I'm having problems with Cocoon Mounts and using cocoon.xconf files in the mount sub-directories. I've posted about this a few times but haven't gotten a response, so I'm wondering if anyone out there is using mounts and cocoon.xconf files.

My problem is that I can't access JDBC datasources defined in the sub-cocoon.xconf files. I believe this is because to get a datasource you need to use a ComponentSelector, and I think the ComponentSelector for datasources doesn't have access to the components defined in the cocoon.xconf files in the Mounts.

I can't really find much documentation on this except for at the cocoon wiki where it just say this should be possible, and defining datasource is one of the reasons for having sub-cocoon.xconf files.

I'd love to hear if anyone has attempted this, whether or not you've succeeded or failed, because at this point it feels like I might be the only attempting this, and surely that can't be. There must be someone out there who's tried, one of the developers of this functionality maybe?

Thanks again, in advance, for any responses,

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