Re: Basic Usage / Hosting Questions

2003-06-01 Thread Jeremy Quinn
On Friday, May 30, 2003, at 03:39 PM, JD Daniels wrote:

So question one: Am I better off from a server resource standpoint, to 
ONE installation of Cocoon, and point the appBase to a subdirectory of 

A popular way of running several cocoon-based projects as separate 
virtual hosts, is to use one instance of Cocoon, serving each project 
via a sub-sitemap, using virtualhost and mod_proxy in Apache HTTPD to 
point to each one.


The downside of this may be when your Clients all want different 
component declarations, like their own datasources, input-modules, 
lucene indexes, etc.

Here is an example from one of my Apache httpd configs:

# If mod_proxy cannot connect to the servlet container, we want
# to display a nice static page saying the reason. This is a
# SHTML page (using the Server-Side-Includes filter)
ErrorDocument 502 /errors/service-unavailable.shtml
ErrorDocument 500 /errors/server-error.shtml
ErrorDocument 404 /errors/document-unavailable.shtml
ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyErrorOverride On
NameVirtualHost *

VirtualHost *
# eg. get Apache to serve directly out of a Cocoon project
# Serve's CSS
Alias /style/ /Library/TomCat/webapps/cocoon/foo/parts/css/
Directory /Library/TomCat/webapps/cocoon/foo/parts/css
  Options Indexes MultiViews
  AllowOverride None
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
# don't proxy any request beginning with the following keywords:
ProxyPass/errors/ !
ProxyPass/style/ !
# send everything else to the foo sub-sitemap
ProxyPass/ http://localhost:8080/cocoon/foo/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/cocoon/foo/

VirtualHost *
# eg. a custom log file for
CustomLog logs/bar_log common
# don't proxy any request beginning with the following keywords:
ProxyPass/errors/ !
# eg. serve the Cocoon distribution
ProxyPass/cocoon/ http://localhost:8080/cocoon/
ProxyPassReverse /cocoon/ http://localhost:8080/cocoon/
# send everything else to the bar sub-sitemap
ProxyPass/ http://localhost:8080/cocoon/bar/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/cocoon/bar/

In order for Apache to be able to over-ride Cocoon's error pages, you 
need to modify Cocoon's error handling like below, to send out the 
appropriate HTTP Response code.

  map:select type=exception
map:when test=not-found
  map:generate type=notifying/
  map:transform src=stylesheets/system/error2html.xslt
map:parameter name=contextPath 
map:parameter name=pageTitle value=Resource not found/
  map:serialize status-code=404/
  map:generate type=notifying/
  map:transform src=stylesheets/system/error2html.xslt
map:parameter name=contextPath 
  map:serialize status-code=500/

Hope this helps

regards Jeremy

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Re: cocoon.xconf error

2003-03-30 Thread Jeremy Quinn
On Wednesday, March 19, 2003, at 04:45 PM, Lionel Crine wrote:


I use cocoon 2.0.3 :
I tried to add some new components-instance in cocoon.xconf  as 
Jeremy Quinn wrote it in 

logger=core.modules.xml name=RLR-conf
file src=WEB-INF/RLR.xconf/

file src=context://WEB-INF/RLR.xconf/
hope this helps

regards Jeremy

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Re: WritableSource output Cocoon 2.0.4

2003-03-18 Thread Jeremy Quinn
On Tuesday, March 18, 2003, at 11:14 AM, Upayavira wrote:

The sourceWritingTransformer in 2.1 is quite different to the one in
2.0.4. I don't know whether it is 'back-compatible',
Unfortunately it is not back compatible.
Are you aware why not?
Because when the modifications made to SWT in 2.1 by various people 
were unified in the code, various parts of 2.0.n's infrastructure 
supporting those changes were not in place.

regards Jeremy

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best Java for RedHat?

2003-03-13 Thread Jeremy Quinn
Hi Folks,

I am setting up Cocoon on a Linux box for the first time (I am new to 

Is this a good JVM to be running, or is there a stable 1.4.1 for this 

% java -version
java version 1.3.1
jdkgcj 0.2.3 (
gcj (GCC) 3.2 20020903 (Red Hat Linux 8.0 3.2-7)
Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is 

Thanks for any suggestions.

regards Jeremy

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Re: [strawpoll] use of excelon/progress stylus studio

2003-03-13 Thread Jeremy Quinn
On Thursday, March 13, 2003, at 01:15 PM, Steven Noels wrote:

I've been contacted by Progress/Excelon to discuss some new features 
they are looking into adding in some upcoming version of Stylus  Studio.

Most importantly (to me), they are aiming to provide full XML Entity 
Catalog support to v5 upon my request (OK, I used my Apache hat to 
motivate them), so that people can edit Forrest document-v11 docs 
without being peskered with unresolvable doctype declarations.


Stylus Studio being a Windows-only product, I have no opinion.

regards Jeremy

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Re: SQLTransformer modifications

2003-03-06 Thread Jeremy Quinn
On Wednesday, March 5, 2003, at 05:15 PM, Irv Salisbury III wrote:

We'd like to use paging in our application from the result sets 
returned from the SQLTransformer.  However, with a number of our 
queries returning 20,000+ rows, it seems like the current Paginator 
will not cut it for us.  This is mainly because it looks like the 
Paginator expects all of the data to be there, which we don't want it 
to be.
I just use the LIMIT statement in my SQL Query:

component xmlns=;
		descgets the list of audiocd format/desc
	chapter type=publications
		execute-query xmlns=; 
			query name=count-paging
FROM library_resource
WHERE format = 15
		execute-query xmlns=; 
			query name=publications
SELECT id AS 'libraryid', title, YEAR(pubyear) AS 'date', 
description AS 'desc'
FROM library_resource
WHERE format = 15
ORDER BY r.title
LIMIT substitute-value sql:name=start/,substitute-value 

Then some XSLT turns the 'count-paging' query into a bunch of links to 
each 'page' of results.

I use InputModules in the Sitemap for the parameters 'start' and 
'count', which have default values (0 and 25) that can be overridden by 
request parameters.

hope this helps

regards Jeremy

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Re: Cocoon and Jetty

2003-02-25 Thread Jeremy Quinn
On Tuesday, February 25, 2003, at 03:39 PM, Luke Noel-Storr wrote:

OK I fixed it myself.

I started again with Jetty and this time copied just the xalan jar in 
from Cocoon to ext.  The then copied xerces and xml jars across from 
Tomcat, deleted tmp files and tried again.

This time it worked.

Now, to try doing something with cocoon.
another technique, as of today's CVS HEAD, is to run Cocoon in the copy 
of Jetty that comes built-in.

cd [your path to]xml-cocoon2
./cocoon servlet
starts Cocoon on port 

regards Jeremy

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Re: [Jetty] Quicker startup

2003-02-18 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Monday, February 17, 2003, at 07:23 PM, Upayavira wrote:


If you're using Windows, you can use the batch file I've attached. 
Otherwise, you
can try Pier's Unix script at:

I am confused about this script.
Where does it expect $COCOON-HOME to be after a standard build?


regards Jeremy

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2003-02-17 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Monday, February 17, 2003, at 04:55 PM, Ines Robbers wrote:

Hi again,

I've got yet another question to do with HSQLDB which I have never 
Reading Cocoon: Building XML Applications I've come across an HSQLDB
example (p. 176) which works fine but I wonder why.

I'm calling


With some queries id, name from department

and get the data

1 Development
2 Management
3 Testers
4 TestDep

I would like to know where this content comes from, actually where I
find the database that ships with Cocoon and how to add new data to it.

I'b grateful for help!

HSQLDB is a miniature implementation of an SQL-type relational database.
It come built-in to Cocoon.

Its code is in xml-cocoon2/lib/optional/hsqldb-1.7.1.jar.

It is initialised in cocoon.xconf (search for: hsqldb-server)
The personnel connection is also setup in cocoon.xconf (search for 

If you plan working with lots of SQL, you might be better using MySQL or PostgreSQL, which 
are both free and will have a wider range of 3rd party tools that will 
work with them. You will need a JDBC Driver, I use

regards Jeremy

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Re: extending XMLForms for different kinds of models...opinions?

2003-02-15 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Friday, February 14, 2003, at 01:07 PM, Josema Alonso wrote:

Dear all,

I need your suggestions and opinions in extending the current XMLForm 
approach. If you use XMLForm or are thinking about using it soon, I'd
suggest youy to read this message and send some feedback to the list.


Would it not be best to discuss this on Cocoon-Dev?

Very nice idea, BTW!

regards Jeremy

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Re: Writing Request to File System

2003-02-13 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 09:01 PM, 

I'm not sure that this will solve my problem with write-source.  
is getting written to my file and I get the following message on the
browser the src attribute could not be resolved and failed to cancel.

I appreciate the tip, I'll run the response though another stylesheet 
display that to the user.  Um, maybe the src attribute could not be
resolved and failed to cancel is my response from the

indeed it is

Does that response from SourceWritingTransformer make any sense to you?

It is saying primarily that it could not resolve the 'src'. ie. it 
could not work out from the source path you gave it, where to write. I 
cannot remember what the 'failed to cancel' bit means.

Be very careful what whitespace appears in your usage of SWT, 
particularly in the source:fragment tag.

Look at the example stylesheet 
'cocoon/samples/editor/stylesheets/editor2writer.xsl', notice how no 
whitespace is added to either source:source or source:fragment, notice 
how your stylesheet does have whitespace in these tags. This may be a 
cause of problems.

regards Jeremy

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Re: XForms - and persistance layer - Xindice or other cleverness

2003-02-12 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 08:00 AM, Dirk-Willem van Gulik 

Is there a well known receipe to generate the JavaBeans which XForms 
to hold the data for each form ? Or a generic mapper whcih given the 
data lets me store such directly in Xindice or, through somethign like 
automated SQL mapping, elsewhere ?

What I am looking for is a data definition driven
	- form
	- validation
	- storage construction. Where a change in the data definition,
followed if needed by a purge of the database and a
restructure/rebuild/remake, will drive the (html) forms, table/storage
structs and validation. A recompile of generated java code is fine too.

Data defintion is obviously not to be interpreted too narrow; i.e. it 
have companion definitions for UI or storage hints,

Thanks for your collective wisdom !

There was a flowscript posted on Cocoon Dev, handling XForm - Bean 
- RDBMS using Hibernate.

I am trying to get my head around it ;)

regards Jeremy

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Re: Writing Request to File System

2003-02-12 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 02:14 PM, 

a little more help would be greatly appreciated.  The root of my 
after the transformation is source:write, do I need to wrap this in
another tag so the map:serialize type=xml/ has something to send 
to the browser?

The SourceWritingTransformer replaces the source:write tag with a 
response to say what happened. If you want to display the edited 
content back to the user again, you need to duplicate it, before the 

regards Jeremy

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Re: AW: global sitemap parameters and programatic cocoon configuration

2003-02-11 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Monday, February 10, 2003, at 08:15 PM, SAXESS - Hussayn Dabbous 

Only one last question, before i dive into it. Does this
also work on cocoon-2.0.4, or do i have to wait until 2.1
is released ?

Sorry, I do not know about 2.0.4, I just use 2.1 ;)

regards Jeremy

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Re: A note about the best(?) (cocoon-) development environment ...

2003-02-10 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Sunday, February 9, 2003, at 04:50 PM, Frank Ridderbusch wrote:

On Sun, 9 Feb 2003 12:26:50 +
Jeremy Quinn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't have the $$$ to try Framemaker, but if you are prepared to put
in the work, you could try XMLMind XMLEditor (XXE).

You need to write a config for XXE, for your docset.
You need to write CSS to display your XML.
You can use either XSD or DTD for validation.

If you want to use XSD (and use the editor for free) you must have a
default namespace starting with
'[yourdoc]', in your document

I have managed to produce a satisfactory environment for 'corporate
document jockeys' to use.

regards Jeremy


I'm just curious. I assume you XXE used only with UTF-8 or ascii. I 
gave XXE a short whirl, but I was unable to load documents with
encoding=ISO-8859-1 that contained german öäü... characters.

XXE reads the encoding from the first line of your file, if there is 
not one there, it uses whatever you have set for the default in 

regards Jeremy

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Re: AW: global sitemap parameters and programatic cocoon configuration

2003-02-10 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Monday, February 10, 2003, at 06:44 PM, SAXESS - Hussayn Dabbous 

I also learned, that input modules is something not yet released,
and under discussion...

I'll start experimenting with DefaultsMetaModule and add some
stuff into cocoon.xconf and look into this in more depth. I would
appreciate, if anyone could add a little more light to this ...

Here's an example from my config in Cocoon 2.1:


  logger=core.modules.xml name=my-org-conf
 file src=WEB-INF/my-org.xconf/

  logger=core.modules.input name=my-org
 input-module name=request-param/
 input-module name=simple-map
   input-module name=my-org-conf/


my-org.xmap (a sub site-map)

map:transform src={my-org:xslt}/process-sql.xsl
  map:parameter name=count value={my-org:count}/
  map:parameter name=start value={my-org:start}/

Values from the xml file can be used as values in the sitemap.
In this example, any of the 'vars' can be overridden by a request 

Hope this helps

regards Jeremy

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Re: A note about the best(?) (cocoon-) development environment ...

2003-02-09 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Saturday, Feb 8, 2003, at 19:28 Europe/London, Robert Simmons wrote:

The only other comment I have is that I'm still searching for a content
editor for Static XML. I'm currently investigating using adobe 
The idea being that I would have a WYSIWYG way of editing documents 
that any
one of my clients could use and I could write XSLT processors to 
convert that
to the web format using cocoon. Right now the current XML editors are 
primitive. Usable for a programmer but for a corporate document 
jockey, no

I don't have the $$$ to try Framemaker, but if you are prepared to put 
in the work, you could try XMLMind XMLEditor (XXE).

You need to write a config for XXE, for your docset.
You need to write CSS to display your XML.
You can use either XSD or DTD for validation.

If you want to use XSD (and use the editor for free) you must have a 
default namespace starting with 
'[yourdoc]', in your document root.

I have managed to produce a satisfactory environment for 'corporate 
document jockeys' to use.

regards Jeremy

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Eclipse on MacOSX

2003-01-29 Thread Jeremy Quinn
Hi All,

Has anyone managed to get Cocoon compiling under Eclipse on MacOSX?

I am struggling to do so . ui.jar not loading from the JRE so 
missing lots of Swing etc. (?)

Thanks for any help

regards Jeremy

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Re: Schematron transform in a Cocoon pipeline

2003-01-22 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Tuesday, Jan 21, 2003, at 20:58 Europe/London, John R. Callahan 

This seems too simple, but I wanted to see if I could
use Schematron generated XSLT to validate some
XML in a Cocoon pipeline.  This might be used for
validating uploaded  XML files for example.

You might find the 'slash-edit' sample in Cocoon 2.1 scratchpad a 
useful example, it is based on the skeleton 1.5 if I remember 
correctly. The validating XSLT is generated from an internal pipeline.

regards Jeremy

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Re: SQL Transformer substitute-value woes with 2.0.4

2003-01-17 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Thursday, Jan 16, 2003, at 12:21 Europe/London, Andrew Savory wrote:


As far as I can tell, using substitute-value with SQL Transformer does 
work in 2.0.4 (and there aren't any examples of it in the samples,
something I'll rectify if I ever get the darn thing working!).

Here's what I've got:


  SELECT DISTINCT contributor_id, name FROM foo WHERE 
contributor_id='substitute-value sql:name=contributor_id/'


... as far as I can tell, the substitute value just doesn't work. I've
tried swapping {1} for 1 in the sitemap, and that doesn't help.

Any ideas?

I use this in 2.1 successfully, did you try leaving the quotes out?


	SELECT DISTINCT contributor_id, name FROM foo WHERE contributor_id = 
substitute-value sql:name=contributor_id/

this is how mine look ...

regards Jeremy

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Re: SQL Transformer substitute-value woes with 2.0.4

2003-01-17 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Friday, Jan 17, 2003, at 10:04 Europe/London, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Jeremy Quinn wrote:

	SELECT DISTINCT contributor_id, name FROM foo WHERE
contributor_id =
substitute-value sql:name=contributor_id/

this is how mine look ...

And you do not use the sql namespace on the substitue-value element
(sql:substitue-value sql:name=.../) or have the default namespace
set to sql?

yeah, I missed that ;) Whoops!

you need to declare the prefixed namespace if you want to use either:

	substitue-value sql:name=id/
	ancestor-value sql:name=id sql:level=1/


		select *
		from blah
		where id = substitue-value sql:name=id/



regards Jeremy

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Cocoon webpage in Arabic

2003-01-08 Thread Jeremy Quinn
Dear All,

I just found out yesterday that I have to have a page in Arabic on a 
site I am working on that is otherwise in English, with a bit of French 
and Spanish (using UTF-8).

I have never worked in non-latin languages before!

Can anyone advise me what kind of issues I will face?

Does utf-8 cover Arabic?
Are there different 'xml:lang' specifiers for different forms of Arabic?
Do you have to do anything special in the generated HTML to reverse the 

Please excuse my extreme ignorance!

Thanks for any help.

regards Jeremy

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Re: Cocoon webpage in Arabic

2003-01-08 Thread Jeremy Quinn
Thanks everyone for your insightful replies.

regards Jeremy

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Re: Lucene - elements stored in the index

2002-12-21 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Friday, Dec 20, 2002, at 07:32 Europe/London, Sebastian Gil wrote:

I've problem with storing elements in the lucene search index. I'm 
using create-index.xsp from cocoon/search example
for indexing and SearchGenerator for featching results. I've modified 
lines in cocoon.xconf

This is only implemented in the HEAD branch.
You will have to use Cocoon 2.1

regards Jeremy

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Re: XSP/ESQL - separation of concerns?

2002-12-19 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Wednesday, Dec 18, 2002, at 11:37 Europe/London, Luca Morandini 

The caveats are:
- SQLTranformer in slower than ESQL


How much slower?!?

regards Jeremy

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Re: [SUMMARY] Complicated setup

2002-12-06 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Thursday, Dec 5, 2002, at 23:01 Europe/London, Charles Yates wrote:

  # Problem: now EVERYTHING is served by cocoon. No way to serve
static/legacy content by Apache!

A small quibble, but this isn't true.  You can set up an alias in
httpd.conf, for example:

Alias /images/ /usr/java/tomcat/webapps/cocoon/resources/images/

Directory /usr/java/tomcat/webapps/cocoon/resources/images
Options Indexes Multiviews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

 Then any request to '/images/someimagefile will be served by
apache, even with cocoon context at '/'.  At least this works for me
apache 2.0.43 mod_webapp 1.2.  This is also how I handle pdfs.
 On the other hand, Leo's excellent summary has got me thinking I
should switch to mod_jk2 . . .

I just tried this with jk_mod.

With  JkMount /*  it will not work (and that's the one I need). 
TomCat gets the ball.

Using mod_jk 1.2.0, Apache 1.3.27

regards Jeremy

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Re: Converting AI to SVG

2002-12-06 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Friday, Dec 6, 2002, at 15:51 Europe/London, Upayavira wrote:

Does anyone know how to do a bulk conversion of Adobe Illustrator 
files to SVG files?

Depends on your platform I imagine, but Illustrator on MacOSX has a 
rich AppleScript Dictionary, I have not used it myself, but I hear good 
reports from a friend who is using it for algorithmic drawing. It could 
be possible to write AppleScript to control a combination of the Finder 
and Illustrator to do the job. Ask around on some appropriate 
production graphics forums.

regards Jeremy

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Re: Complicated setup

2002-12-05 Thread Jeremy Quinn
Hi Andrew,

On Tuesday, Dec 3, 2002, at 17:43 Europe/London, Andrew Savory wrote:

Effectively I guess you want rules that pass everything but images,
movies, audio, x-spaceprojects, harlem etc to mod_jk. Anyone else know 
to do that? ;-)

I mean something like:

JkMount /!(images|movies|audio)*

Are you sure this syntax works?
I cannot get it to catch anything.
What version are you using?

This works:

	JkMount /*

so mod_jk is working, but this does not let Apache serve anything.

thanks for any help

regards Jeremy

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Re: Complicated setup

2002-12-05 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Thursday, Dec 5, 2002, at 12:05 Europe/London, Andrew Savory wrote:

On Thu, 5 Dec 2002, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

I mean something like:

JkMount /!(images|movies|audio)*

no, this doesn't work. seems to be psedocode, hard to implement :-/
with the limited jk mount directives

Thanks for the confirmation!

Yup, sorry, pseudocode. I've had my head deep in the O'Reilly Mastering
Regular Expressions book trying to find a way to implement it, with no
luck so far :-/

Yeah, I reckon it does not use real regexp.

It is all a rather disappointing mess IMHO!!


WHY it is not possible to have a nice ordered list of URL handlers in
Apache like you can in Cocoon is beyond me ;)

Perhaps we should petition the httpd developers ;-)


I am trying to decide now whether to just leave Apache out of the 
equation altogether and either use readers in Cocoon to serve the 
static HTML, or use TomCat or Jetty directly.

The Apache - mod_jk - TomCat/Jetty setup, is just not designed with 
Servlets that serve '/' or '/*' in mind, specially if you also want to 
serve other stuff directly from Apache.

Furthermore, none of the tricks they talk about in the dox for mod_jk 
for serving static material out of the webapp via Apache even remotely 

It is a major PIA IMHO!

Anyway, thanks for your help.

regards Jeremy

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Re: [SUMMARY] Complicated setup

2002-12-05 Thread Jeremy Quinn
Hi Leo

That was an excellent summary!

The only thing I would add was that if you try to use mod_jk like this:

JkMount /* worker

it completely blocks the use of Apache for _any_ static content, making 
it very difficult (or at least, verbose) to use in certain 

Does mod_jk2 suffer from the same limitation?

Many thanks for all your help

regards Jeremy

On Thursday, Dec 5, 2002, at 14:56 Europe/London, leo leonid wrote:

If you want to connect Cocoon with Apache httpd in order to serve 
static/legacy content directly from Apache you have three 
possibilities ATM (apart from the obsolete Jserv):


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Re: Complicated setup

2002-12-04 Thread Jeremy Quinn

This is a different configuration syntax to the one I am using I think, 
or are there two different syntaxes?

I am using version 1.2.0, compiled locally.

I have an Apache .conf file, which loads the module, sets up 
JkWorkersFile, JkMount etc. And a file which sets up 
one ajp13 worker.

There's a file like your sample below in my TomCat/conf called, but I don't think I am using it.

Thanks for any help

regards Jeremy

On Wednesday, Dec 4, 2002, at 02:22 Europe/London, leo leonid wrote:

Do you mean this is where you differentiate between different 
Or do you do more than that in this file? I've never used one before,
except probably the default.

There you define hosts, ports, workers, uri mapping etc ... a sample


# Example socket channel, override port and host.

# define the worker

# Uri mapping

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Complicated setup

2002-12-03 Thread Jeremy Quinn
Hi All

Can anyone advise me on getting this complicated setup right?

We have a website that will have some stuff served by Cocoon and some 
served by Apache.

It is not easy to separate them out because we need to retain legacy 
URLs. Likewise, it is not possible to give Cocoon served material a URL 
prefix, primarily because we need Cocoon to serve the home page of the 

From Cocoon:

	etc. (about 10 items)

From Apache:

	etc. (also about 10 items)

And then we need Slide-based WebDAV access to the Cocoon based 
material, with Cocoon generating from the Slide repository . and 
this I have still never had working .

If necessary we /could/:
a) place all static content in a single directory and redirect (legacy 
URLs) into it from Cocoon.
b) use virtual-hosts, one for Cocoon and one for the static stuff and 
redirect from Cocoon. But redirecting to images etc. is not that great 

I am getting confused with all the options .. virtual-hosts, 
web-app, JK, JK2 connectors and all the options in them!

Have any of you lot tried any of this before?
How did you approach it?

Many thanks for any help

regards Jeremy

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Re: Complicated setup

2002-12-03 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Tuesday, Dec 3, 2002, at 15:03 Europe/London, Andrew Savory wrote:

On Tue, 3 Dec 2002, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

We have a website that will have some stuff served by Cocoon and some
served by Apache.

Is the stuff served by Apache static content, ie html, mpeg, avi, etc?

correct, but we cannot rely on suffixes for mapping (if that's what you 
were leading to )

Obviously static content served by Apache will have suffixes . the 
stuff served by Cocoon will not, but it does need to be able to handle 
situations where someone adds a suffix to the url (and redirects to the 
un-suffixed version of the same url).

It is not easy to separate them out because we need to retain legacy
URLs. Likewise, it is not possible to give Cocoon served material a 
prefix, primarily because we need Cocoon to serve the home page of the

Ok, I'd get Cocoon to serve the whole lot (assuming you want to 
replace legacy stuff with Cocoon anyway), but use the sitemap to pass
through the legacy bits.

We will not be converting the legacy stuff to Cocoon, they are 3rd 
party projects, hosted on the site because they have some relationship 
with the hosting organisation.

 From Apache:


  map:match pattern=/images/**.jpg
map:read src=/legacy/root/images/{1}.jpg mime-type=image/jpg/


  map:match pattern=/movies/**.avi
map:read src=/legacy/root/movies/{1}.avi 

We really want to get Apache serving this content if possible, it is 
going to have less overhead and be faster, as I understand it.

But I do see your point, if the worst comes to the worst, we can serve 
all the static content (even HTML) using a 'reader'.

And then we need Slide-based WebDAV access to the Cocoon based
material, with Cocoon generating from the Slide repository . and
this I have still never had working .

Not used this, so can't help, sorry.

Still trying to find someone who's used this stuff ;)

a) place all static content in a single directory and redirect (legacy
URLs) into it from Cocoon.

I'd leave it where it is, and get Cocoon to do the hard work of dealing
with legacy urls.

Thanks for your suggestions.

regards Jeremy

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Re: Complicated setup

2002-12-03 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Tuesday, Dec 3, 2002, at 15:31 Europe/London, leo leonid wrote:

On Tuesday, December 3, 2002, at 03:34 PM, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

Hi All

Can anyone advise me on getting this complicated setup right?


Many thanks for any help

I had a very similar situation, I solved it by regarding the suffix. 
In my Apache DocumentRoot are all directories with static content. I 
only mount the following

JkMount /  worker2
JkMount /*.html  worker2
JkMount /*.xml  worker2

Is 'JK2' the best one to be using now?
I am a bit confused between mod_webapp (warp) and JK[n] TBH.

Sure you'll run into troubles if there are html files in the static 
directories, or you rename it to *.htm

Can't change the urls ;)

I you find a more flexible solution, please tell me.

The problem here, is relying on suffixes . we cannot .

As I remember, mapping '/' to mod_webapp stopped Apache from serving 

But as you imply in your sample above, this is not the case with JK2?

So I would be able to map a long list of folders to JK2 and have 
everything else automatically handled by Apache?


JkMount / worker2
JkMount /index worker2
JkMount /index.* worker2
JkMount /archive/* worker2
JkMount /collaboration/* worker2
JkMount /education/* worker2
JkMount /general/* worker2
JkMount /library/* worker2
JkMount /news/* worker2
JkMount /press/* worker2
JkMount /publications/* worker2
JkMount /season/* worker2
JkMount /search/* worker2
JkMount /x-space/* worker2

Is this going to work?

Will Cocoon 'receive' the whole URL, or just the bit picked up by the 

Thanks for your help.

regards Jeremy

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Re: Complicated setup

2002-12-03 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Tuesday, Dec 3, 2002, at 17:57 Europe/London, leo leonid wrote:

On Tuesday, December 3, 2002, at 05:52 PM, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

On Tuesday, Dec 3, 2002, at 15:31 Europe/London, leo leonid wrote:

On Tuesday, December 3, 2002, at 03:34 PM, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

Hi All

Can anyone advise me on getting this complicated setup right?


Many thanks for any help

I had a very similar situation, I solved it by regarding the suffix. 
In my Apache DocumentRoot are all directories with static content. I 
only mount the following

JkMount /  worker2
JkMount /*.html  worker2
JkMount /*.xml  worker2

Is 'JK2' the best one to be using now?
I am a bit confused between mod_webapp (warp) and JK[n] TBH.

I actually use JK1.2 ajp13 connector (works fine with Jetty, too)

OK, that's good the hear.
I am testing on MacOSX, and that's the only version available ATM.

I formerly used mod_webapp, which is simple to setup, but less 
flexible in managing the urispace. Apart from this it does not support 
load-balancing and has it has turned out to be not as stable as my 
current solution.

OK, I have used mod_webapp before for simpler stuff, and it has been 

I experimented with jk2, too. Big advantage with jk2 is that you don't 
have to change the httpd.conf with every change in your mounts (you 
keep them in a separate file

Do you mean this is where you differentiate between different Servlets? 
Or do you do more than that in this file? I've never used one before, 
except probably the default.

But I had some very strange results with jk2, resources like images 
and css has been served in a random-like order after some hours with 
heavy load and my boring pages looked like artwork :-) maybe a cashing 
problem, never found the reason, so I switched back to jk1.2. (at that 
time jk2 was still alpha, maybe it is fine now, but AFAIK there is 
currently no solution with jk2 and Jetty)

You are using Jetty rather than TomCat?

Sure you'll run into troubles if there are html files in the static 
directories, or you rename it to *.htm

Can't change the urls ;)

I you find a more flexible solution, please tell me.

The problem here, is relying on suffixes . we cannot .

As I remember, mapping '/' to mod_webapp stopped Apache from serving 

WebAppConnection warpConnection warp ministrant.leonid:8008
WebAppDeploy cocoon warpConnection /

this works, but now EVERYTHING is handled by cocoon. (That's maybe 
what you mean)


But as you imply in your sample above, this is not the case with JK2?

So I would be able to map a long list of folders to JK2 and have 
everything else automatically handled by Apache?


JkMount / worker2
JkMount /index worker2
JkMount /index.* worker2
JkMount /archive/* worker2
JkMount /collaboration/* worker2
JkMount /education/* worker2
JkMount /general/* worker2
JkMount /library/* worker2
JkMount /news/* worker2
JkMount /press/* worker2
JkMount /publications/* worker2
JkMount /season/* worker2
JkMount /search/* worker2
JkMount /x-space/* worker2

Is this going to work?

Yes, this will work - with the drawback, that you probably have to 
update httpd.conf very often.

yeah, not much fun 

 It would be famous if the guys from jk would adopt the cocoon sitemap 
language. But at present the matching possibilities are very limited. 
*/dir/ or **/dir/* does not work :(

Oh would'nt it!

Reading the docs, for JK, (not sure if I understood them correctly), 
but configuring:

	JkOptions +ForwardDirectories

in conjunction with DirectoryIndex ??


If ForwardDirectories is set to true and Apache doesn't find any files 
that match, the request will be forwarded to Tomcat for resolution. 
This is used in cases when Apache cannot see the index files on the 
file system for various reasons: Tomcat is running on a different 
machine, the JSP file has been precompiled etc. 

I do not know if this is relevant to my situation, whereby if an 
incoming URL does not match a file, the request is automatically sent 
to TomCat?

A setup like that would make it really easy!

What's more the client could decide at any time to statically render 
parts of the Cocoon site (that were not changing regularly) and have 
them served by Apache.

Do you have any experience of these directives?

Will Cocoon 'receive' the whole URL, or just the bit picked up by the 

yes, the whole URL

good to hear!

Thanks, this has been very helpful.

regards Jeremy

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Re: Parsing XML from SQL

2002-11-28 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Thursday, Nov 28, 2002, at 06:49 Europe/London, Gabriele Domenichini 

Your problem is not simple. If I've understood you have resources 
record made like this:
something.jpg | somewhere/ | resourceFound.txt |

There is currently a field that holds a url snippet to the resource, as 
your example.
This makes perfect sense for binary assets that are loaded directly by 
the browser, we can just embed the asset.

With marked up text, however we do not have this simple ability to 
embed using the browser (unless we use iframe or something like that !).

I am looking at the possibility of storing the xml markup in an SQL 
field, but it would have to be parsed before it was useful.

Well if this is the point, I think the best way to act is to make some 
xslt transformation after the sql transformation.

Yes, I can invoke C/XInclude to do the job, but wanted to find a less 
clumsy way of handling it, other wise all 'resources' will have to have 
C/XInclude in their pipeline regardless of whether it is needed or not, 
as you cannot tell in advance what type a particular resource will be.

I don't have experiences about parsing text but I think the text 
generator do such a thing.

A Generator is no good, we are past the Generation stage by the time we 
get the output of the SQL Query.

I used the Generation step to aggregate the page framework, SQL 
'Macros', Site menus etc.

Anyhow I believe the TextGenerator is for parsing non-XML languages 
into XML.

If you have to make estraction and elaboration before aggregation I 
would use cinclude instead xinclude. The main difference between the 
is the two is the possibility of cinclude to invoke a  specific 
pipeline (so a transformation) as source with the protocol cocoon:/.
I find this very powerfull even if a little proprietary  ;-)

We don't need internal pipelines for this . I have moved to avoid 
CIncluding internal pipelines since I found Caching does not work 
properly with them in 2.1

I agree with the orientation of avoiding esql where possible, and I 
think that here it doesn't help a lot
Sorry if I'm not specific but I should know the project and even so it 
would take me time. I hope to have been useful somehow

well, thanks for your response

regards Jeremy

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Re: parameters in xsp don't work

2002-11-27 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Tuesday, Nov 26, 2002, at 16:21 Europe/London, Christian Haul wrote:

So I will redefine my question. How can I use values obtained by a db 
in my esql in the cinclude statement?

After your XSP has done it's job, process the XML with XSLT to assemble 
your CInclude tag from your SQL results, then pass it through the 

You just cannot do it in one step, thats all .

regards Jeremy

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Parsing XML from SQL

2002-11-27 Thread Jeremy Quinn
Dear All

We are using the SQLTransformer for a project.

Our SQL Database contains a Table called Resource, which keeps 
information about the resources in our archive. Most of these resources 
are binary, ie. .gif, .jpg, .swf, .mov etc. So we merely 'embed' the 
resource reference in the page produced by a Resource record, to show 
it on the page.

We now find we have a few 'text' resources, that require a bit of 
markup in them, mainly just paragraphs.

We either need to XInclude the resource into the pipeline from an XML 
file referred to in the SQL, or keep the actual resource in the SQL and 
parse it as it comes out.

I know that it is possible to parse SQL fields via the ESQL TagLib, but 
we prefer the Transformer approach.

Does anyone know if it is possible to Parse fields extracted from SQL 
via the SQLTransformer?

Thanks for any suggestions.

regards Jeremy

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Re: Weird Saxon errors

2002-11-24 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Monday, Nov 18, 2002, at 21:22 Europe/London, SAXESS - Hussayn 
Dabbous wrote:

Cause of the saxon:warning:


Hussayn, many thanks for reporting your findings.

regards Jeremy

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Re: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException

2002-11-22 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Friday, Nov 22, 2002, at 06:44 Europe/London, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Ok, sorry for this - I just committed the missing line.
I don't know why, but my IDE didn't commit the changes yesterday,
although it says that it did. Wired. So, don't rely on tools
and always make sure that everything went as it should have

Many thanks, Carsten, I'm back in business!

regards Jeremy

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Re: Cocoon Portal Sample - Failed to execute pipeline error

2002-11-21 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Thursday, Nov 21, 2002, at 12:09 Europe/London, Matthew Langham 

An over the desk shout at Carsten reveals that the Portal is working 
the current CVS version - so I am not sure what your problem is 

Well give him another shout ;)
*Nothing* works in the current CVS ATM (21/11/02 11:11 GMT+1)  as 
just reported on Cocoon-dev subject: IndexOutOfBoundsException in 
latest CVS

Anyone know what has broken?

regards Jeremy

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Re: Cocoon Portal Sample - Failed to execute pipeline error

2002-11-21 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Thursday, Nov 21, 2002, at 14:59 Europe/London, Carsten Ziegeler 

Sorry to say this -

I am glad you did ;)

but I just did a clean checkout and build
the webapp with JKD 1.4 and run this with JDK 1.4 and Tomcat 3.3
using w2k - and what should I say: without any problems.

So I guess it's rather something with your setup.


Many thanks, at least I know it is working somewhere!

It was strange, because I did not change my working setup between two 
builds, one that worked, one that not even Cocoon pages worked.

I'll try again

regards Jeremy

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Re: Have I got any other option than to

2002-11-19 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Tuesday, Nov 19, 2002, at 08:15 Europe/London, 

Thanks for this, what you suggest is what I need, but it does mean 
that I
have to produce a summary element for all of my documents (could be
tricky as they come out of a content management system - but that is a
different story!).
If I 'patch' LuceneIndexContentHandler myself, do I just alter the 
code as you suggest, recompile and overwrite the existing class/
repackage into a new jar (I don't know how to do the latter 
but I presume I can find out)?

yes, modify the file and recompile
read the docs about how to compile Cocoon

The next part about having a special xslt presumably goes something 
 map:view name=content from-label=content
 map:transform src=stylesheets/search-index.xsl/
 map:serialize type=xml/

right again

with a generator of
map:generator label=content name=file

if you are using files, yes, it will work with any Generator
all Generators are preset with the 'content' view.

I needed to get my content from a different part of my pipeline, 
because I use CInclude aggregation, I set up a new view for this called 

my pipeline looks like this:

	map:generate src=content/{res}.xml/
	map:transform src=parts/xsl/components.xsl
		map:parameter name=res value={res}/
		map:parameter name=id value={id}/
	map:transform type=cinclude label=include/ !-- new view --
	map:transform src=parts/xsl/get-chapter-links.xsl/
	map:transform src=parts/xsl/make-chapter-links.xsl/
	map:transform src=parts/xsl/doc2html.xsl
		map:parameter name=res value={res}/
		map:parameter name=prefix value={prefix}/
		map:parameter name=display value={display}/
and my view looks like this:

  map:view from-label=include name=content
   map:transform src=parts/xsl/search-filter.xsl/
   map:serialize type=xml/

you can see how I have mapped the 'include' view to the 'content' view.
one day the view used by the indexer will be configurable (ATM is is 
fixed as 'content'), so you can choose whatever view you like, directly

Am I on the right lines with this

looks like it

regards Jeremy

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Re: Have I got any other option than to

2002-11-19 Thread Jeremy Quinn

This was how I did it originally, yes, it works fine, but I found it 
much slower :(

regards Jeremy

PS. Always glad to help the Police with their enquiries ;)

On Tuesday, Nov 19, 2002, at 16:15 Europe/London, 

Thanks again for your reply.
I have though had another thought which appears to work ;-)
This involves using some of the ideas from

which basically refers to using xpointer to get a document fragment 
the @search:uri attribute of the search results xml (using the

a target=_blank href={@search:uri}
   xi:include href={concat(substring-before($url, '.htm'),
'.xml')}#xpointer(/news_item/heading/text()) /
/abr /
xi:include href={concat(substring-before($url, '.htm'),
'.xml')}#xpointer(/news_item/body/paragraph[1]) /

This appears to work. I am sure there is some reason why this isn't in
keeping with SoC etc. of cocoon but I can't see why it shouldn't as the
importing of other xml document fragments is done with the same xsl
stylesheet as is doing the rest of the formatting.

Anyway, unless I come across another reason for not doing it this way
this works for me (at the moment). The only issue I have got to get to
grips with now is how not to actually index the content of the 
file and how to make the stylesheet more generic if it doesn't find the
elements pointed to by xpointer expression.

Cheers for all your help (I have no doubt that this thread will come 
play with what I will come across with this project!)


Conrad Crampton J
Software Solutions
Kent Police
11 Edinburgh Square
Sutton Road
ME15 9BZ

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Re: Weird Saxon errors

2002-11-18 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Monday, Nov 18, 2002, at 12:50 Europe/London, SAXESS - Hussayn 
Dabbous wrote:


Your stylesheet produces plain text as output. This seems to be
a problem for cocoon transformers. I don't know, if this behaviour
is a feature, or a bug. (Maybe the developers can tell us ;-) ?
But here is the solution as it works on my site:

Did you manage to work out what is causing the 'saxon:warning's ??

regards Jeremy

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Re: Have I got any other option than to...?

2002-11-18 Thread Jeremy Quinn
The ability to do this is not built-in currently, regardless of what it  
implies in the documentation.

The patch to add your own fields is very simple, we are discussing  
adding this ATM on the dev list.

Just incase you are in too much of a hurry  I have added 'title'  
and 'summary' fields to my index with the following patch  

RCS file:  
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -r1.5
 bodyDocument.add(Field.UnStored(lname, text.toString()));
   if (lname.equals(title)) {
   if (lname.equals(summary)) {
   // add the title/summary to both, so content is indexed

What I do is to have a special xslt on my 'content-view' which strips  
out everything I do not want searched, and decides what to make a  
'title' and what a 'summary'.

The patch adds _every_ title/ or summary/ it finds to the index.

Hope this helps

regards Jeremy

On Monday, Nov 18, 2002, at 14:30 Europe/London,  

...create my own indexing xsp page to allow me to include document
elements in my HitWrapper object so I can output something meaningful  
my search results?

I can't find anything out there that shows how to use the cocoon  
classes to include things like title element or other custom xml
elements in the index.
I have iterated over the Fields enumeration object of the  
and have only the url field available (included in the index).  
However, I
can perform searches like


and this is only performed on these xml elements, so why can't I get
'heading' output in the Hits object???

This is driving me potty. Do I have to write my own class using the
lucene classes if I am to get this to work, if so, it seems pretty
pointless in having the index example (and specific lucene cocoon
classes) if all you can output is the url - not very user friendly.


Conrad Crampton J
Software Solutions
Kent Police
11 Edinburgh Square
Sutton Road
ME15 9BZ

(01622 652869
19 2869

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Weird Saxon errors

2002-11-16 Thread Jeremy Quinn
I just switched to using Saxon 6.5.2 with Cocoon 2.1-dev as lots of  
people say it is faster than xalan and xsltc.

I get lots of strange errors in my stylesheets, that I cannot work out.
These are stylesheets that are largely trivial, and work fine in Xalan  
and XSLTC.

Has anyone else noticed this kind of behaviour?


org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Could not read resource  
filter.xsl:12:-1:javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Invalid  
processing instruction name (saxon:warning)

this is line 12, column -1 (sic)

?xml version=1.0?

xsl:stylesheet version=1.0  

	xsl:param name=idref/

	xsl:template match=doc
		xsl:apply-templates select=macro[@id=$idref]/*/

  xsl:template match=@*|node()  
  xsl:template match=text() priority=-1xsl:value-of  


Where line 12 is:

xsl:template match=@*|node()  

Do What???
There is nothing wrong with this line according to the other XSLT  
Invalid processing instruction??

This is my config:

in cocoon.xconf:

  xslt-processor logger=core.xslt-processor
 parameter name=use-store value=false/
 parameter name=incremental-processing value=true/

   parameter name=use-store value=true/
   parameter name=incremental-processing value=false/
   parameter name=transformer-factory

in sitemap.xmap:

	map:transformer logger=sitemap.transformer.saxon name=saxon
	   pool-grow=2 pool-max=32 pool-min=8

Any suggestions would be gratefully accepted.

regards Jeremy

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Input Module Problem: Invalid pattern

2002-11-16 Thread Jeremy Quinn

I am trying to modify a request parameter 'query', based on the value 
of another request parameter 'region', before passing 'query' to the 

I am trying to use the DefaultsMetaModule in 2.1-dev, and am getting 
unexpected exceptions.

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Failed to load sitemap from 
Invalid pattern '+(doc@search:archive) +({default:query})' at 

This concatenation works in another version of this sitemap, where I do 
not use Input Modules.

Here is the sitemap matcher (its the only one in this sitemap):

map:match pattern=
 map:select type=parameter	!-- test 'query' param --
  map:parameter name=parameter-selector-test 
  map:when test=!-- there is no query --
   map:generate type=search/
  map:otherwise   !-- there is a query --
   map:select type=parameter	!-- test 'region' param --
map:parameter name=parameter-selector-test 
map:when test=archive   !-- 'region' param = archive --
 map:generate type=search   !-- modify the query to only 
search the archive --
  map:parameter name=query
		value=+(doc@search:archive) +({default:query})/
 !-- error @ 35:88 is here  ^ --
map:when test=library
 map:generate type=search
  map:parameter name=query value=+(doc@search:library) 
	!-- etc. --
 map:generate type=search
  map:parameter name=query value={default:query}/
 map:transform src=parts/xsl/search2menu.xsl
  map:parameter name=prefix value={default:iniva-url}/

and here is the relevant snippet from cocoon.xconf:

  logger=core.modules.input name=defaults
 input-module name=request-param/

Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?

thanks for any help

regards Jeremy

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Re: inserting doctype from xsl

2002-11-16 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Saturday, Nov 16, 2002, at 19:10 Europe/London, Alessio Sangalli  

Perhaps it has already been discussed, but I didn't find any reference  
to this in the mail list archives.

Set it up in the relevant serializer in the  
map:components/map:serializers section of your sitemap like this:

   map:serializer logger=sitemap.serializer.xhtml  
mime-type=text/html name=xhtml pool-grow=2 pool-max=64  
pool-min=2 src=org.apache.cocoon.serialization.XMLSerializer
 doctype-public-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN/doctype-public

This is an example of setting up the xhtml serializer.

Now, when I have:

	map:serialize type=xhtml/

at the end of my pipeline, my documents get that DOCTYPE.

hope this helps

regards Jeremy

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Sitemap help?

2002-11-15 Thread Jeremy Quinn
I was trying to make a pipeline like the one below work, but could not.
It never gets selected.

I thought this kind of thing was allowed, in 2.1?

map:match pattern=search/site

  !-- match search/site when there is a query request param --
	map:match type=request pattern=query
		!-- generate, transform, serialize --
  !-- match search/site when there is not a query request param --
	map:match pattern=*
		!-- generate, transform, serialize --


What am I doing wrong?

thanks for any help

regards Jeremy

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Re: Sitemap help?

2002-11-15 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Friday, Nov 15, 2002, at 18:10 Europe/London, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

map:match pattern=search/site

   !-- match search/site when there is a query request param --
	map:match type=request pattern=query
		!-- generate, transform, serialize --

   !-- match search/site when there is not a query request param --
	map:match pattern=*
		!-- generate, transform, serialize --


Are you sure you have a matcher of the type request? In 
cocoon2.1-dev the
name of the org.apache.cocoon.matching.RequestParameterMatcher is

Sorry, that was a slip.
I have that selector defined locally in the sitemap as 'request'.
The sitemap does not complain it cannot find it. The URL gets matched 
by another more generic matcher further down the sitemap instead of 
this one.

regards Jeremy

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Re: Caching results of SQL Queries?

2002-11-15 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Friday, Nov 15, 2002, at 17:43 Europe/London, Justin Fagnani-Bell 

  If you're doing the SQL queries in a custom component (generator, 
transformer) you can use Cocoon's caching system. Have you class 
implement Cachable, and in the generateValidity() method you can 
return an object with the last modification date of the database.

OK, so you suggesting I could extend something like SQLTransformer to 
make a CacheableSQLTransformer.


regards Jeremy

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Re: link rel=

2002-11-14 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Tuesday, Nov 12, 2002, at 13:55 Europe/London, Alessio Sangalli 

Jeremy Quinn wrote:

what I do to deal with this kind of thing is to have a menu.xml
structure, that is imported into all my pages via CInclude, then xslt

mh, I've never understood the difference between Xinclude and 

Unfortunately (in 2.1) there are three (?) versions, 
CachingCIncludeTransformer, CIncludeTransformer and 
XIncludeTransformer. They all basically do the same job, but have 
different options.

The XInclude on uses the W3c XInclude standard tags and includes the 
XPointer syntax, the CInclude 'family' use Cocoon-specific tags.

(having been provided with the 'id' of the page via the sitemap) makes
two structures from the menu.xml, 1) my html navigation 2) the meta
links you mention.

yes, cool; I would like to prepare accurate documentation about the 
way my website was built. This could also be a useful how-to for 
cocoon newbies. If you want to contribute, I'd accept some pieces of 
code from your xsl-transformations...!

Well that is tricky, mine works with my data, I cannot guarantee this 
even works as it stands  my data is more complex than this, I 
hope the xslt below works properly with the simplified case, it is not 

My menus look something like this:

		titleA Menu/title
		descthis is a sample/desc
	titleHome Page/title
		titlePage One/title
		titlePage Two/title
			titlePage Two/One/title
			titlePage Two/Two/title
	etc ..

This is my xslt for making link/s (in it's present design, it works 
on the menu/ being the only content). This does not deal with the 
internal links within documents.

xsl:stylesheet version=1.0

	xsl:param name=res/ !-- 'res' param in the form two/index --

	xsl:variable name=me select=//*[href = $res]/
	xsl:variable name=mum select=$me/parent::*/
	xsl:variable name=psibs select=$me/preceding-sibling::item/
	xsl:variable name=fsibs select=$me/following-sibling::item/
	xsl:variable name=kids select=$me/item/

	xsl:template match=menu
		xsl:for-each select=$mum
			link href={href} title={title} rel=Up/
		xsl:for-each select=$psibs[1]
			link href={href} title={title} rel=First/
		xsl:for-each select=$psibs[last()]
			link href={href} title={title} rel=Prev/
		xsl:for-each select=$fsibs[1]
			link href={href} title={title} rel=Next/
		xsl:for-each select=$fsibs[last()]
			link href={href} title={title} rel=Last/
		xsl:for-each select=$psibs
			link href={href} title={title} rel=Section/
		xsl:for-each select=$me[1]
			link href={href} title={title} rel=Section/
		xsl:for-each select=$fsibs
			link href={href} title={title} rel=Section/
		xsl:for-each select=$kids
			link href={href} title={title} rel=SubSection/

Hope this helps

regards Jeremy

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Caching results of SQL Queries?

2002-11-14 Thread Jeremy Quinn
Dear All,

I have a set of related Tables in MySQL, which are used to build part 
of a site I am working on.

We use SQL because of the related nature of the data, rather than any 
great need for dynamics.

My SQL queries are broken down into 'components' which are CIncluded 
into my documents from internal pipelines. Usually there are several 
components that use SQL queries in each document. (It is done this way 
to isolate the implementation of components from their useage as well 
as from the main sitemap).

The data seldom changes . is there any way I can force the internal 
pipelines to cache, without using the tricks like browser caching via 
the 'expires' header on the external pipeline?

Thanks for any suggestions.

regards Jeremy

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Re: link rel=

2002-11-12 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Monday, Nov 11, 2002, at 18:21 Europe/London, Alessio Sangalli wrote:

Hi I've a little problem because I want to automatically generate the 
link header (if you use Mozilla, it's very useful, if you want to 
show it: menu - view - show-hide - site navigation toolbar - show [as 

Here is an example:

link rel=home type=text/html title=How to build an IR receiver 
link rel=prev type=text/html title=Circuit href=circuit.html/
link rel=next type=text/html title=Diode and Resistor 
link rel=last type=text/html title=Links href=links.html/

what I do to deal with this kind of thing is to have a menu.xml 
structure, that is imported into all my pages via CInclude, then xslt 
(having been provided with the 'id' of the page via the sitemap) makes 
two structures from the menu.xml, 1) my html navigation 2) the meta 
links you mention. I also output rel=Chapter (of sub-pages) links so 
all nav can be done from the site nav toolbar. Mozilla also handles 
rel=Section and rel=SubSection.

Hope this helps

regards Jeremy

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Re: Problems with substitute-value in SQLTransformer

2002-11-12 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Monday, Nov 11, 2002, at 19:41 Europe/London, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:

I have problems with the SQLTransformer in a recent 2.1-dev, more
specifically, I can't get the substitute-value element to work.

Sorry, but this works fine for me in 2.1dev

(I have different problems ;)

regards Jeremy

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Re: Poor performance of document() in XSL [Was: Re: simpel cocoon question]

2002-11-08 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Thursday, Nov 7, 2002, at 16:19 Europe/London, Joerg Heinicke wrote:

normally this won't work. You create a Result Tree Fragment in 
$colours and have to convert it to a node set using node-set() 
extension function. This is not possible when using XSLTC.

Sorry for the red-herring!

I did not actually test it, I should have .

regards Jeremy

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Re: Poor performance of document() in XSL [Was: Re: simpel cocoon question]

2002-11-07 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Wednesday, Nov 6, 2002, at 21:26 Europe/London, Stephen Ng wrote:

I say,
document() is good for rapid prototyping, but is a poor choice for
final deployment for performance reasons. Use aggregation instead.

The Cocoon developers recommend to use aggregation or
xinclude because of SoC (XSLT is for transforming, not for
aggregating content).

Sure, but I have a big lookup table in an xml file--it seems much more
natural to reference the lookup table from xslt using document rather
than to jam it into my content stream

You may find, if you re-encode your lookup table as XSLT variables, 
that you can 'include' your data as XSLT into your stylesheet.



	xsl:variable name=colours
		colour id=white#fff/colour
		colour id=black#000/colour
		colour id=grey#888/colour


	xsl:include src=constants.xslt/


	xsl:template match=foo
		xsl:variable name=colour select=@colour/
			xsl:attribute name=colour
xsl:value-of select=$colours[@id=$colour]/
!-- or is it:	xsl:value-of select=$colours/colours[@id=$colour]/  

Hope this helps

regards Jeremy

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Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

2002-11-03 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Saturday, Nov 2, 2002, at 20:29 Europe/London, Alex Romayev wrote:

Has anyone else tried Tomcat 4.1.12 and the latest
Cocoon 2.1 dev?  Any issues with that?

I am using this combo on a dev platform, no problems (so far ;)

regards Jeremy

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Re: Using Slide with Cocoon 2

2002-11-01 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Thursday, Oct 31, 2002, at 13:42 Europe/London, Stephan Michels  

'Off the Shelf' slide.xconf is set up to use the FileContentStore to
store content in $CATALINA_HOME/contentstore (as I understand it), but
I never see any files or folders there . then when I restart
TomCat, log back into cocoon/samples/slide an I have nothing in the
repository. :-}

Thats the problem of the MemoryDescriptorsStore, it holds the  
in the memory, and it's gone then you shutdown tomcat.

So you uncomment the XMLDescriptorStore and change the scope, which I
currently use.

I fixed the request-param in line 159 of slide/sitemap.xmap

I am using this configuration (in slide.xconf):

	store name=xml
		nodestore classname=slidestore.file.XMLFileDescriptorsStore
			parameter name=rootpath
			reference store=nodestore /
			reference store=nodestore /
			reference store=nodestore /
			reference store=nodestore /
		contentstore classname=slidestore.reference.FileContentStore
			parameter name=rootpath
			parameter name=versiontrue/parameter
			parameter name=resetBeforeStartingtrue/parameter
	scope match=/ store=xml /

When I attempt to login, I now get this exception:

at org.apache.cocoon.xml.dom.DOMBuilder.getDocument(


Any idea what I am still doing wrong?

What does the 'resetBeforeStarting' parameter mean? I assume it resets  
locks etc. on restart, or is it something more than this?

Many thanks

regards Jeremy

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Re: Using Slide with Cocoon 2

2002-11-01 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Friday, Nov 1, 2002, at 13:16 Europe/London, Stephan Michels wrote:

I fixed the request-param in line 159 of slide/sitemap.xmap

I am using this configuration (in slide.xconf):


When I attempt to login, I now get this exception:



Any idea what I am still doing wrong?

Olivier Billard had a similar problem yesterday, the reason was that
he forget to install the jta lib into lib/local

Mine is still there, no warning when I recompiled.

If that doesn't solve the problem, try to remove the attribute
'internal-only=true' and
retrieve the page

It seems that you have a problem to get a the document
for authentication.

Tried that  Hmm, no exception, but also, no document!
I just got this back:


Then going to /cocoon/sample/slide/content, brought up the login again.

I changed the sitemap to use xalan rather than xsltc, (there's a note 
about it in the sitemap), it made no difference.

What does the 'resetBeforeStarting' parameter mean? I assume it resets
locks etc. on restart, or is it something more than this?

'resetBeforeStarting' means throw all documents and descriptors
over board before start.

Oh right! So this will trash my repository, right? Not good ;)

regards Jeremy

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Re: Using Slide with Cocoon 2

2002-10-31 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Wednesday, Oct 30, 2002, at 17:06 Europe/London, Stephan Michels 

Currently the form param that holds the 'method' to be used in the
MultiAction is called 'method', is this not a reserved param name for 
request? ie. it would always return the HTTP method?

The problem was name of the input module.. I used {request:bla} 
instead of
{request-param:bla}. So the example should work now.

Have fun, Stephan Michels.

Dear Stephan,

Many thanks for fixing this!
I can log in now, create a collection and upload files!

But I am even more confused now ;)

'Off the Shelf' slide.xconf is set up to use the FileContentStore to 
store content in $CATALINA_HOME/contentstore (as I understand it), but 
I never see any files or folders there . then when I restart 
TomCat, log back into cocoon/samples/slide an I have nothing in the 
repository. :-}

What I am hoping to achieve is to have a file store that can be:

a)	Accessed for file editing via WebDAV, using normal desktop apps like 
TurboXML or XMLMind, hopefully with versioning.

b) Served from the store by my Cocoon pipelines for normal users to 
view the site

c) Managed via your samples/slide interface

Am I on the right track here?

I promise to write a 'How-to' on this if I can make this work!
But I am a bit of a newbie to webDAV so I might need some help ;)

many thanks

regards Jeremy

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Re: pipeline problem

2002-10-25 Thread Jeremy Quinn

Have a look at the 'editor' sample in Cocoon, it does exactly 

regards Jeremy

On Thursday, Oct 24, 2002, at 20:27 Europe/London, Oskar Casquero wrote:

Is it possible to call a pipeline, that returns SAX events 
representing an stylesheet, from the src attribute of a 
map:transform element? I'm trying to do it in the following pipeline 
but it doesn't work.

map:match pattern=schematronValidationResponse

    map:generate type=stream

        map:parameter name=form-name value=document/


    map:transform src=cocoon:/schematron2compiledSchematron/

    map:serialize type=xml/



map:match pattern=schematron2compiledSchematron

    map:generate src=schemas/berta.xsd/

    map:transform src=stylesheets/schematron.xsl/

    map:transform src=stylesheets/skeleton1-5.xsl/



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Re: London Cocoon users

2002-10-25 Thread Jeremy Quinn
On Thursday, Oct 24, 2002, at 12:59 Europe/London, Alex McLintock wrote:

Hi folks,

Are there any London based Cocoon users on this list who want to meet 
other Cocoon users - perhaps for a pub meeting?

Great idea, count me in.

regards Jeremy

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Re: Using Slide with Cocoon 2

2002-10-21 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Monday, Oct 21, 2002, at 11:57 Europe/London, Stephan Michels wrote:

On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

FYI. The sample web.xml file is out of sync with the current main
web.xml, and tries to use WEB-INF/Domain.xml, I believe this should 
/samples/slide/slide.xconf (but then I still cannot access it with a
WebDAV client ;). I did manage to get Slide working standalone, just
not your samples from inside Cocoon.
If you plan to run the Cocoon Servlet and the Slide WebDAV Servlet
in one Servlet Container, you could share 
instance, which holds all repositories. So you must not initialize the
Domain twice.

OK, I think I see what you mean 

I had several emails from people who wanted to use Slide in Cocoon, 
could not get it working, it would be great to sort out these problems
so people can use this powerful stuff!

The problem is that I'm in the exams. So my time limited, until mid 

Sorry, I did not mean to pressure you!

The SlideSource implements a primitive access to the versions of
the files.

Is it useable?

Yes, but not all tested.

So hopefully I can do some testing.

Currently the form param that holds the 'method' to be used in the 
MultiAction is called 'method', is this not a reserved param name for a 
request? ie. it would always return the HTTP method?

I'll have a play with this 

Thanks for your help

regards Jeremy

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Re: Using Slide with Cocoon 2

2002-10-21 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Monday, Oct 21, 2002, at 09:26 Europe/London, Stephan Michels wrote:

Thanks for your reply, Stephan.

On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

We will be using Cocoon2 with SQL and XML Files, I would like there to
be WebDAV access to the XML files, so they can be edited using an App
like XMLMind.

What is the best way to set up Cocoon, so that the files that Cocoon
serves, can safely be edited via WebDAV?

You should write your own Slide Store to access your repository

I think we only need a File-based repository ATM, so this is already 
written, correct?

A few weeks ago I saw a document that described a set up for putting
Cocoon inside Slide, but now cannot find it!


I cannot get this to work.

Attempting to login throws Exceptions, I wrote to you privately about 
this on Saturday. Thanks for your subsequent reply.

FYI. The sample web.xml file is out of sync with the current main 
web.xml, and tries to use WEB-INF/Domain.xml, I believe this should be: 
/samples/slide/slide.xconf (but then I still cannot access it with a 
WebDAV client ;). I did manage to get Slide working standalone, just 
not your samples from inside Cocoon.

I had several emails from people who wanted to use Slide in Cocoon, but 
could not get it working, it would be great to sort out these problems 
so people can use this powerful stuff!

Is it wise to use Cocoon's FileGenerator to read files managed by 
Is there a better way of doing it?

Yes, by using the Slide SourceFactory(slide://)

OK, so once you start to use Slide for storage, even though it may only 
be File storage, you _always_ need to access the files via the 
'slide://' protocol, rather than the 'file://' protocol, correct?

How do you take advantage of Slide's versioning capabilities?

The SlideSource implements a primitive access to the versions of
the files.

Is it useable?

Many thanks.

regards Jeremy

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Re: Using Slide with Cocoon 2

2002-10-18 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Thursday, Oct 17, 2002, at 18:44 Europe/London, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

What is the best way to set up Cocoon, so that the files that Cocoon 
serves, can safely be edited via WebDAV?

Sorry to reply to my own message ... ;)
And I hope this is not too off-topic.

Are there any MacOSX (10.2.1) users out there who have tried setting up 
a webDAV server, and actually got the Finder to mount it?

I have tried Apache mod-webdav, TomCat WebDAV and Apache Slide, they 
all work fine with something like Goliath (even iCal!), but not the 

Any suggestions?


regards Jeremy

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Re: Help with sitemap.xmap on 2.1 Dev - Driving me Crazy

2002-10-18 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Friday, Oct 18, 2002, at 18:19 Europe/London, aps olute wrote:

I have compiled the cvs 2.1 dev version several times as one had
suggested, some of the samples work some not. Specifically I wanted
to run the Sample Forms - Form Validation, however the sitemap seems
to be not right, it is not pointing to correct directory for the 

I doubt this helps, but I get the same error.

I am scratching my head over the Slide Samples, so I commiserate !

regards Jeremy

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[UPDATE] SourceWritingTransformer Samples

2002-07-03 Thread Jeremy Quinn

Dear All,

The SourceWritingTransformer in HEAD has just been updated 
(along with the samples and tests in scratchpad).

There were two main tags in SWT, source:write and source:insert, 
each of them was configured in a completely different way, this 
update has unified the two tags so that they both follow the 
same scheme:

source:fragmentthing to=write//source:fragment

source:fragmentthing to=write//source:fragment

This means that you will need to change your projects if you are 
using the source:write tag in your work, as this change is 
backwards incompatible. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Other changes were made:

both tags now output a report on their activities
both tags buffer the fragment to a DOM, before writing

Known Problems:

Namespaces are not handled correctly! (NS declaration not 
written to Source)
source:reinsert/ tag not acting correctly.

Expect more sample editors in slash-edit/ in the near future.

regards Jeremy

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Re: Search hits in new page

2002-07-03 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Wednesday, July 3, 2002, at 01:54 PM, M Al-yahya wrote:

  I'm doing XML Search using the SearchGenerator. I have the 
 following in
 the sitemap pipeline:
   map:match pattern=**findIt
   map:generate type=search/
   map:transform type=log/
   map:transform src=stylesheets/search2html.xsl/
 the stylesheet I'm using is the one in cocoon/search/stylesheets. This
 stylesheet displays the  search form and the results in one page. Does
 anyone know how to display the results in a new browser page.

Read up on forms at ;)

Put a 'target' attribute in your 'form' tag, with the name of 
the new window as the value.

form action=findIt target=results

!-- your form fields --


regards Jeremy

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Re: Session transformer and namespaces

2002-06-14 Thread Jeremy Quinn

On Thursday, June 13, 2002, at 06:53 PM, Bruce Krautbauer wrote:

 also note the namespace for the 'a' element has disappeared.

The transformer you are using is based on the 
AbstractSAXTransformer, which I believe does not handle 
namespaces properly.

I have the same problem with the new SourceWritingTransformer 
version I am working on, that is also based on the same class.

regards Jeremy

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RE: SourceWritingTransformer : Cannot get 'xml' serializer

2002-03-27 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 9:55 am +0100 27/3/02, Matthieu Benéteau wrote:
1.  map:transformer name=tofile

  map:parameter name=serializer  value=xml/

the serialize parameter is wrong, try this:

map:transformer name=tofile logger=sitemap.transformer.tofile

-- serializerxml/serializer

Why there is this different syntax for setting up, I am not sure.

Hope this helps

regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
   webSpace Design
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Re: SourceWritingTransformer : Cannot get 'xml' serializer

2002-03-26 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 6:18 pm +0100 26/3/02, Matthieu Benéteau wrote:

I've just installed Cocoon 2.0.2 on Tomcat 4.0.1, and it works perfectly :).
But I've encountered a problem using the scratchpad's

I used to use revision 1.6 of the old FileWritingTransformer.
I've just changed xfwt into source and tested it, and I've received the
following error :

   action: none
   result: failed
   error message : could not get a ContentHandler and failed to cancel

May I see the setup you used?

1. Declaration of SourceWritingTransformer in the SiteMap
2. Usage of the SourceWritingTransformer in the SiteMap
3. The actual tag you generate to trigger SourceWritingTransformer

Here are the 2 exceptions of the sitemap.log :

WARN(2002-03-26) 17:40.48:760
HttpProcessor[8080][0]/SourceWritingTransformer: failed, could not get a
org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Cannot get 'xml' serializer

Do you have a serializer set up called 'xml', maybe you removed the default
from the main sitemap?

Thanks in advance,

Thanks for trying this out.

regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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RE: Basic idea of creating xml document using a form

2002-03-21 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 2:29 pm +0100 19/3/02, Matthieu Benéteau wrote:
Have a look at the following transformer (by Jeremy) in the CVS repository :

It may be very useful if you want to create or modify an existing XML file.


Please use SourceWritingTransformer instead, it has replaced

And please keep in mind, their are still a couple of bugs to do with
rollback, so it is not ready for prime-time yet.


regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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Re: Parsing a Request Stream

2002-03-21 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 2:22 pm +0100 19/3/02, Michael Raffenberg wrote:

i like to receive a post input stream with the following sitemap
 map:match pattern=request
   map:generate type=stream
 map:parameter name=form-name value=msg/
   map:serialize type=xml/
This works ok.
The input will contain some xml-data with a dtd.
Is it possible to get this input parsed again the dtd?

Not sure, you can validate it against a Schematron though.

Look in slash-edit/ in CVS:


How can i track down any errors if the input is not valid?

Valid, or well formed?

There is little you can do to catch mal-formed XML in a form field using
the StreamGenerator, it was designed for inter-application usage, the
assumption was that all XML transferred, would already be well-formed..

After parsing the input, i like to transform it with some
xslt-stylesheets, how do i have to configure the sitemap for this?

 map:match pattern=request
   map:generate type=stream
 map:parameter name=form-name value=msg/
--  map:transform src=your.xsl/
   map:serialize type=xml/

Hope this helps

regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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RE: Basic idea of creating xml document using a form

2002-03-21 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 12:01 pm +0100 21/3/02, Matthieu Benéteau wrote:
Yep, looking for a component in the Attic directory wasn't very smart...

Will this transformer be available in the next release ?

Yes, but it will still be in the scratchpad, until I have solved the known
problems with it.

I believe more and more users will want to save information in local files
using this kind of behaviour. I will use this transformer in order to
dynamically modify my XML files (unfortunately I can not use XMLDB because
of client's restrictions).

It will really come into it's own when more Sources are converted to

Then all you need to change (to switch from one Source to another) will be
the URI used.

regards Jeremy


   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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RE: I want to know how to make cocoon save the generated htmlfile?

2002-03-21 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 8:07 am -0500 21/3/02, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
 From: ÑNÑá¼Ñ}±† [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 Dear All:
   I just want to know how to serialize my page to file.

Why do you want this? Depending on purpose, there are two solutions:
1. Run Cocoon from command line. Example is build docs.
2. Use, which is currently available in
the Cocoon CVS, scratchpad directory. There are also usage samples in
the scratchpad webapp.

Sorry, the name did change 3 times  !

It is now called SourceWritingTransformer.

regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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Re: Cocoon 2 on macOS 9.1

2002-02-22 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 5:47 pm +0100 21/2/02, Yvon Thoraval wrote:
let me know if someone successfully did install Cocoon 2 with jakarta-

on macOS 9.1

i'm presently using Cocoon 1.8 with Tomcat 3.2.4 and i would apreciate


There is no Java 2 on MacOS 9 and Cocoon2 requires Java 2.
Upgrade to MacOS X, it work there like a charm ;)
And I suspect you will find it a lot faster too!

regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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RE: Aggregating

2002-02-22 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 11:49 am -0500 21/2/02, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
 From: Jeremy Quinn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 Hi All,

 Can anyone give me an example of aggregating with the

 I know how to do it for assets that come from the FileGenerator but
 anything else.

What's the difference?


this is what I ended up doing:

map:pipeline internal-only=true
map:match pattern=dir/**
map:generate type=directory src=docs/{1}/
map:serialize type=xml/

map:match pattern=dir/**/
map:aggregate element=root label=content
map:part src=cocoon:/dir/{1}/
map:part src=editor/docs/editor.xml/
map:parameter name=target-dir value={1}//
map:parameter name=behaviour value=dir/
map:serialize type=html/

It works 


regards Jeremy


   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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FileWritingTransformer update

2002-02-22 Thread Jeremy Quinn

Dear All,

There is a new version of the FileWritingTransformer and a new experimental
file editor built with it in Cocoon 2 scratchpad.

Please beware, there are issues with content getting lost when invalid XML
is typed into the forms, so don't use this for anything serious yet.

Thanks to those who have been helping me test it.

regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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New dox of setting up TomCat on MaxOSX available

2001-12-11 Thread Jeremy Quinn

Hi All,

Apple have produced some new documentation on setting up TomCat under MacOSX.
It is particularly friendly to those new to UNIX ;)


They have a second article in the pipeline .

regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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Re: C2/Mac OS X behavior

2001-12-07 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 10:08 am -0500 6/12/01, Michael Engelhart wrote:

What I've got:
Mac OS X (10.1)
Tomcat 4.0.1
Cocoon 2.0 (release)

When I startup tomcat and then access the cocoon directory,  a Java
application launches in the dock with the name
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.  If I quit this application from
the dock or it's menu bar, Tomcat quits as well.

I would ask this on the Tomcat list but this only happens when I access
the cocoon directory and not when I access any of the examples that come
with Tomcat 4.0.1

Is there some thing in the Cocoon directory that actually launches and
requires this Bootstrap class?   I tried commenting out the hsqldb
settings thinking that the db server was causing it but that didn't help.

I believe this only started happening after the upgrade to MacOS X 10.1.
I think it is merely an artefact of the updated Java on the system.

I just ignore the org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap application, and
continue to use TomCat in the normal way (from the Command lIne or TomCatX).

Hope this helps

regards Jeremy


   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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Re: XIncludeTransformer still not working

2001-09-30 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 12:09 PM +0700 28/9/01, Andrew Answer wrote:
   xinclude:include href=menu.xml/

As your page is an XSP, you _could_ use the xinclude tag of the util taglib.

However, if you want to use the XInclude Transformer, I believe you need to
provide an xml:base attribute.

ie. something like this:


Hope this helps

regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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Re: [C2] sample httpd.conf for TomCat 4 + C2

2001-09-25 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 4:04 PM +1000 24/9/01, Jeff Turner wrote:
On Sun, Sep 23, 2001 at 04:42:10PM +0100, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

 I am trying to get TomCat 4.0 and Cocoon 2.1b to run behind Apache 1.3.

 I get an 'Invalid virtual host name' error on line 4, ie. the line trying
 to set up the 'examples' context.

 Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong?

The WebAppDeploy bit must be inside a VirtualHost tag. Can't remember
where I read this.. anyway, this is what I appended to my httpd.conf:

LoadModule webapp_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
WebAppConnection warpConnection warp localhost:8008
VirtualHost localhost
  DocumentRoot /home/jeff/public_html
  ServerName localhost
  WebAppDeploy examples warpConnection /examples/

That fixed the Invalid virtual host name error. I then restarted
everything, and found I was getting these errors on catalina.out:

Yes, thanks, that helped me fix that problem, but now Apache cannot trigger
TomCat . ?

At this point I gave up ;P It's beta code, after all..

Well, I am running the release version of TomCat 4.0.
Do you refer to the quality of the WarpConnector?

Good luck

Still trying to get it going if anyone has a working sample, please forward it.


regards Jeremy


   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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Re: [C2] sample httpd.conf for TomCat 4 + C2

2001-09-25 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 1:45 PM +0100 25/9/01, Jeremy Quinn wrote:
At 4:04 PM +1000 24/9/01, Jeff Turner wrote:
On Sun, Sep 23, 2001 at 04:42:10PM +0100, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

 I am trying to get TomCat 4.0 and Cocoon 2.1b to run behind Apache 1.3.


This sample is beginning to work on my setup.

MacOSX 10.0.4, Apache 1.3.19, TomCat 4.0 and Cocoon 2.1b

I have this in a file loaded by the main httpd.conf

LoadModule webapp_module libexec/httpd/
AddModule mod_webapp.c
DocumentRoot /cocoon
ServerName localhost
WebAppConnection warpConnection warp localhost:8008
WebAppDeploy /cocoon warpConnection /cocoon

It almost works!
 404 from Apache (no static files??)   404 from Apache  hangs (browser says 
'connecting to
localhost')   works fine

How do I make it more 'resilient'?
How do I add more webapps?

Sorry but which Apache config tag do I put this in, so I can have one for
each TomCat context and defaults for regular Apache?

Thanks for any help.
Hopefully this can be be added to the FAQ if I can get it working properly ;)

regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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All good things come to an end

2001-09-18 Thread Jeremy Quinn

My apologies for any cross posting.

The company I have been working for for the last year and a half,
Risk2Risk, based in London has laid off it's contract staff today due to
the damage caused to the worldwide insurance industry by the awful events
in New York last week.

I and several of my teammates are consequentially seeking new projects.

My job title at Risk2Risk was XML Consultant, which involved both research
and development. It was my role to develop the XSLT stylesheets and XML
languages that our content developers used to build the
Exchange, also to write the  Apache Cocoon tag libraries to hook up to the
JINI JavaSpace back-end via the Open Source project. It was a
lot of fun ;)

Please no longer use my Risk2Risk email address, my current contact details
are in my signature below.

regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
   webSpace Design
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   phone:+44.[0].20.7737.6831 pager:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [C2] multiple versus individual pipelines

2001-09-13 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 11:31 PM +0200 12/9/01, giacomo wrote:
On Wed, 12 Sep 2001, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

 Dear All,

 What is the difference in behaviour between having multiple
 map:pipeline/s and map:pipeline/s with multiple map:match/s?

The map:handle-error element.

Technically it is a try/catch block for each map:pipeline/.


What can I 'catch'?
What I have seen examples of so far, are HTTP Error Codes, are there any
more subtleties?


regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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RE: inherit actions in sub-sitemaps?

2001-09-13 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 4:09 PM -0400 12/9/01, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Works for me...
I do not have even map:actions in my subsitemap, and actions got inherited.

OK, I must have got confused with an 'asyncron' reloading SiteMap, I will
try again.


regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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Session lost

2001-09-13 Thread Jeremy Quinn

Dear All,

I am building a little login test.
It is meaningless, because the login validation is hard-coded but it is a
handy test for me, because I am just learning ;)

Here is a snippet of my (sub) sitemap:

map:resource name=login-fs
map:generate src=docs/framesets/login.xml/
map:transform src=stylesheets/frameset.xsl/
map:resource name=welcome-fs
map:generate src=docs/framesets/welcome.xml/
map:transform src=stylesheets/frameset.xsl/

!-- / --
map:match pattern=
map:redirect-to session=true uri=welcome/
!-- /welcome --
map:match pattern=welcome*
map:act type=session-validator
map:parameter name=descriptor

map:parameter name=validate-set 
map:redirect-to session=true 
map:act type=form-validator
map:parameter name=descriptor

map:parameter name=validate-set 
map:act type=session-propagator
map:paramater name=username 
map:paramater name=password 
map:redirect-to session=true 
map:redirect-to session=true resource=login-fs/

This is what the 'login-test.xml' file looks like:

parameter name=username type=string nullable=no/
parameter name=password type=string nullable=no/
constraint-set name=is-logged-in
validate name=username equals-to=jermq/
validate name=password equals-to=blah/

What happens is this:

With URL http://my.ip/c2/r2r/

Matches /r2r/, redirects to r2r subsitemap /
Matches /, redirects to 'welcome'
Matches 'welcome'
Session Validator fails (as expected)
Form Validator fails (as expected)
Session Propagator fails (as expected)
Redirects to 'login-fs'
User fills in form with 'username' and 'password'   posts to 'welcome'
Matches 'welcome'
Session Validator OK
Form Validator OK
Session Propagator OK
Redirects to 'welcome-fs'
I have a session cookie, I am 'logged in'

Up until now, everything has worked as expected

With URL http://my.ip/c2/r2r/welcome

Matches /r2r/, redirects to r2r subsitemap /
Matches /, redirects to 'welcome'
Matches 'welcome'
Session Validator fails (not expected)
should have redirected to 'welcome-fs'

I appear to have lost my session parameters!
It does not report that there is no Session, only that the 'username'
parameter is now null.

Another thing, I sometimes see the session string on the URL (?), why? I
have it in the cookie ..

Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong?


regards Jeremy


   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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Re: Session lost

2001-09-13 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 2:09 PM +0100 13/9/01, Jeremy Quinn wrote:
Dear All,

I am building a little login test.
It is meaningless, because the login validation is hard-coded but it is a
handy test for me, because I am just learning ;)

Here is a snippet of my (sub) sitemap:


   map:act type=form-validator
   map:parameter name=descriptor
   map:parameter name=validate-set 
   map:act type=session-propagator
   map:paramater name=username 
   map:paramater name=password 


OK, sorry, I worked out why it was not working

1. wrote 'paramater' instead of 'parameter', yek!
2. the expression to pick up the parameter was wrong, but I don't
understand why

map:parameter name=username value={../username}/ did'nt work

map:parameter name=username value={username}/ worked

which puzzled me, I thought that because the 'session-propagator' action
was nested inside the 'form-validator' I would need to access the 'parent'
Map, I thought the 'form-validator' was the one that had put the parameters
onto the Map.

regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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[C2] multiple versus individual pipelines

2001-09-12 Thread Jeremy Quinn

Dear All,

What is the difference in behaviour between having multiple
map:pipeline/s and map:pipeline/s with multiple map:match/s?


regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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[C2] blank pages ????

2001-09-12 Thread Jeremy Quinn

Dear All,

I seem to get blank pages when there is something wrong with the URL I use.

What is causing this?

How do I stop it?

Thanks for any help

regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
   webSpace Design
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Re: [C2] multiple versus individual pipelines

2001-09-12 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 11:00 AM -0600 12/9/01, Michael McKibben wrote:
Hello, when first looking at Cocoon2 I had the same question. This is what
I have been able to discover. The distinction is subtle. The multiple
pipeline approach allows you to define seperate handle-errors pipelines
for error handling. Also, you can you multiple pipelines to segregate
public vs. internal-only pipelines.


That was all I noticed too, I thought there must be more to it 

regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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RE: [C2] blank pages ????

2001-09-12 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 1:19 PM -0400 12/9/01, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Define error-handler type=404/ in your pipelines/
(in addition to error-handler/)

The tag error-handler/ is not in the sitemap logicsheet, sitemap.xsl.
Do you mean something like this?


map:match pattern=blah

map:handle-errors type=401
map:transform src=stylesheets/error-401.xsl

map:transform src=stylesheets/error.xsl
map:serialize status-code=500/



regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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RE: [C2] blank pages ????

2001-09-12 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 3:04 PM -0400 12/9/01, Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
Sorry, yes, I meant map:handle-errors/,
but please use 404 (not 401).

Ha ;)

Empty page (with status 404 in response) is returned when this handler is not
found (done in


regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
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inherit actions in sub-sitemaps?

2001-09-12 Thread Jeremy Quinn

Hi All,

Me again ;)

Is it possible to inherit into a sub-sitemap, the map:actions/ component
declaration from parent SiteMaps?

map:generators/, map:transformers/ etc. appear to get inherited.

Any clarification would be welcomed.

regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
   webSpace Design
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Re: fp taglibs - race conditions?

2001-09-05 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 11:06 AM -0400 5/9/01, Elisa Green wrote:
The project I am working on does not need a full-fledged database
application so the simplicity of the fp taglibs is attractive,
but I have been unable to find any information on managing race
conditions?  Is it best to look for another solution or does
cocoon handle this?

The FP Taglib in it's current state would not deal well with two people
trying to modify the same file at the same time, if that is what you mean
by a race condition.

regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
   webSpace Design
HyperMedia Research Centre

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Re: using/resolving xllinks

2001-07-27 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 9:33 AM -0700 27/7/01, Alexander Thomas wrote:
Hi there!

My problem:
Under cocoon is a xml file looking like this:

a xmlns:xlink=;
 b xlink:href=target.xml/b

There is also a file named target.xml in the same directory:

  The content of the link.

The sitemapentry is set up like this:

  map:match pattern=linktest
   map:generate src=linktest.xml/

Unfortunately the content of the second xml file is not contained in the
output. Actually the output is basically the same as the originating xml file.

Does somebody know ways to enable xlink resolution in Cocoon2?

You won't get the XLinks resolving automatically.

I have a project online that is built using XLinks and LinkBases (probably
very different from yours).

If you look in the 'about this site' section, I have started documenting
how it works.

The version currently there is based on Cocoon 1, though I am in the
process of converting it to Cocoon 2, the technique is basically the same:

I XInclude the LinkBase into all of my documents, then use a StyleSheet to
resolve the links.

Hope this helps

regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
   webSpace Design
HyperMedia Research Centre

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Re: using/resolving xllinks

2001-07-27 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 10:40 AM +0200 27/7/01, Ulrich Mayring wrote:
Jeremy Quinn wrote:

 I XInclude the LinkBase into all of my documents, then use a StyleSheet to
 resolve the links.

Do you think this is particularly elegant? What about content
aggregation instead?

yes, that would work too

I used XInclude with C1, so it was easiest to just get XInclude working in
C2 as well. I am using this for experimentation so I will try CA as well.


regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
   webSpace Design
HyperMedia Research Centre

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Re: [C2] User Authentication

2001-07-16 Thread Jeremy Quinn

At 3:32 PM +0200 16/7/01, Ulrich Mayring wrote:
Berin Loritsch wrote:

 For now, I use an Action.  In the future, I want to migrate to formalizing
 Stefano's FlowMap approach.  It is the process of modeling application flow
 in XML.  The FlowMap will take care of matching actions and form pages, etc.
 It will also make sure that when a resource must be authenticated and
 you will be redirected to the login form.

 It is a great idea whose time has come.  The problem is finding the time
 to implement it.

I _so_ want to use flowmaps !

Yeah, this is consistent with Cocoon2's approach to put distinct
functionality into distinct places using distinct techniques. My idea of
SoC is a bit different perhaps, but perhaps not so different after all,
we'll see how it plays out in the long run. For me there are three
Concerns, which should be seperated in an SoC model:

a) content
b) logic
c) output (includes display, but there is more to output than that)
d) workflow (meaning program flow)

In Cocoon1 we have it like this:

a) Content - in XML files
b) Logic - in XSP taglibs (forget about processors, they are not very
useful anymore)

We all tend to mix content and logic here, even if the logic merely comes
for the ride, as logicsheet implemented logic.

So what I am saying is IMHO output starts at the producer/generator stage,
not the transformer stage below.

c) Output - in XSL files
d) workflow - defined by XSP taglibs and used in XML files

This model has two weaknesses: first, XSL files cannot really output
things, that are too different from XML, say PDF or a Word document.

It might not be obvious how to output non-xml, but it is certainly
possible, I have XSLTs that output QuickTime TextTracks .

Second, the workflow is spread over a lot of XML files and not centrally
defined somewhere. Now let's look at Cocoon2:

a) Content - in XML files
b) Logic - in Actions and XSP taglibs and the Sitemap and ... (did I
forget something?)
c) Output - in Formatters and Serializers (is that correct?)
d) Workflow - in the Sitemap and in Actions, in the future in a Flowmap

So there is an improvement in c) but b) was IMHO easier to use and
maintain in Cocoon1. As far as d) is concerned, a Flowmap would be an
improvement over Cocoon1, even though I don't think it is the optimal
solution due to it being a proprietary concept like the Sitemap.

I feel the benefit that Cocoon 2 brings, is to allow you to break down your
functionality into smaller more reusable parts than is generally achieved
using Cocoon 1.

regards Jeremy

   Jeremy Quinn   Karma Divers
   webSpace Design
HyperMedia Research Centre

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