>It needs further clarification before we can start design.
>Hopefully other people who asked for this feature will add a few more use

I know, thank you.

Btw, what about filling a DOM node in the model from outside?
For example, I'm using Xindice, and there's that nice pseudo protocol
working on Cocoon.

I would like to query the DB using the pseudo protocol. It returns me a
collection. Now I want to feed the Form with this collection. A first
approach would be to load the collection in a DOM node for example. But I
can't see how I could do it, maybe with a sitemap parameter? May I load that
result there and then get it in the action in the act method?
The alternative is to query the DB directly inside the model or the action
and load the values, but I think it is a worse approach.

Well, that would be a first step. The second would be to have the model
empty. Then, after loading the coleection, properties would be 'created at
runtime' for every element. I do not know if it would be possible, but it
sounds too hard to me. Just a random idea...


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