Re: Combining Cocoon and Struts

2002-10-10 Thread Werner Guttmann

just looking at your sample below again ... given that you are using
Castor XML to convert an object hierarchy to XML (which you then forward
to Cocoon in some way), why not look into the CastorTransformer that generates
SAX events based on an object bound to the request/sesion/context and a
mapping file.
You can actually find samples within the Cocoon distribution, and to
be honest, that's exactly where we will be moving in the near future if
I can get my head around a small problem.
Dag Nygaard wrote:
Werner Guttmann wrote:
> We have been using both of the following two options to establish
a clean contract
> between Struts and Cocoon:
> - Use of XMLizable interface from within XSPs
> - Use of Castor XML
> In both cases, you would use Struts actions to go to the model and
return you the
> data and bind it to a the HttpRequest/HttpSession. From there on,
simply forward
> your request to a Cocoon pipeline which takes care of the (de)marshalling
> to convert your object model to SAX events which are then processed
> downstream.
> I hope this helps.
> Werner
Thanks to all of you who previous replied to my question! Alot of
"floating objects" became clearer.
I think I know what you are saying, in a broad sense. But since I am
that drilled in Cocoon and Struts yet, I hope you (or somebody else?)
could assist us in the right directions a little bit more...
Note: We have already looked at a sucessful Struts-Cocoon combination
where Struts creates a xml-file and forwards control to a Cocoon
pipeline. OK, for research, but not for multiuser environment... :)
Given a new pipeline:
 map:match pattern="myrequest">
 map:generate type="request"/>
 map:transform src="stylesheets/myrequest.xsl"/>
"borrowed" from the example in
How should do I do it in my file? The code below
from the version were we write the xml to a file between Struts and
Cocoon, slightly modified... The form contains two string-fields and
submit button. The form entries are collected and written with
appropriate xml-tags, to the temp-file. Struts sends control to the
Cocoon-pipeline, which prestents the entries on a new page.
Should we marshal the request in the same way that we marshal the form?
Previously we used a FileWriter as ContentHandler-paramameter to the
marshal-construct. What should we use for the request,
SAXContentHandler? Or, do we somehow just push out the request
to the Cocoon-pipeline?
public class HelloActionSX extends AbstStrutsActionBase {
 public ActionForward perform(
 ActionMapping mapping,
 ActionForm form,
 HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response) throws
 // Where to go next
 ActionForward actionForward = null;
 HelloForm helloForm = (HelloForm) form;
// get the form bean
 // Do something with the form - i.e.
extract the values
 String firstname = helloForm.getFirstName();
 String lastname = helloForm.getLastName();
 //-- load mapping
 //-- marshal the form
 Mapping myMapping = new Mapping();
 // FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("tempfile.xml");
*** How do we replace writer? With SAXContentHandler? with unmodified
request, i.e. convert the request in Cocoon? *
 Marshaller marshaller = new Marshaller(writer);
 try {
 catch ( MarshalException me) {
" + me.getMessage() );
 catch ( ValidationException ve ) {
" + ve.getMessage() );
 catch ( MappingException mapEx) {
" + mapEx.getMessage() );
 finally {
 actionForward = mapping.findForward("hello");
 return actionForward;
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Re: Combining Cocoon and Struts

2002-10-03 Thread Dag Nygaard

Werner Guttmann wrote:
 We have been using both of the following two options to establish a clean contract
 between Struts and Cocoon:
 - Use of XMLizable interface from within XSPs
 - Use of Castor XML
 In both cases, you would use Struts actions to go to the model and return you the
 data and bind it to a the HttpRequest/HttpSession. From there on, simply forward
 your request to a Cocoon pipeline which takes care of the (de)marshalling required
 to convert your object model to SAX events which are then processed further
 I hope this helps.

Thanks to all of you who previous replied to my question! Alot of
floating objects became clearer.

I think I know what you are saying, in a broad sense. But since I am not
that drilled in Cocoon and Struts yet, I hope you (or somebody else?)
could assist us in the right directions a little bit more...
Note: We have already looked at a sucessful Struts-Cocoon combination
where Struts creates a xml-file and forwards control to a Cocoon
pipeline. OK, for research, but not for multiuser environment... :)

Given a new pipeline:
   map:match pattern=myrequest
 map:generate type=request/
 map:transform src=stylesheets/myrequest.xsl/
borrowed from the example in 

How should do I do it in my file? The code below is
from the version were we write the xml to a file between Struts and
Cocoon, slightly modified... The form contains two string-fields and a
submit button. The form entries are collected and written with
appropriate xml-tags, to the temp-file. Struts sends control to the
Cocoon-pipeline, which prestents the entries on a new page.
Should we marshal the request in the same way that we marshal the form?
Previously we used a FileWriter as ContentHandler-paramameter to the
marshal-construct. What should we use for the request,
SAXContentHandler?  Or, do we somehow just push out the request directly
to the Cocoon-pipeline?

public class HelloActionSX extends AbstStrutsActionBase {

   public ActionForward perform(
  ActionMapping mapping, 
  ActionForm form, 
  HttpServletRequest request, 
  HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException,ServletException
  // Where to go next
  ActionForward actionForward = null;
  HelloForm helloForm = (HelloForm) form; // get the form bean
  // Do something with the form - i.e. extract the values
  String firstname = helloForm.getFirstName();
  String lastname = helloForm.getLastName();
  //-- load mapping
  //-- marshal the form
  Mapping myMapping = new Mapping();

  // FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(tempfile.xml);
*** How do we replace writer? With SAXContentHandler? with unmodified
request, i.e. convert the request in Cocoon? *
  Marshaller marshaller = new Marshaller(writer);
  try {
  catch ( MarshalException me) {
 System.out.println(MarshalException:  + me.getMessage() );
  catch ( ValidationException ve ) {
 System.out.println(ValidationException:  + ve.getMessage() );
  catch ( MappingException mapEx) {
 System.out.println(MappingException:  + mapEx.getMessage() );
  finally {
  actionForward = mapping.findForward(hello); 
  return actionForward;


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Combining Cocoon and Struts

2002-09-30 Thread Dag Nygaard

There are a lot of questions raised around Cocoon and Struts, but few
(if any) answers of how to combine the two - FAQ-food?. I am now in the
process of attempting the combination and not being very knowledgeable
in either Cocoon, Struts, JSP, I feel at times pretty lost. Could
someone help me out?

The setup is as follows on a Win2K platform:
I have deployed Cocoon 2.0.3 in tomcat 4.0.4 environment, i.e. placed
the cocoon.war file in the $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ directory. The
welcome-page, http://localhost:8080/cocoon, confirms that Cocoon and
Tomcat function OK together.

A Cocoon-testapplication resides on
$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/cocoon/myapp/, xml- and xsp-docs in subdirectory
resources/ and stylesheets (xsl) in subdirectory styles/. A
Hello_user.xml with matching hello_user.xsl pipeline functions OK.

To test a similar Struts setup, we have created a new application
subdirectory myjspapp, under cocoon/ in which Struts' WEB-INF/-directory
reside with:
- compiled classes in subdirectories/files - for both Actions and Forms
- modified files struts-config.xml and other struts-*.tld-files,
- lib/-directory with castor-, castor- and
struts.jar. Note: I have also copied these jar-files to
- src/-directory.

A Hello_user.jsp-file (with a Hello_user.html-file) reside in the root
of myjspapp uses the abovementioned hello_user.xsl-file. The pipeline I
attempt to use looks like this:

   map:match pattern=hellojsp
map:generate src=myjspapp/hello_user.jsp type=jsp/
map:transform src=myapp/styles/hello_user.xsl/
map:serialize type=html/

This setup fails. The errormessage I get is: 
org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: ServletException in
JspGenerator.generate(): javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find
ActionMappings or ActionFormBeans collection

My guess is that the Struts-parts require access/setup of the
struts-config.xml-file, but how do I do that? Is there something I
should setup in Cocoon's cocoon.xconf-file or Cocoon's web.xml-file?

Dag Nygaard

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Re: Combining Cocoon and Struts

2002-09-30 Thread Barbara Post

Hi Dag ! Does your Struts work standalone without Cocoon's part ? if not,
you have to check correctness of your sample webapp.

I studied Struts before Cocoon, and you can dig for info there :

You also can read this document :

Struts is fun but I am not sure whether using it with Cocoon is a good
idea... You may study in-depth each of the frameworks, as I did (but in
French...) and do some comparison tables.

Hoping I am not too wrong,


- Original Message -
From: Dag Nygaard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 1:13 PM
Subject: Combining Cocoon and Struts

 There are a lot of questions raised around Cocoon and Struts, but few
 (if any) answers of how to combine the two - FAQ-food?. I am now in the
 process of attempting the combination and not being very knowledgeable
 in either Cocoon, Struts, JSP, I feel at times pretty lost. Could
 someone help me out?

 The setup is as follows on a Win2K platform:
 I have deployed Cocoon 2.0.3 in tomcat 4.0.4 environment, i.e. placed
 the cocoon.war file in the $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ directory. The
 welcome-page, http://localhost:8080/cocoon, confirms that Cocoon and
 Tomcat function OK together.

 A Cocoon-testapplication resides on
 $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/cocoon/myapp/, xml- and xsp-docs in subdirectory
 resources/ and stylesheets (xsl) in subdirectory styles/. A
 Hello_user.xml with matching hello_user.xsl pipeline functions OK.

 To test a similar Struts setup, we have created a new application
 subdirectory myjspapp, under cocoon/ in which Struts' WEB-INF/-directory
 reside with:
 - compiled classes in subdirectories/files - for both Actions and Forms
 - modified files struts-config.xml and other struts-*.tld-files,
 - lib/-directory with castor-, castor- and
 struts.jar. Note: I have also copied these jar-files to
 - src/-directory.

 A Hello_user.jsp-file (with a Hello_user.html-file) reside in the root
 of myjspapp uses the abovementioned hello_user.xsl-file. The pipeline I
 attempt to use looks like this:

map:match pattern=hellojsp
 map:generate src=myjspapp/hello_user.jsp type=jsp/
 map:transform src=myapp/styles/hello_user.xsl/
 map:serialize type=html/

 This setup fails. The errormessage I get is:
 org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: ServletException in
 JspGenerator.generate(): javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find
 ActionMappings or ActionFormBeans collection

 My guess is that the Struts-parts require access/setup of the
 struts-config.xml-file, but how do I do that? Is there something I
 should setup in Cocoon's cocoon.xconf-file or Cocoon's web.xml-file?

 Dag Nygaard

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Re: Combining Cocoon and Struts

2002-09-30 Thread Dag Nygaard

Barbara Post wrote:
 Hi Dag ! Does your Struts work standalone without Cocoon's part ? if not,
 you have to check correctness of your sample webapp.
As I wrote, I believe the problem is in Cocoon releasing it's control to
Struts, but I can't figure out how.

 I studied Struts before Cocoon, and you can dig for info there :
I have attempted this...
 You also can read this document :
Allright paper, but I need primarily help in the setup...
 Struts is fun but I am not sure whether using it with Cocoon is a good
 idea... You may study in-depth each of the frameworks, as I did (but in
 French...) and do some comparison tables.
I would have prefered a Cocoon-only environment, but for political
reasons, we have to try a combination first. Previous poster has also
described such a pipeline without describing the setup, and we want to
see if there is a gain in the combination.

 Hoping I am not too wrong,


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RE: Combining Cocoon and Struts

2002-09-30 Thread Piroumian Konstantin

 From: Dag Nygaard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 There are a lot of questions raised around Cocoon and Struts, 
 but few (if any) answers of how to combine the two - 
 FAQ-food?. I am now in the process of attempting the 
 combination and not being very knowledgeable in either 
 Cocoon, Struts, JSP, I feel at times pretty lost. Could 
 someone help me out?

Let's try.
(Selfreminder: create Cocoon-Struts comparison samples/articles/FAQs)

 The setup is as follows on a Win2K platform:
 I have deployed Cocoon 2.0.3 in tomcat 4.0.4 environment, 
 i.e. placed the cocoon.war file in the 
 $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ directory. The welcome-page, 
 http://localhost:8080/cocoon, confirms that Cocoon and Tomcat 
 function OK together.


 A Cocoon-testapplication resides on 
 $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/cocoon/myapp/, xml- and xsp-docs in 
 subdirectory resources/ and stylesheets (xsl) in subdirectory 
 styles/. A Hello_user.xml with matching hello_user.xsl 
 pipeline functions OK.
 To test a similar Struts setup, we have created a new 
 application subdirectory myjspapp, under cocoon/ in which 
 Struts' WEB-INF/-directory reside with:

Do you mean that you have this structure:

If yes, then it's definitely incorrect if you didn't alter the server.xml
(in Tomcat/conf) to that subdirectory as an application context (which can
be not allowed, anyway).

 - compiled classes in subdirectories/files - for both Actions 
 and Forms
 - modified files struts-config.xml and other 
 struts-*.tld-files, web.xml-file
 - lib/-directory with castor-, 
 castor- and struts.jar. Note: I have also 
 copied these jar-files to cocoon/WEB-INF/lib/
 - src/-directory.

You should use the same WEB-INF directory both for Cocoon and Struts and
also take a look at the web.xml and make sure that you have desired servlet
mappings. Struts by default is mapped to *.do and Cocoon is mapped to /* and
*.jsp. Remove mapping to JSP from Cocoon and try again.

Note, that if you call JSP directly then it won't be processed by Struts,
only *.do (or whatever you configure in web.xml) URLs are went through

 A Hello_user.jsp-file (with a Hello_user.html-file) reside in 
 the root of myjspapp uses the abovementioned 
 hello_user.xsl-file. The pipeline I attempt to use looks like this:
map:match pattern=hellojsp
 map:generate src=myjspapp/hello_user.jsp type=jsp/
 map:transform src=myapp/styles/hello_user.xsl/
 map:serialize type=html/
 This setup fails. The errormessage I get is: 
 org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: ServletException in
 JspGenerator.generate(): javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: 
 Cannot find ActionMappings or ActionFormBeans collection
 My guess is that the Struts-parts require access/setup of the 
 struts-config.xml-file, but how do I do that? Is there 
 something I should setup in Cocoon's cocoon.xconf-file or 
 Cocoon's web.xml-file?

It's configured in the web application deployment descriptor:
WEB-INF/web.xml as ActionServlet init params.

Hope this helps a little.


 Dag Nygaard
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Re: Combining Cocoon and Struts

2002-09-30 Thread Werner Guttmann


 I would have prefered a Cocoon-only environment, but for political
 reasons, we have to try a combination first. Previous poster has also
 described such a pipeline without describing the setup, and we want to
 see if there is a gain in the combination.

I am facing a similar situation here, but with Cocoon 2.1 still being in dev mode,
I guess using Cocoon and Struts together is a viable option. We have been doing
this for 1.5 yrs now, and there's a couple of options to consider for the contract
between the two frameworks. Generally, we use Struts and JSPs for any form
processing (incl. validation) and Cocoon for processing data and rendering it to
various output formats.

We have been using both of the following two options to establish a clean contract
between Struts and Cocoon:

- Use of XMLizable interface from within XSPs
- Use of Castor XML

In both cases, you would use Struts actions to go to the model and return you the
data and bind it to a the HttpRequest/HttpSession. From there on, simply forward
your request to a Cocoon pipeline which takes care of the (de)marshalling required
to convert your object model to SAX events which are then processed further

I hope this helps.

  Hoping I am not too wrong,


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