Re: [CODE4LIB] Update Regarding C4L17 in Chattanooga

2016-06-07 Thread Shearer, Timothy

This is a big deal.  And one that has no great outcome.  Y'all deserve the 
appreciation and thanks of the community.  You certainly have mine.


>My thanks to the Tennessee folks for handling this with such grace.

Re: [CODE4LIB] Google can give you answers, but librarians give you the right answers

2016-04-06 Thread Shearer, Timothy
There is at least some new evidence that for at least some users...discovery 
patterns are moving toward library interfaces after having a steady decline [1].

It seems plausible to me that this shift may correlate to the change in tools 
and attitudes that has led to integrated discovery layers becoming the norm.  

I'm not suggesting that discovery is the end-all be-all, but think that 
providing helpful discovery to users that is targeted to the resources *they 
already can access* because of their affiliation(s) is still worthy of a chunk 
of our time, thought, and effort.  I think the tools are better and that's a 
good thing.



On 4/6/16, 7:04 AM, "Code for Libraries on behalf of Eric Lease Morgan" 

>On Apr 6, 2016, at 12:44 PM, Jason Bengtson  wrote:
>> This is librarians fighting a PR battle we can't win. I doubt most people
>> care about these assertions, and I certainly don't think they stand a
>> chance of swaying anyone. This is like the old "librarians need to promote
>> themselves better" chestnut. Losing strategies, in my opinion. Rather than
>> trying to refight a battle with search technology that search technology
>> has already won, libraries and librarians need to reinvent the technology
>> and themselves. Semantic technologies, in particular, provide Information
>> Science with extraordinary avenues for reinvention. We need to make search
>> more effective and approachable, rather than wagging our finger at people
>> who we think aren't searching "correctly". In the short term, data provides
>> powerful opportunities. And it isn't all about writing code or wrangling
>> data . . . informatics, metadata, systematic reviews, all of these are
>> fertile ground for additional development. Digitization projects and other
>> efforts to make special collections materials broadly accessible are
>> exciting stuff, as are the developing technologies that support those
>> efforts. We should be seizing the argument and shaping it, rather than
>> trying to invent new bromides to support a losing fight.
>I wholeheartedly concur. IMHO, the problem to solve now-a-days does not 
>surround search because everybody can find plenty of stuff, and the stuff is 
>usually more than satisfactory. Instead, I think the problem to solve 
>surrounds assisting the reader in using & understanding the stuff they find. 
>[1] “Now that I’ve done the ‘perfect’ search and downloaded the subsequent 200 
>articles from JSTOR, how — given my limited resources —- do I read and 
>comprehend what they say? Moreover, how do I compare & contrast what the 
>articles purport with the things I already know?” Text mining (a type of 
>semantic technology) is an applicable tool here, but then again, “Whenever you 
>have a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail."
>[1] an essay elaborating on the idea of use & understand - 
>Eric Lease Morgan
>Artist- And Librarian-At-Large

Re: [CODE4LIB] code4lib mailing list

2016-03-24 Thread Shearer, Timothy

Eric, I'm glad to see the outpouring of appreciation and wanted to chime in 
with my own.


On 3/24/16, 4:06 PM, "Code for Libraries on behalf of Cynthia Ng" 

>While I have little to add to what others have already said, I do want to
>add my thanks for your long term efforts and work on starting and
>continuing the mailing list.
>On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 2:29 AM, Eric Lease Morgan  wrote:
>> Alas, the Code4Lib mailing list software will most likely need to be
>> migrated before the end of summer, and I’m proposing a number possible
>> options for the lists continued existence.
>> I have been managing the Code4Lib mailing list since its inception about
>> twelve years ago. This work has been both a privilege and an honor. The
>> list itself runs on top of the venerable LISTSERV application and is hosted
>> by the University of Notre Dame. The list includes about 3,500 subscribers,
>> and traffic very very rarely gets over fifty messages a day. But alas,
>> University support for LISTSERV is going away, and I believe the University
>> wants to migrate the whole kit and caboodle to Google Groups.
>> Personally, I don’t like the idea of Code4Lib moving to Google Groups.
>> Google knows enough about me (us), and I don’t feel the need for them to
>> know more. Sure, moving to Google Groups includes a large convenience
>> factor, but it also means we have less control over our own computing
>> environment, let alone our data.
>> So, what do we (I) do? I see three options:
>>   0. Let the mailing list die — Not really an option, in my opinion
>>   1. Use Google Groups - Feasible, (probably) reliable, but with less
>> control
>>   2. Host it ourselves - More difficult, more responsibility, all but
>> absolute control
>> Again, personally, I like Option #2, and I would probably be willing to
>> host the list on my one of my computers, (and after a bit of DNS trickery)
>> complete with a domain.
>> What do y’all think? If we go with Option #2, then where might we host the
>> list, who might do the work, and what software might we use?
>> —
>> Eric Lease Morgan
>> Artist- And Librarian-At-Large

Re: [CODE4LIB] Blacklight Community Survey Results

2015-10-23 Thread Shearer, Timothy

This was a really useful contribution to the community.

Do you (or any folks on the list) know if there has been similar overview work 
done on vufind?


On 10/20/15, 4:40 PM, "Code for Libraries on behalf of Jonathan Rochkind" 

>In late August/early September you may recall I released a Blacklight 
>Community Survey. I got 18 responses.
>The survey covered nature or organizations implementing BL, rough 
>categories of usage of the BL apps, versions of dependencies in use, and 
>free form likes and dislikes about BL.
>Just posted on my blog, I have links to the raw data, as well my some of 
>my own summary, interpretation, and analysis.

Re: [CODE4LIB] content inventory of mediawiki site?

2014-10-30 Thread Shearer, Timothy
Thanks Stuart,

On 10/30/14, 2:43 PM, Stuart Yeates wrote:

All but the cats should be available thought the standard API, I believe.


I have a new phone number: 04 463 5692

From: Code for Libraries CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU on behalf of Shearer,
Sent: Friday, 31 October 2014 4:49 a.m.
Subject: [CODE4LIB] content inventory of mediawiki site?

Hi Folks,

My google fu isn't working.

Does anyone know of an extension, something native, or a methodology to
get a content inventory of a mediawiki site.

We're trying to get a report that includes

Pagename, most recent editor, date created, date last modified, categories

Thanks for any advice,

Re: [CODE4LIB] Non-library job boards to advertise a developer position widely

2014-10-03 Thread Shearer, Timothy
I've used framework/language specific groups (e.g. where I
think the broad skill set might be represented, even when I'm not looking
for that specific competency. And local university program job lists
(compsci and ils student job lists at local institutions).


On 10/3/14, 2:52 PM, Kim, Bohyun wrote:

Hi all,

Which non-library job boards would be good to advertise a web developer
job posting widely? I only have usual suspects (,,,
, and library listservs so far. So I am hoping to catch
some job boards frequented by software developers.

Any Suggestions? (Local job boards in Maryland, D.C, Virginia would be
also super helpful; although the position allows remote work so I would
like to advertise as widely as we can.)

Thank you!

Re: [CODE4LIB] quiz software

2014-09-16 Thread Shearer, Timothy
If your institution uses courseware (sakai/blackboard) you might be able
to piggy back on that.


On 9/16/14, 2:11 PM, Valerie Forrestal

Hello friends! I was wondering if anyone could point me towards
web-based open source software for library instruction that would let me
administer quizzes, grade the quizzes and return a score, and then,
preferably, keep some basic statistics. We're looking into a Google
Forms/Spreadsheets hack, but I didn't know if there was anything a bit
more elegant out there that could do the job.



Valerie Forrestal
Web Services Librarian/Asst. Professor
City University of New York
College of Staten Island Library
2800 Victory Blvd., 1L-109I
Staten Island, N.Y. 10314
Phone: 718.982.4023

Celebrate Italian Heritage with a Special Broadway Benefit Concert by the
World¹s Longest Running Phantom in support of the CSI Italian Studies

Re: [CODE4LIB] Software to track website changes?

2014-07-11 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
If you¹re looking for cheap and easy, trello can work.  It¹s a
agile-inspired, free, nicely customizable tool to support workflows like
this.  We¹ve had forms on our site (in our case a formidable form in
wordpress) write directly to it.


On 7/11/14, 10:48 AM, Andrew Shuping wrote:

Hey Elizabeth,

I know my library's systems department uses The Trac project:, which lets them do exactly what you're asking
about.  I can't remember how easy/difficult the installation process is,
but using it is easy for almost anyone.  Our building maintenance person
has even started using it as a way to track what she needs to do.

Andrew Shuping

Robert Frost - In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about
life: it goes on.

On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 9:30 AM, Elizabeth Leonard wrote:

 Does anyone have a good way to track requests to make changes to your
 website(s)? I would like to be able to put in requests and be able to
 if they are done and when, so there's fewer emails flying about.


 Elizabeth Leonard
 Assistant Dean of Information Technologies, Resources Acquisition and
 Seton Hall University
 400 South Orange Avenue
 South Orange, NJ 07079

Re: [CODE4LIB] College Question!

2014-05-28 Thread Shearer, Timothy J


On 5/28/14, 11:17 PM, Riley Childs wrote:

I was curious about the type of degrees people had. I am heading off to
college next year (class of 2015) and am trying to figure out what to
major in. I want to be a systems librarian, but I can't tell what to
major in! I wanted to hear about what paths people took and how they
ended up where they are now.

BTW Y'All at NC State need a better tour bus driver (not the c4l tour,
the admissions tour) ;) the bus ride was like a rickety roller coaster...

Also, if you know of any scholarships please let me know ;) you would be
my BFF :P

Riley Childs
Asst. Head of IT Services
Charlotte United Christian Academy
(704) 497-2086
Sent from my Windows Phone, please excuse mistakes

[CODE4LIB] another conference thank you

2014-03-27 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
I just wanted to thank Dan for pushing the community to grow/change the

To thank the Chicago folks for taking that idea and making it happen.

And to thank Margaret and especially Francis for sharing their lessons
learned. It helped to make this year work.

It's weird to think of a few of from NCSU, UNC, and Duke mulling over the
idea a year ago.


Re: [CODE4LIB] links from finding aid to digital object

2014-01-14 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
UNC has been doing this (linking) for several years and we recently
borrowed (sincerest form of flattery) Duke's interface work to add
thumbnails and inline views.  We've got content for over 500 collections
and well over half a million scans and growing.

UNC and Duke are working on a full day pre-conf for the annual meeting
this March in Raleigh:

We're looking for topics as well as speakers!

Feel free to contact me directly if you're interested in helping to shape
the day.


On 1/14/14 10:38 AM, Edward Summers wrote:

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone can point me at example(s) of finding aids
(either EAD XML or HTML) that are linked to digital object of some kind.
For example a container list that links to a digital image that is
available on the Web.

I¹m doing a bit of an informal survey so if you see someone has
responded, but you have a different example please send it along either
here on list or to me directly.


PS. sorry for the duplication.

[CODE4LIB] desk scheduling software?

2013-09-06 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
Hi Folks,

Anyone happy with their solutions for scheduling service points?  Even
moderately happy?


Re: [CODE4LIB] back to minorities question, seeking guidance

2013-02-22 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
Hi Folks,

This is a great discussion and it continues to be helpful to me on many
different levels.

It started late enough after code4lib that I plunged ahead with my class.
FWIW, Impostor Syndrome (thanks Jason Griffey) was an eye opener, and a
chance for me to offer my own sense of some things.

In case it's useful, I reflected that in my experience:

*Impostor Syndrome is a common theme in the whole field, not just in
technology end of it.

*That I think I see mangers and administrators who feel it just as much as
fresh graduates, but from the other side.  They feel their understanding
of technology and shifts in the information ecosystem is atrophying and
that these kids keep showing up talking about discovery layers, analytics,
solr, and web services when what they think all they know is opacs, gate
counts, rdbms, and consortial agreements.

*And I gave the students a pep talk.  I.e. they're smart, they're going to
get good jobs, and that they have gobs and gobs to contribute.  And I see
this every time we meet or they turn in an assignment.

While I *will* continue to aspire to be in a boy band, I loved and will
use the idea of emphasizing that you can always get into technology, there
is no aging out.

As indicated above, I've learned a lot from these discussions and plan to
try to put what I can into practice.

I'm responding specifically to this thread in the tapestry because it
resonates with my feeling about education in general.  I once was in a
setting/talk with Doris Betts and she was griping about how kids are
taught to write and read in many classrooms and homes.  Educators begin
with the spelling and grammar and what you're doing wrong.  When educators
should be imparting the fun, the *opening of the door* that written
communication offers.  It's playful, it's liberating, it's escape, it's
transfer of wisdom and emotion.  Get them hooked and only then worry about
the whys and wherefores.

The deal for me is that applications and the systems that undergird them
empower us to do more than we can without them.  They support human
endeavor.  Like written language they can be playful, liberating, escape,
or support the transfer of information (and wisdom?).  If we learn the fun
and useful stuff first, we get hooked.  After you're hooked, then you can
and may even want to follow up with the whys and wherefores.

Some of those whys and wherefores include mathematics, logic, and even
circuit design (honestly I didn't really feel completely on solid footing
until I dealt with logic gates and could map those to on and off).
Knowing, later, that there were people doing the things I did and that
they had language and theory was something I was ready for. It made
programming courses seem not like work but like pulling away the screen
and letting me see inside.

There are many paths to technology.  Mine was being lazy.  Being certain
there had to be a way to make a machine do the clearly redundant work I
was being asked to do in a technical services department.

Getting that these things support *us* (until skynet, of course).  That
the virtual world is really a physical world.  That you can do it.  These
are the things that serve one well when beginning in IT.

Of course, I've also come to believe that like all systems, we're good at
them when we learn to think like them.  And that can be bad and even
dangerous.  I tend to do apply a specific brand of logic to a lot of
problems that might be better resolved via poetry.  Remembering that the
things we develop support human endeavor is something that serves us well
later in our careers when we're journey or even expert.   I meet too
many IT folks who serve the machines and forget why they're doing so.

Thanks so much for all your help and please feel free to keep weaving the
thread (or hit me directly if you want to keep it off-list for any of the
various reasons that may occur to you; say getting the impression this
isn't the right venue).


On 2/22/13 2:09 PM, Wilhelmina Randtke wrote:

The math you get in an introductory programming class is 4th grade math:
add, subtract, divide, multiply, mod.  It isn't the stuff that matters for
big structural problems.  And it's not practical.  For a few numbers, I
do it faster with a calculator.  For many numbers, I can do it quickly
a spreadsheet.  If I want to print Hello World I can just type it into a
text editor, or write it with a pencil.  Why bother to write a program and
fuss with a compiler?

Pretty much the whole entire entry level programming class for the average
class covers using code to do things that you can do much more easily
without code.  Even a programmer would just use a calculator to add some
numbers.  It's the opposite of useful.

What to start with instead is an open question.  When I was a child,
Silicon Beach Software released WorldBuilder.  This was something like a
developer tool to make the kind of games Infocom made after they put
pictures in 

[CODE4LIB] back to minorities question, seeking guidance

2013-02-14 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
Hi Folks,

I'm teaching systems analysis at SILS (UNC CH) this semester.

Though the course is required for the IS degree, it's not required for the
LS degree.

However, the majority of my students this semester are LS.  And the vast
majority are women.

Apropos of the part of the thread that dealt with numbers:

For those of you who came into this community and at some point went
through a MSLS or MSIS program I am wondering if there are things I could
try to do that might have an impact on better aligning the ratio of men to
women in code4lib and the technology end of the field in general to that
in the general population?

Was there a moment of clarity?  A person who said or modeled the right
thing?  A project that helped uncover a skill you didn't know you had?

And, I am not just interested in what I can do through one class, but also
what the curriculum and school could do more holistically.



[CODE4LIB] new social activity for tonight

2013-02-13 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
Duke v UNC, see:


Re: [CODE4LIB] anti-harassment policy for code4lib?

2012-11-27 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
It should be low barrier and low risk for individuals to tell
us/someone when they feel uncomfortable.   Hopefully with enough
detail to allow for remediation/change.

Riffing from Naomi, and others, about the worry that people might be both
upset and not know how to proceed:

We have enough clearly lovely people in the community that I wonder if we
couldn't find a couple or more that could be identified as
ombudspersonesque types on a per-conference basis.  A person or persons,
identified several times during the conference ,and with other directory
information (email) one could go to with the guarantee of anonymity who
could at a minimum listen and if desired try to constructively deal with
the situation.  

I'll say that at my first conference I was somewhat startled by the back
channel chatter.  It took me a while to understand, parse, and not worry
so much about it...and then to take some gems from it.


Re: [CODE4LIB] Q: Discovery products and authentication (esp Summon)

2012-10-24 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
Hi All,

We're, it seems, fairly unique, at least amongst the respondents on this
list.   And I completely understand that folks will disagree with our
decision.  But we do encourage (promote) an interface that forces
off-campus authentication to our Summon instance.  Of course, if one knows
how the host pattern works, it's pretty easy to get to UNC's Summon page
without authenticating (  And
we've done nothing to discourage generic use other than failing to promote

The decision was one that was taken only after a great deal of discussion.
 And one we would need to revisit if we looked to Summon (or some other
product) as a catalog+periodical literature hybrid.  Right now we have
separate discovery layers (yet another interesting, protracted, and
continuing conversation). Here's the email that went to staff, see below.

Hi all,

I wanted to inform everyone of a decision that has been taken, and more
importantly, communicate the reasons behind that decision.

Summon (Articles+) is a product from Serials Solutions that enables our
users to search across the vast majority of our licensed electronic

At UNC (and we seem to be unique at this time) we have chosen to send our
off-campus users directly from their search to an authentication page,
prior to being delivered to the page where they see the results of their
search.  This potentially can feel like an unnecessary step and can be
perceived as a barrier, because *anyone* from off-campus may search a
Summon site and see results.

There are several motivations for our approach:

1.  Restricted results:

Serials Solutions engages in agreements with publishers for their content.
Most publishers permit Serials Solutions to share the citation level
information with any potential user (affiliates and non-affiliates), only
restricting download/use of the document/pdf to affiliates.

However, there are some major vendors who do not permit their content to
be seen by non-affiliates.  One of these is ISI who license Web of
Science a massive source of searchable content.

That is to say, from off-campus Summon will only return a subset of all
results to non-affiliates.

Affiliates, in this case, means anyone on campus, including walk-ins, and
anyone who authenticates from off-campus.

If you are off-campus, and have not authenticated, you will not see the
full result set that you would see on-campus.  I found this out personally
when I did a search from home that I had done earlier on-campus, and few
of the items I'd identified from my office search appeared on the screen.
I was momentarily flummoxed. (Upon logging in, the expected results did

2.  User interface issues:

If you are off-campus, and do an unauthenticated Summon search, there is a
small addition to the webpage at the top, that says Off Campus?  Log in
to access full text and more content.  We have found that users do not
see this.

3.  Authentication happens anyhow:

To actually use resources, the off-campus user will be forced to
authenticate.  Authentication will have to happen, the question is when in
the process it happens.

So.  Given that to actually use a resource, users will have to
authenticate.  That authentication returns the richest result set.  And
that the mechanism to log in is challenging to find.  We put the
authentication step at the front of the process.

If you know someone who would like to explore our Summon interface from
off-campus, for instance a colleague at another institution who would like
to see ours, they can go directly to it, rather than beginning a search
from our home page.  The url for this is:

Please let Kim Vassiliadis or me know if you have questions or concerns.


On 10/24/12 9:19 PM, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:

Good to have some numbers, thanks!  Even taking your largest number, 25%
+ 12% == 37% coming from on-campus is definitely less than half, and not
'most' use being from on-campus -- which does not surprise me at all,
it's what I would expect.

This is an interesting discussion, I think. Thanks all. (Except for Ross
and that other guy having a flamewar about things entirely unrelated to
the topic! Just kidding, we love you Ross and that other guy. But yeah,
unrelated to the topic.)

From: Code for Libraries [CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] on behalf of David
Friggens []
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 9:15 PM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Q: Discovery products and authentication (esp

 a) most queries come from on-campus
 Really? Are people just assuming this, or do they actually have data?
 would surprise me for most contemporary american places of higher

For the last two months, 25.4% of our Summon traffic has come from the
IP addresses we've given as on campus, according to the stats
Serials Solutions provides. 

Re: [CODE4LIB] U of Baltimore, Final Usability Report, link resolvers -- MIA?

2012-09-05 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
We've also gone with one-click for the reasons outlined in the NCSU report.


On 9/5/12 9:04 AM, Emily Lynema wrote:

Yes, there were (we used 360 Link during the testing). This is one of the
reasons we turned on 1-Click about 6 months ago and have been fairly
pleased with the results.



Date:Tue, 4 Sep 2012 10:58:28 -0400
From:Jimmy Ghaphery
Subject: Re: U of Baltimore, Final Usability Report, link resolvers --

Also the NC State study on Summon is worth mentioning. If memory serves
there was consistent issues with the last mile in getting to the resource.

On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 10:48 AM, Matthew LeVan

 It's like a google search challenge!  Looks like they changed their
 home link patterns...



 On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Jonathan Rochkind

  Hi helpful code4lib community, at one point there was a report online
  David Walker tells me the report at that location included findings
  SFX and/or other link resolvers.
  I'm really interested in reading it. But it's gone from that location,
  I'm not sure if it's somewhere else (I don't have a title/author to
  for other than that URL, which is not in google cache or internet
  Is anyone reading this familiar with the report? Perhaps one of the
  authors is reading this, or someone reading it knows one of the
  can be put me in touch?  Or knows someone likely in the relevant dept
  ubalt and can be put me in touch? Or has any other information about
  report or ways to get it?

Jimmy Ghaphery
Head, Library Information Systems
VCU Libraries

Emily Lynema
Associate Department Head
Information Technology, NCSU Libraries

[CODE4LIB] visualize website

2012-08-30 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
Hi Folks,

We're doing a survey of our web content and I'm looking for visualization
tools.  The content is on a redhat box served up by apache.

tree gives a nice, but hard to interact with, view of the file system.

Anyone recommend a tool or set of tools they like?


[CODE4LIB] clarification about file visualization

2012-08-30 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
Hi Folks,

My query may have been poorly expressed...

What we have is a webserver with 64,665 files (html, css, js, jpg, you get
the idea) and lots of directories with subdirectories.

The goal is to be able to conveniently take all that in in a way that
makes it pretty simple to see/navigate (say for a public services staff
member tasked with doing a survey of the old content) so that we can get a
handle on what's there (prior to say, moving from a php+html template
approach to a CMS).  It's about exploring the website from under the hood.

In my limited imagination it might look like: the document tree
represented in xml as viewed through a web browser.  Expanding/contracting
nodes (and being able to recursively explode the view at at any node).
Maybe choose to hide things like image, css, and js files.  Annotation
would be lovely (say at a subdirectory be able to say: this one's old and
needs to go, this one we keep as is, this one needs to be reworked
entirely).  And in an ideal world state could be preserved...if you'd
expanded/contracted chunks as you were exploring, you could come back
later and be where you were in your exploration.

tree expresses the file system as (strangely enough) a tree, but the
output is not interactive and it's huge and unwieldy to deal with.  If you
find a subdirectory that's full of thousands of files that are irrelevant
to the task of getting a handle on the overall content, they're on the
screen and you page and page down and eventually lose track of where they
are in the directory hierarchy.

I'm more interested in how other shops help users understand a huge old
webserver's content than focusing on a specific tool such as the one my
brain imagines.

Thanks for the feedback so far!


[CODE4LIB] re-advertising two *upgraded* analyst positions

2012-08-01 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
Hi Folks,

We've re-evaluated our positions and in order to better align them with
the work required, have upgraded the competency level...with a
corresponding jump in salary.

Come work with UNC Libraries!  The two journey position announcements
are available here:


Tim Shearer

Head, Applications Development Team
The University Library
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

[CODE4LIB] two developer positions at UNC in Chapel Hill

2012-05-30 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
Come join the library systems department at UNC Chapel Hill!

We are seeking strong candidates for two entry-level application developer
positions.  Mostly it's LAMP stack work, both PHP and Python (Django).
One of the two positions will work closely on our transition to Drupal in
addition to more general development efforts.

The hiring salary for both is in the $45,000-50,000 range.

The location, campus, libraries, and department are great.  This is a
terrific opportunity to grow as a developer, working with technically
strong colleagues in a creative and fairly large team environment.

Please feel free to contact me with questions.


Tim Shearer

Head, Applications Development Team
The University Library
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

[CODE4LIB] breakout topics c4l12

2012-02-13 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
Hi All,

I meant to write down the breakout topics from both tues and wed, but

Did anyone?  And if so, would you forward to me off-list?

I would also like to throw out my thanks to the organizers and others who
made it such a successful and productive conference!


[CODE4LIB] unc-duke game

2012-02-08 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
See the social activities page.

[CODE4LIB] formatting citations question

2011-12-12 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
Hi All,

We have a popular service:

Essentially it provides citation genre (journal article, chapter,
monograph) based web forms and allows users to fill them in and then see a
citation formatted in various styles.

Regardless of how folks feel about that as a service, I'm interested in
exploring better ways to do it, and why reinvent the wheel?

I'm looking for perspectives on (or existing projects that use)
citeproc-js to process web form input (and potentially also to unpack and
style COinS).

Thanks for any advice or pointers.


[CODE4LIB] preconference interest? Geo

2011-11-14 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
Hi Folks,

King of the last minute here.

We're making progress on a number of fronts with things geo  but we want
to engage in a wider conversation.  To share what we're doing and to find
out what other folks are doing.

For us, these geo things are lighter weight than true GIS.

Here are some (moderately artificial) categories of geo that we're
exploring/tackling at UNC:

Geobrowse:  This is our approach to presenting geo-tagged objects,
presented as points in an interactive map presentation (1)

Geosearch:  This is our approach to supporting search of geo-referenced
objects (historic maps, data sets) via a map interface. (2)

Image access: How to provide access (presentation on a map, in Google
Earth, to GIS applications) to geo-referenced images (ortho
photos/digitized historic maps) (3)

Workflows: geotagging objects (points), georeferencing images (4)

Other tools: E.g. Omeka+Neatline; Viewshare (5)

My questions to you...
Would you like to see a geo pre-conference?
What's missing?
If the answer is yes, (w|c)ould you (please) help?

Here's doodle poll, it would be helpful to know where to focus the time if
we do this.  Please include what's missing in the comments.  And please
contact me if you have expertise you can offer.


1. geobrowsse
@UNC: ATOM, Django, Solr, OpenLayers

2. Geosearch
Described well here:
@UNC: ATOM, Django, PostGIS, OpenLayers

3. Access 
One interface:
We're really trying to figure this out now.  Workflow pretty good, access
not resolved.

4. Workflows
@UNC: Geonames, Tile Map Service, GDAL, ArcGIS

5. Tools

Re: [CODE4LIB] FW: Drupal developer position, UNC Chapel Hill

2011-10-12 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
Hi Dave,

The person in this position is likely to need regular face to face contact
with stakeholders and so working remotely wouldn't be an ideal fit in this


On 10/11/11 12:47 PM, David Mayo wrote:

Is this position possibly open to remote applicants.

- Dave Mayo

On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 11:42 AM, Shearer, Timothy J

 Hi Folks,

 We're hiring a Drupal+ developer.

 See below:


 Tim Shearer

 Head, Applications Development Team
 The University Library
 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

 Library Systems Department

 Working Title: Applications Analyst
 Position Number: 17022
 Salary Range: $39,816 - $98,718
 Closing Date: October 26, 2011

 As a member of the Web Unit in the University Library's Systems
 Department, the Applications Analyst provides applications programming,
 Web development expertise, and technical support for the UNC Library.
 primary purpose of this position is to work with content creators to
 meaningfully express their content in a content management system (CMS).
 In doing so, they will support staff in the creation and organization of
 information to effectively present tools, services, and information on

 Additionally, the Applications Analyst will perform development work on
 new and existing projects using a variety of programming and markup
 languages and other tools, including XHTML, CSS, XML, Perl, PHP, Python,
 JavaScript, and RDBMSs.

 The Applications Analyst will work with stakeholders to gather
 requirements and interpret these for implementation. They will model
 identify content types, and distill requirements into workable solutions
 that support the communication needs of the stakeholders and the
 of the content creators. They will then implement and maintain these
 workable solutions. Web presentation will have an emphasis on
 accessibility and usability.

 The Applications Analyst will prototype solutions prior to deployment.
 This prototyping may include working within administrative interfaces,
 templating, testing existing plugins, and native coding.

 The Applications Analyst documents code and workflow, and manages
 development within a versioning system.

 This position is being recruited for at the Contributing Competency
 under the Career Banding program. The hiring range for this position is
 $45,000 - $50,000.


 The analyst band requires a foundation of knowledge and skills in area
 specialization generally obtained from graduating from a four-year
 or university with nine semester hours in programming and one year of
 experience in business application consulting or development. Experience
 in the field of work related to the position's role may be substituted
 a year-for-year basis.

 Strong communication skills and a demonstrated ability to work in an
 environment to complete projects. Experience with content management
 systems (specifically Drupal). Experience with project management.
 Experience with traditional markup and related competencies such as
 CSS, XML, XSLT, JavaScript and an understanding of accessibility.
 Experience with interpreted scripting languages (e.g. Perl, PHP,
 relational database development and systems (e.g. MySQL, PostgreSQL).
 Experience with versioning software such as Subversion.

[CODE4LIB] FW: Drupal developer position, UNC Chapel Hill

2011-10-11 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
Hi Folks,

We're hiring a Drupal+ developer.

See below:


Tim Shearer

Head, Applications Development Team
The University Library
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Library Systems Department

Working Title: Applications Analyst
Position Number: 17022
Salary Range: $39,816 - $98,718
Closing Date: October 26, 2011

As a member of the Web Unit in the University Library's Systems
Department, the Applications Analyst provides applications programming,
Web development expertise, and technical support for the UNC Library. The
primary purpose of this position is to work with content creators to
meaningfully express their content in a content management system (CMS).
In doing so, they will support staff in the creation and organization of
information to effectively present tools, services, and information on the

Additionally, the Applications Analyst will perform development work on
new and existing projects using a variety of programming and markup
languages and other tools, including XHTML, CSS, XML, Perl, PHP, Python,
JavaScript, and RDBMSs.

The Applications Analyst will work with stakeholders to gather
requirements and interpret these for implementation. They will model data,
identify content types, and distill requirements into workable solutions
that support the communication needs of the stakeholders and the workflow
of the content creators. They will then implement and maintain these
workable solutions. Web presentation will have an emphasis on
accessibility and usability.

The Applications Analyst will prototype solutions prior to deployment.
This prototyping may include working within administrative interfaces,
templating, testing existing plugins, and native coding.

The Applications Analyst documents code and workflow, and manages
development within a versioning system.

This position is being recruited for at the Contributing Competency Level
under the Career Banding program. The hiring range for this position is
$45,000 - $50,000.


The analyst band requires a foundation of knowledge and skills in area of
specialization generally obtained from graduating from a four-year college
or university with nine semester hours in programming and one year of
experience in business application consulting or development. Experience
in the field of work related to the position's role may be substituted on
a year-for-year basis.

Strong communication skills and a demonstrated ability to work in an team
environment to complete projects. Experience with content management
systems (specifically Drupal). Experience with project management.
Experience with traditional markup and related competencies such as XHTML,
CSS, XML, XSLT, JavaScript and an understanding of accessibility.
Experience with interpreted scripting languages (e.g. Perl, PHP, Python),
relational database development and systems (e.g. MySQL, PostgreSQL).
Experience with versioning software such as Subversion.

Re: [CODE4LIB] Job Posting: Digital Library Repository Developer, Boston Public Library (Boston, MA)

2011-09-28 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
Don't you mean tennant4oclc?  He cannot be 4lib.


On 9/28/11 3:02 PM, Peter Murray wrote:

On Sep 28, 2011, at 2:32 PM, Michael B. Klein wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 11:29 AM, Michael J. Giarlo wrote:
 P.S. Perhaps those who take issue with Mr. Tennant's listserv
 etiquette and ethics can take this up privately?

Clearly we need a mailing list to discuss this matter.  tennant4lib

Peter Murray peter.mur...@lyrasis.orgtel:+1-678-235-2955
Ass't Director, Technology Services Development
LYRASIS   --Great Libraries. Strong Communities. Innovative Answers.
The Disruptive Library Technology Jester

[CODE4LIB] developer position at UNC Chapel Hill Libraries

2011-09-22 Thread Shearer, Timothy J

A reminder that we have an available full time, permanent position in the
Systems Department.  The base job is fairly traditional web programming
(experience with for example PHP, Python, or even Cold Fusion), but there
are exciting things happening and the position may evolve depending on the
successful applicant and future work needs.



Library Systems Department

Working Title:  Applications Analyst
Position Number:   36178
Salary Range: $39,816 - $59,708
Closing Date: September 27, 2011

As a member of the Web Unit in the University Library's Systems
Department, the Applications Analyst provides applications programming,
Web development expertise, and technical support for the UNC Library.
The primary purpose of this position is to perform development work on
new and existing projects using a variety of programming and markup
languages and other tools, including XHTML, CSS, XML, Perl, PHP, Python,
JavaScript, and RDBMSs.
The Applications Analyst maintains, creates, and revises content and
code including web pages, database driven sites, and administrative
interfaces. The analyst may perform development work relating to content
management systems. The analyst provides training and assistance to
staff on managing web resources housed in traditional web pages, content
management systems, blogs, and wikis.

The Applications Analyst investigates new developments in Web technology
and evaluates their appropriateness for the presentation of online
public services and content, contributes to the collaborative efforts of
Library Web developers, works to promote and develop standards for
application development, stays abreast of emerging industry trends in
application development, and tests the usability of new technologies
relating to support of Library web initiatives.

The Applications Analyst documents code and workflow, and manages
development within a versioning system.

This position is being recruited for at the Contributing Competency
Level under the Career Banding program. The hiring range for this
position is $45,000 - $50,000.

[CODE4LIB] Applications Analyst job UNC Chapel Hill

2011-09-08 Thread Shearer, Timothy J

 Library Systems Department

 Working Title:  Applications Analyst
 Position Number:   36178
 Salary Range: $39,816 - $59,708
 Closing Date: September 27, 2011

As a member of the Web Unit in the University Library's Systems
Department, the Applications Analyst provides applications programming,
Web development expertise, and technical support for the UNC Library.
The primary purpose of this position is to perform development work on
new and existing projects using a variety of programming and markup
languages and other tools, including XHTML, CSS, XML, Perl, PHP, Python,
 JavaScript, and RDBMSs.
The Applications Analyst maintains, creates, and revises content and
code including web pages, database driven sites, and administrative
interfaces. The analyst may perform development work relating to content
 management systems. The analyst provides training and assistance to
staff on managing web resources housed in traditional web pages, content
 management systems, blogs, and wikis.

The Applications Analyst investigates new developments in Web technology
 and evaluates their appropriateness for the presentation of online
public services and content, contributes to the collaborative efforts of
 Library Web developers, works to promote and develop standards for
application development, stays abreast of emerging industry trends in
application development, and tests the usability of new technologies
relating to support of Library web initiatives.

The Applications Analyst documents code and workflow, and manages
development within a versioning system.

This position is being recruited for at the Contributing Competency
Level under the Career Banding program. The hiring range for this
position is $45,000 - $50,000.

Re: [CODE4LIB] If you were starting over, what would you learn and how would you do it?

2011-05-09 Thread Shearer, Timothy J

 But having actual users is a really different mode of working: you have
to figure out what the problem is (often the hardest part of a project)
and if your solution actually solves the problem or not.


Seconding Esme and several others.  Technology work supports human
endeavor.  Supporting users in a way that helps them and is sustainable
given organizational realities is very hard to do.

It took me longer than it should have to let go of my own sense of
elegance, appealing architecture, and technology predilections and to
instead focus on the work of others with an eye toward technology trends
and the future.

If you work with and for users as you practice, you should learn firsthand
systems analysis lessons.  You will learn what *they* need and how to
communicate to them what they may not know they can have.

If you think about how what you produce will be used when you are not
there, you will learn lessons about sustainability.

And any work you do will teach you about working within constraints.

As Esme points out, this can come from helping one person solve a fairly
small problem.

Also, you may want to spend some time coming to grips with the technology
landscape.  There are all kinds of career paths...

Library automation (no snickering, please)
Humanities computing
Project management
Systems administration
Information retrieval (relevance, anyone?)
Database design and administration

Knowing where you want to be in the next five or ten years can help you
decide what toys to play with as you practice.

A skill you seem to have already learned is to ask others for help.

Lots of us have fun in this field, hope you find your way!


[CODE4LIB] Applications Analyst (time-limited position) UNC Chapel Hill

2011-04-19 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
Library Systems Department

 Position:  Applications Analyst
 Position Number:   60174
 Salary Range: $39,816 - $98,718
 Closing Date: April 29, 2011

Essential Skills, Knowledge and Abilities
The University Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill is seeking an applications analyst to join the application
development team in the Library Systems department.

This new full time, time-limited position works on a grant funded
project.  The analyst will develop a sustainable model into which
content and functionality from an existing system will be migrated.  The
 existing system, Russia Beyond Russia - Core Module (RBR-CM), provides
access to records created from a transcribed copy of a catalog of
Russian Diaspora materials collected by André Savine. More about the
Andre Savine Collection collection is available from the project site
[].  By the end of the project the
analyst will have successfully replicated core functionality of the
existing system [] and have migrated
 the content without loss.  Time permitting the analyst may also work
with stakeholders to create and document content models and workflows
for other content types found in the Savine collection.

The existing system is a java application backed by an eXist database
that additionally provides access to scanned images stored on a file
server.  The new system will provide core functionality and additionally
 will allow library staff to change the content model and to edit
content without technical mediation.

The successful candidate should have good communication skills and the
ability to work collaboratively with stakeholders and other members of
the department to solve problems. Using strong analytic skills, the
analyst will migrate the application and content, and will version,
document, maintain, and enhance the new system.

This position is being recruited for at the Journey Competency Level
under the Career Banding program. The hiring range for this position is $
 59,000 - $64,000.

 Work Schedule
Monday - Friday, 8:00a.m. - 5:00p.m.

The analyst band requires a foundation of knowledge and skills in area
of specialization generally obtained from graduating from a four-year
college or university with nine semester hours in programming and one
year of experience in business application consulting or development.
Experience in the field of work related to the position's role may be
substituted on a year-for-year basis. Special note: This position may
exclusively require a bachelor's degree in a discipline related to the
specific functions of the job. Please refer to the Essential Skills,
Knowledge and Abilities section of this posting for more detailed
Experience with CONTENTdm, and Apache Solr. The analyst should have an
understanding of and experience with structured data stored in XML and
with Slavic languages including UTF-8 and transliteration, and will be
comfortable with Cyrillic script.

To Apply
To apply for SPA positions, use the Office of Human Resources ApplicantWeb
online application system
 The ApplicantWeb will guide you through the process of completing your
application online. Applicants will be able to create and save
applications, resumes and cover letters.
Positions are posted on the Library's web page until filled. For more
information on application procedures, applicants may contact:

Office of Human Resources
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
104 Airport Drive, CB #1045
Chapel Hill, NC  27514
(919) 962-2991

Re: [CODE4LIB] to link or not to link: PURLs

2011-01-27 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
Thanks Peter (and everyone), that's what I was fishing for.  We haven't
yet gone there, and this whole conversation has been very helpful.


On 1/26/11 6:48 PM, Peter Murray wrote:

So that will teach me to post a moderately controversial opinion, then
leave to take the kids out for a pizza dinner.

I agree with what has been said so far, an in particular with Jonathan's
latest e-mail below.  Abstraction layers are good.  Hiding abstraction
layers from users is even better.  If the best you can do is an external
Handle/PURL set-up, then it is better than nothing.  If you have some
control and institutional commitment to a URL space -- creating cool
URIs [1] to your content, if you will -- then by all means do that.  If
you can also attempt to future-proof your URL space with something like
ARKs [2], then I think it is the best of all worlds.



On Jan 26, 2011, at 6:23 PM, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
 What some in this thread are frowning on is having an abstraction
layer such that the persistent URL for your web page or resource is not
the URL that typical users see in their browser location bar when
viewing that resource or web page.
 If your abstraction layer can make that so, then I don't think anyone
in this thread would frown upon it.
 If your abstraction layer can't make that so... then I personally still
agree it's sometimes an appropriate solution, the best trade-off, an
acceptable evil. 
 But it's worth spending some time thinking about if you can set it up
to do that instead.
 Some shops have more technical capacity than others. If you are at a
shop that can't even do their own apache install, then you are pretty
much at the bottom of 'technical capacity' (which isn't an insult,
that's where some people are),  there isn't much of anything you can do,
and you should be telling your vendors that you want them to provide you
with software that does it right.  That's pretty much all you can do.
But STILL requires you to have enough understanding to tell the vendor
what 'right' is and know if they've done it or not. If you can't even do
that... well, you'll get what you get, so it goes.
 From: Code for Libraries [CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
Shearer, Timothy J []
 Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 5:45 PM
 Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] to link or not to link: PURLs
 Right, they are not the same, which is why I wondered if there was
 opposition to an abstraction layer in principle.
 A major problem for institutions who cannot afford to build is that they
 license systems.  Licensed systems are often less than ideal.
 When an institution is in that scenario it either doesn't have the
 resources to tweak the system or the system is so closed as to be
 un-tweakable (or both).
 So your options, unless I'm missing something, are to stick with the bad
 urls your system provides, or to invest in an abstraction layer.
 I realize that the abstraction layer doesn't solve many of the problems
 (SEO, harvested indexes, user's re-use from the object they are looking
 at), but it does seem to solve some problems.  Published urls (say in
 Worldcat, Open Library, and elsewhere).  Taking advantage of linked data
 locally when you do have resources (e.g, an enhancing interface that
 extends functionality, or a preservation layer where a persistent
 identifier in the form of links would be handy).
 mod_rewrite assumes Apache, and that you may configure it.
 So I'm wondering if an abstraction layer is frowned upon in principle
 opposed to specific dislike or PURLS or handles).
 And, even if it's not ideal, whether it still presents utility, even in
 less than ideal implementations.
 On 1/26/11 5:09 PM, Robert Forkel wrote:
 as far as i can see, dislike of handles and PURLs doesn't mean
 commitment to one system which will work in perpetuity, but only
 commitment to own one domain in perpetuity. once you commit to that
 you may create an abstraction/redirection layer with mod_rewrite :)
 On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 11:01 PM, Shearer, Timothy J wrote:
 Peter, are you opposed to an abstraction layer in principle?  My
 of your response is that there's an assumption that there is one
 and that it will work in perpetuity.  We are in the unfortunate but I
 think fairly common position of having multiple systems, of aspiring
 pare that down, and fully expectant that we'll need to migrate at some
 point even if we find perfection in the near to mid term.  Having a
 abstraction layer would make those transitions easier on our users,
 the world of linked data in general.
 On 1/26/11 4:51 PM, Peter Murray wrote:
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:24

Re: [CODE4LIB] to link or not to link: PURLs

2011-01-26 Thread Shearer, Timothy J
Peter, are you opposed to an abstraction layer in principle?  My reading
of your response is that there's an assumption that there is one system
and that it will work in perpetuity.  We are in the unfortunate but I
think fairly common position of having multiple systems, of aspiring to
pare that down, and fully expectant that we'll need to migrate at some
point even if we find perfection in the near to mid term.  Having a link
abstraction layer would make those transitions easier on our users, and on
the world of linked data in general.


On 1/26/11 4:51 PM, Peter Murray wrote:

On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:24 PM, Erik Hetzner wrote:
 At Wed, 26 Jan 2011 13:57:42 -0600,
 Pottinger, Hardy J. wrote:
 Hi, this topic has come up for discussion with some of my
 colleagues, and I was hoping to get a few other perspectives. For a
 public interface to a repository and/or digital library, would you
 make the handle/PURL an active hyperlink, or just provide the URL in
 text form? And why?
 My feeling is, making the URL an active hyperlink implies confidence
 in the PURL/Handle, and provides the user with functionality they
 expect of a hyperlink (right or option-click to copy, or bookmark).
 A permanent URL should be displayed in the address bar of the user¹s
 browser. Then, when users do what they are going to do anyway (select
 the link in the address bar  copy it), it will work.

...which is why I intensely dislike Handles and PURLs.  Man-up
(person-up? byte-up?) and make a long-term commitment to own the URLs you
mint with your digital asset management system.

Peter Murray peter.mur...@lyrasis.orgtel:+1-678-235-2955
Ass't Director, Technology Services Development
Lyrasis   --Great Libraries. Strong Communities. Innovative Answers.
The Disruptive Library Technology Jester