I am working an a mechanism to have annotated pages in my web portal (like
the pages in the pet store).

The pipeline to get this working looks like this:

   <map:match pattern="annotated/**">
    <map:aggregate element="page" >
     <map:part src="cocoon:/{1}" element="original" />
     <map:part src="cocoon:/annotation/{1}.xml" element="annotation" />
    <map:transform src="docs/annotation.xsl"/>

This way, when i have a page, say "portal", cocoon loads the portal page and
it loads the annotation page. 
The problem I have that all my images in my portal page, now refer to
annotated/image.gif instead of image.gif.

For normal images until now I duplicated the pipeline, but I also have
generated images (svg2jpeg).
And i'd like to have an internal redirect for this, something like:

   <map:match pattern="annotated/**.jpeg">
    <map:redirect-to uri="cocoon:/{1}.jpeg"/>

Is this possible?

Michael Homeijer

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