[CODE4LIB] Bienvenue à Montréal (Access 2012 found a home)

2011-12-09 Thread Amy Buckland
Hey everyone -
Just to let you know that Access 2012 will be in Montreal in October - 
More info to follow very shortly.
In the meantime, holler if you have any questions!


Amy Buckland
eScholarship, ePublishing & Digitization Coordinator
McGill University Library

[CODE4LIB] Access 2012 - Come to Montreal!

2012-04-25 Thread Amy Buckland
Access 2012 Call for ProposalsThe theme for Access 2012 is

We want to talk about new ways of doing things, how technology might
encourage serendipity in the library and help our users get to the
information they need.
We want to talk about new ways of weaving together and providing access to
information, resources and services.
We want to talk about ways for the library to use technology to discover
things about its communities and how they use their collections and
We want to talk about discovering new roles for the library technology
folks to play in their libraries, on their campuses and in their
We want to talk about dark discoveries, the spotting of cracks in the
foundations, the sighting of monsters beyond the edge of the mapŠ
We are now looking for submissions in the following areas:

* Hackfest projects: Problems meet solutions during the full-day hackfest
on October 18, 2012. Please submit a brief overview of the project you¹d
like hacked/like to hack.
* Ignite talks: Do you have something you want the rest of the community
to discover? Prep a deck with 20 slides, and give yourself 5 minutes to
tell your story, then wow us something new. Please submit a title for your
talk, a brief overview of your talk, and let us know if you¹ve ever done
an ignite/pecha kucha talk before.
* Presentation ³classic style²: These are your traditional ³tell us about
your awesome discovery² sessions, only now with a twist. We want the
newest and freshest takes on getting things done. Please submit a  title
and an abstract (max 250 words) for your talk. All presentation
submissions will be peer-reviewed by a panel of your colleagues. (The
review will use a blind selection process.)

All submissions should be sent to accesslib...@gmail.com by April 30, 2012.

Amy Buckland
eScholarship, ePublishing & Digitization Coordinator
McGill University Library

[CODE4LIB] Access 2012 CFP deadline extended

2012-05-01 Thread Amy Buckland
*apologies for cross-posting*


Over the past few days we’ve received a ton of great proposals. Choosing the 
best is not going to be easy, and however we choose, I know there will be some 
great presentations that we won’t get to hear.

Having said that… we want more! Specifically, more proposals for ignite talks 
and especially ideas for the hackfest event. (And if you have an idea for a 
traditional presentation, we’re interested in those as well!).

The deadline for submitting proposals for Access 2012 is hereby extended to 
Monday, May 14, 

The presentations form the backbone of the conference, but the ignite talks are 
like high-bandwidth, multimedia knowledge transfer streams! They bring a whole 
other level of energy to Access, giving us all the opportunity to share a lot 
of ideas in a very short period of time. So more of those would be 

We also need ideas for the hackfest pre-conference event. Not everyone goes to 
the hackfest, but having a group of you spending the day before the conference 
hacking away on a problem of interest to all brings to the conference a fresh 
collection of insights, techniques, and maybe even solutions we’re all 
interested in. Remember that you don’t necessarily need to participate in the 
hackfest to submit an idea. If you have an idea that you’d like to see other 
folks work on, send it 

Amy Buckland
eScholarship, ePublishing & Digitization Coordinator
McGill University Library

[CODE4LIB] Registration for Access 2012 now open!

2012-08-23 Thread Amy Buckland
Hi everyone,
Just a quick not to let you know that registration for Access 2012 is now open.
Check out the full schedule here: http://accessconference.ca/schedule
For registration, see http://accessconference.ca/registration

We hope to see you in Montreal!


Amy Buckland
eScholarship, ePublishing & Digitization Coordinator
McGill University Library

[CODE4LIB] Reminder: Register of Access 2012 soon!

2012-09-12 Thread Amy Buckland
***as always, apologies for cross posting***

Spots are filling up at Access (in Montreal, October 18-21), and the cheap
deal on hotels ends Sept 17, 2012, so register soon!
Keynotes include Bess Sadler and Aaron Straup Cope, with Hugh McGuire
giving the annual Binkley lecture.
Check out the schedule: http://accessconference.ca/schedule/
To register: http://accessconference.ca/registration/

For questions - shoot an email to accesslib...@gmail.com

Hope to see you in Montreal!

Amy Buckland
eScholarship, ePublishing & Digitization Coordinator
McGill University Library

[CODE4LIB] Access 2010 CFP

2010-01-25 Thread Amy Buckland
Hi everyone -
The CFP is out for Access 2010, this year in Winnipeg, Oct 13-16, 2010.
Promises to be a rockin' good time.

Hope to see you there!


[CODE4LIB] Associate Director for Digital Initiatives - McGill University Library

2011-07-29 Thread Amy Buckland
McGill University is currently looking for an Associate Director for
Digital Initiatives
Duty statement: 
Provides leadership and coordinates digital library initiatives and
programs for all libraries. Works collaboratively with university faculty
and administration to develop and advance digital initiative programs
including web-based services, information technologies, and programs
supporting the integration of digital collections and digital library
services. Directs the work of librarians, programmers and staff with
expertise in development of digital services for public services,
cataloging, multimedia, information technology, web development and
learning technologies. Provides support and resources for digital library
initiatives emerging from other departments in the library. Supervises the
digital initiatives staff. Works with University, provincial and national
groups to shape the University Library information environment. Develops
goals and objectives, prepares budget requests and participates actively
in library-wide planning processes.
The full posting - 

(We are still accepting applications - pls to ignore ze closing date)

Cheers all,

Amy Buckland
eScholarship, ePublishing & Digitization Coordinator
McGill University Library