not look up  
single words only. Try it on that Latin phrase, and it's not just  
because of the quotes.

The heuristic seems to be the longest main entry that matches (exactly  
after normalization?).

It finds "ablative absolute" and "a cappella" and "Aaron Copland",  
over "ablative" and "a" and "Aaron" (and "nota" above). Thus, there  
seems to be no way to pop up a definition for "a capella" [sic], only  
"a" and "capella", as was confusing me until I realized my mispelling.  
Any "stemming" seem to be handled by either dictionary entries  
("ablative absolutes" shows in Dictionary.app's list although it pulls  
up the singular entry), or finally by word boundaries (compare "Aaron  
Coplands" to "Aaron Copland's").

The main entry category doesn't seem to include phrases, as "a bit  
much" is findable in Dictionary.app, but not in the popup panel. The  
exactly part seems to come from "nota  bene" (with two regular spaces)  
failing. Inserting a single U+2003 EM SPACE also causes failure, but  
not a U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE (which might be explained in terms of  
normalization before matching?).

Of course, this is all just tested on words in the Oxford English,  
testing on Japanese text may reveal subtleties that affect the  
heuristic, which was deliberately vague about whether longest is in  
terms of words or characters (words seems most likely, so the previous  
discussion is still relevant).

What none of this explains is why Preview.app won't give a pop-up  
dictionary even when a PDF has selectable text (which can be pulled up  
in Dictionary.app). For me, that would be an interesting explanation  
to hear.


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Good mouse tracking design for dynamic view?

2008-06-26 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
I have a view that displays and allows interaction with a lot  
(hundreds, even thousands) of small items. I am having trouble nailing  
down a good design for event handling, and just as I was ready to  
plead for help I see some other NSTrackingArea discussion that perhaps  
sheds a little light, but still inconclusive.

It seems tidy to clear and reset all my tracking areas as the view  
gets redrawn, but that leads to situations like where an item moves  
relative to the mouse instead of vice versa, and since tracking areas  
can't be moved, the mouseEntered->mouseExited transaction gets killed  
halfway through with the old tracking area.

My problem is that the displayed items can get updated (moved,  
deleted, etc.) in situations like this:
1. The user mouses over an item, its tracking area fires, and some  
status text elsewhere gets set to reflect what's under the mouse.
2. Before the mouse moves away from the item, the item moves and its  
previous tracking area is deleted. So now I never get that mouse  
exited event, even though the status text should be cleared.

So it seems I need to do more bookwork myself, but I'm wondering which  
direction others would recommend:
a) Set up a single tracking area for the whole view, and perform all  
my own hit testing every time the mouse moves.
b) Keep the per-item tracking areas, but perform my own testing in the  
edge cases when active (mouse has entered but not exited) tracking  
areas are getting reset.

Even though it seems like I'd be reimplementing something Cocoa  
already offers, I'm leaning towards option A: I'm not sure if I'll be  
able to foresee all the edge cases, and I'd be reinventing half the  
hit testing code there anyway.
Does it sound reasonable from a maintenance and performance  
perspective to handle the mouse on my own inside my view? It seems  
like the tracking Cocoa provides is designed for more static content,  
or am I just missing the intended "Option C" recipe for my scenario?


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Re: Good mouse tracking design for dynamic view?

2008-07-02 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
So it seems I need to do more bookwork myself, but I'm wondering  

direction others would recommend:
a) Set up a single tracking area for the whole view, and perform  
all my own

hit testing every time the mouse moves.
b) Keep the per-item tracking areas, but perform my own testing in  
the edge
cases when active (mouse has entered but not exited) tracking areas  

getting reset.

I vote for option A.

Efficiency should not be a concern. [...]

Reinventing hit testing shouldn't be much of a concern either [...]

Thanks all for your encouragement. Implementing it myself isn't a  
problem (the rest of the code is pretty geometry heavy, so it's  
certainly not foreign territory) and has already made it easier to  
implement (or at least try out) other ideas, like finding everything  
within a certain radius of the cursor rather than just under.

I just put a single tracking area across the entire view bounds (with  
the NSTrackingInVisibleRect, which I understand to make the tracking  
area's "frame" rect irrelevant anyway) and just run a linear search  
noting all items under the mouse every time it moves. I then compare  
this to a list from the previous check, and notify the items that have  
changed of an exit/entrance accordingly. I haven't tested performance  
with a ton of items, but as not a great amount of work is done I don't  
foresee any problem.

I had to do one little "hack" for when the view itself is exited,  
namely, when the whole-view tracking area is exited I need to manually  
"exit" all items. Otherwise when the final mouseMoved fired, some  
items could still be underneath the mouse and would remain "entered".  
Only really hackish in the sense that I need two functions to update  
the active items and post pseudo-events, rather than just the one.


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Re: Cocoa says not KVC compliant

2008-07-02 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Jul 2, 2008, at 10:13 AM, Milen Dzhumerov wrote:
I've run into a something I find strange. I've got a property  
declared as:

@property(readwrite, assign, nonatomic) CGImageRef image;

When I try to set it using KVC (e.g. [obj setValue:[NSValue  
valueWithPointer:image] forKeyPath:@"image"]), it says [<*ClassName*  
0x133050> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value  
coding-compliant for the key image.'

Keep in mind that the core KVC messages are -setValue:(id)forKey: and - 
(id)valueForKey:. That is, the KVC functions deal with values that are  
true Objective-C objects.

Your [NSValue valueWithPointer:]  shows you are somewhat aware of  
this, but if you look at http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/KeyValueCoding/Concepts/DataTypes.html 
 you will see that neither a CGImageRef nor a plain old pointer  
(void*) are supported scalar types in KVC.

I may be wrong, but my understanding is that you will not be able to  
use KVC on this property, at least not without declaring the property  
type to be an NSValue*, which may or may not be an appropriate  
solution to your particular problem.

hope this helps,

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Layer hosting view not redisplaying under PPC

2008-07-02 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
Today I took some time again to test my app on more architectures than  
just i386, and I'm encountering a strange problem on PowerPC with a  
custom view that hosts Core Animation layers. While other built-in  
views like NSButton are redrawing fine, none of my custom layer- 
hosting view's drawing shows up until I either minimize/unminimize the  
window or hide/unhide the application. This happens under Rosetta as  

I fear I must be doing something subtly wrong, because (e.g.) iTunes'  
CoverFlow view works fine under Rosetta and (obviously) on a PPC Mac,  
but I'm at a loss for where to even start. "Under the hood", it seems  
to be working properly:

The view draws correctly when the app is first launched. Right after  
an event that causes a layer to need redisplay is received, my - 
drawLayer:inContext: code is called and encounters no errors. All  
internal mechanisms seem to be working just the same as on Intel, the  
only difference is the drawing just doesn't actually show up.  If I  
just move the window around, still nothing changes. When I hide/unhide  
the app, without doing any further actions that might affect the view,  
the drawing expected as a result of the earlier event finally shows up!

Also, if I maximize the app on Intel, the layers in the view do their  
little implicit "grow to new size" animation. When I do this on  
PowerPC, only the first frame (or at least a very early frame) of this  
implicit animation shows. This isn't even my code, as Core Animation  
normally just stretches the cached texture, only calling - 
drawLayer:inContext: code for the final frame! I would suspect this is  
a bug in Core Animation, except for the fact that it's quite a show  
stopper and doesn't seem to have stopped anyone else.

Why, only when running the version compiled for PowerPC, would my  
drawing simply not get updated as often as it should? What could I be  
doing wrong? What should I check?


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Delete action from variety of key presses

2008-07-07 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
I want to be able to delete the items selected in a view, but am  
struggling finding a best way to turn the different key presses into a  
-delete: action that my controller can handle. I think I want (it  
seems expected functionality anyway) the delete key, the forward  
delete key, as well as Cmd-Delete to all trigger this action.

I could assign one of those as a Key Equivalent for the Edit>Delete  
menu item, but that leaves the other two out in the cold. Furthermore,  
several applications (Keynote, iTunes) don't show any such key  
equivalent yet accept some or all of those keystrokes to delete a  
selection. iPhoto has Photos>Move To Trash equivalized to Cmd-Delete,  
but also performs that action if simply Delete is pressed. So I'm not  
finding a lot of clues in existing applications.

A search through the archives would have me either a) add hidden  
buttons equivalent to these keys or b) subclass view(s) to handle the  
keystrokes myself. The first option seems really, really hackish but  
the second option means I'd have to subclass any view that could be  
key when the user wants to delete, and implement the same keychecking  
method in each. Is there a cleaner way to let my controller know  
whenever the user wants "delete"? Or am I making this too complicated  
to begin with somehow?


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Re: Delete action from variety of key presses

2008-07-07 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
The Cocoa Text Bindings system already translates keys and key  
combinations into invocations of NSResponder methods. 

So, what you need to do is determine which methods those keys are  
already mapping to, override those methods in the appropriate place  
in your responder chain (e.g. on your custom view or application  
delegate), and have them all invoke some common method to do what  
you want.

Thanks, I forgot to mention that I tried overriding some of those  
action methods. However, I couldn't get them to fire.

If I implement:

- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder {
return YES;

- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent*)keyEvent {
printf("key event received\n");

- (void)deleteBackward:(id)sender {
printf("delete backward received\n");

- (void)deleteForward:(id)sender {
printf("delete forward received\n");

...and then press delete or forward-delete, I only ever get "key event  
received". According to the chart at http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/EventOverview/EventArchitecture/chapter_2_section_3.html#/ 
/apple_ref/doc/uid/1060i-CH3-SW10, it looks like the event should  
flow all the way down to the "Key Action?" conditional, and since it's  
a bound key binding I thought I should get the "Yes: Send action  
message to first responder" path.

However, on further investigation, I see that this is just a  
"potential" path diagram, and seems to be an example for if the first  
responder view is a text one, which mine will rarely be. Under what  
circumstances will the Cocoa Text Bindings system convert keypresses  
to the "text" actions, so that a non-NSResponder (ie, a window/app  
delegate) can perform the action?


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Re: Delete action from variety of key presses

2008-07-07 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
By overriding -keyDown: and not calling [super keyDown:keyEvent],  
you have stopped your view from actually processing the keys any  
further. That's why you aren't getting to either of the delete  

Hmm, the flowchart I mentioned (http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/EventOverview/EventArchitecture/chapter_2_section_3.html 
) gave me the impression that the Cocoa Text System would kick in  
before the view even had a chance at the event. I did try passing it  
to super (which in my case is NSView), but still didn't get the text  
binding actions to fire.

The more I think about it though, it wouldn't make sense for Cocoa  
Text Bindings to always get first refusal of a key event. I think the  
links Ken Thomases provided, while great references for that system,  
only are relevant in subclasses of Cocoa's *Text* subclasses, where  
Apple has provided a subclass of NSView that loads the key mappings  
and does the action dispatch itself.

Without the key view being one of Cocoa's text views, would I ever get  
these actions? Is there a similar built-in mechanism for application-  
or document-wide bindings unrelated to text editing? If not, then is  
the only way to turn a key event into an action by doing it myself in  
an NSResponder subclass put (or picked from) somewhere in the chain?


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Re: Delete action from variety of key presses

2008-07-08 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Jul 7, 2008, at 5:07 PM, Graham Cox wrote:
The view that is first responder needs to override -keyDown: and do  

[self interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:event]];

which hooks the event into the standard dispatcher for these methods.

(One thing that has long puzzled me about this though - why is the  
parameter an array of events when only one event is ever available?)

Okay, got this message late though it looks like another had responded  
to it already. Given that I need to override -keyDown: (or - 
performKeyEquivalent:) in applicable first responders anyway, and it  
doesn't really read well to have -forwardDelete:, backwardDelete:,  
etc. actions, I just did the following:

#pragma mark Keyboard events

- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder {
return YES;

- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent*)keyEvent {
NSString* keyCharacters = [keyEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers];
if ([keyCharacters length] == 1) {
unichar keyPressed = [keyCharacters characterAtIndex:0];
		if (keyPressed == NSDeleteCharacter || keyPressed ==  
NSDeleteCharFunctionKey) {

[self doCommandBySelector:@selector(delete:)];
else [super keyDown:keyEvent];
else [super keyDown:keyEvent];

Provided the view(s) with this code is the first responder, it causes  
the action to fire when either delete key is pressed, with any  
modifiers. If I need more fine-grained behaviour (forceDelete: or  
something when Cmd is pressed), I'll just add it in that method.

I'm tempted to improve upon this by using the  
NSUserInterfaceValidations informal protocol (which my app delegate  
already conforms to for the sake of the Edit>Delete menu item) to  
check if the delete action is  even performed. The way this code  
works, the delete key gets swallowed even when nothing is deleted.  
This silent dropping of the delete key is how many apps behave, but  
wouldn't it be better to pass the event up to super when the delete:  
action isn't really valid, so it can eventually result in a beep/bonk/ 


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Re: Handling key equivalents in a controller class?

2008-07-21 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

Jens –

I've been wanting to do similar key handling in my controller class  
(rather than view classes), so I'm glad I'm not the only one not fully  
grokking the responder chain. I got some helpful responses to my more  
specific question, but without loss of generality. Especially: http://www.cocoabuilder.com/archive/message/cocoa/2008/7/9/212381

My takeaway from that experience was that if I need custom event  
responding, I need my own NSResponder inserted somewhere in the chain.  
It makes sense, but coming from the other direction ("I want to handle  
some events in my controller") it's tempting to look for another way  
that doesn't seem to exist.


On Jul 19, 2008, at 12:34 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:

On 19 Jul '08, at 8:52 AM, Matt Neuburg wrote:

Try it and see. Let's say we want to catch Esc directed to the  
window as a
whole (to exit full screen mode, if I recall your example). So what  
I would
do is to insert an NSResponder instance behind the window in the  
chain and

implement keyDown:.

I had already tried implementing keyDown: in my controller object,  
which is the window's delegate, to no avail. But that class is just  
a direct subclass of NSObject, not NSResponder or  
NSWindowController. I tried changing its superclass to NSResponder,  
but that didn't help.

Looks like I need to read up on the conceptual docs about the  
responder chain, to figure out how to make my object the window's  
next responder. (I've never manipulated the chain directly before.)

When an event arrives (arrives! It got here by being
handed up thru all the views and the window, which therefore  
clearly didn't
handle it), we look to see if it's for us - i.e., is it Esc or not.  
If it
is, we tell the window to do what it's supposed to do, and the  
event is not
handed any further up the responder chain. If not, we pass the  
event to
super and the event is handed on up the responder chain in the  
usual way,

That makes sense. I had been thinking that event handlers would need  
a boolean return value to indicate whether or not they handled the  
event, but I'd overlooked the behavior of calling super to pass the  
event up. Thanks!


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Shouldn't NSOpenPanel media browser aliases be resolved before type check?

2008-12-01 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
My Leopard-only application needs to be able to import any image  
supported by CGImageSource, so I create an NSOpenPanel and pass the  
array obtained from CGImageSourceCopyTypeIdentifiers() to  
runModalForTypes. This makes the "Media > Photos" sidebar to show up  
automatically in the Open panel, which is great.

However, seemingly random pictures in the iPhoto section of this Media  
Browser are greyed out. I tracked it down, and the problem is that  
when iPhoto creates an alias to an original file, this is not  
automatically resolved. (My OpenPanel does leave -resolvesAliases set  
to YES.) So the type of these random pictures is com.apple.alias-file  
instead of public.jpeg or any other image format, and the media panel  
doesn't let me choose these original files even though their aliases  
would resolve to supported types.

Shouldn't these aliases be resolved before type checking, so that the  
CGImageSource type identifiers can be used in an open panel without  
needing custom delegate filtering?



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Re: Shouldn't NSOpenPanel media browser aliases be resolved before type check?

2008-12-05 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Dec 2, 2008, at 8:06 AM, Corbin Dunn wrote:

Le Dec 1, 2008 à 5:32 PM, Nathan Vander Wilt a écrit :
My Leopard-only application needs to be able to import any image  
supported by CGImageSource, so I create an NSOpenPanel and pass the  
array obtained from CGImageSourceCopyTypeIdentifiers() to  
runModalForTypes. This makes the "Media > Photos" sidebar to show  
up automatically in the Open panel, which is great.

However, seemingly random pictures in the iPhoto section of this  
Media Browser are greyed out. I tracked it down, and the problem is  
that when iPhoto creates an alias to an original file, this is not  
automatically resolved. (My OpenPanel does leave -resolvesAliases  
set to YES.) So the type of these random pictures is  
com.apple.alias-file instead of public.jpeg or any other image  
format, and the media panel doesn't let me choose these original  
files even though their aliases would resolve to supported types.

Shouldn't these aliases be resolved before type checking, so that  
the CGImageSource type identifiers can be used in an open panel  
without needing custom delegate filtering?

Yes, it should -- can you please log a bug? If possible include  
steps for how to create the aliases.

Glad to hear it, the bug is rdar://problem/6410673 and should already  
have some info on how to reproduce. Please let me know if there's  
anything more you need.

In the meantime, I've worked around this by having the NSOpenPanel  
accept kUTTypeData to get all files plus kUTTypeJPEG to trigger the  
photo media browser, then in my own -panel:shouldShowFilename checking  
the target types plus resolving and rechecking any kUTTypeAliasFile  
types that slip through at present.


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Core Data warning: to-many relation does not have an inverse

2008-12-10 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
I'm trying to port my model code to use Core Data. My model is  
something like this:

I have a Company. It has two to-many relationships, currentEmployees  
and previousEmployees which are naturally both to Employees.

Employees have a to-one relationship to the Company that is the  
inverse of both the currentEmployees and previousEmployees. That is,  
the employee (records) belong to the Company regardless of current/ 
previous "status".

I also have a Consultant. It has a to-many relationship to  
interestingEmployees. Nobody talking to an Employee needs to have  
access to the Consultant, so there is no inverse relationship.

I have two problems with this model. When I compile it, I get a warning:

Consultant.interestingEmployees -- to-many relationship does not have  
an inverse: this is an advanced setting (no object can be in multiple  
destinations for a specific relationship)

This error doesn't make sense to me. Is it trying to say an object can  
only "belong" to one to-many relationship?

The other problem is that I do want to define an inverse for  
Employee.company, but I can't set it to *both*  
Company.currentEmployees and .previousEmployees. I think the answer is  
to maintain the Employee.company relationship field myself without any  
inverse, but then I get two more warnings for each of the Company to- 
many relationships.

This model was easy to implement in Foundation, I just created a bunch  
of Employee objects and just made sure they were in the proper sets  
(current/previous/interesting). I suppose I could model this by just  
having the "current"/"previous" and "interesting"/"not interesting"  
status be properties of the Employees themselves, but I'd prefer that  
A) Employees don't have access to these statuses and B) that my  
Company/Consultant can have tidy sets of relevant Employees. What's  
the best way for an object to be belong to multiple to-many  
relationships in Core Data?


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Re: Problem setting a Core Data Document Icon

2008-12-10 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Dec 10, 2008, at 5:38 PM, vince wrote:
I  can't seem to set a default icon for my supported docs in a Core  

The .icns file is in my Bundle and placed in the Resources bin. I  

inserted the file name in the Target's Supported Document field.
I rebooted my system a few times since and still no changes to the  

saved files.

When you say you inserted the file name in the Supported Document  
field, did you include a Name for the document type, a UTI or  
Extensions (without leading dots) so the system can associate your  
specific file with the icon, and then also an Icon File name? You may  
also need to make sure your Target itself has a valid Identifier.

hope this helps,

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Re: Drag & Drop: PREVENT file move

2008-12-11 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Dec 11, 2008, at 3:11 PM, Houdah - ML Pierre Bernard wrote:


My application shows a list of files in a table view.

I have implemented drag and drop so that users may drag files from  
the list. I could envision them dragging the files onto other  
applications for viewing or dragging them on a removable media to  
create archive copies.

The problem occurs when the user drags the file to another folder on  
the same disk. By default, the Finder then wants to move the file. I  
need to prevent just that as it will cause havoc. For one, I would  
lose track of the file.

Is there a way for the originating application to control the  
allowed drag operations?

Check out NSDraggingSource protocol's - 
draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal:. You should be able to return  
something like (NSDragOperationCopy | NSDragOperationLink) if you want  
to make sure the original file stays in the same place. If you don't  
mind the file being moved so long as you know its no longer available,  
you could instead implement -(void)draggedImage:(NSImage*)anImage  
endedAt:(NSPoint)aPoint operation:(NSDragOperation)operation to be  
notified when a move/delete is completed.

hope this helps,


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Re: Core Data warning: to-many relation does not have an inverse

2008-12-11 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
Sorry if this ends up showing twice, but the original message has been  
moderator-queued for length since early this morning. Being several  
steps behind in even *asking* Core Data questions has been frustrating  
me all day, as I try to press on in no less ignorance than yesterday.

On Dec 11, 2008, at 2:38 AM, Ben Trumbull wrote:

Consultant.interestingEmployees -- to-many relationship does not
have an inverse: this is an advanced setting (no object can be in
multiple destinations for a specific relationship)

It says no object can be in multiple destinations for a specific  
relationship (no inverse relationship, btw, fully modeled  
relationships don't have this issue, because they're fully  
modeled).  If you have Department 0->> People (no inverse to many to  
People) with D1 and D2 being department objects and P1 being a  
Person, you cannot have both D1->>{ P1 } and D2->> { P1 }  If  
Department had several no inverse to-many relationships to People,  
like goodPeople and lazyPeople, then P1 could belong once in each  
across all the Department objects.

It means you cannot pretend your no inverse to-many is like a many- 
to-many relationship.  If you try, you'll corrupt your data, and we  
told you not to.  You explicitly failed to model the part we needed  
to verify whether or not your schema is correct, so this was as  
helpful as we could be about your future undefined intentions.

If you sit down and think about how one implements many-to-many  
relationships in a database, it should be clear why this is the  
case.  If that didn't make sense, then please, just model the  
inverse like the compiler is suggesting.

"this is an advanced setting" == "if you didn't understand this  
message, you're going the wrong way.  Otherwise, you're probably  
going the wrong way"

I apologize if there was something in my previous message that  
suggested I thought the warning, and not my model, was wrong. However,  
I would like to figure out what makes my way the wrong way, and what  
the right way would be.

I hope that by "corrupt data" in the case of a many-to-many  
relationship, you mean that if one isn't careful they may end up with  
a row that links a foreign key from one table to a non-existent key in  
another. In that case, I am not too worried, unless I should be? I am  
already managing my object graph and undo management on my own, and  
mostly need to use Core Data so that when I'm using the SQLite store I  
don't have to overwrite the entire graph on disk if few or no objects  
have actually changed. I am willing to improve my model's architecture  
where it is incompatible, but if Core Data will bail out if I ever try  
to cross a particular street on my own, I'll need to learn which  
streets to avoid and why.

The other problem is that I do want to define an inverse for
Employee.company, but I can't set it to *both*
Company.currentEmployees and .previousEmployees. [snip]

Why are you trying to solve that problem ?  In the obvious case,  
Employee.company needs to be the inverse for currentEmployees  
because it's the current company, and the alternatives semantically  
don't make any sense.  Then, previousEmployees has a separate  
inverse, if only for bookkeeping purposes (e.g. so Core Data  
maintains everything for you)

If you're trying to model companies and employees having an audit  
record all of their previous employments, then you need to do that  
explicitly instead of trying to be too clever.  I'd recommend a many- 
to-many relationship between Employee and Company for "previous  
employers" to match "previous employees".  You could go with  
"lastPreviousEmployer" and make it a one-to-many.

Maybe I need to clarify my model a bit. Just to be clear, all names  
have been changed to protect the innocent and any resemblance to a  
real Company with real Employees is unintentional. Perhaps it would  
help to tweak my example a bit.

The odd thing about my "Company" is that it likes to move "Desks"  
around. So when an "Employee" comes in for work, he must ask the  
"Company" where his "Desk" is that morning. There are really three  
kinds of Employees, "Outgoing", "Current" and "Interesting". In order  
to be Interesting, an employee must also be Current. The Outgoing  
Employees still need to be be able to ask the Company where their Desk  
is, so they can clean their stuff out of the drawers before they say  

The reason I want to implement "Outgoing" and "Current" as  
relationships from a "Company" and "Interesting" as a relationship  
from a separate "Consultant" is for performance and for information  
hiding. Employees aren't in charge of whether they're Outgoing/Current  
and don't need to know if they're considered Interesting. Further, the  
Consultant shouldn't have to know all Employees, just the interesting  
ones. Organizing it this way also means I have a ready-to-go list of  
each type, so I don't have to filter down to, say, all

Re: NSKeyedArchiever and XML Format

2008-12-11 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Dec 11, 2008, at 1:01 AM, Patrick Mau wrote:

Good morning

For the last day I have pulled my hair over NSKeyedArchiever and  
friends to load and save small data objects.
I mainly use this feature for debugging, so the output format is set  
to XML.

Normally, one would write an object 'p' in binary format, using:

   [NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject:p toFile:@"/Users/mau/Desktop/ 

Reading the object again would be done using:

   p = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile:@"/Users/mau/ 

To set the output format one cannot use the convenience methods  
above, but the following:

   NSMutableData *data = [NSMutableData data];
   NSKeyedArchiver *a = [[NSKeyedArchiver alloc]  

   [a setOutputFormat:NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0];
   [a encodeObject:p forKey:@"root"];

Does using:
[a encodeRootObject:p];

instead of the line above make it work as expected?

   [a finishEncoding];
   [data writeToFile:@"/Users/mau/Desktop/encodeRoot.plist"  

   [a release];

hope this helps,

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Re: NSKeyedArchiever and XML Format

2008-12-11 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Dec 11, 2008, at 5:34 PM, Martin Wierschin wrote:

[a encodeObject:p forKey:@"root"];

Does using:
[a encodeRootObject:p];

instead of the line above make it work as expected?

A good idea, but IIRC that did not work. In fact, I think it  
produced an archive that silently failed to be read back by the  
stock +[NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile:] convenience  

While the documentation for that method itself makes no mention of  
that fact, the documentation at http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/Archiving/Tasks/decoding.htm 
 does say "NSKeyedUnarchiver requires that the object graph in the  
archive was encoded with one of NSKeyedArchiver’s convenience class  
methods, such as archiveRootObject:toFile:." I'm not sure offhand why  
this would be, and it is a bummer, but the "workaround" is to just do  
the unarchiving symmetrically to the archiving, that is read the file  
into an NSData and then unarchive that using -decodeObject (or - 
decodeObjectForKey: if you encode with your own root key(s) after  
all). I'll note that I haven't tested this myself again, but that  
seems to be what the documentation is saying.


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Core Data binary data optimization(s)

2008-12-15 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
Thanks to some patient help from this list, I now have a working Core  
Data model. One object in the model is basically a glorified vector  
polygon — an array of "point" structures that contain a about a dozen  
doubles each. I insert a lot of these polygon objects, and often need  
to draw all of them very quickly.

I originally included the point structures themselves in the model,  
with a to-many relationship from each polygon to the points, and  
sorted the points to their proper order in memory when necessary. This  
was a bit slow, as Core Data seemed to fault each point object  
individually, resulting in a lot of query overhead. So I switched my  
polygon objects to have only one attribute: binary data for the point.  
I thought this would result in significant speedup, but Core Data  
faults my objects so often that now I spend even more time unarchiving  
each polygon's point data than it took to read each point's row in  
from the database!

I've thought about caching the result of my "get all polygons" fetch  
to speed up redrawing, plus further optimizing my archiving code to  
help initial load and final save speed. If I do this, my thought was  
to watch the MOCObjectsDidChange notification for inserted/deleted  
objects and update my cache when necessary. (By my understanding, the  
updated objects will already be updated at my cached pointers.) This  
seems a little icky, though. Does Core Data provide a cleaner way of  
efficiently keeping a fetch result up-to-date?

Another issue with dealing with the points via a binary data archive  
is the wasted memory. These polygons would be immutable if Core Data  
allowed such a thing, so it seems especially wasteful to keep the  
unarchived copy of the point array and the persistent data blob both  
in memory. If I model a (prefetched) to-one relationship to the  
polygon's binary data instead of an attribute, and [moc  
refreshObject:binaryData mergeChanges:NO] once unarchived, will this  
make it fairly likely I'll only have my unarchived copy of the point  
array data in memory?

Or are the the above optimizations a bad approach to solving this  
problem? I'd like to get a little closer to the "terabyte sized  
database with billions of rows/tables/columns" advertised in the  
performance section, but it seems that statement assumes I'm fetching  
only a small fraction of those rows at once. For flat primitive data  
like this, is it possible to get performance closer to a raw push of  
the data to/from disk with Core Data?


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Re: NSCalendar/NSDate - generating all months/days in a year

2008-12-22 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Dec 22, 2008, at 4:53 AM, Keith Blount wrote:


Apologies in advance for what I think must be a basic question. It's  
something I've never had cause to do before, assumed must be fairly  
straightforward, and then seemed a lot more complicated than it  
should be which leads me to think that I am using the wrong search  

All I want to do is this: I would like to generate the names of all  
the months for a specified year. Then for each month in that year, I  
would like to generate the names of every day. For instance:

- January
-- Thursday, 1st January 2009
-- Friday, 2nd January 2009
... and so on
- February
-- ... etc.

I seem to be looking in the wrong areas in the frameworks, though. I  
thought NSDate and NSCalendar would be the place to look, but both  
seem overly complicated for this purpose. As far as I can see, in  
order to use NSCalendar to do this, I would have to do the following:

I would not agree with the other two posters on this, though their  
solutions should work in practice for your situation if you don't need  
anything general purpose. Otherwise, NSCalendar is your friend; if you  
find yourself typing something like January = 31 or 6 = "Friday" or 60  
* 60 * 24 in your code you're likely duplicating its functionality  
without getting any of its benefits (language issues, and political  
issues like daylight savings, leap years, leap seconds, etc.) The way  
people label time is a complicated, changeable thing, best to let the  
operating system handle it for you.

1) Start with a January NSDate in the specified year.

[the following code is all typed up in Mail, so may not be quite  

Sounds good, and if you know the year the easiest way would be:
NSDateComponents* components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[components setMonth:1];
[components setYear:specifiedYear];
[calendar dateFromComponents:components];

Otherwise, if you have a date within the year:
NSDate* startOfYear = nil;
[calendar rangeOfUnit:NSYearCalendarUnit startDate:&startOfYear  
interval:NULL forDate:dateWithinYear];

2) Get number of months for that year using [calendar  
rangeOfUnit:NSMonthCalendarUnit inUnit:NSYearCalendarUnit  
forDate:january] (given that the app is only for personal purposes  
for now, I could just assume 12 for this part).

You could do this, or just iterate as described below until the year  

3) Get number of days in each month by using [calendar  
rangeOfUnit:NSDayCalendarUnit inUnit:NSMonthCalendarUnit  
forDate:january] and then adding on a month (though how to do that?  
- NSTimeInterval is in seconds and there are different numbers of  
days in each month...) to get the number of days for each month.

You can easily add on a month or day at a time using NSDateComponents  
and calendar. You can either use NSCalendar's - 
dateByAddingComponents:toDate:options:, or what I might do is take the  
component you might have made (or can get) from the original year 
+January and add days directly to that. NSCalendar can handle  
overflow, so you can have an NSDateComponent that says something like   
Year:2008 Month:1 Days:364 and you will get the right date from  
components. (Which you can then convert back to normalized components  
if you want to, say, check if the month has changed since the last day.)

4) Use NSDateFormatter to format the date for display (I'll have to  
do that part no matter what method I use).

Yes, among other benefits, this saves you from having to localize all  
the month names and such yourself.

Steps 1-3 seem needlessly complicated and error-prone, though, which  
leads me to suspect I am taking completely the wrong approach and  
missing the blindingly obvious. Is there a better way of doing this?

I think your steps were on the right track, I've just tried to point  
out some other helpful methods. NSCalendar is not always exactly  
intuitive or succinct to use, but it does a LOT for you and even if  
this project is simple, getting familiar with it now will be a win if  
you ever do something needing more accuracy in the future.

hope this helps,

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Re: warning: unused parameter '_value'

2008-12-22 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Dec 22, 2008, at 4:42 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:

When I use [GCC_WARN_UNUSED_PARAMETER, -Wunused-parameter]

I get (in Release build, not in Development) for every @synthesize  
statement a warning:

warning: unused parameter '_value'
There is no "value" nor "_value" in the source to be found.

What am I doing wrong?

Xcode Version 3.1.1; gcc 4.0; 10.5.6

This was a bug in the compiler until gcc 4.2:

If you're able change your compiler setting at this point in  
development, that's the easiest fix.



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Re: NSCalendar/NSDate - generating all months/days in a year

2008-12-22 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Dec 22, 2008, at 11:38 AM, mmalc Crawford wrote:

On Dec 22, 2008, at 9:22 AM, Nathan Vander Wilt wrote:
[Good advice, except:]
NSCalendar can handle overflow, so you can have an NSDateComponent  
that says something like  Year:2008 Month:1 Days:364 and you will  
get the right date from components.

You should not rely on this behaviour.

Oh dear, thanks for noticing that! I should have double-checked: Only - 
dateByAddingComponents:toDate:options: is documented to handle  
"overflow". Not -dateFromComponents:, which is actually documented to  
return nil for out-of-range values. Sorry about that.


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mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification effects

2009-01-16 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
My application imports into an NSManagedObjectContext created on a  
background thread. As the last stage of this import, I save the  
background context to the persistent store. All my UI code uses a  
managed object context on the main thread, and expects to be notified  
via NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification to update  
caches and redisplay.

So... in my background thread I catch the  
NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification and pass it to a method  
called on the main thread to - 
mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification: in the main context. Now I  
would expect that all the objects I inserted into the background  
context would get inserted into the main context, and I would see  
evidence of this in the ObjectsDidChange notification. While the save  
notification has @"inserted" and @"updated" sets with the expected  
objects, the change notification only contains the updated object in  
its @"refreshed" set, and no inserted objects.

Is this what I should expect? Is there a better way I can trigger the  
ObjectsDidChange notification on my main context after another context  
updates the persistent store? Or, taking things a step back, what's  
the best way to keep Core Data fetch request results up-to-date?


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Re: mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification effects

2009-01-19 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
I figured this out. Core Data sends out several separate  
ContextDidChange notifications in response to a single - 
mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification call. I had a dumb bug in  
my code that resulted in me only seeing the first one.

The object where I was debugging ContextDidChange notifications (and  
doing my caching) was the very one I was getting the first "refreshed"  
notification for — and I was removing it as a notification observer in  
its -didTurnIntoFault. So it would get turned to a fault first thing  
when merging the save notification, unregister itself as a result, and  
then no longer behave as intended. I moved the notification center  
unregistration to -dealloc, and now I can see that my merge does  
result in all the expected insertions, just with separate notifications.

Hope this can help someone else realize that Core Data doesn't  
(necessarily) hate them if they come across my original post.


On Jan 16, 2009, at 2:02 PM, Nathan Vander Wilt wrote:
My application imports into an NSManagedObjectContext created on a  
background thread. As the last stage of this import, I save the  
background context to the persistent store. All my UI code uses a  
managed object context on the main thread, and expects to be  
notified via NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification to  
update caches and redisplay.

So... in my background thread I catch the  
NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification and pass it to a method  
called on the main thread to - 
mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification: in the main context. Now  
I would expect that all the objects I inserted into the background  
context would get inserted into the main context, and I would see  
evidence of this in the ObjectsDidChange notification. While the  
save notification has @"inserted" and @"updated" sets with the  
expected objects, the change notification only contains the updated  
object in its @"refreshed" set, and no inserted objects.

Is this what I should expect? Is there a better way I can trigger  
the ObjectsDidChange notification on my main context after another  
context updates the persistent store? Or, taking things a step back,  
what's the best way to keep Core Data fetch request results up-to- 



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Re: Why I have a leak? I am unable to understand

2009-08-24 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Aug 24, 2009, at 5:20 PM, Agha Khan wrote:


I know the leak is in next 2 lines
I have commented all the code except these 2 lines.

// NSTimeInterval
	NSCalendar *gregorian = [[NSCalendar alloc]  
	unsigned unitFlags = NSYearCalendarUnit | NSMonthCalendarUnit |   
NSDayCalendarUnit | NSHourCalendarUnit | NSMinuteCalendarUnit |  
	NSDateComponents *dateSegments = [gregorian components:unitFlags  
fromDate:[NSDate date]];

I am not releasing gregorian, because I never used retain.
Same is true with dateSegments.

Can someone help me.

Why I have a leak? I am unable to understand?


"You own any object you create.
You “create” an object using a method whose name begins with “alloc”  
or “new” or contains “copy” (for example, alloc,newObject, or  

You created gregorian using [NSCalendar alloc], so you own it. The  
next rule on that page says:

"If you own an object, you are responsible for relinquishing ownership  
when you have finished with it.
You relinquish ownership of an object by sending it a release message  
or an autorelease message (autorelease is discussed in more detail in  
“Delayed Release”). In Cocoa terminology, relinquishing ownership of  
an object is typically referred to as “releasing” an object."

hope this helps,


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Re: creating registration codes

2009-08-27 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Aug 27, 2009, at 9:18 PM, Rick C. wrote:


my apologies if this is a bit off-topic, but once an app is done  
does anyone have a recommendation on how to go about setting up a  
registration code system for the created app.  i guess it needs some  
programming in partner with some scripting on the web side.  maybe a  
3rd parth service?  with so many developers in here with much more  
experience than myself i thought someone could point me in the right  
direction on coding/preparing an app to be sold.  thank you very much,

Yep, off topic for this list. But software registration options have  
been discussed on the macsb mailing list, which is a great place to  
talk with developers other developers who sell their own Mac apps:



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Re: odd behavior with NSError?

2009-10-15 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Oct 2, 2009, at 7:45 AM, Bill Bumgarner wrote:
In either case, assuming the undefined reference is nil would be a  
bug. Initializing the variables to nil prior to the call isn't going  
to change anything in that regard.

(And, yes, there are methods that modify their error parameter on  
success  -- purely an implementation detail.  Perfect valid thing to  
do since the return value is undefined on success.)

Ouch. So the following pattern is incorrect?

NSError* internalError = nil;
(void)[foo somethingReturningBool:bar error:&internalError];
if (internalError) {
// ...

I got into this habit because most every method is documented to say  
things like "parameter used if an error occurs" and "May be NULL".  
You're saying that some methods go out of their way to trample my  
(potentially unavailable) error storage even on success? I'm starting  
to worry that I'll spend tomorrow fixing much old code instead of  
getting to make new mistakes...


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Re: Magic Mouse and NSTouch

2009-11-20 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
On Oct 27, 2009, at 10:44 PM, Scott Anguish wrote:
> There should be a tech note shortly that describes these capabilities.

Is this the one?
It doesn't mention NSTouch, so I'm hoping there's more detail coming later. I'm 
surprised no one has t

I spent some time at a kind Apple reseller trying to test one myself, but 
completely missed the need for -[NSView setAcceptsTouchEvents:] and might have 
gotten a false negative. Like the OP, I would also be very grateful for 
information about the Magic Mouse's NSTouch capabilities before I make that 
investment. All my searching yields is mixed reports.


> On Oct 21, 2009, at 2:21 AM, Chunk 1978 wrote:
>> i would be surprised if it didn't support NSTouch.  although you may have to
>> wait for 10.6.2:
>> http://www.macrumors.com/2009/10/20/magic-mouse-user-guide-suggests-mac-os-x-10-6-2-release-in-near-future/
> ___
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Re: Storing values in dictionary with their address as the key

2008-07-29 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
What about using CFDictionary ? You can create a dicitonary with a  
callback that support address (NULL for example).

I'll echo this; it's a really handy technique that I use frequently  
(you can even use integers as keys!).

WARNING: Just in case, there is a major warning here. You should  
avoid NS/CF bridge when inserting/removing value in a dictionary as  
the semantic is not the same. NSDictionary always try to copy the  
key whatever the calback is (or at least did it the last time I try).

Right, -[NSDictionary setObject:forKey:] on a CFDictionary created  
with a custom retain callback will invoke copyWithZone: before  
calling your retain callback.  Apple claims this is not a bug.   
Getting/removing values with objectForKey:/removeObjectForKey:  
should work, though; if it doesn't, I'd like to know.

Yes, accessing and removing keys should work fine. For immutable keys  
(you weren't planning on changing a key behind NSDictionary's back  
anyway, right) a copy is often just implemented as a retain. Since  
toll-free bridged NSDictionary must provide CFDictionary retain/ 
release callbacks to work right on the Core Foundation side of things,  
it must be copying the key, adding it to the array (where it is  
retained by the callback), and then releasing it's local reference.  
Take out steps one and three, which are equivalent to a retain  
followed by a release, and nothing should change as far as object  
accessing or removal.

While for new code in Leopard+ apps you might want to look into  
NSMapTable with the flags Mike suggested, I just was dealing with  
NSMutableDictionary's key copying off-list last night and didn't see  
that suggestion. What I did is just added a category on  

@interface NSMutableDictionary (TLMutableDictionaryNoncopiedKeys)
- (void)setObject:(id)anObject forUncopiedKey:(id)aKey;

@implementation NSMutableDictionary (TLMutableDictionaryNoncopiedKeys)

/* NSMutableDictionary copies its keys. When we use pointer-equality  
for certain types' comparision,
 this breaks those types' keys. Fortunately, CFMutableDictionary does  
not assume NSString-ish keys,
 and the copying behaviour is implemented within the - 
[NSMutableDictionary addObject:forKey:]
 method itself (see http://www.cocoabuilder.com/archive/message/cocoa/2008/4/2/203028 
 and links

 for details).
 If we just bridge to Core Foundation when adding keys, everything  
else should work properly.


- (void)setObject:(id)anObject forUncopiedKey:(id)aKey {
CFMutableDictionaryRef selfCF = (CFMutableDictionaryRef)self;
Boolean keyAlreadySet = CFDictionaryContainsKey(selfCF, aKey);
if (keyAlreadySet) {
CFDictionaryReplaceValue(selfCF, aKey, anObject);
else {
CFDictionaryAddValue(selfCF, aKey, anObject);


Replacing this single method was enough for me, since in most cases in  
my code where the "stringish" (that is, assuming copied keys will  
still compare equal) behaviour is not desirable, I am creating an  
empty dictionary and populating it with just that one method.  
Otherwise, many other methods (especially NSDictionary's initializers  
and convenience initializers) would all need "uncopiedKey" overrides,  
and some of these could theoretically end up being much less efficient  
than the methods they replaced. However, if you can't use just the  
above method to insert keys, then other solutions like CFDictionary  
and NSMapTable (especially) might not work much better for you  
anyway...so this seems like a pretty decent solution for many cases.

hope this helps,

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Re: Storing values in dictionary with their address as the key

2008-07-29 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Jul 29, 2008, at 8:58 AM, Nathan Vander Wilt wrote:
Right, -[NSDictionary setObject:forKey:] on a CFDictionary created  
with a custom retain callback will invoke copyWithZone: before  
calling your retain callback.  Apple claims this is not a bug.   
Getting/removing values with objectForKey:/removeObjectForKey:  
should work, though; if it doesn't, I'd like to know.

Yes, accessing and removing keys should work fine. For immutable  
keys (you weren't planning on changing a key behind NSDictionary's  
back anyway, right) a copy is often just implemented as a retain.  
Since toll-free bridged NSDictionary must provide CFDictionary  
retain/release callbacks to work right on the Core Foundation side  
of things, it must be copying the key, adding it to the array (where  
it is retained by the callback), and then releasing it's local  
reference. Take out steps one and three, which are equivalent to a  
retain followed by a release, and nothing should change as far as  
object accessing or removal.

Actually, that category thing is a no-go if you intend to archive your  
dictionary! I repeat: beware of the code I posted thread previous!

While this is an implementation detail that could change, - 
[NSDictionary initWithCoder:] calls some internal dictionary class's - 
initWithObjects:forKeys:count: that also copies the keys. This leads  
me to suspect that NS[Mutable]Dictionary may recopy keys in other  
places at whim as well. I am not sure what happens if you try to  
unarchive a CFDictionary that was archived as an NSDictionary, but  
I've got better things to do than mess with a class that clearly was  
not designed for what I'm trying to use it for.

If you want to use non-copied/pointer-equivalent objects as keys,  
especially if there is any chance you're going to be doing any  
archiving, skip NSMutableDictionary. Use NSMapTable instead, which  
thankfully also supports NSCoding.


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Re: Rotate NSString... I give up :( [SOLVED]

2008-08-06 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Aug 6, 2008, at 2:08 PM, Vitaly Ovchinnikov wrote:

Yes, you right, but I expected what I need to move text to the zero
point, rotate it and move it back. But NSAffineTransform works quite
the contrary and requires to move the zero point to the text and then
back. That was a big surprise for me.

Remember that affine transforms are of the form v' = Mv. So if you  
want to transform a vector by a matrix:

v' = Mv

...and then by another matrix:
v'' = Nv'

But if you want to do it all in one step, you would do:
v'' = NMv

See how it's not MNv but NMv? What this means is that you must  
concatenate your transformation matrix in the opposite order of how  
you want it to transform your points. I'd agree this is surprising, I  
myself spent a long time one day trying to "debug" NSAffineTransform  
just on account of forgetting this relationship.

hope this helps,

On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 12:55 AM, Kyle Sluder

On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 4:37 PM, Vitaly Ovchinnikov

Yes, he right. I've just tested it and it works fine.
I though that -translateXBy:yBy: will move my object, but it moved
pivot point... This is hard, especially with revesed OY axis ;)

Well, it all happens in one transformation matrix.  If I recall  

math correctly (probably not), rotation is a linear transformation,
but translation isn't, so in order to get rotation to work right the
pivot point must be the origin.  Since you want to rotate the object
around its center, you need to translate it twice.  This is all
chained together in one transformation matrix, so when the
multiplication's done the net result is one matrix that does all  


Anyone, please feel free to correct me, I would very much appreciate
any clarification.  :D

--Kyle Sluder


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Re: Memory Leaks & Instruments Questions

2008-08-11 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Aug 10, 2008, at 12:37 PM, Michael Kaye wrote:
I've ben running my app with leaks in Instruments and it is  
reporting a fair number of leaks.

On analyzing these leaks, they all appear to be related to apple  
frameworks methods/code and never as a direct result of any objects  
I've instantiated.

Therefore my question is, is whether this is correct and what you  
would normally expect to see? Or are the leaks indirectly caused by  
something I am doing? If the former should I just ignore them and if  
the latter how do I track down exactly where it is occurring.

While I have seen an occasional report of a leak from the run loop  
throughout a really long (~20 minutes) analysis session, if you have a  
fair number of leaks I think its safe to assume they are of your doing.

A couple tips:
- If you are viewing the list of allocations for a particular block,  
oftentimes you may see a whole lot of framework activity in the  
history. Remember that the last line is the only one that leaked.
- While tracking down a couple hard-to-find leaks last week, I found  
the "Outline View" with "Invert Call Tree" to be quite helpful. It not  
only shows the root functions that leaked (eg malloc), but allows you  
to look and see what all called that and leaked, and so on. That way  
you can move up past the frameworks to see which of your functions are  
calling the low-level stuff.
- If your program is still running, you can double-click a leaking  
method/function to pull it up in Xcode for further scrutiny. Of course  
this only works for what you have source code access to, that is, your  
own methods. I'm not sure why it only works when running, YMMV on that.

Whilst we are on it, I have a second question and that is whether  
should I expect any singleton object to "appear" as a memory leak in  
Instruments. Obviously the point of a singleton is is that it has  
one instance and any instance variables exist with no dealloc. So  
does Instruments handle this or just report them as a leak?

To be useful, a reference must be kept to the singleton. As long as  
this reference is kept, it has not leaked. A leak is when an object/ 
memory is allocated, but then all references to the object are lost.  
In this scenario there is no way to release/autorelease/free it  
anymore, ever, so it has leaked. But when there is still a reference  
to an object, Leaks will assume you are waiting to release it later.

hope this helps,

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Re: Obtaining rotation from CTM

2008-08-21 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Aug 21, 2008, at 6:56 AM, Tilman Bender wrote:

Hi there,

Is it possible to obtain the angle of rotation from a tranformation- 
matrix created with CGAffineTransfrom?

If you haven't applied any other transforms to your CGAffineTransform,  
you could determine the rotation (in radians) via:

double rotationInRadians = acos(theTransform.a);	// if the transform  
ONLY rotates around the origin

My linear algebra is fairly rusty, so I may be forgetting some things,  
but I don't think it's practical to determine in the general case   
when you've also scaled and translated back and forth besides just  
rotating. A few cases will not affect the result above, but in most  
cases used in drawing, the above will probably not work. But I'm not  
sure why you'd need to do this in the first place, see below...

I am building a simple kitchen-timer app, that should work like the  
ones in your mom's kitchen:
You set the time by touching a control and rotating it. Now I would  
like to obtain  the current

angle of my clock.

I know how to use and create CGAffineTransform stuff, but I am not  
really familiar with the extraction of specific information from

such a matrix.

My question is: why do you need to get the rotation out of an affine  

Somewhere in your code you've determined an angle from a move event, I  
would assume. It would make a lot more sense to keep track of the  
current angle, and only convert that to a CGAffineTransform in your  
drawing code, than to for some reason store a CGAffineTransform and  
try to extract the angle from that.

hope this helps,

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Undocumented Leopard support for overlapping sibling views

2008-08-28 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
According to two list postings (http://lists.apple.com/archives/cocoa-dev/2007/Nov/msg01760.html 
, http://lists.apple.com/archives/cocoa-dev/2007/Nov/msg01764.html)  
both by Apple employees, overlapping sibling subviews are fully  
supported in Leopard (and presumably beyond).

However, the official documentation (http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CocoaViewsGuide/WorkingWithAViewHierarchy/chapter_5_section_5.html 
) still says:
"Cocoa does not enforce clipping among sibling views or guarantee  
correct invalidation and drawing behavior when sibling views overlap.  
If you want a view to be drawn in front of another view, you should  
make the front view a subview (or descendant) of the rear view."

And Interface Builder 3.1 on the one hand has options like "Layout >  
Send to Front" that change the ordering of subviews, yet on the other  
still warns about "Illegal geometry" when a view overlaps one of its  
siblings even when the deployment target is set to 10.5.

I can't find anything in the documentation (or even release notes)  
that describes that/how overlapping views are supported. Why isn't  
this documented? Can we rely on overlapping sibling views working now  
and in the future? Are there any caveats we should be aware of?



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Re: Undocumented Leopard support for overlapping sibling views

2008-08-28 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Aug 28, 2008, at 2:40 PM, Corbin Dunn wrote:
Please do log bugs requesting the documentation to be enhanced.  
Overlapping views do work in Leopard+, with or without layers.  
However, a sibling layered view will always be on top of a sibling  
non-layered view.

I will do so, as well as a bug against Interface Builder for  
suppressing geometry warnings on platform(s) that support overlapping  

One further clarification, is the "top" view for drawing always the  
"top" view for event handling, especially with regards to layered/non- 
layered? How does -[NSView hitTest:] behave when multiple subviews are  
under a given point?


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Re: Convert unicode string into ascii

2008-08-28 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Aug 28, 2008, at 3:48 PM, I. Savant wrote:

On Aug 28, 2008, at 6:36 PM, Deborah Goldsmith wrote:

I should point out that you can only write English with a-z, so I  
don't know if I'd consider the other characters "weird". Not to  
mention characters like ¥, ©, and so on.

 Here's an enlightening article on the subject you might find useful:


Actually, Deborah just recently deprecated that article and provided  
some much more accurate alternatives:


Unicode is not something you want to oversimplify.


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Re: Hard calculation crashes after 60Minutes

2008-08-31 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Aug 30, 2008, at 8:08 PM, Mr. Gecko wrote:
Hello I am making a program that does a really hard calculation and  
it seems to crash after 60 Minutes. I don't really know why it does,  
I am guessing it is because I am using a for loop that takes awhile  
to run

If you can't find any leaks, it may be that autoreleased objects are  
not really "leaking", but your code does not give the framework- 
supplied autorelease pool a chance to release the objects it owns. You  
should create a pool of your own around the top and bottom of your  
loop's block:

for (long_time) {
NSAutoreleasePool* myPool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
// do stuff
[myPool release];   // or you could use [myPool drain] if 
on 10.4+

hope this helps,

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Changing slide back destination during drag

2008-09-26 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
I have a view that allows users to drag copies of the items it  
contains. I'd like to add autoscrolling to the view, which will move  
the drag's source item. However, I can find no way to change the drag  
properties so that upon failure the image will slide back to where the  
item *is* rather than where it *was* before the view autoscrolled.

I did find the NSDraggingInfo protocol's slideDraggedImageTo: which I  
suppose I could have called in my draggedImage:endedAt:operation:  
dragging source method. But this method is a strange one! The Leopard  
release notes state the following:

"-[NSDraggingInfo slideDraggedImageTo:] is now implemented to behave  
as documented. This change is enabled only for applications built on  
Leopard or later to avoid changing behavior of older binaries in ways  
that may be incorrect."

So it's working "as documented" which would be great, but the  
documentation says it's deprecated (as of Leopard!) with no  
alternative method! Was -slideDraggedImageTo: really deprecated in the  
exact release it was also fixed? Or are the release notes just making  
a little joke ("it now behaves as...deprecated")?

(And even if it weren't deprecated, would it have enabled me to do  
what I want?)


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Can I put UTIs in NSFilesPromisePboardType promise drag array?

2008-10-01 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
I am initiating a promise drag by adding an array of strings to my  
pasteboard using for the NSFilesPromisePboardType. The documentation  
states that "the types can be specified as filename extensions or as  
HFS file types encoded [as strings]". Is there any reason to not build  
an array of UTIs instead?


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Re: Can I put UTIs in NSFilesPromisePboardType promise drag array?

2008-10-04 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Oct 1, 2008, at 3:09 PM, Jim Correia wrote:

On Oct 1, 2008, at 5:27 PM, Nathan Vander Wilt wrote:

I am initiating a promise drag by adding an array of strings to my  
pasteboard using for the NSFilesPromisePboardType. The  
documentation states that "the types can be specified as filename  
extensions or as HFS file types encoded [as strings]". Is there any  
reason to not build an array of UTIs instead?

I don't believe that works. I thought I filed a bug about it, but  
cannot quickly locate it.

If you find definitively one way or the other, I'd appreciate your  
discovery. (It would require special support in the pasteboard for  
translation because legacy clients would only expect the extension  
or HFS type. Even just the extension is problematic for Carbon  

Thanks for the advice, I've taken the liberty of posting back to the  
list as well.

I haven't experimented a ton, as the Finder and iPhoto both seem to  
accept (at least initially, in the case of iPhoto) any promise drag  
regardless of what I stuff into the array, and I hadn't many ideas of  
other programs to try it on. Despite Postel's principle, I'm tempted  
to use UTIs anyway, at least until we get bug reports of our app not  
playing nicely with another.

HFS types seem to be well deprecated in nearly every other area, the  
drag destination guides don't encourage checking the types anyway, and  
the API itself doesn't facilitate easy checking especially given the  
fact that strings already are *either* extensions or legacy type codes  
with no programmatic distinction. Plus who really wants to keep  
comparing strings (eg 'txt' vs. 'TXT' vs. 'TEXT' times every other  
supported format) when they could be using UTTypeConformsTo instead? :-)


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Re: Can I put UTIs in NSFilesPromisePboardType promise drag array?

2008-10-04 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Oct 4, 2008, at 8:31 PM, Jim Correia wrote:

On Oct 4, 2008, at 10:45 PM, Nathan Vander Wilt wrote:

HFS types seem to be well deprecated in nearly every other area,  
the drag destination guides don't encourage checking the types anyway

Can you post a reference?

You generally should check the type in the drag, and not offer to  
accept a drag which you can't accept.

As to HFS types being deprecated, the documentation at http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Carbon/Conceptual/understanding_utis/understand_utis_intro/chapter_1_section_1.html 
 says they were "originally designed for Mac OS 9 and earlier".

Beyond that, I think I'll have to mostly concede this point. You are  
right that the HIG encourages rejecting drags based on file types  
(though in the case of a non-promise drag this can take an extremely  
non-deterministic amount of time). For what it's worth, the sample  
code at http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/DragandDrop/Tasks/DraggingFiles.html 
 does not check types, but the text above does mention "The  
destination can then accept or reject a drag operation based on the  
contents of the types array."

and the API itself doesn't facilitate easy checking especially  
given the fact that strings already are *either* extensions or  
legacy type codes with no programmatic distinction.

Due to the convention for how HFS types are encoding, it is possible  
to programatically distinguish the two, if you need to do so.

I'm not sure what you mean here. The documentation for promise drags  
says to encode the OSType using NSFileTypeForHFSTypeCode() which in my  
testing just turns the "characters" the programmer sees in their  
source into a string (ie 'uint' becomes @"uint"). As extensions could  
be any number of characters, how would I know if "docx" is the  
exension of a new Office document or maybe some old OSType code  
registered decades ago for a totally different format?

Plus who really wants to keep comparing strings (eg 'txt' vs. 'TXT'  
vs. 'TEXT' times every other supported format) when they could be  
using UTTypeConformsTo instead? :-)

Nobody really wants to keep supporting legacy standards when there  
are new better ones. However, if you want to interoperate with stuff  
which uses those legacy standards, you have to.

Until such time as NSPasteboard does implicit translation of UTIs  
put in NSFilesPromisePboardType, any client only expecting to see  
traditional types might fail. Only you can decide if you need to  
interoperate with such clients.

As it turns outs, I've hedged my bets. I conservatively only put  
traditional types when writing NSFilesPromisePboardType, but  
correctly handle UTIs when receiving the drag. I don't know how many  
other clients are as flexible.

What initially bothered me about the lack of UTI support was that I  
have no idea what the HFS types were, except for 'GIFf' and 'TEXT'  
which show up as canonical OSType examples throughout the docs. Of  
course, since I can use extensions that's mostly a a non-issue, though  
I do wonder what I'd do if another app gives me HFS types instead of  
extensions. You're probably right, though, if I'm the only one putting  
UTI strings into the promise array it might as well be haiku or ASCII  
art instead.


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Re: Can I put UTIs in NSFilesPromisePboardType promise drag array?

2008-10-30 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
So I was reading through the Leopard AppKit release notes today, and  
stumbled across the "Support for UTIs in NSView and NSWindow" (a few  
sections below http://developer.apple.com/releasenotes/Cocoa/AppKit.html#UTIs) 

It states:
"NSView's -dragPromisedFilesOfTypes:fromRect:source:slideBack:event:  
method now accepts UTIs as type strings, in addition to the sort of  
file name extensions that were accepted in Mac OS 10.4."

So it looks like there is NOT any reason to build an  
NSFilesPromisePboardType array out of UTIs on 10.5+ after all! I've  
filed yet another "why is this only buried in the release notes?!?"  
bug on the documentation: rdar://problem/6332711.


On Oct 1, 2008, at 2:27 PM, Nathan Vander Wilt wrote:

I am initiating a promise drag by adding an array of strings to my  
pasteboard using for the NSFilesPromisePboardType. The documentation  
states that "the types can be specified as filename extensions or as  
HFS file types encoded [as strings]". Is there any reason to not  
build an array of UTIs instead?


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Re: Getting NSDate from EXIF of a image

2009-03-03 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Mar 2, 2009, at 8:48 PM, Jushin wrote:

I found that in order to convert NSString format of date to NSDate, we
need timezone.
But, EXIF doesn't support timezone unless GPS tags exist.

Yes, this is an unfortunate fact. Depending on what you need the date  
for, you may need to let the user choose what timezone the camera is  
in, and adjust the timestamp by the right amount before using the date  
in GMT/UTC as it should be.

So, here is what I have come up with:

NSDictionary *metadata = (NSDictionary *)
CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(source, 0, NULL);
NSMutableDictionary *muMetadata = [[metadata mutableCopy]  

[metadata release];

NSMutableDictionary *EXIFDictionary = [[[muMetadata
objectForKey:(NSString *)kCGImagePropertyExifDictionary]

mutableCopy] autorelease];

Maybe you are using these later in your code, but you don't need  
mutable copies of these things to get the date.

NSString *EXIFDate = [[EXIFDictionary objectForKey:(NSString
*)kCGImagePropertyExifDateTimeDigitized] retain];

I'm not sure why you are retaining this here. You do not need to  
retain this key to use it like you do below.

NSArray *listItems = [EXIFDate componentsSeparatedByString:@":"];

NSString *newFormatedDate = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%...@-%@-%@:%@: 
%@ %d",

[listItems objectAtIndex:0], [listItems objectAtIndex:1],
[listItems objectAtIndex:2],
[listItems objectAtIndex:3], [listItems objectAtIndex:4],
(([[NSTimeZone systemTimeZone] secondsFromGMT]/60)/60)];

NSDate *aDate = [[NSDate alloc] initWithString:newFormatedDate];

I still think these are not clever way. If you have better idea,
please share it with me :)

Why not use NSDateFormatter instead? Here's a function similar to one  
we use, simplified a bit further and using the Digitized timestamp you  
have in your code:

NSDate* PhotoDateFromEXIF(CFDictionaryRef exifProperties) {
	NSString* dateTime = (NSString*)CFDictionaryGetValue(exifProperties,  

NSDate* originalDate = nil;
if (dateTime) {
		NSDateFormatter* exifFormat = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]  

[exifFormat setDateFormat:@":MM:dd HH:mm:ss"];
originalDate = [exifFormat dateFromString:dateTime];
return originalDate;

hope this helps,

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 10:00 PM, Jushin  wrote:

I need to get time and date from EXIF of a image.
Following is the code snippet I used:

NSDictionary *metadata = (NSDictionary *)
CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(source, 0, NULL);
NSMutableDictionary *muMetadata = [[metadata mutableCopy]  

[metadata release];

NSMutableDictionary *EXIFDictionary = [[[muMetadata
objectForKey:(NSString *)kCGImagePropertyExifDictionary]
] autorelease];

NSString *EXIFDate = [[EXIFDictionary objectForKey:(NSString
*)kCGImagePropertyExifDateTimeDigitized] retain];

NSDate *aDate = [[NSDate alloc] initWithString: EXIFDate];

Here are my questions:

1. the last line, NSDate *aDate returns null.
I think it is because the format of EXIFDate string that was created
right above isn't correct.
When I did NSLog(EXIFDate), I get followings:
2008:11:06 19:12:51

According to the NSDate documentation, string format of time should  

2008-11-06 19:12:51

2. the returned date string (EXIFData) doesn't have timezone  
Is it possible to get timezone info as well from the EXIF  

3. Well... eventually what I want to do is, I want to create "unix
time" format of date from image EXIF using timeIntervalSince1970.
Is there any other better way to get this?


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Re: When init returns nil does it cause a leak

2009-05-19 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On May 19, 2009, at 9:37 AM, Jean-Daniel Dupas wrote:

Le 19 mai 09 à 18:24, Reza Farhad a écrit :

Hi all

we have an object that gets initialized like most other objects

self = [ super init ];
if ( self ){
...do something;
return self;

if [ super init ]  returns nil does this cause a leak, as the  
memory has already been created by calling alloc when trying to  
create the object

AnObject*object = [[ AnObject alloc ] init ];

I am sure the answer is simple but this suddenly stumbled me.


The answer is in the Cocoa Fundamentals Guide > Cocoa Objects >  
Object Creation > Implementing Initializer

with a lots of other useful info.


There was a thread in ObjC-language about this a while back:

In the followup, an Apple runtime engineer recommends calling [super  
dealloc] before returning nil, saying "[self dealloc] or [self  
release] are bad because they might call some subclass's -dealloc  
method even though the subclass's -init hasn't done anything yet."

Of course, in practice [self release] should usually work just fine as  
well, and avoids breaking the "never call dealloc except in -dealloc"  
taboo. And indeed, this is what the documentation and sample code do  
as well. I think you would be reasonably justified to do either. I'm  
still debating this myself for our company's code, but the fact is  
that they both work in most situations.

hope this helps,


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Add same object/key to NSMapTable

2009-06-17 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
The following (simplified test case) code will crash with  

NSMapTable* testTable = [NSMapTable mapTableWithStrongToStrongObjects];
NSString* o = [@"test_object" mutableCopy];
NSString* k = @"test_key";
[testTable setObject:o forKey:k];
[o release];
[testTable setObject:o forKey:k];   // crash

What seems to be happening is that -[NSMapTable setObject:forKey:]  
does a plain release on the key's "old" object before retaining the  
"new" object. This can result in the situation above, where the retain  
of the "new" object is performed on a zombie created by the release of  
the (identical) "old".

I could find no documentation to the effect that re-assigning an  
object is not allowed, so can I assume this is indeed unintentional?  
If so, I've got this test case in project form and would be happy to  
file a bug.


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Re: Add same object/key to NSMapTable

2009-06-17 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Jun 17, 2009, at 6:44 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 6:33 PM, Nathan Vander
Wilt wrote:
I could find no documentation to the effect that re-assigning an  
object is
not allowed, so can I assume this is indeed unintentional? If so,  
I've got

this test case in project form and would be happy to file a bug.

Please do file a bug.

Filed as rdar://problem/6982962. Workaround is to refactor so you're  
not doing this, [[o retain] autorelease], or check if the object is  
already in the map table.

In the meantime, the explicit case you present is always going to be
fraught with peril, because after you release o, you have relinquished
all rights to it.  It's now a weak reference.

Isn't it acceptable practice to let a container object I hold to  
maintain its objects on my behalf?


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Re: Outline View DnD

2009-08-08 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Aug 7, 2009, at 6:56 AM, bryscomat wrote:
... Now the dilemma comes when I want to get the drag and drop to  
work in a specific way. I want the playlists to be able to be  
dragged and placed in any order, but not above the separator. I have  
achieved this using the delegate method validateDrop: and returning  
DragOperationNone if the proposed child index is less than the index  
of the separator. However, I also want a user to be able to drag the  
items in the Singers group around in any order as well, and this  
doesn't allow that. I found that if in validateDrop: I check if the  
item is a singer and that the parent item is the singers group to  
allow it that it works for that. How do I get both of these to  
happen? If anyone could just point me in the right direction I'll  
take it from there.

Take a look at the -[NSOutlineView setDropItem:dropChildIndex:]  
method. You can call it from your validateDrop method to change the  
proposedItem and proposedChildIndex if they are not appropriate.


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Layer-backed view confused by bounds transformation

2009-08-19 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt
An NSView's bounds can be set to a different size than its frame,  
which results in a transform being applied to the graphics context as  
the view is drawn. How is this supposed to affect subviews if the view  
is layer backed?

If I set my view's bounds to have half the width of its frame, all its  
subviews are drawn and work correctly at double their normal size.
When I turn on layer backing for this view, its subviews are no longer  
drawn transformed, although event handling remains transformed.
If I turn on layer backing for just a subview, it displays at double  
size momentarily, but soon gets drawn at normal size even though  
events are handled at the double size.

Is this to be expected? What are the geometry implications for Core  
Animation when the hosting view has a bounds transform?


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Re: When do I need to override hash?

2009-08-19 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Aug 19, 2009, at 4:28 PM, Gideon King wrote:
So do I need to override hash too? If so, are there any  
recommendations as to how to determine the hash easily?

If you need to override -isEqual: to provide something besides pointer  
comparison, you should also override -hash. If objects are equal,  
their hashes must be equal or you may trigger undefined behaviour in  
who knows what situations.

While this may not offer the best performance, the easiest way to  
implement -hash would be to take all the properties/internal state of  
your object that affect equality, format them into an NSString, and  
then return the hash of the string.


- (NSUInteger)hash {
NSString* valueRepresentation = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %lu",

return [valueRepresentation hash];

hope this helps,

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Re: When do I need to override hash?

2009-08-19 Thread Nathan Vander Wilt

On Aug 19, 2009, at 4:28 PM, Gideon King wrote:
So do I need to override hash too? If so, are there any  
recommendations as to how to determine the hash easily?

Sorry, just came across this thread that has some more tips:

If you need better performance from your hash function than my  
previous suggestion, you can just pick a somewhat unique property and  
return its -hash. This works because, while equal object have equal  
hashes, equal hashes don't guarantee equality.


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