Re: UITableView's tableFooterView and autolayout

2014-06-11 Thread Sebastian Celis
Hi Torsten,

On Jun 11, 2014, at 6:26 AM, Torsten Curdt wrote:

 So what's the story with tableFooterView and tableHeaderView and
 autolayout? I am trying to put a label into a footer.

I have had luck with code like the following:

- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];

self.headerView = [[MyView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];

- (void)viewDidLayoutSubviews
[super viewDidLayoutSubviews];

CGRect frame = CGRectZero;
frame.size.width = self.tableView.bounds.size.width;
frame.size.height = [self.headerView 
if (self.tableView.tableHeaderView != self.headerView || 
!CGRectEqualToRect(frame, self.headerView.frame))
self.headerView.frame = frame;
[self.headerView layoutIfNeeded];
self.tableView.tableHeaderView = self.headerView;

- Sebastian


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Re: UITableView's tableFooterView and autolayout

2014-06-11 Thread Sebastian Celis
On Jun 11, 2014, at 9:41 AM, Torsten Curdt wrote:

 Thanks but there you are setting the frame yourself. The idea was to
 use constraints. Usually you would pin them to the superview. But in
 this case...

My solution uses Auto Layout constraints to get the appropriate size for the 
header view using systemLayoutSizeFittingSize. Given how UITableViews work when 
coupled with Auto Layout I believe you do have to set the frame yourself but 
you can determine what the frame should be using Auto Layout constraints.

You can not use Auto Layout to *position* the header or footer view, but you 
can use Auto Layout to layout any views within that header or footer. If I 
understand your original situation, you probably want to use a UIView container 
for your label and then position that label within its container using Auto 

- Sebastian


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Re: Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for UIViewController

2014-04-24 Thread Sebastian Celis
On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 6:22 AM, Torsten Curdt wrote:

 Based on the Apple documentation I came up with the following method
 to switch between controllers in a containment controller.

 But when there is an oldC I am getting Unbalanced calls to begin/end
 appearance transitions for ... on the console.

 - (void) showController:(UIViewController*)newC
 withView:(UIView*)contentView animated:(BOOL)animated
 [contentView addSubview:newC.view];

Try it again without this addSubview call.
automatically adds the new view, performs the animation, and then removes
the old view. In your logic that does not call
you will have to do this yourself.

- Sebastian

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Re: Why so many public properties all up in my grizzle?

2012-03-23 Thread Sebastian Celis
On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 6:39 PM, G S wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 1:35 PM, Sebastian Celis

 1) Embrace @properties...Exposing _ivars in header files is
 gross. You never want people to access them directly, so don't make
 those declarations public at all.

 2) Technically, nothing is truly private in Objective-C, so let's stop
 trying to completely prevent people from using private APIs.


I think you misunderstood.

My point on (1) was that directly referencing ivars of other classes
with the - operator is generally frowned upon in Objective-C. For
one, you miss out on KVO that way. It is generally much more accepted
to use real Objective-C methods and properties. Because of this,
putting ivars in a *public* header file is strange and just clutters
up what could otherwise be a clean, compact public interface

My point on (2) was to just try and steer the conversation away from
where it had been headed, which was an expansive discussion on how
Objective-C handles public / protected / private methods and
properties. Yes, private methods aren't really private. I can always
use NSInvocation to call your private methods if I really want to.
What I think is much more interesting is finding the best way to
create compact, readable public header files that API consumers can
reference while still finding good ways to use both traditionally
private and protected methods in your class and subclasses. I just
want to keep those out of the public header file — not to *prevent*
you from using them, but just to communicate to you that you should
try to avoid them.

- Sebastian


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Re: Why so many public properties all up in my grizzle?

2012-03-21 Thread Sebastian Celis
On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 2:27 PM, Brian Lambert wrote:
 Is there a way to declare ivars in the .M file AND have them accessible
 from Objective-C Category files for the class?

I will tell you how we handle public, private, and protected ivars and
properties. The route we decided to take was influenced by a number of
overall design goals:

1) Embrace @properties. Properties are great. They make memory
management easier, they work with ARC, and they force us to document
our code and think about relationships between objects (weak vs
strong, atomic vs nonatomic). Exposing _ivars in header files is
gross. You never want people to access them directly, so don't make
those declarations public at all. Exposing _ivars without properties
in .m files is also gross, as it is not clear whether those
relationships are supposed to be strong or weak.
2) Technically, nothing is truly private in Objective-C, so let's stop
trying to completely prevent people from using private APIs. Let's
just adopt a convention that is clear and lets people know that if
they use private APIs they do so at their own risk.
3) Protected and private APIs (including ivars) should not
autocomplete most of the time in Xcode, so they should not be in the
public header file at all. We want the header file to be clear,
concise, and very readable.

Given those decisions, here is how we currently do things:

* Public ivars are always declared as properties in the class header
file. The _ivar should not be declared in the header file at all. Let
the synthesizers declare them in the .m file. _ivars needlessly
complicate the public header files for your classes, so keep them out.
* Don't be afraid to mark many of your public properties as readonly.
You can always override the property declaration as being readwrite in
a class extension in the .m file.
* Private ivars are declared as private @properties in the .m file.
Again, let the synthesizers actually declare the _ivar. Don't declare
the _ivars yourself, as it won't be immediately clear whether the
references are supposed to be strong or weak. Use properties!
* Protected methods and properties are tricky. We want subclasses to
be able to access these directly, but we don't want API consumers to
see them when autocompleting in Xcode or when looking at the public
header file. So, we decided to do what Apple does with
UIGestureRecognizerSubclass.h. We create a special header file that
defines all of the protected properties and methods of a class using a
category. Then, any subclass implementation files can import this file
to easily access those protected APIs. Yes, nothing is stopping a bad
developer from importing this header file and using protected APIs
when they shouldn't, but they are hidden in a different file and
appropriately documented so that developers don't accidentally use

There are many ways to handle public, private, and protected APIs in
Objective-C. We have found this to be a clean approach that works for

- Sebastian

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Re: Device/Resolution independent positioning of GUI items on iOS

2012-03-21 Thread Sebastian Celis
On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 2:59 PM, Alex Zavatone wrote:
 In the current project that I'm tasked to repair from the previous two 
 programmers, I've come across a load of UI elements that have been hardcoded 
 in place with the approach of: Just define the CGRect and we're all good.

 Nothing is laid out in an xib file and sometimes the views are hardcoded or 
 hardcoded relative to the rect/bounds of another view.

As Brian mentioned, this is really ok. We do a ton of layout in code
and we try to follow these conventions:

* Layout your views as much as possible in viewDidLoad or
viewDidLayoutSubviews (iOS-5-only).
* When you layout your subviews, do so given the current size of your
superview. Don't hardcode your view's width to be 320 just because you
are doing iPhone development and you know your subview takes up the
entire width of your screen. If you know that your view should be the
entire width of the superview, set the width to be the current width
of the superview.
* Always set appropriate autoresizing masks. In the previous example,
you would most certainly want to set the subview's autoresizing mask
to UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth. If you also want that view to
stick to the top of the superview you would instead set it to
(UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth |

This is no different than what you would do in a XIB file, it is just
in code, instead.

- Sebastian

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Re: asynchronous nsurlconnection in nsoperation

2012-03-21 Thread Sebastian Celis
On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 10:59 AM, Ariel Feinerman wrote:
 I wish to insert an asynchronous NSURLConnection into non-concurrent

Hi Ariel,

MBRequest does this. It is done by forcing the operation's runloop to
continue running while the network connection is in progress. I would
recommend looking though the source code. Specifically, take a look at

- Sebastian

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NSFetchedResultsController with custom NSSortDescriptor

2009-08-19 Thread Sebastian Celis

I am using an NSFetchedResultsCountroller to execute a query against a
Core Data database backed by a sqlite data store. I would like to sort
the results by an NSString property of my NSManagedObject. However, if
the property is nil or an empty string, I would like those results to
appear at the end of my UITableView instead of the beginning. (Think
sorting in iTunes by artist. I want the songs with no artist to appear
at the end instead of the beginning of my list.)

The first thing I tried to do was to create a category on NSString and
create a new comparison method which would sort exactly how I want.
This did not work and gave me the following error message:

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception
'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'unsupported NSSortDescriptor
selector: myComparisonMethod:'

I believe this is because the sorting is done by the database and Core
Data has a very explicit list of allowed selectors for
NSSortDescriptors in my situation.

The second solution I considered involved manually sorting the results
in-memory. However, that would make me lose out on a lot of
NSFetchedResultsController functionality as I would no longer be able
to use it for UITableView sections or automatic updating of edited
NSManagedObjects. That also seems inefficient as
NSFetchedResultsCountroller doesn't necessarily bring all of the
results into memory at the same time and only loads objects on an
as-needed basis.

The final solution I considered involved modifying the data stored in
the database such that instead of storing nil or blank for this
property, it would instead store something that would most likely sort
to the end of the list (like @). This, however, seems like a
big hack and would necessitate changing a lot of my code to account
for this. That, and I do not like the idea of messing with the data in
my database just to get this sorting problem to work.

Finally, I thought about using two NSFetchedResultsController instead
of one. One for all entities that have this property set, and one for
all that do not. I'd prefer not to do this as it would overly
complicate a lot of my code. If I could just get the data to come back
sorted correctly, all of my existing code would just work. However,
of all the ideas I've had so far, I think that this one is the best.

Am I missing something here? Is there a better way to perform this
kind of sort? Does anyone have any recommendations? Maybe there is a
way to use two NSSortDescriptors? One that will first sort on the
emptiness of the property and a second that will sort on the property

Many thanks,

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Re: NSFetchedResultsController with custom NSSortDescriptor

2009-08-19 Thread Sebastian Celis
Well, I sort dynamically on different properties so an explicit
sortIndex wouldn't be ideal. But the lack of normalization just might
work. I could create a boolean field which basically acts as
'hasProperty'. I can then hook into -willSave of the NSManagedObject
to set that to YES or NO appropriately. This would give me an easy
sort that the database should be able to handle just fine.


On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Kyle wrote:
 You're going to need to do an in-memory sort of these objects.  Your
 suspicions about Core Data sorting are correct: when using the SQLite
 store, it sends the sorting off to the database backend, where it's
 far more efficient to do.

 Have you thought instead of sorting on a dependent property of your
 objects?  Maybe create an integer property sortIndex that is updated
 when other properties are updated.  This is where you need to shut up
 the part of your brain that complains about normalization.  :)

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Programmatically Accessing Core Data Localization Strings

2009-06-22 Thread Sebastian Celis

I have a strings file defined for my Core Data model. As such, my
Data.xcdatamodel file has a corresponding DataModel.strings file. This
seems to work great for auto-generated messages, but now I have a need
to access these localized strings programmatically. NSLocalizedString
does not seem to find them, and the localizationDictionary property of
my NSManagedObjectModel is often nil (the documentation states that
this is loaded lazily).

How can I go about localizing the names of my properties and entities
from code? I could theoretically duplicate all of my DataModel.strings
strings into my applications main strings file. However that really
doesn't seem ideal. Do I have a better option?

Thank you,

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Re: Programmatically Accessing Core Data Localization Strings

2009-06-22 Thread Sebastian Celis
Perfect! Thanks!

- Sebastian

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 9:36 PM, Nick wrote:

 On Jun 22, 2009, at 7:56 PM, Sebastian Celis wrote:

 I have a strings file defined for my Core Data model. As such, my
 Data.xcdatamodel file has a corresponding DataModel.strings file. This
 seems to work great for auto-generated messages, but now I have a need
 to access these localized strings programmatically. NSLocalizedString
 does not seem to find them, and the localizationDictionary property of
 my NSManagedObjectModel is often nil (the documentation states that
 this is loaded lazily).

 How can I go about localizing the names of my properties and entities
 from code?

 Use NSLocalizedStringFromTable() with DataModel as the name of the table.

 Nick Zitzmann


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Core Data, to-many relationships, and object graph consistency

2009-06-15 Thread Sebastian Celis

I am having difficulty understanding how to work with a fairly simple
Core Data model involving to-many relationships and their inverses.
Imagine the following entities, attributes, and relationships:

* Book
- title (NSString* attribute)
- author (NSString* attribute)
- tags
+ to-many relationship to the BookTag entity
+ inverse is the 'book' relationship
+ delete rule is 'Cascade'

* BookTag
- book
+ to-one relationship to the Book entity
+ inverse is the 'tags' relationship
+ delete rule is 'Nullify'
- tag
+ to-one relationship to the Tag entity
+ inverse is the 'bookTags' relationship
+ delete rule is 'Nullify'

* Tag
- name (NSString* attribute)
- bookTags
+ to-many relationship to the BookTag entity
+ inverse is the 'tag' relationship
+ delete rule is 'Cascade'

It is a simple tagging model. I want to be able to create tags and
assign them to books. It makes sense to break BookTag and Tag into two
separate entities so that I can easily query for all books that
contain a certain tag, as well as all of the tags defined in the

First question: do the details of this model make sense for the data?
Some of the inverse relationships (like Tag.bookTags and
seem unnecessary, but from what I have read, 99% of the time you
really want to model an inverse for every relationship. And are the
delete rules correct? They all make sense to me but I wanted
confirmation on the delete rules for the BookTag relationships. Does
nullify make sense for both of them?

Now that I have described the model, I would like to get to the heart
of this e-mail. I am having difficulty understanding how consistency
in the object graph is maintained for these entities and
relationships. For example, the following code seems strange to me:

SCBook *book = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@Book

[book setTitle:@1984];
[book setAuthor:@George Orwell];

SCTag *tag1 = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@Tag

[tag1 setName:@scifi];

SCBookTag *bookTag1 = [NSEntityDescription

[bookTag1 setTag:tag1];
[bookTag1 setBook:book];

SCTag *tag2 = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@Tag

[tag2 setName:@dystopian];

SCBookTag *bookTag2 = [NSEntityDescription

[bookTag2 setTag:tag2];
[bookTag2 setBook:book];

From what I understand, Core Data should automatically maintain
consistency in my object graphs, correct? So then why does [[book
tags] count] equal 1 at this point? Shouldn't both of these BookTag
entities exist in the [book tags] set? Even if I re-fetch this
particular book entity, the count of the tags set is still 1. However,
saving this data and then relaunching the app or calling
[managedObjectContext reset] appears to rectify this, allowing me to
see both SCBookTag objects in the [book tags] set.

On the other hand, if I remove the [bookTag1 setBook:book] and
[bookTag2 setBook:book] lines and instead write:

NSMutableSet *theTags = [book mutableSetValueForKey:@tags];
[theTags addObject:bookTag1];
[theTags addObject:bookTag2];

Now, [[book tags] count] equals two! What about this situation am I
not understanding correctly? What is the correct way to do this? It
seems as though forcing me to use mutableSetValueForKey is strange,
especially because I would then have to do this for the Tag.bookTags
relationship as well instead of simply calling [bookTag1 setTag:tag1].

In general, these particular entities and relationships are giving me
a lot of grief. For example, I have test code that can add new Tag and
BookTag objects to an existing book and save them to the persistent
store. I also have test code that can successfully delete existing Tag
and BookTag objects. However, when I run both pieces of test code at
the same time (add a new BookTag and delete an existing BookTag) and
try to save , I get an error stating that there is a dangling
reference to an invalid object (a BookTag object). I have a feeling
that my misunderstandings above and the manner in which I am creating
my objects is causing inconsistencies in my object graph which are
then manifesting in this particular situation.

Does anyone have any advice that would clarify things and put me on
the right track?

Thank you,

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Re: Core Data, to-many relationships, and object graph consistency

2009-06-15 Thread Sebastian Celis
On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 2:56 AM, Quincey wrote:

 What implementation of the 'tag' and 'book' properties are you using? (That
 is, how are setTag and setBook defined?)

I am just using @property and @dynamic to define all of these.


@property (nonatomic, retain) NSSet *tags; // This is the
Book-BookTag relationship.


@dynamic tags;


@property (nonatomic, retain) SCBook *book;
@property (nonatomic, retain) SCTag *tag;


@dynamic book;
@dynamic tag;


@property (nonatomic, retain) NSSet *bookTags;


@dynamic bookTags;

 (It's a bit confusing, btw, that you've called the Book-BookTag
 relationship 'tags' instead of 'bookTags'.)

Sorry. I'd change how I talk about them now but I fear that would just
lead to more confusion.

 You should double check that everything is correctly defined in your managed
 object model. Make sure, for example, that it shows that the inverse
 relationships are recognized as inverses. Also, check any validation
 conditions on your attributes. For example, if your Book-BookTags to-many
 relationship has a cardinality range of 0-1, you probably aren't going to
 get the results you expect.

Yeah, I initially had the same thought and I have checked and double
checked the data model. The inverses all look good, and all the
validation conditions are very lax. The only one I have set is to
ensure that a Tag must have at least one BookTag under the bookTags

 However, based on your description, it actually sounds more like you have a
 memory management problem. Are you using garbage collection? If not, are you
 sure you're retaining objects appropriately?

I am not using garbage collection. Do I actually need to retain
anything in the code example in my original message? From creating the
SCBook to calling  [[book tags] count] I am not retaining anything,
but I was under the impression that I did not have to since this would
all happen before the autorelease pool empties itself. I went ahead
and tried retaining all of them in my example and [[book tags] count]
is still 1.

 Whatever gives you an actual error message is your best attack point for
 solving your problem.

Yeah, I spent hours tying to determine why I was getting a dangling
reference to an invalid object error when deleting an existing
BookTag and adding a new BookTag in the same commit. I kept trying to
simplify the scenario and then started to notice that even the initial
creates were not acting as I expected. I eventually decided that
adding two BookTags was still causing me to scratch my head, and
because that seemed like a really simple scenario, I thought I would
start there. Do you have any suggestions for how I would approach the
dangling reference error? It points to the BookTag object I deleted
(both Book and Tag in that object point to nil). I definitely call
[managedObjectContext deleteObject:bookTag] but I guess that somehow,
somewhere in the object tree someone still has a reference to it.

It was this that caused me to think that my model was incorrect in how
the object tree is constructed.

 You can use the debugger to examine your object relationships. When you add
 the second object to the relationship (from either end), are the first
 object's relationships getting clobbered, or are the second objects
 relationships not being set up properly?

The debugger is telling me that all of the relationships look fine
except for the Book-BookTags relationship. The set of BookTags only
contains the first BookTag object I created (scifi, in my example).
The 'dystopian' tag, on the other hand, is not there. However, the
relationships all look fine in the tag2 and bookTag2 objects. bookTag2
points at both the book and tag2, and tag2 points at bookTag2. It's
all very strange.

 You can also try calling [moc processPendingChanges] before checking to see
 if the desired inverse relationships were set up. I don't recall ever having
 to use it in such circumstances, but I may be misremembering the sequence of

Yeah, I did try calling that before [[book tags] count], but sadly it
made no difference.

Thank you very much for the time you have spent helping me thus far.
This issue is really killing me.

- Sebastian

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Re: Core Data, to-many relationships, and object graph consistency

2009-06-15 Thread Sebastian Celis
I believe I found my issue. In my SCBook class I was overriding
didChangeValueForKey:withSetMutation:usingObjects: so that I could
store an NSString containing a comma-separated list of tags associated
with the book. Apparently this is a very bad way to do it. I missed
the big warning in the documentation which states that this method
should not be overridden. What is the correct way to do this from
inside of the SCBook class?


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Re: Core Data, to-many relationships, and object graph consistency

2009-06-15 Thread Sebastian Celis
On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 12:58 PM, Quincey wrote:

 If the comma-separated list is just for display in the user interface, you
 could generate it on the fly. Use 'keyPathsForValuesAffectingTagList' (or
 whatever) to ensure that the proper KVO notifications get sent when the
 underlying bookTag objects change.

 If you really want to store the comma-separated list, you can write your own
 set accessor overrides (addTagsObject, removeTagsObject, addTags,
 removeTags) and rebuild the string in the accessors. The only trick here
 (apart from following the documented pattern for writing the accessors) is
 to realize that the accessors are also called at undo time, so accessors
 with a side effect of updating a different property can be problematical
 unless you're careful.

Thanks for all of your help. For now I think I will stop caching the
comma-separated list. I was also caching a sorted array of the tags,
but I think I can just compute those whenever they are requested,
which should not be that often, anyway. If I run into a performance
issue with this code later, I can look at it then. Just seems strange
that I can't have my managed object observe itself for changes to a
particular attribute / relationship.

- Sebastian

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