
if you were following my weblog then you will already have seen my notes on
the OReilly Open Source Convention. If not - then now's the time to go back
and read :-) (http://radio.weblogs.com/0103021/).

Here's a brief summary from a Cocoon perspective. To start off it seems that
Cocoon is virtually unknown on the other side of the Atlantic. Most of the
people I talked to had perhaps "heard" of Cocoon but were unaware of its
potential. Quite a few people were looking for exactly that sort of solution
and then very interested in hearing about the project. My presentation was
on building XML portals with Cocoon but there was also a very brief
introduction to the architecture. In all I only had 45 minutes and that is
not much time to go into great detail. There were about 30 people in the
presentation - not as many as I had hoped for. Quite a few of those present
had already looked into Cocoon - so there didn't seem to be many people
there who came just from reading the agenda. Again I think this shows that
there is still a bit that needs to be done to make Cocoon more visible.

On a more personal note - it was great to see the book at last! I even got
to sign a couple of copies - which is an exciting experience.

In all OSCON was a great venue and well worth the (long) trip. I would liked
to have seen more on Apache projects there - but around 50% was Perl, PHP
and Python.


Open Source Group       Cocoon { Consulting, Training, Projects }
Matthew Langham, S&N AG, Klingenderstrasse 5, D-33100 Paderborn
Tel:+49-5251-1581-30  [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.s-und-n.de
Cocoon book:

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