Hello group,

/I found different ways for SQL in cocoon. On the one hand there is <esql:.../>, on the other <sql:.../>.

/This is the start of the following wiki-page that I started to summarize my experience with cocoon sql / esql. http://wiki.cocoondev.org/Wiki.jsp?page=SQL/
/*/consider this a work in progress - and I just started/*
- Difference between sql and esql => first page
- example1 sql / esql (beginner example of both approaches with the same result) => second page
- example2 sql / esql (Parameter example of both approaches with the same result) => third page
- example3 esql (nested example) => fourth page
- example4 esql (nested example + <xsp:logic>) => fifth page
for the first page:
/*please correct me if I am wrong, I am a beginner*
The main difference that I see is that <sql:.../> is based on a transformer and <esql:...> on a generator. [1]
One advantage in XSP is that you can add more logic to a document. You can use Java and esql-logicsheet within XSP.
One advantage in using SQL is that you can have multiple transformer within a match.
Both are based on different logicsheets.

second page:
simple pipline with a normal "Select id, department_id, name from employee" with a sql-transform and a esql-generation.

third page:
simple pipline with a normal "Select id, department_id, name from employee Where id=?" with a sql-transform and a esql-generation.
Introduction to <esql:parameter/> and <xsl:param/>.

fourth page:
nested example with esql - 2 approaches:
a) select * from ap_tab where ap_id = <esql:parameter type="int"><esql:get-int column="id" ancestor="1"/></esql:parameter>
b) You need a <xsp:logic>int ap_id = <esql:get-int column="id"/> before the inner query begins and then use <xsp:expr>ap_id</xsp:expr> in the inner query to recall it.

select ap_id as id from sales <query2>
select * from ap_tab where ap_id =<query1-result>id<query1-result>


fifth page:

I will work on a regular basis on it and everybody is welcome to edit the page!

Any help welcome -> just post your comment to this mail (reply).

King regards

[#1] http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=xml-cocoon-users&m=103979425914445&w=2


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