Re: database forms

2003-03-27 Thread Stefan Klein
The problem with the logicsheet is the missing validation.
I didn't include it, but it could be done:
a) by the FormValidator Action and the corresponding logicsheet
b) doing JavaScript validation (just as you proposed in your first message)

The problem with the XMLFormXindice approach is the custom programming.
If I compare your reference I find the that I have to
edit and fill that with my fields. But like I stated before what will
happen if I don't know this fields.
I don't understand this paragraph. Could you help me? In XML-Forms you have
to write customary actions anyway to define the control flow between the
form pages. That's a bit more work, but a lot more powerful, too.

I am a bit confused, Stefan, do you want to use Xindice to store the
options? Do you consider Xindice only as tool or do you want to use it?
No, I don't want to use Xindice. I am using MySQL. I just found the tutorial
an interesting read. What they are doing is use an XML-File instead of a
JavaBean as datamodel in the XMLForm. The model is then populated from and
written to a Xindice database. I was wondering whether it might be possible
to do the same with a MySQL database, automatically generating the
XML-model, using it as datastore and afterwards write its contents back to
the database.

4) Thought: DTD/Schema approach (in the spirit of DB2XML)
Some time ago I found this tool DB2XML. The
nice thing on it that the dtd will be generate on the fly. Using that this
could give us the validation input. I admit it is quite similar to the
Xindice approach. But the problem with Xindice is (in my opinion) the
validation of dynamic data.

The question remain whether DTD is enough or do we have to use schemas?
I don't get this either, I am afraid. Please help, with examples if

Yesterday popped up another interesting thread on the list: Cocoon-based
Database Administration. They make reference to some tools that provide
persistence between Java objects and RDBMS. I've started to look into it.
Hibernate looks easy to use and useful. This might be a way to use XMLForms
using JavaBeans and then right the bean straight back to the database.

I'll go on reading and will be back.



King regards

 Any advice is highly appreciated.


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RE: database forms

2003-03-26 Thread Scherler, Thorsten
Hi Stefan, hi Lorenzo,

The solution to go with an action seems to be quite practical because both of you have 
proposed that.
While I had a glance on the book Professional XML Schema I was think that our 
validation is existent but quite rudimental.

1) The select problem
 xsl:template match=dbf:listbox
   esql:querySELECT xsl:value-of select=@entries-column/ FROM
 xsl:value-of select=@entries-table//esql:query
   esql:get-string column=name/
 note: dbfpool is a variable that might be set by a sitemap-parameter
 Then use it in an xsp-page like:
 dbf:listbox entries-table=author entries-column=name/
 That get's you in one line a  listbox filled with all the names in the
 author-table. Defining another parameter like ref=authorid 
 you could then
 bind it to a field in the book table.

I had the same approach when I was coding the selectoption - block. I think that 
is your (Stefan) solution of The select problem

2) The Lorenzo approach
 2. Reply to Lorenzo
 That is quite close to what I was talking about. However I 
 don't like having
 to write an extensive configuration file. For example, I 
 don't like having
 to define listboxes using a block of esql every time. I'd 
 very much prefer
 something like I outlined above.
 Besides I don't need to use the same form elements again and again in
 different contexts (which your system seems to be very useful 
 for), it's
 more about being able to write one single form really quickly 
 and directly
 without loads of support code (like the esql) around it.
Stefan got a point there! Your example (Lorenzo) is very good and advanced. The only 
problem was mentioned by Stefan. If we use your example for further development we 
have to simplify the structure. Especially if I keep in mind that I have a block of 
question were I do not know the name. 

3) XMLFormXindice

 3. More thoughts: XMLForms
 I'd been looking into XMLForms before and reading Lorenzo's 
 note at the end
 of his last message I took another deeper look. I found a 
 quite interesting
 tutorial that describes how to replace the form model (currently
 incorporated by a JavaBean) by a model defined by an XML-File 
 that is linked
 to an XIndice database:
 I was wondering whether this would be worth a thought in this 
 case as well,
 since XML may be generated from any ordinary relational database, too.
 You would generate an XML-Model from the database, use it to 
 keep the form
 data and in the end send the data back to the database. That 
 would also have
 the advantage that you could build multi-page forms to gather 
 the data for
 one table (for example one form to gather the book data and a 
 separate one
 to select the author from a long list) and then in the end 
 send it to the
 database altogether (otherwise you would have to store the 
 book data without
 the author being filled in which wouldn't be possible, cause 
 the author
 field can't be empty...)
 So I am currently pondering about what to go for: an XSP 
 logicsheet approach
 as outlined above - that might be easier to implement right 
 now - or try to
 use XMLForms which would be a lot more flexible.

The problem with the logicsheet is the missing validation. 
The problem with the XMLFormXindice approach is the custom programming. If I compare 
your reference I find the that I have to edit and fill that with my 
fields. But like I stated before what will happen if I don't know this fields.

I am a bit confused, Stefan, do you want to use Xindice to store the options? Do you 
consider Xindice only as tool or do you want to use it?

4) Thought: DTD/Schema approach (in the spirit of DB2XML)
Some time ago I found this tool DB2XML. The nice thing 
on it that the dtd will be generate on the fly. Using that this could give us the 
validation input. I admit it is quite similar to the Xindice approach. But the problem 
with Xindice is (in my opinion) the validation of dynamic data. 

The question remain whether DTD is enough or do we have to use schemas?

King regards

 Any advice is highly appreciated.

Against Cesar Bush and the war!

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Re: database forms

2003-03-25 Thread Stefan Klein
Hi Thorsten, Lorenzo

1. reply to Thorsten:

In your example you've only got textboxes. With listboxes (select in
it gets a bit trickier, since you'll have to get the possible values from
different table first. Have you got an idea for that, too?
Maybing using XSP-ESQL?

nested esql like that:
I'm not sure we undertand each other right there. The problem was not to get
all the recordsets from a table (say books) that are related to another one
(say authors), but to implement listboxes in an easy way. (e.g. a column in
table books contains a foreign key from table authors, then in a form you'll
want a listbox to easily select one author). I've been thinking a bit myself
and came up with the following:

Define a XSP-logicsheet with namespace e.g. dbf. Snippet:

xsl:template match=dbf:listbox
  esql:querySELECT xsl:value-of select=@entries-column/ FROM
xsl:value-of select=@entries-table//esql:query
  esql:get-string column=name/

note: dbfpool is a variable that might be set by a sitemap-parameter

Then use it in an xsp-page like:
dbf:listbox entries-table=author entries-column=name/

That get's you in one line a  listbox filled with all the names in the
author-table. Defining another parameter like ref=authorid you could then
bind it to a field in the book table.

2. Reply to Lorenzo
That is quite close to what I was talking about. However I don't like having
to write an extensive configuration file. For example, I don't like having
to define listboxes using a block of esql every time. I'd very much prefer
something like I outlined above.
Besides I don't need to use the same form elements again and again in
different contexts (which your system seems to be very useful for), it's
more about being able to write one single form really quickly and directly
without loads of support code (like the esql) around it.

3. More thoughts: XMLForms
I'd been looking into XMLForms before and reading Lorenzo's note at the end
of his last message I took another deeper look. I found a quite interesting
tutorial that describes how to replace the form model (currently
incorporated by a JavaBean) by a model defined by an XML-File that is linked
to an XIndice database:

I was wondering whether this would be worth a thought in this case as well,
since XML may be generated from any ordinary relational database, too.

You would generate an XML-Model from the database, use it to keep the form
data and in the end send the data back to the database. That would also have
the advantage that you could build multi-page forms to gather the data for
one table (for example one form to gather the book data and a separate one
to select the author from a long list) and then in the end send it to the
database altogether (otherwise you would have to store the book data without
the author being filled in which wouldn't be possible, cause the author
field can't be empty...)

So I am currently pondering about what to go for: an XSP logicsheet approach
as outlined above - that might be easier to implement right now - or try to
use XMLForms which would be a lot more flexible.

Any advice is highly appreciated.


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R: database forms

2003-03-24 Thread Lorenzo De Sio
Stefan, Thorsten,

I actually implemented something similar to what Stefan outlined in its
first e-mail.
It works mainly like this:

system-wide configuration files (one for each relevant DB table) exist in a
central location, containing information about HTML widget rendering and JS
validation of each field; here is an example:

table name=tasks primary-key=task_id check-field=title
field name=task_id/
field name=title caption=Titolo write-style=width:200
field name=priority caption=Priorita'
validate=nonempty, integer validate-min=0 validate-max=10/
field name=insertion_date caption=Data di inserimento
field name=expiration_date caption=Data di scadenza
field name=description caption=Descrizione
field name=project_id caption=Progetto
esql:querySELECT * FROM projects
ORDER BY name/esql:query


these are XSP files, meaning that i.e. select boxes can be populated
dynamically and even based on current user data (privileges, etc.);

you can design any number of forms which refer to these common configuration
files: simply use in your XSLs a few custom tags such as:

w4b:form name=modulo onSuccess={//@referer}
w4b:row mode=write table=projects
w4b:field src=project_id
w4b:caption src=customer_id/:w4b:field
src=customer_id value={customer_id}/

the form can refer any number of rows belonging to different tables
(multiple w4b:row inside a w4b:form).

Such forms require a few transformations (a first XSL one which detects the
tables involved, and adds cinclude's to load the configuration XSP for
each table; the actual CInclude trasnformation; two final XSLs which build
all the HTML rendering and JS validation. Current renderings include text
boxes, selects (with automatic DB-bound option selection), textareas, etc.

The result is a HTML form where every field is named with a
table-pk_value-fieldname combination.

All this, after user modification, can be POSTed to a general-purpose form
processing action, which loads the required configurations from the same
files as above (PK names, etc.), writes everything to the DB, and redirects
to the desired URL (onSuccess above). To achieve more flexibility, nothing
prevents from POSTing to custom actions, one for each form, or to XSPs. The
only thing to keep is the form fields naming convention.

I built all this about one year and a half ago, and never divulgated it ;-)
because I thought it would be better to build something new related to
XForms (but using XML, not JavaBeans). Though, if you are interested in this
system and wish to use it and help me contribute something new to Cocoon, we
could join our efforts.

With my best regards,


-Messaggio originale-
Da: Scherler, Thorsten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Inviato: venerdì 21 marzo 2003 13.50
A: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Stefan Klein
Oggetto: AW: database forms

hi Stephan,

by the way are you in Spain right now?

see my answer below:

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Stefan Klein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Freitag, 21. März 2003 10:48
Betreff: Re: database forms

Hi Thorsten,

thanks for your reply. I've been pondering about your mail for a little
while now. The xsl looks like a clever idea. A few things remain unclear to

What way do you use to get the data out of the DB. SQL-Transformer?

- No, because I need more logic (e.g. date format ...) [#1]! I use esql and
jdbc name=D200301Insta
pool-controller min=5 max=10/

b) sitemap.snippet
  map:match pattern=report-info-*.xml
map:generate type=serverpages src=global/reports/xsp/info.xsp
  map:parameter name=pool value={1}/
map:serialize type=xml/

c) xsp.snippet compare [#1]
select * from IDM_info_xml Where

Re: R: database forms

2003-03-24 Thread webmaster
Lorenzo De Sio wrote:
I built all this about one year and a half ago, and never divulgated it ;-)
because I thought it would be better to build something new related to
XForms (but using XML, not JavaBeans). Though, if you are interested in this
system and wish to use it and help me contribute something new to Cocoon, we
could join our efforts.

ok, I haven't understood every line you wrote but I think I got the picture.

Though, if you are interested in this
system and wish to use it and help me contribute something new to Cocoon, we
could join our efforts.
ok please send me the files (DTD, XML) and how to use them because you 
are refering to

w4b:... I need to know what that is.

king regards
Stefan, Thorsten,

I actually implemented something similar to what Stefan outlined in its
first e-mail.
It works mainly like this:
system-wide configuration files (one for each relevant DB table) exist in a
central location, containing information about HTML widget rendering and JS
validation of each field; here is an example:
table name=tasks primary-key=task_id check-field=title
field name=task_id/
field name=title caption=Titolo write-style=width:200
field name=priority caption=Priorita'
validate=nonempty, integer validate-min=0 validate-max=10/
field name=insertion_date caption=Data di inserimento
field name=expiration_date caption=Data di scadenza
field name=description caption=Descrizione
field name=project_id caption=Progetto
esql:querySELECT * FROM projects
ORDER BY name/esql:query

these are XSP files, meaning that i.e. select boxes can be populated
dynamically and even based on current user data (privileges, etc.);
you can design any number of forms which refer to these common configuration
files: simply use in your XSLs a few custom tags such as:
w4b:form name=modulo onSuccess={//@referer}
w4b:row mode=write table=projects
w4b:field src=project_id
w4b:caption src=customer_id/:w4b:field
src=customer_id value={customer_id}/

the form can refer any number of rows belonging to different tables
(multiple w4b:row inside a w4b:form).
Such forms require a few transformations (a first XSL one which detects the
tables involved, and adds cinclude's to load the configuration XSP for
each table; the actual CInclude trasnformation; two final XSLs which build
all the HTML rendering and JS validation. Current renderings include text
boxes, selects (with automatic DB-bound option selection), textareas, etc.
The result is a HTML form where every field is named with a
table-pk_value-fieldname combination.
All this, after user modification, can be POSTed to a general-purpose form
processing action, which loads the required configurations from the same
files as above (PK names, etc.), writes everything to the DB, and redirects
to the desired URL (onSuccess above). To achieve more flexibility, nothing
prevents from POSTing to custom actions, one for each form, or to XSPs. The
only thing to keep is the form fields naming convention.
I built all this about one year and a half ago, and never divulgated it ;-)
because I thought it would be better to build something new related to
XForms (but using XML, not JavaBeans). Though, if you are interested in this
system and wish to use it and help me contribute something new to Cocoon, we
could join our efforts.
With my best regards,


-Messaggio originale-
Da: Scherler, Thorsten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Inviato: venerdì 21 marzo 2003 13.50
A: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Stefan Klein
Oggetto: AW: database forms
hi Stephan,

by the way are you in Spain right now?

see my answer below:

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Stefan Klein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Freitag, 21. März 2003 10:48
Betreff: Re: database forms

Hi Thorsten,

thanks for your reply. I've been pondering about your mail for a little
while now. The xsl looks like a clever idea. A few things remain unclear to
What way do you use

AW: database forms

2003-03-21 Thread Scherler, Thorsten
hi Stephan,

by the way are you in Spain right now?

see my answer below:

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Stefan Klein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Freitag, 21. März 2003 10:48
Betreff: Re: database forms

Hi Thorsten,

thanks for your reply. I've been pondering about your mail for a little
while now. The xsl looks like a clever idea. A few things remain unclear to

What way do you use to get the data out of the DB. SQL-Transformer?

- No, because I need more logic (e.g. date format ...) [#1]! I use esql and xsp!
jdbc name=D200301Insta
pool-controller min=5 max=10/

b) sitemap.snippet
  map:match pattern=report-info-*.xml
map:generate type=serverpages src=global/reports/xsp/info.xsp
  map:parameter name=pool value={1}/
map:serialize type=xml/

c) xsp.snippet compare [#1]
select * from IDM_info_xml Where info1_date = #xsp:exprtimeOfDay/xsp:expr#

d) I call it like that: 

What do you refer to by static and variable data?
Like I stated I am working with call agent db. For me the adress and the contact 
person are static because they have always the same format. I have to write a 
xsl:template match=.../ for each of this field. 
  bname1Weidmüller GmbH  Co./bname1 
  bname2 / 
  bname3 / 
  streetP.O. Box 2807/street 
  country / 
will be always formated like this and should be on a certain place within my html-form!

Where the campaign is dynamic! I have results of the questions which are formated like 
Abbigger then .../Ab
There I have to add the question (different table). the table qusetion might look like 
this AaDid you receive our mailing?Aa. But there can be 1 to n answers and 

static=the definition of the form (as in your XML example), variable=the
data from the DB?
No like I stated before! That was a different example that I fixed at home!

How do you get the data back into the database? using actions, I suppose?
I am still not really certain about that! I still in development of the html Form. I 
tried with SQL-Transformer and esql and both were working fine. But I think I will 
have a look at actions as well. But still I first have to really decide about the data 
model for the db-server.

In your example you've only got textboxes. With listboxes (select in HTML)
it gets a bit trickier, since you'll have to get the possible values from a
different table first. Have you got an idea for that, too?
Maybing using XSP-ESQL?
nested esql like that:
 select * from IDM_info_xml Where info1_date = #xsp:exprtimeOfDay/xsp:expr#
xsp:logicint xid =esql:get-int column=info_1empf/;/xsp:logic
xsp:attribute name=id
esql:get-string column=Cust_No/
esql:get-string column=business_name/
esql:get-string column=business_name_2/
esql:get-string column=business_name_3/
esql:get-string column=address/
esql:get-string column=zip_code/
esql:get-string column=city/
esql:get-string column=country/
esql:get-string column=telephone_number/
  select * from ap_tab where ap_id =xsp:exprxid/xsp:expr
esql:get-string column=salutation/
esql:get-string column=titel/
esql:get-string column=forename/
esql:get-string column=department/
esql:get-string column=surname/
esql:get-string column=direct_dial_/

What do you think?

King regards


- Original Message -
From: Scherler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 5:58 PM
Subject: Re: database forms

 Hi Stefan,

 I have to master the same task. I am working in a telephone marketing
 department and writing the call agent DBs. I will introduce the 3 tier
 modell and will have to get rid of my formulars (VBA).
 We have some static fields (which are always

database forms

2003-03-20 Thread Stefan Klein
Hi all,

I am looking for the quickest way to write database forms. It is something
that I will be doing thousands of times, so the goal is to find some really
efficient way.

Ideally it would look something like:
tabletable name/table - selects the table

inputbox ref=field /   - a simple input field bound to a  field in the

listbox ref=field values=table.field entries=table.field/  - a
listbox bound to a field, entries defines the options visible to the user,
values defines what is internally stored in the field. obviously the table
would be the same (useful for foreign key entries)

checkbox ...

The form would be populated automatically with the database values (the
current record being selected by a request parameter) and update the values
on submit.

What I've been pondering about for quite a while now is what would be the
best way to implement this in cocoon.

I looked into the departments and employees-tutorial delivered with
cocoon2, which is quite close to what I'd like, but still not it. For
example I don't like having to define listboxes and populate the form by
using separate esql-statements. What data to fill into the form should
already be specified in the form definition.
My first idea was to start from there and implement a logicsheet that would
allow me to define tags like the ones above.

Then I looked into xmlforms and liked them a lot. However:
1. I am still looking for a tag reference. Maybe someone can help out.
2. I am still not entirely sure how they might help me. Surely it would be
possible to write a JavaBean that accesses the database, but doing that
every time again is not the simplification I am looking for. Is there a way
to reference database fields directly from the forms?

Basically, I would be very grateful for any kind of hint you can offer on
how to use xmlforms for this or on other ways of accomplishing the task
(maybe there would even be ways to take the database description and
generate a form from it?). I am quite stuck for ideas, but it seems a
standard job so I am sure many people have already found sufficient ways to
do it.

Thanks in advance

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Re: database forms

2003-03-20 Thread Scherler
Hi Stefan,

I have to master the same task. I am working in a telephone marketing 
department and writing the call agent DBs. I will introduce the 3 tier 
modell and will have to get rid of my formulars (VBA).
We have some static fields (which are always the same - address  
contact person) and some variable (we have different campaigns where the 
questions to ask will always be different)

I thought about that:
1) select a db (pool) = campaign Example
2) get the static data with xsl:template match=static/
3) get the variable data and put it in a different tag
4) use a transform to create a html form (including validation through 

to 4)   like that xslt:
xsl:template match=input/*
   xsl:attribute name=typexsl:value-of 
   !-- --
   xsl:for-each select=@*
   xsl:attribute name={name()}xsl:value-of 
   xsl:when test=normalize-space(text())!=''
   xsl:attribute name=valuexsl:value-of 

with this xml:
form action=; name=f
hidden name=ieUTF-8/hidden
hidden name=oeUTF-8/hidden
hidden name=hleng/hidden
text name=q maxLength=256 size=55/
submit name=btnGGoogle-Search/submit

King regards
Stefan Klein wrote:

Hi all,

I am looking for the quickest way to write database forms. It is something
that I will be doing thousands of times, so the goal is to find some really
efficient way.
Ideally it would look something like:
tabletable name/table - selects the table
inputbox ref=field /   - a simple input field bound to a  field in the
listbox ref=field values=table.field entries=table.field/  - a
listbox bound to a field, entries defines the options visible to the user,
values defines what is internally stored in the field. obviously the table
would be the same (useful for foreign key entries)
checkbox ...

The form would be populated automatically with the database values (the
current record being selected by a request parameter) and update the values
on submit.
What I've been pondering about for quite a while now is what would be the
best way to implement this in cocoon.
I looked into the departments and employees-tutorial delivered with
cocoon2, which is quite close to what I'd like, but still not it. For
example I don't like having to define listboxes and populate the form by
using separate esql-statements. What data to fill into the form should
already be specified in the form definition.
My first idea was to start from there and implement a logicsheet that would
allow me to define tags like the ones above.
Then I looked into xmlforms and liked them a lot. However:
1. I am still looking for a tag reference. Maybe someone can help out.
2. I am still not entirely sure how they might help me. Surely it would be
possible to write a JavaBean that accesses the database, but doing that
every time again is not the simplification I am looking for. Is there a way
to reference database fields directly from the forms?
Basically, I would be very grateful for any kind of hint you can offer on
how to use xmlforms for this or on other ways of accomplishing the task
(maybe there would even be ways to take the database description and
generate a form from it?). I am quite stuck for ideas, but it seems a
standard job so I am sure many people have already found sufficient ways to
do it.
Thanks in advance

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