Re: [CODE4LIB] generating and parsing NCIP with PHP

2012-01-03 Thread Demian Katz
You might want to take a look at VuFind's XCNCIP2 driver here:

This constructs requests in a crude way (simple string concatenation) but 
parses responses using SimpleXML.  SimpleXML is pretty user-friendly, but XML 
namespaces make it a little more complicated, and this code demonstrates 
namespaces in action.

I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have.

- Demian

 -Original Message-
 From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
 Emily Lynema
 Sent: Monday, January 02, 2012 4:03 PM
 Subject: [CODE4LIB] generating and parsing NCIP with PHP
 Hi folks,
 We are working with Lehigh University on building out a more full-
 SirsiDynix Symphony adapter to work with the XC NCIP toolkit. We will
 hopefully building our new Patron Account interface on top of the
 eXtensible Catalog NCIP toolkit.
 Obviously, to build our new interface on top of the NCIP toolkit, we
 to generate NCIP XML requests and parse NCIP XML responses. These
 are a bit gnarly to work with, and I'm not sure that PHP is exactly
 for excellence in working with XML. Has anyone ever dabbled in this
 before? Created an awesome PHP library we could just pick up and use?
 any particular pointers?
 We have Zend framework at our disposal in terms of PHP frameworks, and
 likely be using that for this project. I don't know in particular if it
 good XML parsing tools (my staff probably would), but even if it does,
 still have to sort through the NCIP verbosity.
 Just thought I'd check.

Re: [CODE4LIB] Calling all Maryland, DC, and Virginia folk Save the Date

2012-01-03 Thread Scherbak, Loren
Happy New Year all!
I am interesting in attending this meeting. It will be my first!
Do I need to RSVP?
Just wondering if you need to know who is coming. We are in DC after all. ;-}

Loren Scherbak
Archives of American Art
Smithsonian Institution
Sign up for the Archives' new 
e-newsletter Primary Source at  
Subscribers will receive bimonthly updates on recent acquisitions, 
publications, exhibitions, research resources, and events.

-Original Message-

From: Code for Libraries 
Behalf Of BWS Johnson

Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 3:43 PM


Subject: [CODE4LIB] Calling all Maryland, DC, and Virginia folk Save the Date


Just an alert that the next non OCLC sanctioned, deeply underground, seedy 
meeting of the MDC Chapter of Code4Lib will be gathering

Tuesday, 10 January, 2012 10:00AM to Noon at The George Washington University 
Gelman Library in Foggy Bottom, DC 2130 H Street NW Washington DC 20052.

The last ad hoc meeting was a bunch of fun, but if you have an idea for a 
presentation or don't want to forget to share summat, feel free to mess with 
the agenda on the wiki.



Re: [CODE4LIB] Obvious answer to registration limitations

2012-01-03 Thread Kyle Banerjee
 The price of admission to that event is a
  talk proposal, and while perhaps obviously, not everyone speaks, it
  does set a boundary.
  It might be tough to find folks to serve as gatekeepers, but maybe we
  should at least require a why you should let me go to Code4Lib
  statement or proposal.

 Unfortunately, this would seem (in my mind) to encourage recidivism
 more than anything.  Newcomers are not going to have the benefit of
 knowing what Code4Lib is about in their statement and what is
 already viewed as a bit of a cliquish cabal will only likely become
 more so.

Seems like the why part could be skipped or used in lieu of the proposal
if the person feels that is more compelling than any topic they'd want to
talk about on stage. As far as how to make the vetting process for
proposals (for who gets to attend) practical, I suspect that simple
requirement would reduce the flow enough that it might not be necessary to
disappoint anyone.

Rather than have a clunky voting process to potentially examine over 200
proposals (if there are more than spots), that seems to be a good job for
the program committee.


[CODE4LIB] NYC regional mtg: Weds Apr 25

2012-01-03 Thread Yitzchak Schaffer

Hello all,

The next meeting of the code4lib NYC regional / METRO SIG is scheduled 
for Wednesday, April 25, 10a-12m at the METRO Training Center, 57 E 11th 

Yitzchak Schaffer
Systems Manager
Touro College Libraries
212.742.8770 ext. 2432

Access Problems? Contact

Re: [CODE4LIB] Calling all Maryland, DC, and Virginia folk Save the Date

2012-01-03 Thread BWS Johnson

 Happy New Year all!

 I am interesting in attending this meeting. It will be my first!
 Do I need to RSVP?
 Just wondering if you need to know who is coming. We are in DC after all. ;-}

     Just an alert that the next non OCLC sanctioned, deeply underground, 
 meeting of the MDC Chapter of Code4Lib will be gathering
 Tuesday, 10 January, 2012 10:00AM to Noon at The George Washington 
Gelman Library in Foggy Bottom, DC 2130 H Street NW Washington DC 20052.

    Nope, just show up and join the fun :D I look forward to seeing you all 
next week.


[CODE4LIB] implemented Microdata and/or

2012-01-03 Thread Jason Ronallo
Anyone else implemented HTML5 Microdata [1] and/or [2]?

I'm looking for examples of libraries, museums, archives, and
educational organizations that have implemented HTML5 Microdata and/or in any way. Even if you have just used it in a very limited
way on a site, I'd be interested in seeing it.

I have a short list right now that I've gleaned from various email
lists, and I have looked around Sindice and blekko's grep the web
[3] and found a few more. Anyone know of a way (other than doing my
own map-reduce job on the common crawl data [4]) to search for
embedded markup like this?

I'd like to see if there are more examples I could draw on for my
code4lib conference talk.

Thank you,


[3] You can vote for a couple of my suggested greps here:


2012-01-03 Thread Jonathan Rochkind
there used to be an . It's even linked to 
from a Wikipedia article on OpenURL. I seem to recall it had some useful 
stuff rsinger put there.

It is now MIA. Anyone know what happened to it, and if it's easy to 
bring it back?


No big deal, just curious.


Re: [CODE4LIB] Elsevier App Challenge at Code4Lib 2012

2012-01-03 Thread Peter Murray
Hello, Nishit.  I'm not sure what kind of response you were looking for.  I 
volunteered to be on the program planning committee for the upcoming Code4Lib 
meeting, so part of me wants to respond from a program planning perspective.  
I'm also a member of the anarchistic Code4Lib community, so I want to respond 
from that one-person/one-vote perspective as well.  So here is a reply with the 
two perspectives rolled into one.

From the first perspective, this probably isn't the ideal mailing list to 
bring up the question of scheduling this into the meeting.  The meeting 
planning is happening on the code4libcon Google Group 
(  Hopefully you have been in 
touch with the Code4Lib meeting hosts to see if they have any concerns or 
objections to what you are proposing.  If not, I'd do so pronto!

From the second perspective, I see a couple of problems.  First, the proposed 
schedule has the prototype built during the meeting itself.  Others may voice 
otherwise, but I go to the meeting to absorb the content from presentations 
and to network with attendees.  So I, for one, wouldn't be interested in using 
the time during the week on heads-down coding.  (Others may feel otherwise, 
obviously.)  (Also note that Code4Lib typically hasn't had a heads-down coding 
challenge during the meeting like what I've seen at the Open Repositories 
meeting.  Not that it couldn't be tried, but you'd be swimming against a 
strong tide of tradition at this late date.)  Second, all of the selections 
are being done by Elsevier, which is out-of-character for a highly 
participatory group like Code4Lib.  You might want to revisit that part to see 
if you can get community engagement at the selection stages as well.

Thanks for sponsoring the meeting last year and this year.  I hope this 
constructive criticism is helpful.


On Dec 29, 2011, at 2:20 PM, Bhuva, Nishit (ELS-NYC) wrote:
 Hello Everyone,
 My name is Nishit Bhuva and I am the Partner Development Manager in the
 Developer Network team at Elsevier. I am sure many of the Code4Lib
 members must be aware of SciVerse Applications  that are
 developed on the Elsevier platform. For the members who are new to this
 platform, the apps on SciVerse basically assist researchers in
 accelerating their scientific study by saving time and effort and
 presenting targeted information, rather than having them go through the
 vast amount of scientific data available.
 We are very excited about the Code4Lib conference. Elsevier was one of
 the sponsors for Code4Lib 2011 and we are also on the sponsors list for
 Code4Lib 2012. Since SciVerse apps are excellent tools that bring
 precise scientific information at the fingertips of researchers, we are
 interested in engaging with all members of Code4Lib to use their
 expertise and assist the scientific community in accelerating their
 research. To facilitate the engagement with Code4Lib members, we are
 interested in organizing an App Challenge prior to and during the 2012
 conference. This challenge will give Code4Lib members an opportunity to
 showcase their talents on a global platform. Below is a draft outline
 for the challenge we are interested in organizing (this draft is open
 for discussion).
 Stage 1: Submit your concepts/ideas for an app.
 * Concept/Idea submission begins on January 9, 2012.
 * Deadline for submission will be January 31, 2012.
 * Submissions should include a detailed concept/idea description
 and poster/slides showing functionality of the app.
 * Top 10-15 concepts/ideas will be selected by Elsevier.
 * Entries could be as individuals/teams.
 Stage 2: Build an app based on selected concepts.
 * The poster/slides of selected entries will be displayed on all
 days of the conference.
 * Members of the winning teams will build apps during the 4 days
 of the conference (February 6 - 9, 2012).
 * End deliverable will be a working prototype of the app.
 * Three winners will be selected by Elsevier 
 * Winners receive cash rewards after the conference.
 * Entries could be as individuals/teams.
 Some of you might be wondering that what happens to concept/ideas and
 prototype apps that are not selected. The good news is, these go to the
 SciVerse Labs Applications gallery where:
 * The concepts can be used by any developer to build apps and,
 * Original developers of app prototypes will have an opportunity
 to continue their work.
 I would be glad to hear from all members about their thoughts on this
 challenge and also discuss other possibilities to engage during the
 Happy Holidays to all !

Peter Murray
Assistant Director, Technology Services Development
+1 678-235-2955
1438 West Peachtree Street NW

[CODE4LIB] re-introducing Umlaut, again

2012-01-03 Thread Jonathan Rochkind

An alpha release of Umlaut 3.0 is now available.

Umlaut is an open source front-end for a link resolver, or:

   Umlaut is a just-in-time aggregator of last mile specific citation
   services, taking input as OpenURL, and providing an HTML UI as well
   as an api suite for embedding Umlaut services in other applications.

What the heck does this mean?Read more.

The 3.0 release of Umlaut will not add any new features, but instead 
modernizes Umlaut's architecture to be based on Rails 3.1+ as an engine 
gem, and work on modern ruby versions. Lots of unsupported cruft was 
also removed from the codebase. (Umlaut actually began as a Rails 1.x 

Why this matters to you is that Umlaut should be easier to install and 
maintain than it ever was before. SeeInstallation/Getting Started 

This is still an alpha release at present. It likely has some not yet 
discovered bugs, missing features, or performance issues. But it should 
be much easier to work with than Umlaut 2.x, if you are looking to get 
started with Umlaut, definitely start with the 3.x alpha.  Alpha tester 
feedback very welcome, please let me know of any difficulties you have 
with it, suggestions, questions, etc.

Umlaut 3.x source code is available in theumlaut3dev branch in the 
github project it 
will move to master).

Re: [CODE4LIB] Obvious answer to registration limitations

2012-01-03 Thread David Friggens
(This discussion happened a couple of weeks ago during the summer
break here, but I figured it was still worth adding my couple of

  so, from Monday to Thursday, each day at noon
  Eastern, 50 registration slots open.

 I think this is a fantastic idea -- especially if you shift around the 
 timeslot so that it is beneficial to people in different time zones

Shifting times would be good. The registration opened at 5am here,
though I probably would have gotten up for it had I known it was going
to go so quickly. (Did you have to pay when you registered? If so, I
don't think I could have convinced the holder of an institutional
credit card to get up with me though.)

I'll also +1 the suggestion for limiting attendees per organisation if
the overall number is going to be kept small.


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Re: [CODE4LIB] Obvious answer to registration limitations

2012-01-03 Thread Kevin S. Clarke
On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 7:08 PM, David Friggens wrote:

 Shifting times would be good. The registration opened at 5am here,
 though I probably would have gotten up for it had I known it was going
 to go so quickly. (Did you have to pay when you registered? If so, I
 don't think I could have convinced the holder of an institutional
 credit card to get up with me though.)

 I'll also +1 the suggestion for limiting attendees per organisation if
 the overall number is going to be kept small.

I think the thing that would move these ideas along is for someone to
write the registration system that we're talking about (or find one
that does what we want that we could repurpose).  In my humble
opinion, ideas that require more manual work on the part of the
host(s) are less likely to happen; but, if there was a system that
would do what we want (and handle the crush of registration), I think
the community would happily jump behind it -- registration has always
been an issue.

So, that said, I'll take one step backword and let someone else step
forward (by standing still) to volunteer to write it... as they say,
running code wins.
