Re: More CALayer Questions

2008-07-19 Thread Steven W Riggins

On Jul 8, 2008, at 2:54 AM, Scott Anguish wrote:

I've got a longer answer coming... but

There are two ways to interact with layers.

- making a view layer-backed (that is, the view and its subviews  
will use CALayers as a caching mechanism)
- using a view to host layers (inserting your custom layers into the  
layer hierarchy with the view's layer as the root layer)

in the first case, you should ignore the layers and not interact  
with them
in the second case you should ignore the view, with the exception of  
resizing, and do all the layer manipulation yourself.

In the second case, would the view handle all interaction, or do the  
layers get those events as well?


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Re: More CALayer Questions

2008-07-19 Thread Scott Anguish

On 19-Jul-08, at 5:41 PM, Steven W Riggins wrote:

On Jul 8, 2008, at 2:54 AM, Scott Anguish wrote:

I've got a longer answer coming... but

There are two ways to interact with layers.

- making a view layer-backed (that is, the view and its subviews  
will use CALayers as a caching mechanism)
- using a view to host layers (inserting your custom layers into  
the layer hierarchy with the view's layer as the root layer)

in the first case, you should ignore the layers and not interact  
with them
in the second case you should ignore the view, with the exception  
of resizing, and do all the layer manipulation yourself.

In the second case, would the view handle all interaction, or do the  
layers get those events as well?

The view that hosts the layers handles the events. CALayer is  
lightweight and doesn't take part in the responder chain, or handle  

Now, the hosting view that receives the events can certainly pass them  
to a layer for handling, but all that is up to the developer to  
provide support for.

The Core Animation Programing Guide chapter Example: Core Animation  
Menu Application shows how to handle up and down responder events..  
that's basically how you'd do it. 


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Re: More CALayer Questions

2008-07-08 Thread Scott Anguish

I've got a longer answer coming... but

There are two ways to interact with layers.

- making a view layer-backed (that is, the view and its subviews will  
use CALayers as a caching mechanism)
- using a view to host layers (inserting your custom layers into the  
layer hierarchy with the view's layer as the root layer)

in the first case, you should ignore the layers and not interact with  
in the second case you should ignore the view, with the exception of  
resizing, and do all the layer manipulation yourself.

Also, consider this.  For the second case you should be making the  
layer yourself and setting it before you enable wantsLayer:. You've  
created the layer directly. The layer has no knowledge of the  
coordinate space and flipped-ness of the view it is in, and you didn't  
provide it.

On Jul 7, 2008, at 11:13 PM, Gordon Apple wrote:

You may be right that I shouldn't muck with the view's layer, but
should add my own base-layer, especially since it seems to be a  
mystery how

the view's layer responds to changes in the view.


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Re: More CALayer Questions

2008-07-08 Thread Scott Anguish
It's hard to tell, but if you're using a view that you expect to both  
draw its own content, and that you expect to manipulate and interact  
directly with the layer (i.e. adding sublayers) you'll have issues.

From the hybrid app docs in Animation Overview
You can use a combination of layer-backed views, non-layer-backed  
views, and layer-hosting views in a single user interface with two  

	• All the subviews of layer-backed views are automatically layer  
backed. To improve performance, you should avoid making views  
descendants of layer-backed views if they don’t require animation or  
cached drawing.
	• You must host your custom Core Animation layers in a single layer- 
hosting view rather than inserting them into a layer hierarchy managed  
by a layer-backed view.

If you're doing the second case, none of that view information aside  
from the frame is at all relevant. The view simply acts as a container.

The 'root' layer (that is the layer that is hosted by the view) will  
always resize so that it fills the entire view. But because frame and  
bounds in layers behave differently than views (the relationship is  
much simpler than the scaling that happens in views) the content of  
the layer won't scale as a result of the frame changing.

You shouldn't modify the bounds of a view that is layer-hosting... in  
fact, it's easiest to simply remember that the root layer resizes to  
fit the view size, and aside from that how the coordinate system  
relates is immaterial.

If you're adding sublayers to that layer, then you can use springs and  
struts to resize those layers (to actually scale the displayed content  
of a layer you'll need to either set the contentsGravity as  
appropriate (see Positioning Content Within a Layer), or if you're  
providing the content via the a delegate or subclassing and  
implementing one of the drawing routines, set the  
needsDisplayOnBoundsChange method to YES so you can redraw the content  
when the bound changes..

An update to the view chapter that includes the layer-backing  
information is forthcoming. But to be honest, it wouldn't have covered  
most of the questions you're having with coordinate system  
relationships because if you're layer-backed, you should be ignoring  
the layer completely. If you're layer hosting, you should only  
consider the layer itself as being important (aside from the fact that  
it automatically resizes to fit the view).

On Jul 7, 2008, at 3:42 PM, Gordon Apple wrote:

   What I'm trying to do is conceptually very simple, I just want to  
the view and have its layer position and scale the same, so that  
into the scaled view comes out the same whether layer-backed or  
not.  Then,

once that works, I will try stacking individual sub-layers again.


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More CALayer Questions

2008-07-07 Thread Gordon Apple
I'm suffering from extreme frustration with CALayers.  I obviously don't
understand the documentation available and there is a lot that is not
documented, especially since the Views guide has not been updated to include
CALayers.  Also, as others have observed, the flipped paremeter in
[NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithGraphicsPort:ctx flipped:YES] simply
does not work.

I have a view with inverted coordinates.  I have been able to use a
stack of layers to draw when the view is unmodified.  However, when I scale
the view by any means (usually by changing the frame and resetting to the
original bounds), it works without layers, but when using layers I cannot
get the layers to track and can't seem to force them into the right scale
and position.  I've simplified it to just use only the view's layer and
still can't get it to work properly.

One source of confusion is the anchorPoint/Position relation.  Reference
says The position is relative to anchorPoint.  Huh?  What anchorPoint? --
the layer in question, or its superLayer?  And what does this mean for the
view's layer in terms of the view's coordinates?

Another one is frame.  Specifies receiver¹s frame rectangle in the
super-layer¹s coordinate space.  So ok, how does the view's layer frame
relate to the view's frame?

Both of these questions can likely be answered by the question: How do
the view's layer coordinates relate to the view's coordinates?  Also, do
springs and struts have any meaning between view and layer?

The questions are going to get worse when I start trying to change the
view's bounds size (drawing canvas size), but let's handle one issue at a
time and stick with scaling for now.

Apparently, the view's layer corresponds to the view itself when
created, with the possible exception of coordinate inversion.  I can flip by
transforming the context when drawing, but I would rather transform the
layer, because the latter is also involved when changing scaling.  However,
this gets involved with the entire anchorPoint/position question because the
transform is not around thelayer's bounds origin, but around the

What I'm trying to do is conceptually very simple, I just want to scale
the view and have its layer position and scale the same, so that drawing
into the scaled view comes out the same whether layer-backed or not.  Then,
once that works, I will try stacking individual sub-layers again.

Any insights would be appreciated.


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Re: More CALayer Questions

2008-07-07 Thread Jens Alfke

On 7 Jul '08, at 12:42 PM, Gordon Apple wrote:

   One source of confusion is the anchorPoint/Position relation.   
says The position is relative to anchorPoint.  Huh?  What  
anchorPoint? --
the layer in question, or its superLayer?  And what does this mean  
for the

view's layer in terms of the view's coordinates?

When you set the position property of a layer, the point you specify  
becomes the location (in the superlayer's coords) of the layer's  
anchorPoint. The anchorPoint is specified in unit coordinates that  
range from 0 at one side to 1 at the other, so it's independent of  

So if the layer's anchorPoint is (0.5,0.5), as it is by default, then  
if you set its position to (100,100), the center point of the layer  
will be at (100,100).
But if the anchorPoint were (0,0), then the top left point of the  
layer would be at (100,100) ... assuming non-flipped coords.

   Another one is frame.  Specifies receiver’s frame rectangle in  
super-layer’s coordinate space.  So ok, how does the view's layer  

relate to the view's frame?

I am not sure; I don't work with layers directly embedded in views  
much. (I usually just have one big view and work with layers inside  
it.) My expectation would be that the layer's frame would be the same  
as the view's bounds.


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Re: More CALayer Questions

2008-07-07 Thread Gordon Apple
OK, a little update.  Through watching a number of parameters, a lot of
experimentation, and probably blind a** luck, I've managed to get rescaling
to sort of work.  However, to do editing of objects (e.g., dragging them
around), I had to call removeAllAnimations.  When I change the scale, the
scale does change, but the layer does not change to the correct position
until I resize the window -- then it snaps into correct position.  Resizing
the window results in the drawing disappearing and reappearing, mostly
reappearing when downsizing.  It also disappears when scrolled, until the
window is resized. I assume this has something to do with re-caching the
layer.  How do I fix that?

I need to get this working right before I go back to stacking layers.

BTW, I've preordered (July 17) the upcoming book on animation, but I
have no idea whether or not it will have anything useful for these CALayer

   I'm suffering from extreme frustration with CALayers.  I obviously don't
 understand the documentation available and there is a lot that is not
 documented, especially since the Views guide has not been updated to include
 CALayers.  Also, as others have observed, the flipped paremeter in
 [NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithGraphicsPort:ctx flipped:YES] simply
 does not work.


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Re: More CALayer Questions

2008-07-07 Thread douglas a. welton

See my comments embedded below...

On Jul 7, 2008, at 3:42 PM, Gordon Apple wrote:

   I'm suffering from extreme frustration with CALayers.  I  
obviously don't

understand the documentation available and there is a lot that is not
documented, especially since the Views guide has not been updated to  

CALayers.  Also, as others have observed, the flipped paremeter in
[NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithGraphicsPort:ctx flipped:YES]  

does not work.

A layer's context exist without regards to the current drawing  
context.  This makes sense because layer do not necessarily have to be  
rendered anywhere.  Why should they care about the graphic context?   
If you care about the context when you are drawing, then query the  
context being passed to your drawing method or delegate method.   
NSGraphicsContext's -isFlipped method may become your new best  
friend . ;^}

 I have a view with inverted coordinates.  I have been able to use a
stack of layers to draw when the view is unmodified.  However, when  
I scale
the view by any means (usually by changing the frame and resetting  
to the
original bounds), it works without layers, but when using layers I  
get the layers to track and can't seem to force them into the right  
and position.  I've simplified it to just use only the view's layer  

still can't get it to work properly.

What exactly are you doing to scale your views? layers?

When scaling layers within a non-scrolling view, I have used the  
following method:

	[targetLayer setValue: [NSNumber numverWithFloat: newScaleValue]  
forKeyPath: @scale];

Usually, I place a statement like this in an action method that is  
targetted by a slider and it produces no-brainer results

When I needed to scale a layer hosted by a view that was enclosed in a  
NSScrollview, i used the following method:

clipView = [targetScrollView contentView];
`	newBoundsSize = NSMakeSize( NSWidth( [clipView frame] ) /  
newScaleValue, NSHeight( [clipView frame]) / newScaleValue);

[clipView setBoundsSize: newBoundsSize];

This works for the most part.  The scaling is sluggish and sometimes  
the view doesn't redraw properly until a scroller is movedc.

Have you tried both of these methods?  Other methods?

   One source of confusion is the anchorPoint/Position relation.   
says The position is relative to anchorPoint.  Huh?  What  
anchorPoint? --

the layer in question, or its superLayer?

Think of the anchor point as the place where you stick a pin into the  
layer when positioning it.  An anchorpoint of (0.0, 0.0) puts the pin  
in the lower left corner.  An anchorPoint of (0.5, 0.5) puts the pin  
in the center.  And an achorPoint of (1.0, 1.0) places the pin in the  
upper right corner.

Your layer's position will be aligned based on where the pin is stuck.

  And what does this mean for the
view's layer in terms of the view's coordinates?

Important:  There is no (real) implicit relationship between a view's  
coordinate system and any of the hosted layer's coordinate system...   
or at least not one that I have been able to find a reference to.   
From what I have observed, the view's layer ( i.e., the layer  
property)  seems to operate as if the bounds of the enclosing view  
defines its geometry.

 Another one is frame.  Specifies receiver’s frame rectangle in the
super-layer’s coordinate space.  So ok, how does the view's layer  

relate to the view's frame?
Both of these questions can likely be answered by the question: How do
the view's layer coordinates relate to the view's coordinates?

See previous Important notice.  For any arbitrary layer that is  
hosted within a view, there is no actual relationship between the  
view's frame and the layer's frame.  Remember, the frame of a layer is  
computed dynamically given an anchorPoint, position, bounds and  
transform matrix.  The transform matrix is very important in this  

Also Important:  Note that if you want to convert from a layer's  
coordinate system to the view coordinate system, there is really no  
out-of-the-box way to do this.  Somewhere in the archives is a  
discussion of this.  If you need to know this relationship (for hit  
testing, for example) then you'll have to roll your own... or rethink  
how you are doing this (I had to follow this route, but ultimately it  
made my code simpler)

Also, do springs and struts have any meaning between view and layer?

I think not.  Layers have no clue as to what a view is.  You can't ask  
a layer what view is currently hosting it.  Moreover, a layer can  
exist without being in a view all together.  If you want to manage the  
springs and struts of you layers, then you need to make friend with  
CAConstraint.  Constraints give you mare flexibility (my opinion) to  
manage how your layers are laid out in regards to one another

The questions are going to get worse when I start trying to change the

Re: More CALayer Questions

2008-07-07 Thread douglas a. welton

Hi Gordon,

I'm not sure what you really want to do is -removeAllAnimations.  I  
suspect that you probably want to temporarily disable animation within  
the scope of a CATransaction.  Take a look at the code found here: 



On Jul 7, 2008, at 6:05 PM, Gordon Apple wrote:

   OK, a little update.  Through watching a number of parameters, a  
lot of
experimentation, and probably blind a** luck, I've managed to get  
to sort of work.  However, to do editing of objects (e.g., dragging  
around), I had to call removeAllAnimations.  When I change the  
scale, the
scale does change, but the layer does not change to the correct  
until I resize the window -- then it snaps into correct position.   

the window results in the drawing disappearing and reappearing, mostly
reappearing when downsizing.  It also disappears when scrolled,  
until the
window is resized. I assume this has something to do with re-caching  

layer.  How do I fix that?

   I need to get this working right before I go back to stacking  

   BTW, I've preordered (July 17) the upcoming book on animation,  
but I
have no idea whether or not it will have anything useful for these  


 I'm suffering from extreme frustration with CALayers.  I obviously  

understand the documentation available and there is a lot that is not
documented, especially since the Views guide has not been updated  
to include

CALayers.  Also, as others have observed, the flipped paremeter in
[NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithGraphicsPort:ctx flipped:YES]  

does not work.



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Re: More CALayer Questions

2008-07-07 Thread Bill Dudney

Hi Gordon,

'the upcomming book on animation'?

If by that you mean the Core Animation book from Pragmatic Programmers  
you can get the PDF now from

and then the paper when it ships. You get a really good discount on it  
if you buy both.

Not sure where the July 17 date comes from ( but its  
likely off by at least 2 weeks and probably a bit more like 4.

Now on to the real question... Basically what you are doing is  
confusing the tar out of the layer living in your view by messing with  
any of its properties.

If you do something like this;

myView.wantsLayer = YES;

And then do something like this;

myView.layer.position = myPoint;

you are asking for trouble.

You should instead do something like this;

myView.layer = [CALayer layer];
myView.wantsLayer = YES:
layerToMove = [CALayer layer];
[myView.layer addSublayer:layerToMove]

then you can

layerToMove.position = somePoint;

To your hearts desire and everything should be lovely :)

Then if you want to do 'struts and springs' type stuff with  
layerToMove you can use a layoutManager to do all sorts of cool and  
exciting stuff.

Good luck!


On Jul 7, 2008, at 4:05 PM, Gordon Apple wrote:

   OK, a little update.  Through watching a number of parameters, a  
lot of
experimentation, and probably blind a** luck, I've managed to get  
to sort of work.  However, to do editing of objects (e.g., dragging  
around), I had to call removeAllAnimations.  When I change the  
scale, the
scale does change, but the layer does not change to the correct  
until I resize the window -- then it snaps into correct position.   

the window results in the drawing disappearing and reappearing, mostly
reappearing when downsizing.  It also disappears when scrolled,  
until the
window is resized. I assume this has something to do with re-caching  

layer.  How do I fix that?

   I need to get this working right before I go back to stacking  

   BTW, I've preordered (July 17) the upcoming book on animation,  
but I
have no idea whether or not it will have anything useful for these  


 I'm suffering from extreme frustration with CALayers.  I obviously  

understand the documentation available and there is a lot that is not
documented, especially since the Views guide has not been updated  
to include

CALayers.  Also, as others have observed, the flipped paremeter in
[NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithGraphicsPort:ctx flipped:YES]  

does not work.



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Re: More CALayer Questions

2008-07-07 Thread Gordon Apple
Thanks.  That's a good suggestion.  I just realized that the thing was
trying to animate and was interfering with my attempts to manually draw.  I
saw removeAllAnimations and tried it to solved my immediate problem.  I'll
see if I can use what you mentioned instead.  I'm not currently using
CALayers for animation (yes, eventually), but just wanted a layering system
that will hopefully let me to stack drawing layers, annotation, etc. along
with live video layers and other things.

 Hi Gordon,
 I'm not sure what you really want to do is -removeAllAnimations.  I
 suspect that you probably want to temporarily disable animation within
 the scope of a CATransaction.  Take a look at the code found here:

The view is a main presentation view that is (optionally) in a scroll
view.  I started out using the clipView, a la the Sketch example.  Then at
someone else's suggestion I switched to scaling my main view instead.
Either way works great for a non-layer-backed view.  The popup in the scroll
bar ranges from 10% to 1600%.

Currently, I'm just changing the view's frame and then resetting the
bounds to the original size.  I also tried scaleUnitSquareToSize.  It
worked, but produced no different result with CALayers.  I will also need to
be able to change the bounds when the user changes the presentation
dimmensions, e.g., 640 x 480 to/from 1024 x 786.  All that worked until I
tried CALayers.

If I could figure out what changing the scroller size does, maybe I
could make it do the same thing to adjust properly when the user changes the

 What exactly are you doing to scale your views? layers?
 When scaling layers within a non-scrolling view, I have used the
 following method:
 [targetLayer setValue: [NSNumber numverWithFloat: newScaleValue]
 forKeyPath: @scale];
 Usually, I place a statement like this in an action method that is
 targetted by a slider and it produces no-brainer results
 When I needed to scale a layer hosted by a view that was enclosed in a
 NSScrollview, i used the following method:
 clipView = [targetScrollView contentView];
 `newBoundsSize = NSMakeSize( NSWidth( [clipView frame] ) /
 newScaleValue, NSHeight( [clipView frame]) / newScaleValue);
 [clipView setBoundsSize: newBoundsSize];
 This works for the most part.  The scaling is sluggish and sometimes
 the view doesn't redraw properly until a scroller is movedc.
 Have you tried both of these methods?  Other methods?


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Re: More CALayer Questions

2008-07-07 Thread Gordon Apple
Yup, Amazon, July 15, $23.07 + shipping.  BTW, you might want them to
update the title because it doesn't mention iPhone.  Considering the huge
number of iPhone SDKs downloaded, that could be a big draw.  I may cancel
Amazon and order the PDF package from your site.

I had considered adding my own base-layer as you suggested, but that
still begs the question since that layer will live in the view's layer as a
sublayer amd I still don't know how the view's layer responds to changes in
the view's frame/bounds. If the view's layer lives within the view's bounds,
then I should only have to deal with the flipped coordinates.  I was hoping
I could flip and scale using a transform so it would carry through to the
sublayer stack I wanted to include for my actual drawing layers.  That way,
I wouldn't have to mess with the sublayer stack -- they should automatically
scale when the base-layer is scaled.

 You may be right that I shouldn't muck with the view's layer, but
should add my own base-layer, especially since it seems to be a mystery how
the view's layer responds to changes in the view.


 Hi Gordon,
 'the upcomming book on animation'?
 If by that you mean the Core Animation book from Pragmatic Programmers
 you can get the PDF now from
 and then the paper when it ships. You get a really good discount on it
 if you buy both.
 Not sure where the July 17 date comes from ( but its
 likely off by at least 2 weeks and probably a bit more like 4.
 Now on to the real question... Basically what you are doing is
 confusing the tar out of the layer living in your view by messing with
 any of its properties.
 If you do something like this;
 myView.wantsLayer = YES;
 And then do something like this;
 myView.layer.position = myPoint;
 you are asking for trouble.
 You should instead do something like this;
 myView.layer = [CALayer layer];
 myView.wantsLayer = YES:
 layerToMove = [CALayer layer];
 [myView.layer addSublayer:layerToMove]
 then you can
 layerToMove.position = somePoint;
 To your hearts desire and everything should be lovely :)
 Then if you want to do 'struts and springs' type stuff with
 layerToMove you can use a layoutManager to do all sorts of cool and
 exciting stuff.
 Good luck!


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