Steve Brackenbury wrote:
> Because the developers are inexperienced with XSL.  I'd really like to
> establish some "patterns-of'-usage" up front before development
> starts.  I'm hoping this will simplify things and as you pointed out
> in your post Bertrand, will help focus developers on using XSL in the
> way it was intended.

Best pattern of usage: lock down your interfaces.  Define the DTD/
schemas between each concern (you might have multiple transformations for
example).  These should be the equiv of API's - change only at risk and
only after much team discussion (and switching validation on during

You should also be then able to produce some 'prototype' XML which can
be dummied up and fed to people working on that schema.  This should make
the development faster as it should be possible to develop in parrellel as
opposed to having to wait until the folks who's output you require have
finished.  When they have, (assuming they've not broken their output
schema) it should be a simple matter of replacing the dummy data with
their output (this can be replicated down the system).

This way, even if you change things (or even not use Cocoon) you should
be able to at least reuse your XSL.


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