Re: using Cocoon WITH Cold Fusion

2001-12-31 Thread Berin Loritsch

Lisa Bos wrote:

 Have read a lot comparing CF to Cocoon, but I have a different need:
 I have a client who is using Cold Fusion. Client wants to start using 
 XML + RDBMS for content management. Wants to continue using CF for Web. 
 We have no control over this decision. Their content today doesn't 
 change frequently. Overnight updates are fine for most data-driven pages 
 for now. (In other words, performance isn't yet a big deal for them.) 
 Some text content would need to be updated more quickly. BTW - They do 
 publish rather large, structured docs to their site, which is the 
 primary justification for the use of XML.

I feel your pain.  I hate CF for it's inelegance, nad have been the source
of most of the comparisons.

 My broad question is: What's the best way to manage the delivery of XML 
 content to Cold Fusion (in combo with data from Oracle)? Need to 
 generate CF and plain HTML pages (we are talking simplistic use of CF 
 here). Definitely want to use XSLT, but its the larger management issue 
 that concerns me.

If your team is amenable to overnight updates, you would have to use
Cocoon at the command line.  You can use a cron job to invoke it, but
basically, that is what you would have to do.

CF would access the static files.

To allay management's fears, if you have *any* spare time, write up the
stylesheets to display the XML just like the current site.  Set up a Tomcat
server on your local machine, and give a demonstration.  If your management
is technically inclined (as mine is), show how much more elegant the code
looks compared to CF.

Here is the real kicker:  compare the install times of a CF based application
and a Cocoon based application on comparable hardware!  ColdFusion forces you
to enable options on your server that make it vulnerable to certain attacks.
Most Servlet Containers like Tomcat and Resin do not force you into the same
position.  Furthermore, in a DMZ, all communications accross boxes must be
encrypted.  In CF you are limited to an easily crackable 56 bit encryption,
while most J2EE solutions give you 128 bit or better encryption.

Just a few points that will help convincing management.

 More specifically for this list: Is Cocoon a reasonable choice for this 
 application (knowing ahead of time that this might be a somewhat goofy, 
 redundant approach)?

It depends on the long term goal of the project.  If your bosses are more
like the Pointy Haired Boss in Dilbert, then just stick with CF, because
you can't convince them.

If your boss is concerned with security, ease of installation, and cross
platform stability, you have no choice but to use something based in Java--
so why not Cocoon?  Trust me, I went through a nightmare install of CF on
a hardened Solaris box.  It took roughly six months--and once the thing was
finally working, the project was dropped.

That is _bad_ for business.

 One goal is to choose an approach that will make it easy for CF to go 
 away at the right time, and that is straightforward in its handling of 
 XML/XSLT/etc. Might still be a limited number of CF pages that pull data 
 directly from database, but those could be transitioned over time as the 
 client is convinced.


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using Cocoon WITH Cold Fusion

2001-12-30 Thread Lisa Bos

Have read a lot 
comparing CF to Cocoon, but I have a different need: 

I have a client 
who is using Cold Fusion. Client wants to start using XML + RDBMS for content 
management. Wants to continue using CF for Web. We have no control over this 
decision. Their content today doesn't change frequently. Overnight updates are 
fine for most data-driven pages for now. (In other words, performance isn't yet 
a big deal for them.) Some text content would need to be updated more quickly. 
BTW - They do publish rather large, structured docs to their site, which is the 
primary justification for the use of XML.

My broad question 
is: What's the best way to manage the delivery of XML content to Cold Fusion (in 
combo with data from Oracle)? Need to generate CF and plain HTML pages (we are 
talking simplistic use of CF here). Definitely want to use XSLT, but its the 
larger management issue that concerns me.

More specifically 
for this list: Is Cocoon a reasonable choice for this application 
(knowing ahead of time that this might be a somewhat goofy, redundant approach)? 

One goal is to 
choose an approach that will make it easy for CF to go away at the right time, 
and that is straightforward in its handling of XML/XSLT/etc. Might still be a 
limited number of CF pages that pull data directly from database, but those 
could be transitioned over time as the client is convinced.
