Re: recommed upgrading to Xalan 2.5 when using document() regularly

2003-06-06 Thread Bruce Robertson
Quoting Joerg Heinicke [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hello Bruce,
 I upgraded Xalan to 2.5.1 and Xerces to 2.4.0 in the Cocoon 2.0 CVS, so 
 they should be in the next Cocoon 2.0.x release - I guess the 5 comes 
 after the 4 ;-)

It's an indication of Cocoon 2.0.x's excellence that I'm delighted to hear 
there will be continued releases of it!

After a few days of traffic, including a Freshmeat announcement which generates 
a fair number of hits, the problem I described in the parent post has not 
recurred and no nasties have appeared in its place. Xalan 2.5 looks like a 
winner, and I'm glad it will be stock in future releases.


Bruce Robertson, 
Dept. of Classics, Mount Allison University

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Re: A Gzipped XML Serializer component for Cocoon

2003-03-24 Thread Bruce Robertson
Quoting Joerg Heinicke [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 There were some threads about on the developers list. IIRC they came to the
 conclusion to add such things to the pipeline. But after 2.1 release. One 
 point in the discussion was, whether this is the task of Cocoon and not of 
 Tomcat or Apache (mod_gzip).
 Michael Riedel wrote:
  Hi Bruce!
 I'm pretty sure this is something that eventually should be rolled into
 Cocoon itself, but as I note in the page, my code is a hack on the
 XMLSerializer, and shouldn't be ci'd as-is.
  Though I don't need it at this time, I agree, that gzip compression is a
  quite usefull. It should be included in the cocoon distribution.
  But I'm not sure, if compression should be handled by a serializer. What,
  someone wants to compress something else than XML data. Then he'd have to
  rewrite another serializer to support gzip...

Michael, Joerg:

On the issue of if this being handled by mod_gzip or mod_deflate, Apache's own
Batik Squiggle does not, in my experience, receive compressed SVG if compression
is handled this way. Nor do I see why it should send a Accept-Encoding: gzip
header to get *.svgz, since they are not a compressed form of the original (like
html that has been gzipped by the above), but rather a proper manifestation of
the document, like jpg compression. Secondly, there is the issue of sparing your
cache. See the introduction to my
(I would post this to the dev group, but I never seem to be able to get
subscribed to that.)

I can see Michael's argument for a reader-based implementation, but efficient
caching is a sine qua non for me. Could something be done with a view?

I'm glad to hear this is on the radar of the developers', for whose hard work I
am most grateful.

Bruce Robertson, 
Dept. of Classics, Mount Allison University

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A Gzipped XML Serializer component for Cocoon

2003-03-19 Thread Bruce Robertson
I have posted a Wiki page describing a serializer component I'm using which
produces gzipped XML output. This is especially useful for those serving
complex SVG and would rather send it off as a svgz file. 

I'm pretty sure this is something that eventually should be rolled into
Cocoon itself, but as I note in the page, my code is a hack on the
XMLSerializer, and shouldn't be ci'd as-is. 

Details at:

Bruce Robertson, 
Dept. of Classics, Mount Allison University

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SVG Font Embedder for Cocoon

2003-02-24 Thread Bruce Robertson

[This is an abridged version of a HOWTO posted at the Cocoon Wiki:] 


Using server-generated SVG in a multi-lingual or with complex layout 
inevitably leads to frustration over fonts. A map with multi-lingual text 
carefully layed out using the Bitstream Cyberbit font will be riddled 
with 'missing character' squares when rendered on a client's machine 
that lacks Cyberbit. 

The SVG specification does offer a solution to this problem: scalable 
font glyphs can be described within an svg:font element. With these, 
the client renders text using the appropriate SVG glyphs, not relying 
on font descriptions from the client's operating environment. But it 
would be completely impractical to render the entire, e.g., Cyberbit 
font as an SVG font and expect the client machine to upload this with 
each view. What is needed is a mechanism that appends to an SVG document 
only those glyphs necessary for it to be rendered. As it turns out, the 
marvellous Batik SVG Graphics2D environment has just this ability. I've 
tapped into it to make an xslt transformation (extended with xalan/java) 
which takes any SVG document and adds to it the glyphs necessary for 
its viewing. The result is a somewhat heavier document, but one that is 
completely portable. An example:


To use the SVGFontEmbedder, you'll need to ensure that: 

   1. Your Cocoon environment has the Batik jar file. Check WEB-INF/libs 
   for a file called something like batik-all.jar. (I've tested 
   this with Cocoon 2.0.4, which comes with the 1.5b2 Batik code.) 

   2. You can process an xslt file with Xalan. Xalan is the default 
   xslt processor in Cocoon, but some people have patched in support 
   for Saxon because of its superior speed. (It should be noted that, 
   at present, its speed comes at the cost of being able to pass off 
   its elements to java processes as DOM objects, a deal-breaker for me.) 

You'll also need to download two files: 

   1. heml-cocoon.jar from any Heml release v.0_5.4 or greater, found at 
   2. svgEmbedFonts.xsl, the latest version 
   of which is easiest to aquire at its view cvs page 

Install heml-cocoon.jar in your $COCOON_HOME/WEB-INF/libs directory, and 
svgEmbedFonts.xsl wherever your xsl files usually reside. Emend your 
sitemap to transform your SVG files just before they are serialized as 
svg+xml. (Incidentally, there is no point in using this transformation 
before rasterizing SVG to jpg or png, since your server will have access 
to its own fonts when rasterizing.) For instance, an appropriate part 
of my sitemap looks like this: 

map:transform src=xslt/util/svgEmbedFonts.xsl/ 

Once Cocoon is duly restarted, etc., your SVG should now have the 
necessary svg:glyph elements automagically added. 


   1. This code will only recognize fonts specified with 
   the font-family=MY_FONT attribute notation. You can't use 
   style=font-family: MY_FONT and expect this process to assign the 
   right font to your text. On the positive side, the font-family can 
   be specified on the svg:text element or any of its ancestors, just 
   like in any honest SVG document.   

Bruce Robertson, 
Dept. of Classics, Mount Allison University
Bruce Robertson, 
Dept. of Classics, Mount Allison University

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Embedding SVG Fonts

2003-02-24 Thread Bruce Robertson
The list may be interested in a Xalan/xslt/java/batik process that adds 
embedded font descriptions to SVG documents, making them portable. 

HOWTO posted at the Cocoon Wiki:

Sample document at:

Bruce Robertson, 
Dept. of Classics, Mount Allison University

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SVG Font Embedder for Cocoon

2003-02-24 Thread Bruce Robertson
[This is an abridged version of a HOWTO posted at the Cocoon Wiki:] 


Using server-generated SVG in a multi-lingual or with complex layout 
inevitably leads to frustration over fonts. A map with multi-lingual text 
carefully layed out using the Bitstream Cyberbit font will be riddled 
with 'missing character' squares when rendered on a client's machine 
that lacks Cyberbit. 

The SVG specification does offer a solution to this problem: scalable 
font glyphs can be described within an svg:font element. With these, 
the client renders text using the appropriate SVG glyphs, not relying 
on font descriptions from the client's operating environment. But it 
would be completely impractical to render the entire, e.g., Cyberbit 
font as an SVG font and expect the client machine to upload this with 
each view. What is needed is a mechanism that appends to an SVG document 
only those glyphs necessary for it to be rendered. As it turns out, the 
marvellous Batik SVG Graphics2D environment has just this ability. I've 
tapped into it to make an xslt transformation (extended with xalan/java) 
which takes any SVG document and adds to it the glyphs necessary for 
its viewing. The result is a somewhat heavier document, but one that is 
completely portable. An example:


To use the SVGFontEmbedder, you'll need to ensure that: 

   1. Your Cocoon environment has the Batik jar file. Check WEB-INF/libs 
   for a file called something like batik-all.jar. (I've tested 
   this with Cocoon 2.0.4, which comes with the 1.5b2 Batik code.) 

   2. You can process an xslt file with Xalan. Xalan is the default 
   xslt processor in Cocoon, but some people have patched in support 
   for Saxon because of its superior speed. (It should be noted that, 
   at present, its speed comes at the cost of being able to pass off 
   its elements to java processes as DOM objects, a deal-breaker for me.) 

You'll also need to download two files: 

   1. heml-cocoon.jar from any Heml release v.0_5.4 or greater, found at 
   2. svgEmbedFonts.xsl, the latest version 
   of which is easiest to aquire at its view cvs page 

Install heml-cocoon.jar in your $COCOON_HOME/WEB-INF/libs directory, and 
svgEmbedFonts.xsl wherever your xsl files usually reside. Emend your 
sitemap to transform your SVG files just before they are serialized as 
svg+xml. (Incidentally, there is no point in using this transformation 
before rasterizing SVG to jpg or png, since your server will have access 
to its own fonts when rasterizing.) For instance, an appropriate part 
of my sitemap looks like this: 

map:transform src=xslt/util/svgEmbedFonts.xsl/ 

Once Cocoon is duly restarted, etc., your SVG should now have the 
necessary svg:glyph elements automagically added. 


   1. This code will only recognize fonts specified with 
   the font-family=MY_FONT attribute notation. You can't use 
   style=font-family: MY_FONT and expect this process to assign the 
   right font to your text. On the positive side, the font-family can 
   be specified on the svg:text element or any of its ancestors, just 
   like in any honest SVG document.   

Bruce Robertson, 
Dept. of Classics, Mount Allison University

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Re: HOWTO: Cocoon 2.0.4 + Apache client-side caching

2003-01-13 Thread Bruce Robertson
Quoting SAXESS - Hussayn Dabbous [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Wouldn't it be great to place this HOWTO into the cocon wiki ?
 regards, hussayn

The HOWTO, with some additional notes from the weekend's experience,
can now be found at:

Thanks to you and Tony for kindly suggesting this.

Bruce Robertson, 
Dept. of Classics, Mount Allison University

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FAQ before posting.

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HOWTO: Cocoon 2.0.4 + Apache client-side caching

2003-01-10 Thread Bruce Robertson
The expires function in cocoon 2.1 looks very exciting, though despite
it being currently documented, I couldn't get expire to work in the
2.0 series.

This was too bad, since my webapp comprises some static content, like
css files and generated jpg title files, that really don't need to be
passed over with each hit. Furthermore, even my cocoon-generated xhtml
and svg derives from static xml documents, so a client-side cache of,
say, an hour or so, would ensure that the user wouldn't hit my cocoon
server again as she's navigating over a previously viewed document.
This is good for my server, but it also can appreciably improve the
user's experience of the site. 

As it happens, I'm serving cocoon through Apache, and *its* Expires
module will do the job for cocoon if the setup is well-configured. (I'm
using Cocoon 2.0.4 under Tomcat 4.1.15 on RH Linux 7.3 with a Apache 1.3,
but I don't think that should matter much for these instructions.)

1. Make sure your Apache http.conf has:

LoadModule expires_module modules/


AddModule mod_expires.c

somewhere in it. Mine did out of the box.

2. Make sure your mime-type configuring file has definitions for each
mime-type you plan to cache on the client with Expire. On RH Linux,
this would be /etc/mime.types, and I had to add a line to define svgs:

image/svg+xml  svg svgz

3. Append the appropriate commands to your Apache httpd.conf, thus:

ExpiresActive On 
ExpiresByType image/svg+xml A3600 
ExpiresByType text/css  A3600 
ExpiresByType image/jpegA3600 
ExpiresByType image/png A3600

The 'Axxx' means cache the content for xxx seconds after access. I'm using
a rather conservative single hour. Mod_expires has other functions. Read
about them at:

4. Restart Apache, and test. I used the 'wget' utility under Linux to
ensure that the 'Expire' header was being passed to the client. 'wget -S'
includes the header nicely, so

wget -S http://localhost/heml-cocoon/site/style/international_names.css


--11:12:54--  http://localhost/heml-cocoon/site/style/international_names.css
   = `international_names.css.4'
Resolving localhost... done.
Connecting to localhost[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
 1 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 2 Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 15:12:54 GMT
 3 Server: Apache/1.3.23 (Unix)  (Red-Hat/Linux) PHP/4.1.2
mod_gzip/ mod_webapp/1.2.0-dev
 4 Cache-Control: max-age=3600
 5 Expires: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 16:12:54 GMT
 6 Content-Type: text/css
 7 Content-Length: 89
 8 X-Cocoon-Version: 2.0.4
 9 Connection: close

100%[] 8986.91K/sETA 00:00

11:12:54 (86.91 KB/s) - `international_names.css.4' saved [89/89]

Hooray, we're caching this css file on the client for a few hours!

This approach has one advantage over setting the expire within cocoon
itself. Client-side caching gets in the way of development, where one
wishes immediately to see the results of changes in code. As it stands,
my webapp is distibuted without c-s caching, so interested parties can
fiddle with it, but once installed in the project's main server the
webapp's content is automagically client-side cached.  

Hope this helps someone,

Bruce Robertson, 
Dept. of Classics, Mount Allison University

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Progress at and ideas from

2002-12-20 Thread Bruce Robertson
List members may be interested in our progress at the Historical Event Markup
and  Linking project, which uses Cocoon to transform XML documents into
historical timelines, tables maps and animations in SVG. Links to the eye-candy
are just off the home page: (Be sure to have the latest SVG
viewer from Adobe.)

Since heml is a reasonably complex site, its sitemap and innards might interest
those who are planning their own cocoon-based work. I can't claim it's anything
like best practices, but it works.

.war files tested against tomcat are available at

As well, our build process might interest those who wish to keep their 
Cocoon-based project current with Cocoon's libraries. Our build.xml calls the
one from Cocoon, and copies over its jar files, then compiles and moves our
java, xslt and xml. Upgrading to 2.0.4 was thus a matter of changing an env.

ViewCVS for browsing is at:

Anonymous cvs:
cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/heml/cvsroot checkout heml_cvs
password: anoncvs

Finally, a giant thank-you to those who toil at making Cocoon better and better
with each release. More than two years ago, I decided to base this project in
Cocoon2. Since then, I've felt as if I have a team of experts working on the
nitty-gritty while I get to work on the big picture.

Bruce Robertson, 
Dept. of Classics, Mount Allison University

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.

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