Re: Problem with SQL Transformer[Sol]

2003-02-07 Thread Cedric Claus
Martin Holz wrote:

Cedric Claus [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

This pipeline doesn't work : After SQL transformation the sort and
replace.xsl does wrong. But if I copy the xml result of the SQL
transform and then apply the same xsl , no problem (with xalan and

My configuration : cocoon 2.0  - tomcat 4.0.5 - JDK 1.4.03 et xalan 2.3.1

What 's wrong??? Is it in configuration??

Your configuration looks okay.

If something goes wrong in pipeline, but works when copying
the intermediate result, this is almost always a namespace
problem. Namespace handling in SAX is sometimes strange
(its even stranger in DOM). 
The information in the namespace argument and 
the localname argument of the method org.sax.ContentHandler.startElement
should be redundant to the qname argument and calls to ContentHandler.startPrefixMapping.
But if there is a bug somewhere in the pipeline, this might not be the case. The bug 
might be undetected for a long time, because many components including the Serializer
use only a part of the information. The XMLSerialzer has the tendency to silently
correct a mismatch between the qname and the namespace.

Carsten Ziegler fixed a bug in namespace handling of SQLTransformer at 2002/11/14
cocoon 2.0 is older. Maybe you should try a  newer version of cocoon.



It was really a problem with the namespace, I had changed my XSL depends 
on the Namespace and it does well

Thanks vm for your help

this is the modified file :

xsl:for-each select=text
   xsl:value-of select=./
   xsl:if test=following-sibling::sql:rowset

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Problem with SQL Transformer

2003-02-06 Thread Cedric Claus

I have a problem with a pipeline :

map:match pattern=AOS/page1.html
	map:generate src=xml/page1.xml/
	map:transform type=sql/
	map:transform type=xslt src=xsl/SortAndReplace.xsl/
	map:transform type=xslt src=xsl/HAbstract.xsl/

This pipeline doesn't work : After SQL transformation the sort and 
replace.xsl does wrong. But if I copy the xml result of the SQL 
transform and then apply the same xsl , no problem (with xalan and 

My configuration : cocoon 2.0  - tomcat 4.0.5 - JDK 1.4.03 et xalan 2.3.1

What 's wrong??? Is it in configuration??

thx for response



		element position=1 type=title
			textMon titre 1/text
		element position=2 type=paragraphe
			textc'est beau /text
			sql:execute-query xmlns:sql=;
sql:queryselect data from DataRessources where ( ID_fk_dataDesc=1 
and ID_fk_dataLangue=1 )/sql:query


xsl:template match=/
			xsl:apply-templates select=document/elements/

xsl:template match=document/elements
	xsl:for-each select=element
	xsl:sort  select=@position/
			xsl:attribute name=type
xsl:value-of select=@type/
			xsl:attribute name=position
xsl:value-of select=@position/
			xsl:for-each select=text
	xsl:value-of select=./
	xsl:if test=following-sibling::rowset
		xsl:apply-templates select=following::rowset/row/data/


xsl:template match=rowset/row/data
	xsl:value-of select=./

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