Websphere and Cocoon2 and JSP

2002-03-09 Thread m . marggraf

does anybody know the classname of the jsp-generator class
in WAS?

the default-class
uses the jasper-compiler. if i use the 
jasper-jars then it won't work because of
the jasper uses J2EE1.3 and WAS is 1.2.x
(for inst. HttpServletResponseWrapper)

is it possible to configure the jsp-generator
of C2 so that it can work with WAS?



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C2 and Websphere4x

2002-03-08 Thread m . marggraf

i read, that some of you climbed the rock to 
run C2 in WAS with some help from jack and
his 18point list what to do (including Call your
My question is: did you also tried the jsp-generator?
the configured default is
org.apache.cocoon.generation.JspGenerator if calling
this some stuff from servlet23 is used.
Tomcat4 is Servlet23 compliant(correct?) and uses
some classes which does not exist in 22, 
for instance

WAS4.x uses servlet22.

question: is it possbile to solve this problem ?
is it possible to configure the WAS JSP-generator?
does anybody know the classname of this JSP-generator?

thx in advance


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