Second call: please note extended deadline.

The Association for Computers in the Humanities will be sponsoring an
exhibit table on Digital Humanities Publication at the 2010 American
Library Association midwinter meeting (January 15-18, 2010). We are
seeking expressions of interest from interested digital humanities
projects and publications who would like to have a presence at the ALA
meeting but cannot afford an exhibit space on their own.

This is an excellent opportunity to present your project to a very
wide audience, and to participate in the ALA exhibit at low cost and
with simple logistics. (Those who have been exhibitors at ALA before
will know how much that is worth!) We hope the exhibit will be a
showcase for diverse and important digital humanities work and

The total costs of the table (which is a "small press table") will be
approximately $3000 (including internet and other services). These
costs will be shared among the participating exhibitors based on level
of presence (how much exhibit time you would like),  project size, and
ability to pay. The exhibit runs for three full days, and the table
can accommodate two or three projects at a time, so in principle we
have about 12-18 half-day slots, but we can also allocate time in
other ways, depending on need. In addition, participants may leave
brochures and other materials at the table for distribution. We expect
to have someone staffing the booth at all times who will be able to
answer general questions about ACH, digital humanities, and the
projects being exhibited. We will also have at least one computer at
the table at all times with links to all participating projects.

If you are interested in participating, please send email to
  with the following information, by September 15, 2009:

--The name of your project and a brief description of what you would
be exhibiting
--How much time would your project be able to have someone present at
the table? (e.g. a half day, two full days, etc.)
--What date(s) would you be interested in attending? (please indicate
any specific constraints)

Members of the ACH executive council will review the applications.
Once we have an initial sense of the level of interest, we will
contact applicants (by the end of September) to determine what the
cost will be and give applicants an opportunity to confirm their

Best wishes, Julia

Julia Flanders
President, ACH
Director, Women Writers Project
Brown University

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