setup: Apache, Tomcat 3.2.2, Cocoon 2.0a7
I have just got things up and going and I have two Q's regarding the next steps;

1. There is like a million conf-files in  my jakarta-tomcat/conf directory.
Some related to mod_jserv and others to mod_jk,
so which ones are not used in a jk setup and can be safely removed.

I am having problem mapping requests by its fileext thru
tomcat to cocoon. I have a vague memory this was a piece of cake
when I was experimenting with a JServ / Cocoon 1.8 combo some months ago,
but I can't find any docs on the subject.
Something like;
AddHandler jserv-servlet .xml

Ideally am I after a transparant (not having to switch port or host) 
solution for cocoon served *.XML the way tomcat handles JSP
eq.  JkMount /*.jsp ajp13

Do I really have to setup mod_proxy and shove requests explicitly thru to Tomcats 
to achieve this ?


Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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