Hi all,

I'm trying to use the DatabaseAddAction to insert/update a record containing
a blob (an 'Image' in SQL Svr world) which content must be specified by a
file uploaded by the user (pretty common situation, right?). This is
obviously an image.

So I've had a look at the xsp/upload example, and tried to use the
mentionned action. I'm able to store something in the Blob (but quite
frankly I'm almost sure that it's not correct, it doesn't have the correct

Then I try to get the Blob as an image using the DatabaseReader, but I'm
unable to get it working.

I didn't find anything in the mailing list archive, and the documentation
for the DatabaseReader is quite thin (the source code looks for parameter
'use-connection', for instance, and it's not mentionned at all in the

I'd be grateful if somebody could share a code snippet, first to create the
record with the content of the uploaded file, and second to read the record
back and serve it as an image.

Thanks in advance,


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