I'm sending out XML data from a form, like this :
<FORM action="submitdata.xsp" method="post">
XML Data: <INPUT type="text" name="data" size="40"/>

I want to process this data into an xsp. I need to get this data.
In submitdata.xsp, I try :
String data = <xsp-request:get-parameter name="data" />;

But data isn't a string but XML code.

In Coccon2, it fails with an error message :
Type expected. this.contentHandler.startElement("", "xsp-request:get-
parameter", "xsp-request:get-parameter", ^ 

In my sitemap, there's a section like this :
<map:match pattern="submitdata.xsp">
  <map:generate type="serverpages" src="submitdata.xsp"/>
  <map:transform src="foo.xsl"/>
  <map:serialize type="rameter name="data" />;


I'm novice in XML.
Any help would be appreciate.

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