>Robert Simmons wrote:
>I have put in 14 to 16 hours a day for 2 weeks on this thing. Lets 
>add it up shall we. That would be 210 hours averaging at 15 hours a 
>Dividing by 40 hours (the standard workweek) means that i have put in 
>5 weeks of work time compressed into 2 weeks. You can sit down and 
shut up
>Since you may havent gotten the picture yet, I dont like being flamed. 
If I
>didnt care I wouldnt have bothered to post the damn mail.

Hmmm...don't remember the exact quote (and you're not worth looking it 
up) but it went something like:
"Profanity is the hallmark of small minds"

>> you really seem to forget this is _not_ a product, but an open source
>> _project_, envisioned, created and supported by a community of real
>> people.

>If its not a product why bother? Anythign worth doing is worth doing 
>If you arent intending to make somethign that can be widely used, why 
are you
>bothering? Just idle curriosity? if so label it as such so people can 
>"oh," and move on to something that people intend to be real. I think,
>however, the cocoon developers have a bit more vision.

Again...hmmm.  Do you really have any concept of open source?  There is 
a point in the lifecycle of most open source projects where the active 
development and experimentation with the code surpasses the capability 
to have a comprehensive set of API documentation for those who only 
want to drop in and grab a quick solution to a real world problem.  If 
you have deadlines you need to meet it is ***YOUR*** responsibility to 
make sure that the technologies you select are "ready" for you...it is 
***NOT*** the responsibility of the open source community to make sure 
their projects fit into your deadline schedule.

>> If you are such a top dog, consider contributing.

One last time...hmmm.  I notice you didn't even respond to the above 
comment...perhaps because you finally realized that you don't have 
anything to contribute.

And finally...I have used Cocoon in production and it works just fine.  
I will be the first one to admit that I had issues getting it to work 
and that I don't think I'll use it as a full application framework any 
time soon, but as a means of delivering content across multiple 
end-devices/platforms/technologies, there is nothing out there that 
beats it right now.  The folks on this list and others have been more 
than helpful to me a number of times and although I don't have any need 
to use Cocoon further at the moment, I still read the list to keep up 
with developments and also to lend my assistance where I can (like how 
to use Cocoon with WebSphere 3.5).  Posting your profanity and blasting 
members of this list serves no purpose other than to satisfy your own 
selfish need to lash out.

Flame away...I'm fairly certain you can't resist wasting the time to do 
so...I am certain that I won't be reading them though...

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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