Re: Dummy proof XML on-line editing

2001-12-20 Thread Tomas Espeleta

I was looking for a xhtml-editor and I did'nt find anything in the
open-source area...
So I'm using a HTML Webeditor (by University of catalunya...)
...and Jtidy'ng the result.

Too many technologies, I know but it works and have a nice look too...

- Original Message -
From: Mauricio Souza Lima [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 7:11 PM
Subject: Re: Dummy proof XML on-line editing

 That's very interesting, and unit forces to do it is very nice too. but,
 some things i dont know:

 How to create a textarea that has bold, italic and all the formating

 That (web)application is a Java application or a form web?

 Mauricio Souza Lima
 Rational Consulting
 Rua Helena, 140 / cj. 82
 São Paulo - SP - Brazil
 Fone / Direct: +55 11 3842-7138

 Giuseppe Di Pierri wrote:
  Hi Mauricio,
  May it is exactly what I mean.
  Let's make an example of use of the this hypothetical user friendly xml
  editor (web)application:
  We have to create a new document, which structure is defined in a XML
  file (better than DTD because XML is easier to treat). The application
  presents us all possible information types (by means of input checkbox,
  text or combobox etc) that, for a specific point of the document, I can
  have to insert. If a new inserted element has required/optional
  then the application automatically generates a form containing those
  subelement input items. Of course, all optional subelements can be left
  I don't mean that the user have to insert tags directly, he just fills
  its values, by means of input items.
  If you know XML Spy 4.0.1, well, it makes something like this, but it is
  also not 'cheap'.
  If I could use an application like this, well I would spare lot's
  time for creating always custom applications.
  If you or everyone else intends to develop it together, well I'm ready
  Thank you and wish you a nice day.

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Re: Upgrading from C1.8.2 to C2.0rc2

2001-12-03 Thread Tomas Espeleta

 Exploring C2 documentation, I've observed the existence of a new file
 called sitemap.xmap that (apparently) manage the entire web site.
 Could someone tell me how to upgrade the existing XML site?
 Or suggest me a tutorial to do this...

1) About your decision (C2.0rc2): take a look to the homepage! Is now
officially published the stable release. C2 is now the main supported
2) There is really little about sitemaps, I suggest you searching in old
archives of this mailing list, and following it just now. Most of messages
are on that thread!

Regards, Tomas

*  Tomás Espeleta -
*  Those who know don't talk.
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Re: Excel serializer for Cocoon !

2001-11-29 Thread Tomas Espeleta

Does Excel mime-type work with Netscape and other browsers than IE ?

- Tomas

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Re: Excel serializer for Cocoon !

2001-11-29 Thread Tomas Espeleta

 Alex Kachanov wrote:
  Why do we need Excel serizalier at all, when you can just change 
  content type to excel mime type and any browser will launch excel
  and reformat your HTML table as you wish?
 Alex, I'm curious to see how you embed formulas within HTML table !

...and I think that mime-type works only with IE

- Tomas

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Re: Excel serializer for Cocoon !

2001-11-29 Thread Tomas Espeleta

 C'mon guys I've developed a whole registration application using this

Ok, sorry, it was only a doubt.. ;-)

- Tomas.

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Re: Cocoon or Tomcat with Servlets/Taglibs?

2001-11-27 Thread Tomas Espeleta

Interesting question...
basically I agree with you... Cocoon is *just* a framework, so its task is
to give you one (or more) way to do things.
It oblige you and force to use a strong structure (sitemap, Generators,

Everything you do with cocoon can be done by servlets...
but remember that even servlets are a evolution of old cgi-bins written in

There are a lots of reasons that can make you prefer XML to HTML, Java to
C... Cocoon to self-made-stuff!
I think the most important are always the same: speed of development,
separation of logic from content, a STANDARD way. an many more reasons.

Anyway, I hope Cocoon become soon a more widely supported standard. I belive
that soon there will be a lot of new configuration tools and a better

- Tomás.

- Original Message -
From: Heath Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 6:05 PM
Subject: Cocoon or Tomcat with Servlets/Taglibs?

I'm trying to decide whether or not to use Cocoon or just Tomcat (via
mod_webapp with Apache/SSL) with Servlets, JSP, and Taglibs. What does this
list think? I've done stuff with Cocoon, but frankly, it's more complicated
to map servlets and tag libs which I would use extensively in my site, not
to mention it's easy to build an entire site based on Tomcat with Forte for
Java, since it's all built in. I can also create taglibs and have an xml
tag or something that I would then use Xerces and Xalan to transform the
source XML and XSL files, maybe even the FOP library for some kind of print
servlet. Isn't that basically what Cocoon is doing with the sitemap, just
mapping requests for files (like **.html to **.xml) to a Java class(es)
using Xerces and Xalan to transform the source?

Heath Stewart
Network Administrator / Web Developer
College of Veterinary Medicine
Iowa State University

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Re: Any Publishing Frameworks similar to cocoon?

2001-11-23 Thread Tomas Espeleta

 Subject: Any Publishing Frameworks similar to cocoon?
 Are there any other XML publishing frameworks similar to cocoon.

Why don't use cocoon?
Anyway, if your problem is java:-( ...
take a look to , is a framework supporting XSP written in

-- Tomás

*  Tomás Espeleta -
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Re: Any Publishing Frameworks similar to cocoon?

2001-11-23 Thread Tomas Espeleta

 No I like Cocoon and Java very much :-)
 but currently I'm writing a dissertaion about Cocoon and therefor
 I'm wondering there are no other products like Cocoon.

I really don't know, but I've heard many medium-sized companies with $$ (and
even bigger ones),
use cocoon mounted on $$$ J2EE App servers... This may be for 2 reason (or
1) Cocoon is a really good product
2) It doesn't exist some commercial product similar to cocoon...

 For your interest:
 For my dissertation I developt a online Timer based on cocoon2.
 One of the goals of the implementation was to allow any user to
 use this online timer. This means every Browser type (micro or
 can access this application. With the help of CC/PP i read the
 max. resolution of the device and therefore the webpage is customized
 due to the needs of the client. It also allows to generate CSS dynamically
 based on the preferences the user has (stored in a DB).

Really interesting! any ready url to take a look?

-- Tomas.

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Cocoon1 Jserv (?)

2001-11-22 Thread Tomas Espeleta

Hi to everybody!
A little question:
 *** Is there any way to install Coccon2 with Apache-Jserv ?

Is really hard for me upgrading to Tomcat now (Is a preconfigured production
so now I'm using Cocoon1 with Jserv...
I'm very interested to new features (most of all sitemap and serializing) of

What I'm searching for is a workaround... (?) I read from respective sites:
Jserv: Apache JServ requires exactly the 2.0 version of the JSDK
Cocoon2: A Servlet 2.2 compliant servlet engine must be present in
order to support servlet
operation and dynamic request handling

*** May Cocoon2 work with Servlet API 2.0?

Alternatively, (even though this shouldn't be a question for this list)
*** Is there any way to make Jserv  Tomcat coexist under the same Apache

Thanx a lot, Tomas.

*  Tomás Espeleta -
*  Those who know don't talk.
*  Those who talk don't know.

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Cocoon2 Jserv (?)

2001-11-22 Thread Tomas Espeleta

I've posted my message with wrong Subject 8-)

A little question:
 *** Is there any way to install Cocoon2 with Apache-Jserv ?

Is really hard for me upgrading to Tomcat now (Is a preconfigured production
so now I'm using Cocoon1 with Jserv...
I'm very interested to new features (most of all sitemap and serializing) of

What I'm searching for is a workaround... (?) I read from respective sites:
Jserv: Apache JServ requires exactly the 2.0 version of the JSDK
Cocoon2: A Servlet 2.2 compliant servlet engine must be present in
order to support servlet
operation and dynamic request handling

*** May Cocoon2 work with Servlet API 2.0?

Alternatively, (even though this shouldn't be a question for this list)
*** Is there any way to make Jserv  Tomcat coexist under the same Apache

Thanx a lot, Tomas.

*  Tomás Espeleta -
*  Those who know don't talk.
*  Those who talk don't know.

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Re: Cocoon1 Jserv (?)

2001-11-22 Thread Tomas Espeleta

   *** Is there any way to install Coccon2 with Apache-Jserv ?
 No, you name the reason yourself below.

Thanx for solving my doubt   ;-)

  Alternatively, (even though this shouldn't be a question for this
  *** Is there any way to make Jserv  Tomcat coexist under the same
 I don't see why it shouldn't work.

Is there anybody that installed under the same Apache-installation Jserv 
Anyway, this question is gonna be submitted into a more-specific

Thanks Giacomo!

PS. Sono italiano ;-)

*  Tomás Espeleta -
*  Those who know don't talk.
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Re: More Examples plea

2001-11-19 Thread Tomas Espeleta

  Concerning CMS (Content Management System) you have to wait
  till X'mas.
 what do you mean with until X'max. Is there a CMS in development
 for C2?

What about:

Did you try it?

*  Tomás Espeleta -
*  Those who know don't talk.
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Re: - new Cocoon 2 site ready for the live site list

2001-11-19 Thread Tomas Espeleta

 Something like that can not be achieved without strong educational system
 country/continent in question.
 Viktor Gritsenko
 Is this really necessary?

Let's mantain a technical point of view in this mailing list, ok?
No political considerations here, no?

I think it's better!  8-)

-- Tomas-

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Re: Xinclude Example?

2001-11-16 Thread Tomas Espeleta

 - Are there any examples for using Xinclude with cocoon2?
Don't know, I'm using Cocoon1

 - Has the command  util:include-uri the same behaviour as Xinclude?

As far as I know, Xinclude is a transformer,
l, while util is a logicsheet, but I like more details on their performance

- Tomas

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Re: Generators.. was: Re: SV: What is Cocoon good for???

2001-11-14 Thread Tomas Espeleta

 On Tuesday 13 November 2001 02:53 pm, you wrote:
  having code within your XSP page that reads XML from some external
  (outside the page) and outputting it
  Seems to me like that type of code is best done as a separate generator
  its own.
  Others agree?  disagree?

 I agree. I only use XSP for instances where I want to use logicsheets.
 Otherwise I use the file generator if I want to sent a plain XML document
 that is on disk.

 For data from other sources, I've been moving towards making java objects
 that are XMLizable, and having a generator that just calls .toSAX on them.

Maybe a stupid question... but: why? Do you really gain in performance, or
in architecture design? (I mean comparing this to util:include-file from
XSP or Xinclude)

- Tomas

*  Tomás Espeleta -
*  Those who know don't talk.
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[C1] XSP Including XSPs - please help!

2001-11-09 Thread Tomas Espeleta

I'm using Cocoon 1.8.2 and trying to dynamically include a XSP into my main

index.xml --- util:include-file (making a choice on name) 
included0.xml  | included1.xml | included2.xml

Now, util:include-file is expanded into a Reader that takes code from disk
and put it the result-tree as-is... so that my includedX.xml (that is a XSP
using a logicsheet), is not xspProcessed.
so that for example my included0.xml containing:


is copied to xml-tree, without expanding mytaglib:mytag

What I'd like is my main XSP dynamically nesting another XSP.

Is it possible? How can I do it? Should I use xinclude, xsl document() into
the logicsheet...?

Thanx a lot, Tomas.

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