Re: Core Animation and interaction

2010-03-17 Thread john fogg
> There's a CoreAnimation sample project that does just this, called LightBoard.
> --Kyle Sluder

Thank you and thanks everyone else. I didn't find the LightBoard
sample but I found GeekGameBoard which helped me a lot.


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Core Animation and interaction

2010-03-16 Thread john fogg
Hi there,

in my app I want to have a light table to sort photos. Basically it's
just a huge view with lots of photos in it and you can drag the photos
around. Photos can overlap, they don't fall into a grid like in

So every photo needs to respond to mouse events. Do I make every photo
into its own view? Or are views too expensive to create? I want to
easily support 100+ photos or more. (I will downsample the images for

Photos need to be in layers as well so I can change the stacking
order. Do I use CoreAnimation for this?

I don't need finished source code just some pointers and general
ideas. I will (try to) figure out the implementation myself.

Fwiw, I target 10.5+, I use Obj-C 2.0 and garbage collection.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Why "self"? (Was: Newbie: Referencing Objects)

2008-10-27 Thread john fogg
Hi Graham!

On 10/28/08, Graham Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> FWIW, I tried to do some coding in Actionscript a few years ago after
> being immersed in C++ for many years and then Objective-C/Cocoa for a
> few years. To say that it was an exercise in utter frustration is an
> understatement. [...]

I think I know how you feel. :-) And I share your opinion about
Actionscript and (for me) Flash in general. I feel kinda spoiled by
Actionscript but I'm unlearning now. :-))

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Re: Why "self"? (Was: Newbie: Referencing Objects)

2008-10-27 Thread john fogg
Hi Ken!

Thank you for your long answer! It cleared up a lot of things for me.
I come from coding in Actionscript (Flash) and there things are
apparently quite different.

Is it true that all instances I create live in memory on the same
level? That they are all somehow equal? And that all relationships
between them are only by pointers?
Because in Actionscript you can have instances inside other object's
instances and once you dealloc the containing instance all the other
object's instances it contained die with it. Think Matryoshka puppets
or something like that.

On 10/28/08, Ken Thomases <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Part of the problem is that object's don't have names, they have addresses.

I see. So I can only access an instance from within some other
instance if I always remember to pass along a pointer to it?

> But the pointer isn't the object and the object isn't the pointer.

This is what I got wrong I guess.

> So, when you say "I create a subobject called 'mySubObject' inside my
> main object 'myMainObject'" I translate that to mean, that you have a
> pointer named myMainObject to an instance of some custom class.  In
> the implementation of that class, there's a method, and in that method
> you create another object of some other(?) class and store its address
> into a pointer named mySubObject.  mySubObject might be a local
> variable, an instance variable, or whatever.
> Now, what does "within 'mySubObject'" mean?  I assume you mean within
> an instance method of the class of which mySubObject is an instance.

Thank you. You translated correctly and explained it to me at the same time! :-)

Your following explanation did the trick for me. Thank you again!

Cheers, John.

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Re: Why "self"? (Was: Newbie: Referencing Objects)

2008-10-27 Thread john fogg
Ken Thomases wrote me off-list. I don't know if this was deliberate (I
guess not) but I'd rather not quote his mail here without his consent.

Anyways the problem is fixed and I understand it all a whole lot
better now. Big thanks to everybody and esp. Ken. You all are very
nice people!!

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Re: Why "self"? (Was: Newbie: Referencing Objects)

2008-10-27 Thread john fogg
Hi again!

I'm still plucking along and any help is still greatly appreciated!

Here is the deal: I create a subobject called "mySubObject" inside my
main object "myMainObject". Now I want to access "myMainObject" from
within "mySubObject".

I'm still not sure what the ideal way to do this would be but I have
gotten it to work somehow. Inside "myMainObject" I create a property
and point it to "self" so it stores a reference to "myMainObject".
Inside "mySubObject" I cannot access this by writing

[pointerToMainObject doMethod];

but it works when I write

[self.pointerToMainObject doMethod];

Why? What difference does "self" make here?

I'm still trying to wrap my head around all this stuff so please bear
with me here. :-)

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Re: Newbie: Referencing Objects (second try)

2008-10-26 Thread john fogg
Hi again!

I feel like I'm getting there. Though any help is still greatly appreciated!

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 3:58 AM, john fogg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Or do I have to populate the variable once I created the object?

It does work! I create the "secondSubObject" inside my
"secondMainObject" and after that I set the property
"secondMainObject" in "secondSubObject" to secondMainObject's "self".

Only it is available after the object is initialized. I want to access
the property already during initialization.

Sorry for spamming the list. Please tell me if I should stop. :-)

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Re: Newbie: Referencing Objects (second try)

2008-10-26 Thread john fogg
Hi again!

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 3:20 AM, john fogg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK I did that. But as far as I can tell I now have an empty variable
> named "secondMainObject" located in "secondSubObject". How do I store
> the reference to "secondMainObject" in the variable?

Or do I have to populate the variable once I created the object? I
created the accessor in "secondSubObject" as you said and tried (in

secondSubObject.secondMainObject = self;

But it doesn't seem to work.


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Re: Newbie: Referencing Objects (second try)

2008-10-26 Thread john fogg
Hi again!

On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 10:40 PM, Nick Zitzmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Use accessors. In secondSubObject, create an @property(assign)
> SecondMainObject *secondMainObject; so that you can call methods in
> secondMainObjct from secondSubObject.

OK I did that. But as far as I can tell I now have an empty variable
named "secondMainObject" located in "secondSubObject". How do I store
the reference to "secondMainObject" in the variable?

And how do I do this with my main application delegate? I want to call
it from wherever I am.

Thanks again for your help!! I can't stress this enough!

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Re: Newbie: Referencing Objects

2008-10-26 Thread john fogg
Hi again!

On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 10:02 PM, Ken Thomases <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [...] Does that help?

Oh man, that helped a lot!! Thank you!

Does this apply even if I create my UI programatically? I lay out all
my interface elements with code and not in Interface Builder.

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Re: Newbie: Referencing Objects (second try)

2008-10-26 Thread john fogg
Hi again! And thank you for your kind help!!

Let me rephrase my question. I create two objects: "fistMainObject"
and "secondMainObject". Inside the second I create another object
called "secondSubObject".

When I'm inside "secondSubObject" how can I alter a variable in

And how can I alter a variable in "firstMainObject"?

Thanks again!

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Re: Newbie: Referencing Objects

2008-10-26 Thread john fogg
Hi again!

Thank you everybody for your answers.

On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 7:45 PM, Andy Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't know Actionscript but it looks like it has a global dictionary of
> objects that you can reference by name.  There is nothing like "_root" in
> Objective-C.

I see, this is where I was wrong. Yes Actionscript has this global
dictionary. If you know the name of an object and its place in the
hierarchy you can access it.

In my game I think of having a sort of "controller object" that
controls the whole state of the game. So I'd like to access it from
almost every other object further down the hierarchy. How would you do

Is there a way to create the controller object and store its reference
in a global variable? Or is there another common way to do this that
I'm not thinking of?
Sorry for asking such dumb questions but I'm still new to this.

Thanks again in advance!

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Newbie: Referencing Objects

2008-10-26 Thread john fogg
Hi there!

I'm stuck with Objective-C but then again I'm new to this. I searched
the web for the last two days but maybe I'm looking in the wrong

I create a Button and in the course of that I set a "target:" and an
"action:". Unlike any and all of the examples I found on the web and
on Apple's site I don't want the message sent to my current object, so
I don't want "target:self" but another object I created elsewhere from
another class.

How do I do that? I know I have an object in memory and I know its
name but I don't have a pointer to it. For methods there is
"@selector", is there something like it for objects?

If this helps: In Actionscript I'd write
"_root.myObjectName.myFunctionName" and be set. Is there a way to
access objects like this in Objective-C?

Or am I doing it all wrong? :-(

Thanks in advance!

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