Re: C2 Memory Settings - Xms, Xmx, freememory, and heapsize

2002-01-27 Thread Peter Hargreaves

Hi Gerhard,

Thanks for the reply. I've done more work on this and posted two 
messages on the cocoon-dev list, but your moderator hasn't let them 
through yet! Quick summary is:

In the loop that frees an item from a store then calls the garbage 
collector. Typically the item clears 5k (not m) of memory then the 
garbage collector is called which takes 2.5 seconds. So, at this rate, 
to clear 20m would take a few hours during which time the system appears 
to be locked!

I've noticed when running Optimizeit that although garbage collection 
can be quick, it sometimes takes a few seconds. If it has just been run, 
and you force it to run again, then it seems to take longer. If it can't 
find much to freeup, it seems to do a more time consuming search for 

Can the stores tell you how much they've freed (even approximately) so 
you don't need to call the garbage collector then ask the jvm about 
freememory so often?

Full details and evidence posted under dev list.



 Hi Peter,
From: Peter Hargreaves [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Hi Gerhard,

In my earlier notes on the above topic, I mentioned my garbage collector 
occasionally taking over the system thereby freezing it! I think it

 Damn threads!
could be a bug connected with the Round Robin not managing to free 
memory and not giving up trying to when it can't.

With the following settings:
heapsize =1

I find using Optimizit that when my actual heap get to just over 100m 
and my heap in use gets over 80m, then usually memory gets freed as 
expected. Sometimes at this point the lockup occurs. It usually happens 
just after one or two attempts have only just managed to free more than 
20m. If the store-janitor can't free memory (store empty) I would expect 
it to let the memory in use continue to grow.

 For that he checks if more then one store is registered.
Looking in my components.log and matching the output with the source. The following seems to be happening:

Inside the method run() it seems to be getting stuck in the while loop 
that repeatedly attempts to freeMemory() until the store is empty. It 
doesn't seem to be able to empty the store!

 while (this.memoryLow()  this.getStoreList().size()  0) {

In my log I find alternating groups of statements from this.memoryLow() 
and this.freeMemory() and the message StoreList size=3 gets repeated. 
Every attempt to free memory calls the garbage collector.

I couldn't understand the Round Robin thing so don't know if that is to 
blame. There is other activity in the log which might be relevant, see 

 Hmm I don't find the bug, yet. But I changed the logging messages at least.
 Now it prints out memory is low true/false. Maybe that's more clearly-presented.
 Could you do a new check-out of the Head version and redo your test?

I assume you just mean to try the latest CVS? I was trying to stick with 
C2.0 because I've done so much testing with it for release of my 
completed application. I'll see if I can organise myself to do this.

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RE: C2 Memory Settings - Xms, Xmx, freememory, and heapsize

2002-01-25 Thread Peter Hargreaves

Hi Gerhard,

Many thanks for your time and the extra tips. So, following on the same 
thread, if you will bear with me? My 'real world' has the following 
'special case':

I want to deploy multiple independent cocoon applications in the same 
servlet container (Tomcat 4.0.1). Is this wise? I assume it means that 
my servlet container, and my cocoon applications will all be sharing the 
same jvm and the same heap.

Method 1 - I could use sub-sitemaps. But, can this be done while using a 
separate WAR file to deploy each application? I couldn't find out how.

Method 2 - Alternatively I could deploy cocoon within each application's 
WAR file. Although this is expensive in hard disk space, I don't mind 
the price in return for independence. However, it will result in 
multiple cocoon instances and I'm not so sure about multiple instances 
sharing the same java heap!! Should I be avoiding this? It might be 
incredibly expensive in RAM???!!!

If I do create multiple instances of cocoon in the same jvm then what 
memory settings should I use?

Xms - the initial size of the jvm heap. There seems to be no issue with 
this setting, I just set it to zero to avoid confusion and let the jvm 
increase the heap as it needs it.

Xmx - the maximum size of the jvm heap. Again, I just set this to the 
maximum my system can make available to my servlet container and cocoon 

But, I now have multiple instances of the store-janitor (don't I?), they 
are all monitoring the same jvm heap, but each with their own 
'heapsize', 'freememory', 'cleanupthreadinterval' and 'priority' setting 
and running asynchronously. They will each set-off finalization and the 
garbage collector every interval, won't they? Although each 
cleanupthreadinterval could be increased, they will not be synchronised, 
so could all fire off close to each other leaving an unreasonable gap. 
This worries me, could it explain why my garbage collector occasionally 
takes over the system and crashes it (observed through Optimizeit)?

Each store-janitor has its own store to look after, but is it possible 
to balance their demands without one taking outright priority over the 

store-janitor parameter 'heapsize' - Should all the heapsize params be 
set the same, or is there a case for setting them differently? I think 
the same, unless one application should be more concerned about it's use 
of memory than another.

store-janitor parameter 'freememory' - Should all these be the same, or 
is there a case for setting them differently on each store-janitor. 
Again I think the same, as the results of setting them differently are 
harder to imagine!

It seems to me that I should be avoiding multiple cocoon instances under 
the same jvm because the store-janitor is not really designed for it. 
Even if Xms is massive because of the over enthusiasm of garbage 
collection. Is this a reasonable conclusion?

By the way, I tried just playing with the parameters and wasn't getting 
very far, but now I've become analytical as well, I'm making progress - 
in reducing my RAM requirement.

Yes, Gerhard please make use of my notices for the documentation if you 
can but I suggest you use the following caveat: Listen to what I mean, 
not what I say. - pdh.

Oh, I've just turned off logging and my application is transformed from 
Sluggish to Greased Lightning! - Wow!!

Looking forward to your comments Gerhard. Comments from others also welcome.


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RE: C2 Memory Settings - Xms, Xmx, freememory, and heapsize

2002-01-24 Thread Gerhard Froehlich

Hi Peter,

From: Peter Hargreaves [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Hi Folks,

I've completed my application and am investigating massive memory 
demands (100M - 300M). The following are some of my conclusions, which 
may be of use to others. I'm definitely not an expert so comments please 
from those that know better. Some of the following does seems to 
contradict other posting about memory configuration.

Kool, mate. Keep up sending feedback!

The java heap is the area of RAM reserved for use by the java virtual 
machine. At any time only part of the heap will be in use. The size of 
the part in use will vary over time as classes and instances are loaded 
and released. If the size in use approaches the size of the heap, then 
more memory will be allocated to the heap. If the amount in use falls to 
a small percentage of the heap size for a relatively long period the 
size of the heap will be reduced by the jvm, to free memory for the 
operating system.

Xms and Xmx are set when the jvm is started. If using Tomcat-4.0.1 set 
the environment parameter CATALINA_OPTS=-Xmsvalue -Xmxvalue before 
starting Tomcat.

Xms - sets initial java heap size
With cocoon there seems to be little point setting this as start-up 
times are dominated by other factors.


Xmx - sets maximum java heap size
This is the maximum amount of memory available to Tomcat and Cocoon. If 
there is demand for more than is available, then a 
java.lang.outofmemory() exception will occur - to be avoided at all 
costs!!! I've found it best to set this to a size which leaves some RAM 
for the operating system. If there is virtual memory configured on the 
operating system (hard disk pretending to be RAM) then set the maximum 
jvm heap low enough to avoid using it.

Yes I do the same.

Store Janitor
In the cocoon.xconf file there are setting for the store-janitor. The 
store, I think, is a file cache run by cocoon which therefore places 
demands on the jvm heap. These setting control the size of the file 
cache to stop it using up all of the heap and thereby causing a 
java.lang.outofmemory() error.

It's both. It's a memory store which hold the generated pages. When this
cache is full or the JVM is running low on memory some objects are freed
and swapped to the filesystem.

But your're right the StoreJanitor is the component which controls this!

  parameter name=freememory value=100/
  parameter name=heapsize value=6000/
  parameter name=cleanupthreadinterval value=10/
  parameter name=threadpriority value=5/

parameter 'heapsize' - the size of jvm heap below which the file cache 
is allowed to grow. When actual heap size (not heap in use) exceeds this


size then the store-janitor will take steps to reduce it, assuming the 
amount of actual free memory is below the parameter 'freememory' limit.

The current alghorithm is like this:

memory is low if:
JVM total Memory consumption  configured heap  JVM free Memory  configured free 

Parameter 'heapsize' must be less than Xmx otherwise the store would be 
allowed to fill the heap. The difference between Xmx and 'heapsize' must 
be sufficient memory for cocoon during a 'cleanupthreadinterval'.


parameter 'freememory' - is the difference between heap size and heap in 
use which the store-janitor must achieve (by giving up memory) if the 
actual heap size has exceeded the parameter 'heapsize'. This is the 
amount of free memory which must be available to cocoon during the 
'cleanupthreadinterval' assuming the heapsize might no longer be able to 
increase. If 'freememory' is set too large, then the store-janitor will 
give up more of its cache than it needs to, or might not be able to free 
sufficient by emptying the file cache.

parameter 'cleanupthreadinterval' - the period in seconds between 
store-janitor's attempts to monitor memory and adjust the store. Also 
triggers finalization and the garbage collector.


My suggested settings for different ram sizes in Megabytes:

Xms  0  0  0  0
Xmx 64100228356
heapsize60 80208236
freememory   1 20 2020


The difference between Xmx and heapsize is needed to ensure sufficient 
free memory for cocoon during the first cleanupthreadinterval in which 
the actual heap size exceeds 'heapsize'. Similarly the parameter 
'freememory' tells the store-janitor to attempt to clear sufficient 
memory for the next interval. So I've suggested the difference between 
Xms and heapsize be the same as the size of freememory. It might need to 
be bigger on a fast machine, or the interval reduced.

Would the experts please comment