DVSL Velocity xml transformation

2003-02-27 Thread Dario Liberman

I was wondering if there exist a simple way to incorporate DVSL as a
Since there is already a plugin for xml generation with velocity, perhaps it
is simple to incorporate a transformation with velocity.

It is very powerfull, since allows during the transformation to call java
objects, allowing even document oriented programming if it is desired (ie.
the xml in prior layers may have commands to be processed, like an xml from
a soap request or alike).



For thoose interested, here is an example of a dvsl file:



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Re: textarea in XMLForm Re: [Off-topic:XSLT] Passing an XML fragment via a HTML form.

2002-10-23 Thread Dario Liberman
Just a comment:

See XML WebAccess 2.0 from www.mozquito.com
It may be interesting. I was wondering some time ago if a merge with
XMLForms from cocoon and that approach (I emphasize that I mean the
approach, not necessarily this specific implementation) of mozquito's to
have an intelligent client (with JavaScript).

If anyone had made already any simple example of this merge working please
let me know.

Best regards,

PD: I have put both titles since they are strongly related.
In order to achieve the merge you need the textarea patch and Dom
representation of the form instead of javabeans (helpful for quick  dirty
solutions like this) and the ability to pass an XML fragment via HTML form.

- Original Message -
From: Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 06:44
Subject: Re: [Off-topic:XSLT] Passing an XML fragment via a HTML form.

 ROSSEL Olivier wrote:
 I need to pass a subtree of that XML as a parameter, via that form.
 Is there a way, in XSLT, to transform a XML fragment into a string?
 So I can have an input in my form that contains the text
 of this XML
 How about parsing the form element value to a DOM object
 (either client
 or server side) and extract the DOM node that serves as the
 root of the
 fragment you need?
  You think I should use Java/XSP for such a process?

 Ideally, before submission, you parse the form value to a DOM object via
 Javascript (easy in both IE and Moz). You then locate the node
 (fragment) of choice and use it's text serialization (XML) to replace
 the earlier value of the form. Your server will thus get only the
 fragment you need and get away with less work.


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- Original Message -
From: Geoff Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 10:12
Subject: Re: textarea in XMLForm

 The dev list is a better place to discuss submitting
 patches.  I've cc'd this reply there as well.

 Geoff Howard

 --- Robert Ellis Parrott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I noticed that in the XMLForm example that one could
  not hit return and
  have a multiline message in the additional notes
  textarea. Looking into
  it, and working on related things in which I need a
  textarea, I see that
  the xmlform2html.xsl converts xf:textarea to an
  input field, and not a
  true textarea. I don't think that this is correct;
  without the style
  attribute it defaults to a textbox.
  The below mods to xmlform2html.xsl replace the
  textarea template with one
  that actually creates a real textarea.
   I think that this is the right thing to do here.
  PS: I've modified the Form class to now support
  basic Maps as well as DOM
  and Beans; I think that having this modification
  would be very helpful for
  quick  dirty solutions, and for in-development
  projects, because one can
  get data from an XMLForm into the map without
  creating nodes or a javabean
  ahead of time.
  Are you interested in patches?
 xsl:template match=xf:textarea
input name={@ref} type=textarea
  xsl:apply-templates select=xf:hint/
 xsl:template match=xf:textarea
textarea name={@ref} 
  xsl:value-of select=xf:value/text()/
  xsl:apply-templates select=xf:hint/
  Robert E. Parrott
  Department of Physics
  351 Jefferson Laboratory
  Harvard University
  17 Oxford St.
  Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (permanent)
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  been answered in the
  FAQ before posting.
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Re: Cocoon, sockets and not a web browser.

2002-10-09 Thread Dario Liberman

Hola Mauro,
I am trying the same path for similar reasons.

I send attached a message interchange with Marcus (the Soap guru of Cocoon).

Sounds like it has to be with extending some part of the 'action' part
See http://localhost:8080/cocoon/documents/developing/extending.html

Best Regards,

PD: Lets join efforts in this try Mauro, we can then make public some
examples of how to accomplish this.

PD2: To all the others, please let us know if you have gone with a similar
approach of having cocoon be an internal module for xml transformations
pipeline, so that one may have the input source and the output target be
both of them memory objects.

PD3: What I am looking for is to be able to do something like this: (is it
your need too?)

/* Pseudocode here inside my servlet or whatever: */
While ( manager.keepOnWorking()==true) {
/* in this example I get an XML from a soap request
but it may be any other source, Like a database XML. */
myInputXmlDomRef = SoapObj.GetXMLRequest();

cocoonref = Cocoons.getCocoonInstance();

/* Here I add objects to a hash table So That an Xsp (or whatever) Can
Call Me for logic questions, DB interaction, etc  */
cocoonref.PutObject(mylogicClass, this);

/* Here I call cocoon with the xml input (it may be even empty), and ask
it to process the transformation pipeline (using cocoons cache and all its
cool stuff). The entry 6 in the map in this case produces an XML, so I
transform the Sax into Dom and put it in myOuputXML object. */
cocoonref.ApplyPipeline(MapEntry6,myInputXmlDomRef, myOutputXML);
/* Cocoon may call me back many times during the transformation process
through mylogicClass entry or EJB lookup, etc */

Try {
/* I am done! thank you cocoon! Lets send the reply:  */
} catch(error e) {
cocoonref.PutObject(error, e);
/* The output may also be a stream of bytes in case of an image,
etc. For example here it is a simple text log file */


I hope this is not too crazy an example, and that I managed to explain the
Thanks to everyone having got to here in the message, stay in contact.

- Original Message -
From: Mauro Daniel Ardolino [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 09:47
Subject: Cocoon, sockets and not a web browser.

 I need to know if cocoon can be used to apply transformations to
 xml files that comes from a socket or from a soap communication.
 Also I need to know if I can serialize the results to a java class
 to parse them for example with sax.

 So what I mean is that I want to use cocoon to make only the
 transformations.  I need to make transformations (using xpath)
 and I think that cocoon (and XSL) can help me, but the results will
 not go to a web-browser.  They have to go to a class.

 My program can be a stand alone program with Swing or SWT gui interface,
 or can be a batch program.

 Am I clear?  If not, please let me know.

 Thanks in advance, reggards,

 -- Mauro

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Hi Dario,

On Mon, Oct 07, 2002 at 03:19:50PM -0300, Dario Liberman wrote:
 Hi Marcus, thank you very much for your super-prompt response.
 I attach the message I sent to the list, perhaps you can tell me what you
 think about it.

Ok, I've got come comments in your message below.

 I followed the tutorial for the jwsdp from sun, and they have a very nice
 framework for soap, it supports attachments (and even does an automatic
 webtier of SOAP-RPC for you if you provide an interface for your
 methods).Comparing it to apache soap, I dont care much about the automatic
 inteface since I can do it myself, but the attachments stuff is usefull and
 is working.

Ok. I haven't looked at jwsdp, perhaps its worth examining. The
SOAP support in Cocoon is based on Apache AXIS (not Apache SOAP
which is an older project), which has just been released as final 1.0.

Axis has passed all of the acceptance tests from Sun, so I presume
all of what is in jwsdp is in Axis somewhere.

 Getting to the point:
 I have cocoon-2.0.3 and the directories you mention arent there, I guess I
 have to download something. Where should I download the lastest version of
 the cocoon-Soap implementation you made and where can I find a guide in
 order to make it work?

First thing, get Cocoon 2.1 from CVS. The SOAP support is in the
src/scratchpad directory in CVS

SOAP server - Need Marcus help

2002-10-07 Thread Dario Liberman


I sent a message the other day asking for some architect guru to help me,
titled Re: Servlet-Ouput as Cocoon-Input

I have read the mailing list trying to find an answer by myself since then.

I found mails talking about SOAP cocoon from Marcus. How should I get into
Are there some examples working to start with?
Does it support soap-ATTACHMENTS? and soap-RPC ?

Thanks a lot!!!


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Error compiling sitemap_xmap / problems Installing cocoon-2.0.3 on fresh jwsdp1_0_01 and j2sdk1.4_0_01

2002-09-27 Thread Dario Liberman


I am having problems Installing cocoon-2.0.3 on top of a fresh jwsdp1_0_01
and j2sdk1.4_0_01 installation running on a winNT4.0 SP6a

At the page the error shows:

Cocoon 2 - Internal server error

type fatal
message Language Exception
description :
org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Language Exception:
Error compiling sitemap_xmap:
Line 22, column 49: cannot access class Component; file
org\apache\avalon\framework\component\Component.class not found Line 23,
column 53: cannot access class Configurable; file
... more description here...

I send attached the logs.

I tried to solve the problem deleting the following files from the war, but
it seems that it has nothing to do with it:
Since I was afraid it would interfere somehow with the same libs in the
jwsdp installation that in fact had the same versions.

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot,
Dario Liberman.

jwsdp is the Java Web Services Development Pack from SUN.
The Java Web Services Developer Pack v1.0_01 includes the following:
Java XML Pack which includes the following:
Java API for XML Messaging (JAXM) v1.1_01
Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) v1.2_01 (with XML Schema support)
Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) v1.0_02
Java API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC) v1.0_01
SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) v1.1_02
JavaServer PagesTM Standard Tag Library (JSTL) v1.0.1
Java WSDP Registry Server v1.0_02
Web Application Deployment Tool
Ant Build Tool 1.4.1
Apache Tomcat 4.1.2 container

Description: Zip compressed data

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