My solution is to change the code in to remove the 
table_name. from the variable names. I made this change to test it and 
it works. I suppose I need to change the code in such a way to allow a 
user to supply a configuration directive such as 
<append_table_name>false</append_table_name>. Is there any reason I 
should not do this or is there a better way?

I'm cross-posting this to the dev list.

Bobby Mitchell wrote:

> To start with, I apologize for posting so many different posts lately. 
> I'm stuck and I'm not sure which way to go, but I have been working to 
> find a solution. Please disregard the several earlier posts.
> I'm trying to use XMLForms and Mod-db actions together. My problem 
> stems from the fact that mod-db uses request parameters from a key 
> column to set the ?'s in the query and when setting the request 
> parameters to the column values retrieved it sets them by appending 
> table_name. to the column/req-param name. My request parameters and 
> column names are the same.
> Assume my query is select ID, EMAIL from NIAC_MAILLIST where EMAIL=?  
> Mod-db is now looking for a request parameter called 
> NIAC_MAILLIST.EMAIL and if found it successfully grabs the data from 
> the database. Otherwise it exits. If I append 
> &NIAC_MAILLIST.EMAIL="b@n" to the query string mod-db works and 
> creates the variables for the data, but XMLForm generates an "Invalid 
> data format" error. I created a session attribute called 
> NIAC_MAILLIST.EMAIL and am setting it to EMAIL. If mod-db would set  
> the ? from the session attributes instead of request parameters I 
> could set it that way. Otherwise I need to find a way to get mod-db to 
> not append the table name to the front of the column.
> Any ideas?
> database.xml
> <root>
>   <connection>niac_db</connection>
>    <table name="NIAC_MAILLIST" alias="NIAC_MAILLIST">
>    <keys>          <key name="EMAIL" type="string" autoincrement="false">
>         </key>
>      </keys>      <values>
>        <value name="ID"  type="int"></value>
>        <value name="EMAIL" type="string"></value>
>      </values>
>   </table>
>   <table-set name="MAILLIST-sel">
>      <table name="NIAC_MAILLIST" others-mode="session"/>
>   </table-set>
> </root>
> sitemap snippet where I declare the select action
> <map:action name="mod-db-sel     
> src="org.apache.cocoon.acting.modular.DatabaseSelectAction">
>          <descriptor>database.xml</descriptor>
>          <throw-exception>true</throw-exception>
> </map:action>
> pipeline where I'm trying to use it.   
>    <map:pipeline>
>      <!-- A non-trivial interactive example - Cocoon Usage Feedback 
> Wizard -->
>      <map:match pattern="wizard*">
>        <map:match type="request-parameter" pattern="cocoon-xmlform-view">
>          <map:select type="request-parameter">
>            <map:parameter name="parameter-name" 
> value="cocoon-xmlform-view"/>
>            <map:when test="registration">
> <!--
>              <map:act type="request">
>                <map:parameter name="parameters" value="true"/>
> -->
>              <map:act type="req-params">
>                <map:parameter name="parameters" value="EMAIL"/>
>                <map:act type="session-propagator">
>                  <map:parameter name="NIAC_MAILLIST.EMAIL" 
> value="{EMAIL}"/>
>                </map:act>
>                <map:act type="mod-db-sel" src="optional src">
>                  <map:parameter name="table-set" value="MAILLIST-sel"/>
>                </map:act>
>              </map:act>
>            </map:when>
>          </map:select>
>        </map:match>
>        <map:act type="WizardAction">
>          <!-- XMLForm parameters for the AbstractXMLFormAction -->
>          <map:parameter name="xmlform-validator-schema-ns" 
> value=""/>
>          <map:parameter name="xmlform-validator-schema" 
> value="schematron/wizard-xmlform-sch-report.xml"/>
>          <map:parameter name="xmlform-id" value="form-feedback"/>
>          <map:parameter name="xmlform-scope" value="session"/>
>          <map:parameter name="xmlform-model" value="niac.list.ListBean"/>
>          <!-- Content transformation logic -->
>          <map:generate type="serverpages" src="wizard/{page}.xsp"/>
>          <map:transform type="xmlform"  label="debug, xml"/>
>          <map:transform src="stylesheets/wizard2html.xsl" />
>          <map:transform 
> src="context://samples/stylesheets/xmlform/xmlform2html.xsl"/>
>          <map:serialize type="xhtml"/>
>        </map:act>
>      </map:match>
>    </map:pipeline>

Robert J. (Bobby) Mitchell
Systems Administrator
NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts
555A 14th St Atlanta, Ga. 30318
Phone: (404)347-9633 Fax: (404)347-9638

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