Re: Time to go back to JSP. Cocoon just isnt ready.

2003-01-30 Thread Andreas Bednarz
Hi Robert,

I completely agree with your opinion and share your sorrows about the
current state. I personally use Resins XTP mechanism, which works fine
and fast and is well documented etc. Maybe some days we will change to
cocoon, but now ...

Andreas Bednarz

Am Don, 2003-01-30 um 12.21 schrieb Robert Simmons:
 I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that cocoon is not ready for
 professional development. Unlike tomcat, or Ant, this product has
 serious things blocking its use in production systems. I personally am
 completely and utterly stopped by the classpath bug indicated here: Just another
 symptom of a product that needs more work to be used in professional
 products. That coupled with the lack of documentation makes the
 package difficult at best. I will possibly be back in a year or so
 when this technology has gone somewhere. This is assuming it is still
 alive by then. I have seen a plethora of new people come on this list
 and then just vanish. That doesn't bode well for its reputation. I
 don't want to take this step and throw away two weeks of work but the
 fact is that I also don't have time to wait for such massive bugs to
 be fixed and to spend another two weeks swimming through poor
 debugging tools. Its a massive bummer to me but in order to be true to
 myself I cant see alternatives. The fact is that however flawed JSPs
 are, I can crack together JSP pagers 40 times faster than cocoon
 pages. When it comes to deadlines, major bugs like this just stop a
 product cold. Anyway, Ill stop rambling now.
 Comments are invited.
 -- Robert
Andreas Bednarz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Time to go back to JSP. Cocoon just isnt ready.

2003-01-30 Thread Robert Simmons
 Robert Simmons wrote:

  I have seen a plethora of new people come on this list and then just

  Comments are invited.

 That's a quick decision for someone who has been around here for only 2

I have put in 14 to 16 hours a day for 2 weeks on this thing. Lets fuckign
add it up shall we. That would be 210 hours averaging at 15 hours a day.
Dividing by 40 hours (the standard workweek) means that i have put in nearly
5 weeks of work time compressed into 2 weeks. You can sit down and shut up

Since you may havent gotten the picture yet, I dont like being flamed. If I
didnt care I wouldnt have bothered to post the damn mail.

 Then again, we should feel honoured because of the email avalanche you
 caused during that short period, in comparison with:

Avalanche? Oh well just sue me. If you would get off that high horse for 15
seconds, you might realize that that avalanche would have never had happened
if the product was documented properly. Fortunately most members of this list
are a bit more far sighted than you and have initiated a documentation effort
based on my comments. I would say that is a contribution. Im not interested
in your arrogant attitude.

Oh and if you would like to know why it is I have had so few posts on JBoss
forums, the answer is quite simple. The product works properly and well and
is very well documented.

 Anyway: :

Oh you are steamed about that? Yes many of us on that forum are sick of kids
comming there asking people to do their homework for them. No, you didnt
really read the thread it seems or you would have seen our willingness to
answer questions as long as they arent my teacher said to do x, can someone
write it for me?

As for teaching yourself in cocoon, again I have an ace in the hole you have
forgotten. The documentation in cocoon is minimal at best. This has been
acknowledged by other more intelligent members of this mailing list.

 In 4 years of college I knew more about computers than all of
 my profs together. Why? Cause I taught myself. Teaching one's self is
 rewarding but difficult. You MUST struggle. You must figure things out
 the hard way.

Point out the documentation on the classpath issue. Show me the rich and
fully qualified API documentation. Ahem. There isnt any. Do you make a habbit
of flaming while firing blanks?

 Pardon me if I find your decisions somehow 'unstable'. I find it a pity
 to see you post this kind of judgement after so many people have been
 actively trying to help you (and still do). Sure there is stuff that
 Cocoon fails to do. I just think you are the type of person who will
 always find something that will warrant _not_ using something you
 haven't created yourself.

There have been several people willign to help and I appreciate their
assistance. These people have also recognized the shortcommings of cocoon and
have acknowledged my input as a pure user and non-cocoon hacker. Perhaps you
should hjoin them. I dont make the decision lightly and if I could find any
way of satisfying my requirements with cocoon in the time I have, than I
would change my mind. Unfortunately, real life is a tad more demanding.

 In case you start wondering why I'm so up-close and personal about this:

Like I care.

 you really seem to forget this is _not_ a product, but an open source
 _project_, envisioned, created and supported by a community of real

If its not a product why bother? Anythign worth doing is worth doing right.
If you arent intending to make somethign that can be widely used, why are you
bothering? Just idle curriosity? if so label it as such so people can say
oh, and move on to something that people intend to be real. I think,
however, the cocoon developers have a bit more vision.

 We are not being protective about our work, and we will readily
 admit its problems, but if all we get is yet another gee I'm gonna
 leave 'coz this sucks reply from you, I'm pretty sure I won't be the
 only one who just stops reading your mails.

Please do. You have nothing intelligent to contribute so please add me to my
ignore filter. That is assuming your monitor hasnt exploded from your flame
beign stuffed back into your face.

 Oh well - flame me, I can handle it. I'm sick of seeing nice people
 trying to help you, and you just spreading FUD in return. This is the
 third inflamatory email I composed to you during the past few days, and
 this time, I won't refrain from sending.

Feel free. If you ever come up with something intelligent to say, please flag
it as important. Others such as SAXESS have you beat by about 10,000 percent
in brain power and I appreciate their input. You, are just another dork
sittign in judgement of others. Shoo! Unfortunately for you, you caught me in
a particularly punchy mood where I am not going 

Re: Time to go back to JSP. Cocoon just isnt ready.

2003-01-30 Thread SAXESS - Hussayn Dabbous

this was NOT POLITE !

stop this attacks! thats useless and distracting!

no more words on this.


Dr. Hussayn Dabbous
SAXESS Software Design GmbH
Neuenhöfer Allee 125
50935 Köln
Telefon: +49-221-56011-0
Fax: +49-221-56011-20

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RE: Re: Time to go back to JSP. Cocoon just isnt ready.

2003-01-30 Thread robert_hitchins
Robert Simmons wrote:

I have put in 14 to 16 hours a day for 2 weeks on this thing. Lets 
add it up shall we. That would be 210 hours averaging at 15 hours a 
Dividing by 40 hours (the standard workweek) means that i have put in 
5 weeks of work time compressed into 2 weeks. You can sit down and 
shut up

Since you may havent gotten the picture yet, I dont like being flamed. 
If I
didnt care I wouldnt have bothered to post the damn mail.

Hmmm...don't remember the exact quote (and you're not worth looking it 
up) but it went something like:
Profanity is the hallmark of small minds

 you really seem to forget this is _not_ a product, but an open source
 _project_, envisioned, created and supported by a community of real

If its not a product why bother? Anythign worth doing is worth doing 
If you arent intending to make somethign that can be widely used, why 
are you
bothering? Just idle curriosity? if so label it as such so people can 
oh, and move on to something that people intend to be real. I think,
however, the cocoon developers have a bit more vision.

Again...hmmm.  Do you really have any concept of open source?  There is 
a point in the lifecycle of most open source projects where the active 
development and experimentation with the code surpasses the capability 
to have a comprehensive set of API documentation for those who only 
want to drop in and grab a quick solution to a real world problem.  If 
you have deadlines you need to meet it is ***YOUR*** responsibility to 
make sure that the technologies you select are ready for is 
***NOT*** the responsibility of the open source community to make sure 
their projects fit into your deadline schedule.

 If you are such a top dog, consider contributing.

One last time...hmmm.  I notice you didn't even respond to the above 
comment...perhaps because you finally realized that you don't have 
anything to contribute.

And finally...I have used Cocoon in production and it works just fine.  
I will be the first one to admit that I had issues getting it to work 
and that I don't think I'll use it as a full application framework any 
time soon, but as a means of delivering content across multiple 
end-devices/platforms/technologies, there is nothing out there that 
beats it right now.  The folks on this list and others have been more 
than helpful to me a number of times and although I don't have any need 
to use Cocoon further at the moment, I still read the list to keep up 
with developments and also to lend my assistance where I can (like how 
to use Cocoon with WebSphere 3.5).  Posting your profanity and blasting 
members of this list serves no purpose other than to satisfy your own 
selfish need to lash out.

Flame away...I'm fairly certain you can't resist wasting the time to do 
so...I am certain that I won't be reading them though...

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Re: Time to go back to JSP. Cocoon just isnt ready.

2003-01-30 Thread Sorin Marti

I have not followed the list in the last days and now this. What's going 
on? If you got a problem with each other why can't you be polite?

This list is (AFAIK) NOT to curse at somebody. If you want to vituperate 
please do it per PM!!

Sorin Marti

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Re: Time to go back to JSP. Cocoon just isnt ready.

2003-01-30 Thread Emmanuil Batsis (Manos)


210 hours in two weeks is like a single man-week IMHO (40 hours). Man 
hours are counted in both quality and quantity. Professionals should be 
aware of that.

We are also professionals, although still hacking in some room between 
everything, but that shows we love our work. We are also consumers and 
consumers are able to evaluate.

Most of us have evaluated Cocoon as suitable for OUR needs and we were 
right. Other people had less successfull results. They showed the flaws 
and either helped fixing or packed and mooved on. They never blamed the 
community for their own personal calls and still felt graditute to 
people that donate their personal time to build something for the community.

Respect to be respected.



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Re: Time to go back to JSP. Cocoon just isnt ready.

2003-01-30 Thread Robert Simmons
Sorry. To say I've had a bad week would be a massive understatement. Today
was just not the right day to flame me. If he had done it yesterday I would
have ignored him. But my mail was just as uncalled for as his.

-- Robert

- Original Message -
From: Sorin Marti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: Time to go back to JSP. Cocoon just isnt ready.


 I have not followed the list in the last days and now this. What's going
 on? If you got a problem with each other why can't you be polite?

 This list is (AFAIK) NOT to curse at somebody. If you want to vituperate
 please do it per PM!!

 Sorin Marti

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Re: Time to go back to JSP. Cocoon just isnt ready.

2003-01-30 Thread Irving Salisbury

Because people are going to flame you, I thought maybe I'd send an email 
agreeing with you ;-)

When I first started using cocoon, it seemed weird and akward.  It took 
about 2-3 months of really digging in and trying to use it.  This was 
before there were good books out, of which there are 2 really good ones 
that really cut the learning time down. We have now used it successfully 
on 4 major projects, all at fortune 100 companies.  I think it is the 
greatest thing since sliced bread, and so do our customers.  If I had 
made any kind of snap judgements on it, I might have disappeared after 
two weeks as well.  I also agree that this community, while I have only 
been actively watching it for a couple days now, has really tried to 
help Robert out and provided good answers.  Plus, the bug listed is with 
XSP, which I have yet to use on any of my projects because it is quirky 
at best.  There are so many other good things in cocoon, I'd hate to 
throw them all out because of this one thing.


Steven Noels wrote:

Robert Simmons wrote:

I have seen a plethora of new people come on this list and then just

Comments are invited.

That's a quick decision for someone who has been around here for only 2

Then again, we should feel honoured because of the email avalanche you
caused during that short period, in comparison with: 

Anyway: :

In 4 years of college I knew more about computers than all of
my profs together. Why? Cause I taught myself. Teaching one's self is
rewarding but difficult. You MUST struggle. You must figure things out
the hard way.

Pardon me if I find your decisions somehow 'unstable'. I find it a pity
to see you post this kind of judgement after so many people have been 
actively trying to help you (and still do). Sure there is stuff that 
Cocoon fails to do. I just think you are the type of person who will 
always find something that will warrant _not_ using something you 
haven't created yourself.

In case you start wondering why I'm so up-close and personal about 
this: you really seem to forget this is _not_ a product, but an open 
source _project_, envisioned, created and supported by a community of 
real people. We are not being protective about our work, and we will 
readily admit its problems, but if all we get is yet another gee I'm 
gonna leave 'coz this sucks reply from you, I'm pretty sure I won't 
be the only one who just stops reading your mails.

Oh well - flame me, I can handle it. I'm sick of seeing nice people 
trying to help you, and you just spreading FUD in return. This is the 
third inflamatory email I composed to you during the past few days, 
and this time, I won't refrain from sending.

If you are such a top dog, consider contributing.

Take care,


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RE: Time to go back to JSP. Cocoon just isnt ready.

2003-01-30 Thread Matthew Langham
This type of thing really makes my day. You know actually it does the
project more good than harm. It pays to step back from our day to day Cocoon
euphoria now and again and look at things through other peoples eyes. And
its obvious that some people have difficulties getting Cocoon and perhaps
even getting open source software in the first place. Now this is not a
criticism. It is a fact.

We (the project) should ask ourselves - what can we do to make peoples life
easier in Cocoon. There is a lot going on (books, wiki, mailing-list help,
documentation) - but there is always room for improvement.

You (the people starting out with Cocoon) should ask yourselves - is an open
source project like Cocoon right for me. Am I prepared for the rough waters
that may lie ahead. If not then perhaps you would be better off using a
commercial box product with payed for support. But I am sure that if you
need something like Cocoon - then you will be back.

Of course you may not need something like Cocoon - and that's good also.

Probably the most important lesson we leared when we started out with Cocoon
back in .. (his eyes misted over as he remembered the good old days) .. was
that if you find a bug or something that doesn't work right - then you had
better be prepared to fix it yourself (especially if you are betting the
bank on the open source software). If not - then maybe open source isn't for


Open Source Group   Cocoon { Consulting, Training, Projects }
Matthew Langham, SN AG, Klingenderstrasse 5, D-33100 Paderborn
Tel:+49-5251-1581-30  [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Cocoon book:

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Re: Time to go back to JSP. Cocoon just isnt ready.

2003-01-30 Thread Stephan Michels


I found a blog, which fits perfecly ;-)

Stephan Michels

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Re: Time to go back to JSP. Cocoon just isnt ready.

2003-01-30 Thread Sorin Marti
*lol* that reminds me of something ... :-D

Stephan Michels wrote:


I found a blog, which fits perfecly ;-)

Stephan Michels

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Re: Time to go back to JSP. Cocoon just isnt ready.

2003-01-30 Thread David Crossley
 Hussayn Dabbous wrote:
 Maybe we are far away from maturity, but we won't get closer,
 if everyone interested in professional usage just skips it,
 because it's not professionally usable right now.
 Instead of coming back next year you may help getting there
 by taking a little bit of care... You might benefit at the
 end (no promise, but a chance)

Hear, Hear. If each person would contribute just one sentence
per day to documentation, then we would all immediately benefit.
It is so obvious that it is scary. Is it human nature that makes
us bicker, or blow our ego trumpet, and forget to contribute?

 I wonder, if there is a company out in the world, who
 is already dealing with cooling down cocoon and packing
 it as professional distribution ?

Probably so. It is an amazing world where people take a
freely available product, add spit-and-polish and use it
successfully for themselves. Yet never contribute back
to the project.

 Wouldn't it be nice to get something like a coconuts
 distrib with documentation all put together for instant
 usage (today for experiment, tomorrow for production) ? ...

It would be even better for the documentation effort to be
focussed back on the core Cocoon product.

We have too much separation of effort... websites about Cocoon,
various different Wiki with haphazard and repetitive content,
stacks of blabber on two different mailing lists (yet none on
the cocoon-docs list). All this time there are no changes
being contributed into the actual CVS documentation. So no
wonder that the core documentation is lacking.


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