Re: [CODE4LIB] PHP Symfony

2007-03-24 Thread Alexander Johannesen

On 3/24/07, Michael J. Giarlo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hmm?  What's that you say?  Just a sec, but in the meantime, why not sit
down and have some of this delicious Kool-Aid over here?  It's Ruby
Red-flavored; I think you'll like it.

Come, now; for those who meddle in things PHP knows that a lot of the
goodness you get from Ruby you'll these days also find in PHP as well.
Things have progressed quite a bit in the last 5 years, and PHP 5.2 is
quite mature and offers an OO model on par with Ruby, without the
hassle of being a fringe technology. :)

As to about Symfony, yes, it's pretty good and compliments (or
answers) the RoR thing well. I personally don't use it as I'm more of
a XSLT, SOA, REST freak (and Symfony is slightly tricky to push into
that box, especially given the non-MVC direction of the SOA we're
building). Now that Ror 1.2 has better support for REST I think
Symfony may follow, but I don't like the default templating language
(PHP with specials) nor the non-MVC paradigm. Having said that, I
haven't used it for a few versions and things may have improved. Check
it out.

Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchymist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic Maps

Re: [CODE4LIB] [Web4lib] ERAMS vs. URM

2007-03-24 Thread K.G. Schneider
 Credit absolutely goes to SerialSolutions for starting the discussion.
 Part of what we're trying to do w/ is to broaden the dialogue
 outside simply the business product category of ERMs.  There seems also to
 be a need  to rethink the way we do things within libraries and consortia
 to manage e-resources (systems, skill sets, workflows, and mindsets are
 issues that come to mind).

Well, I'll say it: with absolutely no offense to SerialSolutions-we use
their product, btw, no comment there one way or the other-or for that matter
Georgia Tech, where great things emanate and which has not one but two very
cool learning commons-I've been cautious about this ERAMS concept because
it WAS launched by a vendor.

I can't identify the authors on the Wikipedia page, but I'm guessing they're
from SS?

My antennae wiggled when I read this on the ERAMS blog: Is open source
software a potential solution or should we look to a hybrid model involving
automation vendors and the library community?

That question feels very leading, as in, Are you going to leave the table
without excusing yourself or would you really rather have dessert?

If the answer is, Thank you for asking, but we're going to go for open
source, do we (whoever 'we' might be) still have a place at the table?

Also, where is preserve?

Finally, this made me smile: We are looking for the first 50 participants
who are willing to visualize a library not focused solely on print resource
management and willing to go out on a limb and conceptualize the library
which is focused on user access and management of online resources 

To change course and say, of *course* these are important directions for us
to go in, I would have replaced the word willing with eager. Willing
implies a grudging consent. Working with organizations that are willing to
put some attention to e-resources is why we are where we are today.

Anyhoo, after all this nitpicking (which I prefer to keep here on the lists
for now, as commenting on a blog is different from talking within
community), it sounds as if it will be a great session, and some of the
questions are focused enough that with enough follow-through they could
yield fruit (are you happy with your openurl resolver or would you rather
stick a pencil in your eye? ... oh, wait, I made that up). As an ACRL member
whose conference dance card is maxed out this spring, I look forward to
hearing the podcasts afterwards.

Karen G. Schneider
Acting Associate Director of Libraries for Technology  Research
Florida State University
Phone: 850-644-5214
Cell: 850-590-3370