Re: [CODE4LIB] MARCXML - What is it for?

2010-10-27 Thread Walker, David
 I've been involved in several projects lambasted 
 because managers think MARCXML is solving 
 some imaginary problem

It seems to me that this is really the heart of your argument.  You had this 
experience, and now are projecting the opinions of these managers onto lots of 
people in the library world.

I've worked in libraries for nearly a decade, and have never met anyone 
(manager or otherwise) who held the belief that XML in general, or MARC-XML in 
particular, somehow magically solves all metadata problems.  

I guess our two experiences cancel each other out, then.  And, ultimately, none 
of that has anything to do with MARC-XML itself. 


David Walker
Library Web Services Manager
California State University

From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of Alexander 
Johannesen []
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] MARCXML - What is it for?

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 12:48 PM, Bill Dueber wrote:
 Here, I think you're guilty of radically underestimating lots of people
 around the library world. No one thinks MARC is a good solution to
 our modern problems, and no one who actually knows what MARC
 is has trouble understanding MARC-XML as an XML serialization of
 the same old data -- certainly not anyone capable of meaningful
 contribution to work on an alternative.

Slow down, Tex. Lots of people in the library world is not the same
as developers, or even good developers, or even good XML developers,
or even good XML developers who knows what the document model imposes
to a data-centric approach.

 The problem we're dealing with is *hard*. Mind-numbingly hard.

This is no justification for not doing things better. (And I'd love to
know what the hard bits are; always interesting to hear from various
people as to what they think are the *real* problems of library
problems, as opposed to any other problem they have)

 The library world has several generations of infrastructure built
 around MARC (by which I mean AACR2), and devising data
 structures and standards that are a big enough improvement over
  MARC to warrant replacing all that infrastructure is an engineering
  and political nightmare.

Political? For sure. Engineering? Not so much. This is just that whole
blinded by MARC issue that keeps cropping up from time to time, and
rightly so; it is truly a beast - at least the way we have come to
know it through AACR2 and all its friends and its death-defying focus
on all things bibliographic - that has paralyzed library innovation,
probably to the point of making libraries almost irrelevant to the

 I'm happy to take potshots at the RDA stuff from the sidelines, but I never
 forget that I'm on the sidelines, and that the people active in the game are
 among the best and brightest we have to offer, working on a problem that
  invariably seems more intractable the deeper in you go.

Well, that's a pretty scary sentence, for all sorts of reasons, but I
think I shall not go there.

 If you think MARC-XML is some sort of an actual problem

What, because you don't agree with me the problem doesn't exist? :)

 and that people
 just need to be shouted at to realize that and do something about it, then,
 well, I think you're just plain wrong.

Fair enough, although you seem to be under the assumption that all of
the stuff I'm saying is a figment of my imagination (I've been
involved in several projects lambasted because managers think MARCXML
is solving some imaginary problem; this is not bullshit, but pain and
suffering from the battlefields of library development), that I'm not
one of those developers (or one of you, although judging from this
discussion it's clear that I am not), that the things I say somehow
doesn't apply because you don't agree with, umm, what I'm assuming is
my somewhat direct approach to stating my heretic opinions.

 Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic Maps
--- --
-- ---

[CODE4LIB] Hadoop/MapReduce and FOP

2010-10-27 Thread Mark A. Matienzo
Has anyone out there built a distributed application using Hadoop (or
another MapReduce framework) and FOP? I'm interested in ways we can
potentially allow our XSL:FO processing to scale.

Mark A. Matienzo
Digital Archivist, Manuscripts and Archives
Yale University Library

Re: [CODE4LIB] MARCXML - What is it for?

2010-10-27 Thread Smith,Devon
 One way is to first transform the MARC into MARC-XML.  Then you can
use XSLT to crosswalk the MARC-XML
 into that other schema.  Very handy.

 Your criticisms of MARC-XML all seem to presume that MARC-XML is the
goal, the end point in the process.
 But MARC-XML is really better seen as a utility, a middle step between
binary MARC and the real goal,
 which is some other useful and interesting XML schema.

Unless useful and interesting is a euphemism for Dublin Core, then
using XSLT for crosswalking is not really an option. Well, not a good
option. On the other end of the spectrum, assume Onix for useful and
interesting and XSLT simply won't work.

Crosswalking doesn't hold water as a justification for MARCXML.

Devon Smith
Consulting Software Engineer
OCLC Research

-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of
Walker, David
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] MARCXML - What is it for?

 b) expanding it to be actual useful and interesting.

But here I think you've missed the very utility of MARC-XML.

Let's say you have a binary MARC file (the kind that comes out of an
ILS) and want to transform that into MODS, Dublin Core, or maybe some
other XML schema.  

How would you do that?  

One way is to first transform the MARC into MARC-XML.  Then you can use
XSLT to crosswalk the MARC-XML into that other schema.  Very handy.

Your criticisms of MARC-XML all seem to presume that MARC-XML is the
goal, the end point in the process.  But MARC-XML is really better seen
as a utility, a middle step between binary MARC and the real goal, which
is some other useful and interesting XML schema.


David Walker
Library Web Services Manager
California State University

From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of
Alexander Johannesen []
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] MARCXML - What is it for?


On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 6:26 AM, Nate Vack wrote:
 Switching to an XML format doesn't help with that at all.

I'm willing to take it further and say that MARCXML was the worst
thing the library world ever did. Some might argue it was a good first
step, and that it was better with something rather than nothing, to
which I respond ;


MARCXML is nothing short of evil. Not only does it goes against every
principal of good XML anywhere (don't rely on whitespace, structure
over code, namespace conventions, identity management, document
control, separation of entities and properties, and on and on), it
breaks the ontological commitment that a better treatment of the MARC
data could bring, deterring people from actually a) using the darn
thing as anything but a bare minimal crutch, and b) expanding it to be
actual useful and interesting.

The quicker the library world can get rid of this monstrosity, the
better, although I doubt that will ever happen; it will hang around
like a foul stench for as long as there is MARC in the world. A long
time. A long sad time.

A few extra notes;

Can you tell I'm not a fan? :)

Kind regards,

 Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic

Re: [CODE4LIB] MARCXML - What is it for?

2010-10-27 Thread MJ Suhonos
   But it looks just like the old thing using insert data scheme and some 
   Ah yes, but now we're doing it in XML!

I think this applies to 90% of instances where XML was adopted, especially 
within the enterprise IT industry.  Through marketing or misunderstanding, 
XML was presumed to be the magic fairy dust that would solve countless 
problems simply by switching to it.  The library world is certainly not 
unique in this respect.

Returning to the original question, what is MARCXML for, I think there have 
been some very clear examples of where it can be useful to some people, 
sometimes.  If it works for you, use it.  It not, don't.

To wit, I propose:

Some people, when confronted with a problem, think I know, I'll use MARCXML. 
Now they have three problems: MARC, XML, and the one they started with.

Moving on.


[CODE4LIB] CfP 3rd International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage - Palo Alto, CA | 13-16 February 2011

2010-10-27 Thread Johan Oomen
[apologies for cross posting]

3rd International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage
in conjunction with IUI2011 Conference (Palo Alto, CA | 13-16 February 2011)
November 12, 2010: paper submission deadline
December 12, 2010: notification to authors
December 19, 2010: submission of camera-ready papers

The rapid development of information technologies and the Internet has
enabled cultural heritage and public organizations to provide access to
their collections not only through physical displays but also online, and
attract even wider audiences than those that visit the physical museums.
Additionally, various trends on Web 2.0 allow for users not only to be
passive consumers, but also active participants.

Personalization capitalizes on a user-centered intelligent interactive
information exchange between museum websites or museum guide systems and
visitors. The museum monologue turns into a dialog, and personalization
enables a new communication strategy based on a continuous process of
interaction, collaboration, learning and adaptation between the museum and
its visitors. Personalization could improve the interaction and experience
of visitors on museum websites and with museum guide systems by supporting
visitors' navigation and assisting them in quickly finding an appropriate
starting point, and in discovering new relevant information.

This workshop will focus on the specific challenges for personalization in
the cultural heritage setting from the point of view of user interaction and
visitor experience. It will investigate how the user interface - the contact
point of visitors and systems - can become more intelligent by means of
personalization. Overall, the workshop will aim at attracting presentations
of novel ideas for addressing these challenges and the current state of the
art in this field.

Submission form:

Lora Aroyo, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Fabian Bohnert, Monash University, Australia.
Tsvi Kuflik, The University of Haifa, Israel.
Johan Oomen, Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, The Netherlands.
-- Einde van doorgestuurd bericht

Re: [CODE4LIB] MARCXML - What is it for?

2010-10-27 Thread Ross Singer

I think the problem is data like this:

And while we can probably figure out a pattern to get the semantics
out this record, there is no telling how many other variations exist
within our collections.

So we've got lots of this data that is both hard to parse and,
frankly, hard to find (since it has practically zero machine readable
data in fields we actually use) and it needs to coexist with some
newer, semantically richer format.

What I'm saying is that the library's legacy data problem is almost to
the point of being existential.  This is certainly a detriment to
forward progress.

Analogously (although at a much smaller scale), my wife and I have
been trying for about 2 years to move our checking account from our
out of state bank to something local.  The problem is that we have
built up a lot of infrastructure around our old bank (direct deposit
and lots of automatic bill pay, etc.):  migration would not only be
time consuming, any mistakes made could potentially be quite expensive
and we have a lot of uncertainty of how long it would actually take to
migrate (and how that might affect the flow of payments, etc.).  It's
been, to date, easier for us just to drive across the state line
(despite the fact that it's way out of our way to anywhere) rather
than actually deal with it.  In the meantime, more direct bill pay
things have been set up and whatnot making our eventual migration that
much more difficult.

I do think it would be useful to figure out what exactly in our legacy
data is found only in libraries (that is, we could ditch this shoddy
The Last Waltz record and pull the data from LinkedMDB or Freebase
or somewhere) and determine the scale of the problem that only we can
address, but even just this environmental scan is a fairly large


On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 10:10 PM, Alexander Johannesen wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 12:48 PM, Bill Dueber wrote:
 Here, I think you're guilty of radically underestimating lots of people
 around the library world. No one thinks MARC is a good solution to
 our modern problems, and no one who actually knows what MARC
 is has trouble understanding MARC-XML as an XML serialization of
 the same old data -- certainly not anyone capable of meaningful
 contribution to work on an alternative.

 Slow down, Tex. Lots of people in the library world is not the same
 as developers, or even good developers, or even good XML developers,
 or even good XML developers who knows what the document model imposes
 to a data-centric approach.

 The problem we're dealing with is *hard*. Mind-numbingly hard.

 This is no justification for not doing things better. (And I'd love to
 know what the hard bits are; always interesting to hear from various
 people as to what they think are the *real* problems of library
 problems, as opposed to any other problem they have)

 The library world has several generations of infrastructure built
 around MARC (by which I mean AACR2), and devising data
 structures and standards that are a big enough improvement over
  MARC to warrant replacing all that infrastructure is an engineering
  and political nightmare.

 Political? For sure. Engineering? Not so much. This is just that whole
 blinded by MARC issue that keeps cropping up from time to time, and
 rightly so; it is truly a beast - at least the way we have come to
 know it through AACR2 and all its friends and its death-defying focus
 on all things bibliographic - that has paralyzed library innovation,
 probably to the point of making libraries almost irrelevant to the

 I'm happy to take potshots at the RDA stuff from the sidelines, but I never
 forget that I'm on the sidelines, and that the people active in the game are
 among the best and brightest we have to offer, working on a problem that
  invariably seems more intractable the deeper in you go.

 Well, that's a pretty scary sentence, for all sorts of reasons, but I
 think I shall not go there.

 If you think MARC-XML is some sort of an actual problem

 What, because you don't agree with me the problem doesn't exist? :)

 and that people
 just need to be shouted at to realize that and do something about it, then,
 well, I think you're just plain wrong.

 Fair enough, although you seem to be under the assumption that all of
 the stuff I'm saying is a figment of my imagination (I've been
 involved in several projects lambasted because managers think MARCXML
 is solving some imaginary problem; this is not bullshit, but pain and
 suffering from the battlefields of library development), that I'm not
 one of those developers (or one of you, although judging from this
 discussion it's clear that I am not), that the things I say somehow
 doesn't apply because you don't agree with, umm, what I'm assuming is
 my somewhat direct approach to stating my heretic opinions.

  Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, 

Re: [CODE4LIB] MARCXML - What is it for?

2010-10-27 Thread Kyle Banerjee

 This is no justification for not doing things better. (And I'd love to
 know what the hard bits are; always interesting to hear from various
 people as to what they think are the *real* problems of library
 problems, as opposed to any other problem they have)

The problem is you have to deal with legacy systems and data. That's as real
as it gets.

That this is somehow a shortcoming peculiar to the library community is
nonsense. Just changing the way dates were stored so that Y2K wasn't a big
deal caused total chaos in the business world for years and required many
billions of dollars worth of development. We still use 4 digit numeric PINs
to access bank accounts. If I created some crummy website that used that
level of protection, people would rightly call me an idiot.

Eliminating MARC and basing systems on a completely different data structure
would have far more reaching impact on system design than twiddling with a
couple date digits or allowing something more secure than 4 digits to
protect access to thousands of dollars. So as crappy as our systems are, I
don't buy we're so much worse than everyone else out there.

There is always the issue of developing the new standard in the first place,
convincing all the vendors to adopt it, and retrofitting the systems to work
with it. Problems are easiest to solve when it's someone else's job to make
it happen.


Kyle Banerjee
Digital Services Program Manager
Orbis Cascade Alliance / 503.877.9773

Re: [CODE4LIB] MARCXML - What is it for?

2010-10-27 Thread Alexander Johannesen

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 1:23 PM, Bill Dueber wrote:
 Sorry. That was rude, and uncalled for. I disagree that the problem is
 easily solved, even without the politics. There've been lots of attempts to
 try to come up with a sufficiently expressive toolset for dealing with
 biblio data, and we're still working on it. If you do think you've got some
 insight, I'm sure we're all ears, but try to frame it terms of the existing
 work if you can (RDA, some of the dublin core stuff, etc.) so we have a
 frame of reference.

Well, I've wined enough both here and on NGC4LIB, and I'm kinda over
it, just like I'm sure most people are over my whining. But sufficient
to say is that FRBR is a 15 year old model that has still not been
proven in the Real World[TM] in any meaningful way (the prototypes
works fine until you dig a bit) and probably never will as long as
MARC21 runs the show, and trying to stick RDA on top with rules that
has got use-cases that are old enough to be my kids, well, I'm not
very positive about that either.

The direction of going ontological is a good one, and in the lack of
anything else, RDF-infused FRBR / RDA is probably the way to go
(except I'd ditch RDA and, uh, perhaps even FRBR, or at least
seriously modify it), but the community is decidedly not talking about
ontological interoperability nor extensions nor the semantics involved
to solve actual problems in the bibliographic world (including the
fact that it is inherently bibliographic). There needs to be much more
involvement by library geeks and managers in defining semantic reuse
and extensibility, to properly define those things that are almost
absent from the AACR2 and friends; the relationships between entities
themselves. In other words, you need to get away from the
record-centered view, and embrace the subject-centric view.

Anyway, enough from this old grumpy bum. Sorry to stir up the dust.


 Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic Maps
--- --
-- ---

Re: [CODE4LIB] asist2010 meetup?

2010-10-27 Thread Ed Summers
Whoops, that was bus 61B not 61D.


15:23  edsu @quote get 3
15:23  zoia edsu: Quote #3: edsu, your source for bad advice since, well,
  forever! (added by edsu at 09:46 PM, September 06, 2005)

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 10:46 AM, Ed Summers wrote:
 Kind of last minute and random, but If you are at ASIST in Pittsburgh
 and want to get out of the downtown for some pizza at Aiello's in
 Squirrell Hill please join Raymond Yee and myself there at 7pm.

 It looks like a simple ride on the 61D bus:

 And Raymond may be able to drive some folks back if they don't want to
 taxi or bus back.


[CODE4LIB] Reimagining METS

2010-10-27 Thread Brian Tingle
The METS Editorial Board is starting to think about what a METS 2.0
might look like / assess the need for a METS 2.0.

To that end, we have put together a little While Paper

Reimagining METS: An Exploration

suggested suplemental reading for Reimagining METS

From Nancy's message to the METS list
[T]here is a session planned to discuss the White Paper at the CLIR /
DLR Fall Forum (
on Tuesday, November 2nd, from 4 - 5:30 pm PDT at the DLF Meeting site
in Palo Alto, California.  While registration for that event is now
closed, discussions by anyone interested including METS Board members
will also occur on Wednesday afternoon at the open Board meeting, from
1:30 - 5 pm, PDT.  An agenda for the open Board meeting on Wednesday
and Thursday can be found on the METS wiki at:
 If you are interested in attending this meeting in person, please
contact any of the Board members (see the METS website at  We would like to
make the meeting available via web conferencing as well, if possible,
so please let a Board member know if you are interested in
participation in the meeting by that means.

I personally have questions about the need for a new XML Schema (w3c)
for METS, and I'd like to understand what the goal of the new METS is
before deciding what the form of a new METS is.  Once, Mackenzie Smith
was suggesting investigating METS as an RDF schema.  Maybe if METS
could be expressed in JSON, then they would be easy to work with from
javascript web apps?  Could METS become a metamodel of digital object
existence that transcends the physical information serialization?  Or,
do we just try to harmonize with MODS/MADS and EAD/TEI/DDI etc. as
they evolve as XML schema and wave at OAI-ORE?  With alternatives to
the fileSec like bagIt out there, could METS stand to be more modular
so one maybe could keep the structMap in METS but point to files in a

Also, what about interoperability?  This still seems like a good goal
to me, an interoperable standard for digital object where I can
download an object out of a repository and put it my own system
without having to worry about customizing my systems to work with your
stuff.  METS sort of helps here, but ... not really that much more
than having stuff in XML.

What are your ideas about what direction METS should develop in to
best meet the needs of the code4lib community?  What annoys you about
METS needs to be fixed?  What about METS puzzles your?  What do you
love about METS and would hate to see changed?

Thanks for any thoughts on this subject,

-- Brian Tingle, METS Editorial Board

some more METS related thoughts and links

Re: [CODE4LIB] MARCXML - What is it for?

2010-10-27 Thread Toke Eskildsen
On Tue, 2010-10-26 at 03:32 +0200, Alexander Johannesen wrote:
Here's our new thing. And we did it by simply converting all our
 MARC into MARCXML that runs on a cron job every midnight, and a bit of
 horrendous XSLT that's impossible to maintain.

I am in the development department of our library. We're a diverse bunch
of guys, ranging from the bottom (that's me, hacking Lucene) to the top
(our graphics guy). Somewhere in the middle we have 2 librarians. They
do not program in traditional languages, but have been trained to
produce XSLT's and it actually works! They are capable of translating
their vast knowledge of the myriad of standards we encounter into code
that transforms our XML-input into something we can use for indexing.

Aha!, you counter, why not train them to use X instead, since X is
much better at transforming normal MARC?. The answer is that MARC isn't
the only format they need to handle. We currently have 20+ different
sources that they need to transform. All of them except one is XML. The
one is ISO 2709 MARC, which we - naturally - transform into MARCXML so
that it can be processed the same way as the rest. There might be better
tools than XSLT for transformation of XML that we could use, but the
XML-part is so ubiquitous at this point in time that it is the obvious
choice for common ground.

MARC is just one in many. It might be the most evil and unruly beast of
the bunch, but we tame it with the same tools as the rest.

[CODE4LIB] Job Opening: Drupal Software Developer(s)

2010-10-27 Thread Shane Nackerud
The University of Minnesota Libraries seeks two or more talented Drupal
software developers, for either one or two year appointments, to design and
support new, innovative web-based library services, systems, and tools which
address as well as anticipate the evolving needs of library users.

The University Libraries are supporting multiple projects using the Drupal
platform.  Responsibilities could include two or more of the following areas
of Drupal development:

* In collaboration with our partners in the American Indian Studies
department, provide primary development support for the forthcoming Online
Ojibwe Dictionary. Responsibilities include addressing both content provider
and user needs in developing a robust web application using the Drupal
* Provide development support for the University Libraries’ UMedia Archive (, a digital library application that provides users with
access to many of the Libraries rich media collections as well as allowing
for user submitted uploads. Using Drupal, work to integrate new features and
support current mechanisms that help further the enhance the user
* Assist in implementing the Drupal CMS for the main public facing web site
of the University Libraries ( , creating customization and
personalization options for library users, helping in the creation of mobile
version of library web site(s), designing new sites, and using new web
services technologies to improve the user experience in discovering,
searching, finding, or acquiring library materials and content. Projects may
also likely include further integration of library resources into the Moodle
course management tool, implementation of Shibboleth identity management
system, and creatively using various API’s made available by Google, OCLC,
Amazon, Ex Libris and other library vendors.

For more information and to apply:
Shane Nackerud
Director, Web Development
University of Minnesota Libraries
325 Walter Library
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Re: [CODE4LIB] MARCXML - What is it for?

2010-10-27 Thread Boheemen, Peter van
I think:

1. Marc must die.  It has lived long enough. 
2. But everybody uses Marc (which is in fact good), too many people are keeping 
it alive.
3. MARC in XML does not solve the problem, but it makes the suffering so much 
less painful 


Re: [CODE4LIB] MARCXML - What is it for?

2010-10-27 Thread Alexander Johannesen
 Political? For sure. Engineering? Not so much.

 Ok. Solve it. Let us know when you're done.

Wow, lamest reply so far. Surely you could muster a tad bit better? I
was excited about getting a list of the hardest problems, for example,
I'd love to see that. Then by that perhaps you could explain what this
unsurmountable hard mind-boggeling problem actually is, because, you
know, you never actually said.

 Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic Maps
--- --
-- ---

[CODE4LIB] Q: Summon API Service?

2010-10-27 Thread Godmar Back

Unlike Link/360, Serials Solution's Summon API is extremely cumbersome to
use - requiring, for instance, that requests be digitally signed. (*)

Has anybody developed a proxy server for Summon that makes its API public
(e.g. receives requests, signs them, forwards them to Summon, and relays the
result back to a HTTP client?)

Serials Solutions publishes some PHP5 and Ruby sample code in two API
libraries (**), but these don't appear to be fully fledged nor
easy-to-install solutions.  (Easy to install here is defined as an average
systems librarian can download them, provide the API key, and have a running
solution in less time than it takes to install Wordpress.)


 - Godmar


Re: [CODE4LIB] Django

2010-10-27 Thread Elliot Hallmark
Congratulations on discovering python.  It will serve you much better
than php, or any other scripting language.

Skipping to the punch-line, you should dive into python before you
dive in django:

You will have a very much more easy time if you learn how to debug a
script in the shell (rather than running a program endless times with
different print statements), use introspection, slice lists and basic

I also learned php first, inorder to add a shopping cart onto my
friend's website.  However, I switched to this other scripting
language, python, because it could do things php cant.  For instance,
my first project in python involved capturing keyboard input before
windows heard about it.  Then I kept discovering amazing things python
can do that php cant.

I helped write a non-sequential optical ray tracer in python.  When it
needed to be faster there were several libraries for writing C code
directly in a pythonic syntax.  Python has hooks into everything, like
optical character recognition, electronic music
sequeuencing/generation, serial port i/o.  Gnucash, an opensource
quicken like accounting package, has python bindings.  when there were
no decent free unRARing programs available, I discovered python could
do it easily. And if you decide you need to use the parallel vector
processeors of your nvida graphic card's onboard multicore GPU, there
is a package for that: PyCuda.

And they all weave together seamlessly.  Django could use PyCuda in a
custom form validation method to determine if an archived folder of
pictures you have uploaded has an image of a car with a decipherable
licence plate.

Anyways, python is great, and by extension I expect Django is also
(just learning it myself).

good luck,

Re: [CODE4LIB] MARCXML - What is it for?

2010-10-27 Thread Andrew Cunningham
I'd suspect that MARCXML isn't going anywhere fast, a shame perhaps.

The key difference between MARCXML and MARC is that MARCXML inherits
XMLs internationalisation features.

It is an aspect at which MARC is very poor.


Andrew Cunningham
Senior Project Manager, Research and Development
State Library of Victoria

[CODE4LIB] asist2010 meetup?

2010-10-27 Thread Ed Summers
Kind of last minute and random, but If you are at ASIST in Pittsburgh
and want to get out of the downtown for some pizza at Aiello's in
Squirrell Hill please join Raymond Yee and myself there at 7pm.

It looks like a simple ride on the 61D bus:

And Raymond may be able to drive some folks back if they don't want to
taxi or bus back.


Re: [CODE4LIB] MARCXML - What is it for?

2010-10-27 Thread Richard, Joel M
On Oct 25, 2010, at 10:31 PM, Alexander Johannesen wrote:

 Political? For sure. Engineering? Not so much.
 Ok. Solve it. Let us know when you're done.
 Wow, lamest reply so far. Surely you could muster a tad bit better? I
 was excited about getting a list of the hardest problems, for example,
 I'd love to see that. Then by that perhaps you could explain what this
 unsurmountable hard mind-boggeling problem actually is, because, you
 know, you never actually said.

Now, now, boys. Don't make us turn this mailing list around and go right back 
home. Because we will. And you'll go to bed without dinner!

Seriously, though, I've been following this thread closely since I'm new to the 
library world and the petty bickering undermines both of your points and 
distracts from an otherwise intellectual and enlightening discussion.


Joel Richard
IT Specialist, Web Services Department
Smithsonian Institution Libraries |
(202) 633-1706 | (202) 786-2861 (f) |

[CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

2010-10-27 Thread Eric Lease Morgan
This is a tiny bit of mailing list administratativia:

  1) there are about 1,500 hundred of us
  2) we are from all over the world
  3) the largest group is from
  4) the mailing list is configured to stop
 processing after 50 message are sent in one day
  5) 50 messages were sent on Monday
  6) I let the list rest for a day
  7) the list has been restarted, obviously

Eric Lease Morgan
Hesburgh Libraries, University of Notre Dame

(574) 631-8604

Re: [CODE4LIB] Q: Summon API Service?

2010-10-27 Thread Demian Katz
VuFind ( has a built-in Summon module.  I won't make claims 
about ease of use relative to Wordpress, but installing VuFind is pretty 
straightforward (especially under Ubuntu, where you can take advantage of a 
.DEB package), and using it to access Summon is a matter of putting your API 
key in the Summon configuration file and changing the default module from 
Search to Summon in the main configuration file.  If you want VuFind to 
work without the underlying Solr instance running, you also have to comment out 
a small chunk of code (something that will be made more easily configurable in 
a future release -- it hasn't been a priority yet since there aren't a lot of 
people using it solely as a Summon wrapper).

If you're interested in more details on this, feel free to drop me a line... or 
join the VuFind mailing list.

- Demian

 -Original Message-
 From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of
 Godmar Back
 Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 6:46 PM
 Subject: [CODE4LIB] Q: Summon API Service?
 Unlike Link/360, Serials Solution's Summon API is extremely cumbersome
 use - requiring, for instance, that requests be digitally signed. (*)
 Has anybody developed a proxy server for Summon that makes its API
 (e.g. receives requests, signs them, forwards them to Summon, and
 relays the
 result back to a HTTP client?)
 Serials Solutions publishes some PHP5 and Ruby sample code in two API
 libraries (**), but these don't appear to be fully fledged nor
 easy-to-install solutions.  (Easy to install here is defined as an
 systems librarian can download them, provide the API key, and have a
 solution in less time than it takes to install Wordpress.)
  - Godmar

Re: [CODE4LIB] Q: Summon API Service?

2010-10-27 Thread Jason Ronallo
Looks like a more recent version of the Ruby library can be found here:


On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 6:46 PM, Godmar Back wrote:

 Unlike Link/360, Serials Solution's Summon API is extremely cumbersome to
 use - requiring, for instance, that requests be digitally signed. (*)

 Has anybody developed a proxy server for Summon that makes its API public
 (e.g. receives requests, signs them, forwards them to Summon, and relays the
 result back to a HTTP client?)

 Serials Solutions publishes some PHP5 and Ruby sample code in two API
 libraries (**), but these don't appear to be fully fledged nor
 easy-to-install solutions.  (Easy to install here is defined as an average
 systems librarian can download them, provide the API key, and have a running
 solution in less time than it takes to install Wordpress.)


  - Godmar


[CODE4LIB] Call for Participation - Economies of the Commons 2: Paying the costs of making things free - 12-13 November, Amsterdam

2010-10-27 Thread Johan Oomen
Economies of the Commons 2 - Paying the costs of making things free
International conference, seminar and public evening programs

Conference dates: 12-13 November 2010. De Balie, Amsterdam
Pre-conference: November 11. Hilversum (on collaboration with the Open Video

Economies of the Commons 2  is a critical examination of the economics of
on-line public domain and open access resources of  information, knowledge,
and media (the Œdigital commons¹).  The past 10 years have seen the rise of
a variety of such open content resources attracting millions of users,
sometimes on a daily basis. The impact of projects such as Wikipedia, Images
of the Future, and Europeana testify to the vibrancy of the new digital
public domain.  No longer left to the exclusive domains of digital
Œinsiders¹, open content resources are rapidly becoming widely used and
highly popular.

While protagonists of open content praise its low-cost accessibility and
collaborative structures, critics claim it undermines the established ³gate
keeping² functions of authors, the academy, and professional institutions
while lacking a reliable business model of its own. Economies  of the
Commons 2 provides a timely and crucial analysis of sustainable economic
models that can promote and safeguard the online public domain. We want to
find out what the new hybrid solutions are for archiving, access and reuse
of on-line content that can both create viable markets and serve the public
interest in a competitive global 21st century information economy.

Economies of the Commons 2 consists of an international seminar on Open
Video hosted by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision on November
11 in Hilversum, a two day international conference and two public evening
programs on November 12 and 13 at De Balie, centre for culture and politics
in Amsterdam. The event builds upon the successful Economies of the Commons
conference organised in April  2008.

Confirmed speakers include:

Charlotte Hess (Syracuse University ­ Keynote), Ben Moskowitz (Open Video
Alliance), Simona Levi (Free Culture Forum), Bas Savenije (KB National
library of the Netherlands), Yann Moulier Boutang (Multitudes), Peter B.
Kaufman (Intelligent Television), Harry Verwayen (Europeana), James Boyle
(Duke University), Jeff Ubois (DTN), Sandra Fauconnier (NIMK), Dymitri 
Kleiner (Telekommunisten), Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard (Royal Library
Denmark), Nathaniel Tkacz (University of Melbourne), a.o.


Images for the Future Consortium / Netherlands Institute for Sound and
Vision / De Balie / Institute of Network Cultures,  University of Amsterdam.

For detailed program information check our website: 

Re: [CODE4LIB] Call for Participation - Economies of the Commons 2: Paying the costs of making things free - 12-13 November, Amsterdam

2010-10-27 Thread Raymond Yee
The conference sounds very interesting. Will the talks be webcast or 
archived for viewing for those of us who won't be able to attend in person?


On 10/27/10 10:04 AM, Johan Oomen wrote:

Economies of the Commons 2 - Paying the costs of making things free
International conference, seminar and public evening programs

Conference dates: 12-13 November 2010. De Balie, Amsterdam
Pre-conference: November 11. Hilversum (on collaboration with the Open Video

Economies of the Commons 2  is a critical examination of the economics of
on-line public domain and open access resources of  information, knowledge,
and media (the Œdigital commons¹).  The past 10 years have seen the rise of
a variety of such open content resources attracting millions of users,
sometimes on a daily basis. The impact of projects such as Wikipedia, Images
of the Future, and Europeana testify to the vibrancy of the new digital
public domain.  No longer left to the exclusive domains of digital
Œinsiders¹, open content resources are rapidly becoming widely used and
highly popular.

While protagonists of open content praise its low-cost accessibility and
collaborative structures, critics claim it undermines the established ³gate
keeping² functions of authors, the academy, and professional institutions
while lacking a reliable business model of its own. Economies  of the
Commons 2 provides a timely and crucial analysis of sustainable economic
models that can promote and safeguard the online public domain. We want to
find out what the new hybrid solutions are for archiving, access and reuse
of on-line content that can both create viable markets and serve the public
interest in a competitive global 21st century information economy.

Economies of the Commons 2 consists of an international seminar on Open
Video hosted by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision on November
11 in Hilversum, a two day international conference and two public evening
programs on November 12 and 13 at De Balie, centre for culture and politics
in Amsterdam. The event builds upon the successful Economies of the Commons
conference organised in April  2008.

Confirmed speakers include:

Charlotte Hess (Syracuse University ­ Keynote), Ben Moskowitz (Open Video
Alliance), Simona Levi (Free Culture Forum), Bas Savenije (KB National
library of the Netherlands), Yann Moulier Boutang (Multitudes), Peter B.
Kaufman (Intelligent Television), Harry Verwayen (Europeana), James Boyle
(Duke University), Jeff Ubois (DTN), Sandra Fauconnier (NIMK), Dymitri
Kleiner (Telekommunisten), Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard (Royal Library
Denmark), Nathaniel Tkacz (University of Melbourne), a.o.


Images for the Future Consortium / Netherlands Institute for Sound and
Vision / De Balie / Institute of Network Cultures,  University of Amsterdam.

For detailed program information check our website:

Re: [CODE4LIB] MARCXML - What is it for?

2010-10-27 Thread Walker, David
 Crosswalking doesn't hold water as a justification for MARCXML.

To be fair, though, most of us have simpler cross walking needs than OCLC.  

And if I need to go from binary MARC to some XML schema (which I sometimes do), 
then MARC-XML and the XSLT style sheets at LOC seem like a pretty good starting 
point to me.  Better than starting from scratch.

Which isn't to say that that approach is always the right one for every 
project. I very much agree with MJ: If it works for you, use it.  If not, don't.

But if someone else has a better, general purpose solution to this problem, 
then by all means open source that puppy and let the rest of us have at it!


David Walker
Library Web Services Manager
California State University

From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of Smith,Devon 
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 7:44 AM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] MARCXML - What is it for?

 One way is to first transform the MARC into MARC-XML.  Then you can
use XSLT to crosswalk the MARC-XML
 into that other schema.  Very handy.

 Your criticisms of MARC-XML all seem to presume that MARC-XML is the
goal, the end point in the process.
 But MARC-XML is really better seen as a utility, a middle step between
binary MARC and the real goal,
 which is some other useful and interesting XML schema.

Unless useful and interesting is a euphemism for Dublin Core, then
using XSLT for crosswalking is not really an option. Well, not a good
option. On the other end of the spectrum, assume Onix for useful and
interesting and XSLT simply won't work.

Crosswalking doesn't hold water as a justification for MARCXML.

Devon Smith
Consulting Software Engineer
OCLC Research

-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of
Walker, David
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] MARCXML - What is it for?

 b) expanding it to be actual useful and interesting.

But here I think you've missed the very utility of MARC-XML.

Let's say you have a binary MARC file (the kind that comes out of an
ILS) and want to transform that into MODS, Dublin Core, or maybe some
other XML schema.

How would you do that?

One way is to first transform the MARC into MARC-XML.  Then you can use
XSLT to crosswalk the MARC-XML into that other schema.  Very handy.

Your criticisms of MARC-XML all seem to presume that MARC-XML is the
goal, the end point in the process.  But MARC-XML is really better seen
as a utility, a middle step between binary MARC and the real goal, which
is some other useful and interesting XML schema.


David Walker
Library Web Services Manager
California State University

From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of
Alexander Johannesen []
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] MARCXML - What is it for?


On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 6:26 AM, Nate Vack wrote:
 Switching to an XML format doesn't help with that at all.

I'm willing to take it further and say that MARCXML was the worst
thing the library world ever did. Some might argue it was a good first
step, and that it was better with something rather than nothing, to
which I respond ;


MARCXML is nothing short of evil. Not only does it goes against every
principal of good XML anywhere (don't rely on whitespace, structure
over code, namespace conventions, identity management, document
control, separation of entities and properties, and on and on), it
breaks the ontological commitment that a better treatment of the MARC
data could bring, deterring people from actually a) using the darn
thing as anything but a bare minimal crutch, and b) expanding it to be
actual useful and interesting.

The quicker the library world can get rid of this monstrosity, the
better, although I doubt that will ever happen; it will hang around
like a foul stench for as long as there is MARC in the world. A long
time. A long sad time.

A few extra notes;

Can you tell I'm not a fan? :)

Kind regards,

 Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic

Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

2010-10-27 Thread Alexander Johannesen
On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 2:44 AM, Doran, Michael D wrote:
 Can that limit threshold be raised?  If so, are there reasons why it should 
 not be raised?

Is it to throttle spam or something? 50 seems rather low, and it's
rather depressing to have a lively discussion throttled like that. Not
to mention I thought I was simply kicked out for living things up
(especially given my reasonable follow-up was where the throttling

 Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic Maps
--- --
-- ---

Re: [CODE4LIB] Django

2010-10-27 Thread Alexander Johannesen
On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 3:09 AM, Elliot Hallmark wrote:
 However, I switched to this other scripting
 language, python, because it could do things php cant.

Not to start a flame, but that's a rather big statement which I think
A) needs backing up, and B) is probably untrue.

  For instance,
 my first project in python involved capturing keyboard input before
 windows heard about it.  Then I kept discovering amazing things python
 can do that php cant.

For instance, PHP can do this fine. Was there something in particular
you're thinking of that PHP can't do?

 I helped write a non-sequential optical ray tracer in python.  When it
 needed to be faster there were several libraries for writing C code
 directly in a pythonic syntax.  Python has hooks into everything, like
 optical character recognition, electronic music
 sequeuencing/generation, serial port i/o.

Again, PHP the same. For the sophisticated hacker, most languages can
be tweaked to solve almost any problem.

And I'm not even suggesting that you use PHP. Happy hacking.

 Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic Maps
--- --
-- ---

Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

2010-10-27 Thread Peter Murray
I believe the software documentation suggests a limit to put a stop to mail 


On Oct 27, 2010, at 3:37 PM, Alexander Johannesen wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 2:44 AM, Doran, Michael D wrote:
 Can that limit threshold be raised?  If so, are there reasons why it should 
 not be raised?
 Is it to throttle spam or something? 50 seems rather low, and it's
 rather depressing to have a lively discussion throttled like that. Not
 to mention I thought I was simply kicked out for living things up
 (especially given my reasonable follow-up was where the throttling

Peter Murray peter.mur...@lyrasis.orgtel:+1-678-235-2955
Assistant Director
Lyrasis   --Great Libraries. Strong Communities. Innovative Answers.
The Disruptive Library Technology Jester 

Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

2010-10-27 Thread Jonathan Rochkind

Alexander Johannesen wrote:

Is it to throttle spam or something? 50 seems rather low, and it's
rather depressing to have a lively discussion throttled like that. Not


Pretty sure it wasn't depressing to the vast majority of the listserv 
audience.  That was/is a discussion that benefited from a timeout 
period, like you give the pre-schoolers. 

Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

2010-10-27 Thread Chris Fitzpatrick

+1 to the  this discussion is really depressing me  camp.

On Oct 27, 2010, at 12:53 PM, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:

Alexander Johannesen wrote:

Is it to throttle spam or something? 50 seems rather low, and it's
rather depressing to have a lively discussion throttled like that.  

Pretty sure it wasn't depressing to the vast majority of the  
listserv audience.  That was/is a discussion that benefited from a  
timeout period, like you give the pre-schoolers.

Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

2010-10-27 Thread Michael J. Giarlo
I'd like to once again point out the 50-message limit, and the fact
that this thread is rapidly chewing through that 50.

Surely there are some code or lib topics folks want to discuss.


Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

2010-10-27 Thread Alexander Johannesen
On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 6:53 AM, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
 Pretty sure it wasn't depressing to the vast majority of the listserv
 audience.  That was/is a discussion that benefited from a timeout period,
 like you give the pre-schoolers.

Given we're adults, and not in pre-school, I disagree.

 Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic Maps
--- --
-- ---

Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

2010-10-27 Thread Truitt, Marc
FWIW, the daily-threshold limit on a LISTSERV(tm) list can easily be
set to any value by the listowner; it can also be manually overridden by
the owner in specific cases with a release command (which retains the
limit but allows continued distribution on the day the limit is reached).

Using the threshold -- which halts *all* list conversations and thereby
penalizes all listmembers -- as a timeout tool to stop specific
threads seems like a rather broad-brush strategy to my mind.


- mt

Marc Truitt
Associate Director,
Bibliographic and Information   Voice  : 780-492-4770
Technology Services e-mail :
University of Alberta Libraries fax: 780-492-9243
Cameron Library cell   : 780-217-0356
Edmonton, AB  T6G 2J8

But now old friends are acting strange
They shake their heads, they say I've changed
Well something's lost, but something's gained
In living every day...

-- J. Mitchell (1967)

Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

2010-10-27 Thread Alexander Johannesen
On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 6:58 AM, Chris Fitzpatrick wrote:
 +1 to the  this discussion is really depressing me  camp.

Ok, ok, I get the message. This is no place to voice strong opinions
about bad library tech, and my (different, but not bad)  language nor
stance (contrarian, but not accusatory) are simply not acceptable. I'm
outta here.

 Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic Maps
--- --
-- ---

Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

2010-10-27 Thread Eric Hellman
I vote for changing the limit threshold to 

 PI * (eventual length of this meta-thread).

On Oct 27, 2010, at 3:37 PM, Alexander Johannesen wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 2:44 AM, Doran, Michael D wrote:
 Can that limit threshold be raised?  If so, are there reasons why it should 
 not be raised?
 Is it to throttle spam or something? 50 seems rather low, and it's
 rather depressing to have a lively discussion throttled like that. Not
 to mention I thought I was simply kicked out for living things up
 (especially given my reasonable follow-up was where the throttling
  Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic Maps
 --- --
 -- ---

Eric Hellman
President, Gluejar, Inc.
41 Watchung Plaza, #132
Montclair, NJ 07042

Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

2010-10-27 Thread Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress
I think the constraint is that it has to be a rational number. 

-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of Eric
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 5:58 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

I vote for changing the limit threshold to 

 PI * (eventual length of this meta-thread).

On Oct 27, 2010, at 3:37 PM, Alexander Johannesen wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 2:44 AM, Doran, Michael D wrote:
 Can that limit threshold be raised?  If so, are there reasons why it
should not be raised?
 Is it to throttle spam or something? 50 seems rather low, and it's 
 rather depressing to have a lively discussion throttled like that. Not 
 to mention I thought I was simply kicked out for living things up 
 (especially given my reasonable follow-up was where the throttling 
  Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic 

Eric Hellman
President, Gluejar, Inc.
41 Watchung Plaza, #132
Montclair, NJ 07042

Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

2010-10-27 Thread Fowler, Jason
Square root of minus one

Jason Fowler, BA, GCFA, CISSP
Programmer Analyst
UBC Library Systems

On 10-10-27 3:18 PM, Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress

I think the constraint is that it has to be a rational number.

-Original Message-
From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 5:58 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

I vote for changing the limit threshold to

 PI * (eventual length of this meta-thread).

On Oct 27, 2010, at 3:37 PM, Alexander Johannesen wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 2:44 AM, Doran, Michael D wrote:
 Can that limit threshold be raised?  If so, are there reasons why it
should not be raised?
 Is it to throttle spam or something? 50 seems rather low, and it's
 rather depressing to have a lively discussion throttled like that. Not
 to mention I thought I was simply kicked out for living things up
 (especially given my reasonable follow-up was where the throttling
  Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic

Eric Hellman
President, Gluejar, Inc.
41 Watchung Plaza, #132
Montclair, NJ 07042

Re: [CODE4LIB] Django

2010-10-27 Thread Elliot Hallmark
  For instance,
 my first project in python involved capturing keyboard input before
 windows heard about it.  Then I kept discovering amazing things python
 can do that php cant.

 For instance, PHP can do this fine. Was there something in particular
 you're thinking of that PHP can't do?

Yes, It was irresponsible for me to make a blanket statement like that
without having very much experience with php.  I used php to make a
website from data in a database. Other things beyond that seemed
awkward, difficult, or impossible from what I knew. python immediately
jumped out to me as a tool more suited to these tasks.

I guess it was just the way I came across things, my own personal
history.  From my experience, it seemed php was a server side
scripting language.  Can you write a php script that gets key presses
and doesn't pass them along to windows to process?  I thought the OS
would have to process the key press, pass it along to the php server
and then php could process it. (pyhook)

Also, how would you go about using a GPU from a graphics card in php?
(python cuda in google gives many results)

Has anyone written a scientific computing package along the lines of
matlab in php (scipy, numpy, matplotlib)?  Or a non-sequential optical

if you wanted to write a web interface for GNU cash or another well
established accounting program, could you do it? (GNU cash has python
bindings to its internal functions,  I believe no other scripting
language can access the things python can.  This is the case with many
programs, python bindings but nada for php).

please feel free to point me to the php equivilants of pyhook, pycuda,
scipy, numpy and some examples of widely used programs with php

  For the sophisticated hacker, most languages can
 be tweaked to solve almost any problem.

I am sure that is true. Though, I feel many for many tasks php would
require quite a bit more tweaking than python, with much less
community support behind it (I mean, google comes up with fewer
helpful links to the problems I sited above).

Maybe Php can accomplish many things by calling external programs.  Is
that the case?  and then are you limited to whatever commandline
options the external program has?

My impression, based on very little experience with php, is that if
you asked in a forum about using php for advanced scientific
computing, or writing music generation/sequencing software,
knowledgeable folks would first ask: are you sure you want to do this
in php?  how about java or python?

That said, php may be superior for generating websites from databases.
 That is why it is difficult to find help through google about php,
because all the searches turn up websites generated by php, not
written about it.

I'll be more careful about my praising of python over other scripting
languages in the future.


[CODE4LIB] PHP vs. Python [was: Re: Django]

2010-10-27 Thread Alexander Johannesen
Hola, compadre,

Elliot Hallmark wrote:
 Other things beyond that seemed
 awkward, difficult, or impossible from what I knew. python immediately
 jumped out to me as a tool more suited to these tasks.

The fact that Python has a looping run-time environment is, of course,
a give-away to why most people think this, and perhaps to some degree,
rightly so, but PHP has got the same, it's just that *most* people use
PHP through some Apache module as a request/response module. Indeed,
that's where it started, and that's its forte.

 From my experience, it seemed php was a server side
 scripting language.

Strictly speaking, so is Python.

 Can you write a php script that gets key presses
 and doesn't pass them along to windows to process?  I thought the OS
 would have to process the key press, pass it along to the php server
 and then php could process it. (pyhook)

A couple of obvious candidates;

 Also, how would you go about using a GPU from a graphics card in php?
 (python cuda in google gives many results)

PHP is just a C program with various bindings, so I suspect in the
same way Python would do it. Whether anyone has done it, though, is a
different question.

 Has anyone written a scientific computing package along the lines of
 matlab in php (scipy, numpy, matplotlib)?  Or a non-sequential optical

Not seen any scientific packages, but I've seen a few ray-tracers,
although they're all demo apps and fun toys (although I think that
applies to Python, too). It's not so much about whether you can do it
or not (you can), but whether it makes sense to do so (it mostly
doesn't). Having said that, there's nothing stopping me making a local
run-time PHP program to do either, it's just that it's PHP and hence
slower than C. Python, too, is slower than C, except when it runs some
C module, which, uh, is C, the same as if PHP runs some C module. For
example, one of the fastest and best XSLT 1.0 processors and XML
libraries out there is XMLlib and XSLTlib (RedHat and Gnome?), written
in C, and is the defacto PHP XML and XSLT modules used. Whatever
you've got that runs in C, you can run in PHP, it's not really a big
deal, it just depends on whether it makes sense to patch it up with
the way you use your PHP.

 if you wanted to write a web interface for GNU cash or another well
 established accounting program, could you do it?

Sure. Here's someone who'dunnit back in 2008;

 please feel free to point me to the php equivilants of pyhook, pycuda,
 scipy, numpy and some examples of widely used programs with php

You can bind PHP and Python the same, it's just a matter of doing and
whether it makes sense to do so. It's *not* a question of /if/ you can
do it, but if you /should/ do it. Your milage *will* vary.

  For the sophisticated hacker, most languages can
 be tweaked to solve almost any problem.

 I am sure that is true. Though, I feel many for many tasks php would
 require quite a bit more tweaking than python, with much less
 community support behind it (I mean, google comes up with fewer
 helpful links to the problems I sited above).

Maybe your Google-foo is weak. :)

 My impression, based on very little experience with php, is that if
 you asked in a forum about using php for advanced scientific
 computing, or writing music generation/sequencing software,
 knowledgeable folks would first ask: are you sure you want to do this
 in php?  how about java or python?

Again, probably because they don't realize it can be done in a
non-request/response kinda way with PHP as well. But then, PHP itself
isn't all that fast if you have little knowledge of how to do proper
PHP, but this is a pitfall in any language.

 That said, php may be superior for generating websites from databases.

Not really, but the installations you'll find in the wild is readily
configured for it, so it's easy to get going. However, this has little
to do with the language itself, and more to do with default packaging
of it.

Anyway, I wasn't meaning to promote PHP over Python, just pointing out
that PHP is a lot more (and more often still, a lot better) than what
most people think it is.

 Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic Maps
--- --
-- ---

Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

2010-10-27 Thread David Fiander
Ray, I think that the constraint makes more sense as a positive real number.
While the length of a thread will never be exactly a non-integer length, it
will eventually exceed any finite real-valued limit imposed, which is all
that's necessary.

(Actually, the non-negative part is optional. A limit that is = 0 will
still allow the first message through before the list is throttled.)

- David

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 18:18, Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress wrote:

 I think the constraint is that it has to be a rational number.

 -Original Message-
 From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 5:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

 I vote for changing the limit threshold to

 PI * (eventual length of this meta-thread).

 On Oct 27, 2010, at 3:37 PM, Alexander Johannesen wrote:

  On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 2:44 AM, Doran, Michael D wrote:
  Can that limit threshold be raised?  If so, are there reasons why it
 should not be raised?
  Is it to throttle spam or something? 50 seems rather low, and it's
  rather depressing to have a lively discussion throttled like that. Not
  to mention I thought I was simply kicked out for living things up
  (especially given my reasonable follow-up was where the throttling
   Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic

 Eric Hellman
 President, Gluejar, Inc.
 41 Watchung Plaza, #132
 Montclair, NJ 07042

Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

2010-10-27 Thread Peter Murray
David --

I think we need to test the last assumption against the real code.  While it is 
a rational (so to speak) interpretation, the code might be buggy enough to not 
let any messages through -- including the first -- when the limit is set to 0.


On Oct 27, 2010, at 7:47 PM, David Fiander wrote:
 Ray, I think that the constraint makes more sense as a positive real number.
 While the length of a thread will never be exactly a non-integer length, it
 will eventually exceed any finite real-valued limit imposed, which is all
 that's necessary.
 (Actually, the non-negative part is optional. A limit that is = 0 will
 still allow the first message through before the list is throttled.)
 - David
 On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 18:18, Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress wrote:
 I think the constraint is that it has to be a rational number.
 -Original Message-
 From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 5:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia
 I vote for changing the limit threshold to
PI * (eventual length of this meta-thread).
 On Oct 27, 2010, at 3:37 PM, Alexander Johannesen wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 2:44 AM, Doran, Michael D wrote:
 Can that limit threshold be raised?  If so, are there reasons why it
 should not be raised?
 Is it to throttle spam or something? 50 seems rather low, and it's
 rather depressing to have a lively discussion throttled like that. Not
 to mention I thought I was simply kicked out for living things up
 (especially given my reasonable follow-up was where the throttling
 Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic
 Eric Hellman
 President, Gluejar, Inc.
 41 Watchung Plaza, #132
 Montclair, NJ 07042

Peter Murray peter.mur...@lyrasis.orgtel:+1-678-235-2955
Assistant Director
Lyrasis   --Great Libraries. Strong Communities. Innovative Answers.
The Disruptive Library Technology Jester 

Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

2010-10-27 Thread Mike Taylor
We have now used one third of today's allocation in discussing the
size of the daily allocation.  Just sayin', is all.

On 28 October 2010 01:04, Peter Murray wrote:
 David --

 I think we need to test the last assumption against the real code.  While it 
 is a rational (so to speak) interpretation, the code might be buggy enough to 
 not let any messages through -- including the first -- when the limit is set 
 to 0.


 On Oct 27, 2010, at 7:47 PM, David Fiander wrote:

 Ray, I think that the constraint makes more sense as a positive real number.
 While the length of a thread will never be exactly a non-integer length, it
 will eventually exceed any finite real-valued limit imposed, which is all
 that's necessary.

 (Actually, the non-negative part is optional. A limit that is = 0 will
 still allow the first message through before the list is throttled.)

 - David

 On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 18:18, Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress wrote:

 I think the constraint is that it has to be a rational number.

 -Original Message-
 From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 5:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

 I vote for changing the limit threshold to

        PI * (eventual length of this meta-thread).

 On Oct 27, 2010, at 3:37 PM, Alexander Johannesen wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 2:44 AM, Doran, Michael D wrote:
 Can that limit threshold be raised?  If so, are there reasons why it
 should not be raised?

 Is it to throttle spam or something? 50 seems rather low, and it's
 rather depressing to have a lively discussion throttled like that. Not
 to mention I thought I was simply kicked out for living things up
 (especially given my reasonable follow-up was where the throttling

 Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic

 Eric Hellman
 President, Gluejar, Inc.
 41 Watchung Plaza, #132
 Montclair, NJ 07042

 Peter Murray        tel:+1-678-235-2955
 Assistant Director                      
 Lyrasis   --    Great Libraries. Strong Communities. Innovative Answers.
 The Disruptive Library Technology Jester      

Re: [CODE4LIB] PHP vs. Python [was: Re: Django]

2010-10-27 Thread Luciano Ramalho
On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 9:28 PM, Alexander Johannesen wrote:
 From my experience, it seemed php was a server side
 scripting language.

 Strictly speaking, so is Python.

Actually, Python is a general purpose programming language. It was not
created specifically for server side scripting like PHP was. But it is
very suitable to that task.

 Not seen any scientific packages, but I've seen a few ray-tracers,
 although they're all demo apps and fun toys (although I think that
 applies to Python, too).

No, that does not apply to Python. Python is widely used for hardcore
scientific computing.

It is also the most important scripting language in large scale CGI
settings, used in companies such as Indusrial Light  Magic, Weta
Digital and so on. Python has become so important for CGI in recent
years that Autodesk had to embed Python in its Maya application even
though Maya has always had its own embedded scripting language, called

Nuke, a red hot 3D compositor that was massively used in the
production of Avatar, is completely scriptable in Python. In fact, its
entire UI Is made with Python.

 You can bind PHP and Python the same, it's just a matter of doing and
 whether it makes sense to do so. It's *not* a question of /if/ you can
 do it, but if you /should/ do it. Your milage *will* vary.

  For the sophisticated hacker, most languages can
 be tweaked to solve almost any problem.

 I am sure that is true. Though, I feel many for many tasks php would
 require quite a bit more tweaking than python, with much less
 community support behind it (I mean, google comes up with fewer
 helpful links to the problems I sited above).

 Maybe your Google-foo is weak. :)

Or maybe he's just realizing that outside of server side web
scripting, PHP is just not so widely used.

 Anyway, I wasn't meaning to promote PHP over Python, just pointing out
 that PHP is a lot more (and more often still, a lot better) than what
 most people think it is.

Having used both languages, I discovered that Python is easier for
most tasks, and one reason is that the libraries that come with Python
are extremely robust, well tested and consistent. PHP is very
practical for server-side web scripting, but it's libraries are
unfortunately full of gotchas, traps and unexpected behaviour.

A key reason for that is the fact that Python has always had an
exception-handling mechanism while PHP has grown something like that
only a few years ago, and many libraries don't use it, so whenever you
call a function you never know whether the result will be a real value
or some error code. This is very error-prone and testing for errors on
many calls makes the program logic harder to follow.

So, I my opinion, PHP is great at what it does best: enabling quick
server-side Web scripting on almost any hosting service on Earth.

For everything else, it is very worthwhile to learn and use a general
purpose dynamic language such as Python, Ruby or Perl.

Sorry for the rant. I must confess I am a founder of the Brazilian
Python Association and was its first president, so you can call me a
Python advocate.

Luciano Ramalho
programador repentista || stand-up programmer
Twitter: @luciano

Re: [CODE4LIB] PHP vs. Python [was: Re: Django]

2010-10-27 Thread Alexander Johannesen
Olá, como vai?

Luciano Ramalho wrote:
 Actually, Python is a general purpose programming language. It was not
 created specifically for server side scripting like PHP was. But it is
 very suitable to that task.

I'm not sure talking about what something used to be is as interesting
as talking about what it is. Both Pyhton and PHP can share whatever
moniker we choose (scripting-language, programming language,
real-time, half-time, bytecoded, virtual, etc.).

 Not seen any scientific packages, but I've seen a few ray-tracers,
 although they're all demo apps and fun toys (although I think that
 applies to Python, too).

 No, that does not apply to Python. Python is widely used for hardcore
 scientific computing.

I was referring to the ray-tracing part.

 It is also the most important scripting language in large scale CGI

Yes, Python is widely used for scripting up interfaces into other more
complex systems. But rarely is the core of the thing written entirely
in Python.

 Maybe your Google-foo is weak. :)

 Or maybe he's just realizing that outside of server side web
 scripting, PHP is just not so widely used.

Absolutely, and fair enough.

 Having used both languages, I discovered that Python is easier for
 most tasks, and one reason is that the libraries that come with Python
 are extremely robust, well tested and consistent.

Hmm. PHP is extremely robust and well-tested, but yes, it's not all
that consistent, especially not before version 5.2+. However, things
have moved on, and with release 6 around the corner things will be
tighter still. Just like the first versions of Python were
interesting, so was PHP's, but where the biggest problem with the
evolution of PHP was the very fact that it was the most popular
language for rapid web development by far.

 PHP is very
 practical for server-side web scripting, but it's libraries are
 unfortunately full of gotchas, traps and unexpected behaviour.

There's gotchas in every language, even Python.

 A key reason for that is the fact that Python has always had an
 exception-handling mechanism while PHP has grown something like that
 only a few years ago

True enough. But earlier versions of any language are less desirable
than the latest versions, so I'm not sure this is a prevailing
argument for the horribleness of PHP or any language. These things
evolve. PHP 5.3+ and soon 6 are looking very good, indeed, but yes, we
will just have to live with a poor reputation brought on by the big
number of users and the pre 5.2+ era.

 So, I my opinion, PHP is great at what it does best: enabling quick
 server-side Web scripting on almost any hosting service on Earth.

I'm fairly sure you can say that because you haven't done much other
kind of PHP work. :)

 For everything else, it is very worthwhile to learn and use a general
 purpose dynamic language such as Python, Ruby or Perl.

Of course. Developers should learn many of languages, and choose
wisely the language best suited to the problem at hand.

 Sorry for the rant. I must confess I am a founder of the Brazilian
 Python Association and was its first president, so you can call me a
 Python advocate.

No bias at all, really. :)

Kind regards,

 Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic Maps
--- --
-- ---

Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

2010-10-27 Thread Ethan Gruber
Come on guys, I was just getting my popcorn ready.

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 8:24 PM, Mike Taylor wrote:

 We have now used one third of today's allocation in discussing the
 size of the daily allocation.  Just sayin', is all.

 On 28 October 2010 01:04, Peter Murray wrote:
  David --
  I think we need to test the last assumption against the real code.  While
 it is a rational (so to speak) interpretation, the code might be buggy
 enough to not let any messages through -- including the first -- when the
 limit is set to 0.
  On Oct 27, 2010, at 7:47 PM, David Fiander wrote:
  Ray, I think that the constraint makes more sense as a positive real
  While the length of a thread will never be exactly a non-integer length,
  will eventually exceed any finite real-valued limit imposed, which is
  that's necessary.
  (Actually, the non-negative part is optional. A limit that is = 0
  still allow the first message through before the list is throttled.)
  - David
  On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 18:18, Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress wrote:
  I think the constraint is that it has to be a rational number.
  -Original Message-
  From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf
  Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 5:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia
  I vote for changing the limit threshold to
 PI * (eventual length of this meta-thread).
  On Oct 27, 2010, at 3:37 PM, Alexander Johannesen wrote:
  On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 2:44 AM, Doran, Michael D
  Can that limit threshold be raised?  If so, are there reasons why it
  should not be raised?
  Is it to throttle spam or something? 50 seems rather low, and it's
  rather depressing to have a lively discussion throttled like that. Not
  to mention I thought I was simply kicked out for living things up
  (especially given my reasonable follow-up was where the throttling
  Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic
  Eric Hellman
  President, Gluejar, Inc.
  41 Watchung Plaza, #132
  Montclair, NJ 07042
  Peter Murray peter.mur...@lyrasis.orgtel:+1-678-235-2955
  Assistant Director
  Lyrasis   --Great Libraries. Strong Communities. Innovative Answers.
  The Disruptive Library Technology Jester

Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia

2010-10-27 Thread Eric Hellman
I expect the length of the thread to be irrational; so perhaps that's not a 

On Oct 27, 2010, at 6:18 PM, Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress wrote:

 I think the constraint is that it has to be a rational number. 
 -Original Message-
 From: Code for Libraries [] On Behalf Of Eric
 Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 5:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] mailing list administratativia
 I vote for changing the limit threshold to 
 PI * (eventual length of this meta-thread).
 On Oct 27, 2010, at 3:37 PM, Alexander Johannesen wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 2:44 AM, Doran, Michael D wrote:
 Can that limit threshold be raised?  If so, are there reasons why it
 should not be raised?
 Is it to throttle spam or something? 50 seems rather low, and it's 
 rather depressing to have a lively discussion throttled like that. Not 
 to mention I thought I was simply kicked out for living things up 
 (especially given my reasonable follow-up was where the throttling 
 Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic 
 Eric Hellman
 President, Gluejar, Inc.
 41 Watchung Plaza, #132
 Montclair, NJ 07042