Title: FORMS

Hi All,

I am very interested in something that would let me fill some forms, and bind these form data to xml.

I am evaluating products like Altova's Authentic Web Edition (very expensive, 30k USD per 50 concurrent users), but the functionality, except the client behavior that allows to edit the whole xml before sending it to the server, is near from what I'm looking for.

I have seen Cocoon Forms, and it seems that is what I need.

Could you give me some suggestions, hints, ..., whatever.

Also, Cocoon forms page says that Cocoon 2.1 must be downloaded in order to test the example at url http://localhost:8080/cocoon/samples/xmlform/, but I am unable to get this version neither in the download page nor in the cvs.

Where could I find this package?. Is it present in other releases, or only in 2.1?

Thank you very much in advance.


Carlos Gonzalez-Cadenas
Software Architect

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