Issue 12 of the Code4Lib Journal is now available. The contents are as follows:

Editorial Introduction: The Code4Lib Journal isn’t just for Coders
Ron Peterson
Although the primary goal of the Code4Lib Journal is to provide practical 
solutions for technologists working in libraries, it has a lot to offer 
non-technologists. Technology affects all of the work that our libraries are 
doing and will define what the future of libraries will look like.

Practical Ways to Promote and Support Collaborative Data Analysis Projects
Joyce Chapman and Cory Lown
This article is an appeal to technically-oriented library staff to initiate 
collaborative, bottom-up data-analysis efforts across their libraries. We 
discuss successful strategies used at North Carolina State University (NCSU) 
Libraries for initiating cross-departmental outreach for data-analysis work, as 
well as structuring and storing data, and disseminating findings. We present 
several specific examples of collaborative data-analysis projects undertaken at 
NCSU Libraries.

How To Build a Computer Availability Map
Kim Griggs
Most libraries house one or more computer labs. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able 
to let your patrons view how many and what type of computers are available at 
any given time? Well, now you can. Follow along in this tutorial that takes you 
through the stages of implementing a real-time computer availability map that 
works for a mobile and full website. The complete code package is provided 
the GPL v3 license, and is available at:

Creating Library Websites with Joomla: Not Too Big, Not Too Small, Just Right
Ellen Bahr and Matt Speed
Many organizations, including libraries, are turning to content management 
systems to simplify the management of their websites. Alfred University‘s 
Herrick Memorial Library recently implemented a new website using Joomla, an 
open-source content management system. While Drupal has received significant 
attention in the library community, Joomla may be a more practical choice for 
some libraries. The purpose of this paper is to share our experience with 
so that other libraries can more easily evaluate its suitability to their 

Improving the Drupal User Experience
Rachel Vacek, Sean Watkins, Christina M. Morris, and Derek Keller
Drupal is a powerful, but complex, Web Content Management System, being adopted 
by many libraries. Installing Drupal typically involves adding additional 
modules for flexibility and increased functionality. Although installing 
additional modules does increase functionality, it inevitably complicates 
usability. At the University of Houston Libraries, the Web Services department 
researched what modules work well together to accomplish a simpler interface 
while simultaneously providing the flexibility and advanced tools needed to 
create a successful user experience within Drupal. This article explains why 
particular modules were chosen or developed, how the design enhanced the user 
experience, how the CMS architecture was created, and how other library systems 
were integrated into Drupal.

Using Amazon S3 in Digital Preservation in a mid sized academic library: A case 
study of CCSU ERIS digital archive system
Edward Iglesias and Wittawat Meesangnil
With the increasing numbers of born digital and digitized objects in academic 
libraries from sources such as digital collections and institutional 
repositories many academic libraries need to seriously consider implementing 
some form of digital preservation system. In 2009 the Central Connecticut State 
University Library decided to use Amazon S3 for digital preservation storage 
despite some drawbacks. The library has developed a system, ERIS Digital 
Archive, to manage all digital preservation processes and to make the system as 
compliant with the OAIS model and “Trustworthy Digital Repositories” as 

FRBRizing an E-Library : Migrating from Dublin Core to FRBR and MODS
Jeremy Nelson and Alan Cleary
Western State College in Gunnison, Colorado developed an open-source eCataloger 
Framework, based on Dublin Core metadata, on Google’s App Engine to manage and 
serve electronic resources to the library’s patrons. Pressed to find new 
solutions for failing manual workflows for serials and government document 
resource management, the eCataloger Framework was extended to FRBR to automate 
and enhance serials management and government documents receiving. Based on 
successfully FRBRizing the eCataloger, Western State College converted their 
e-Library management from Dublin Core to FRBR and MODS. This paper examines the 
processes of each of these implementations using Python, AJAX, and jQuery, the 
details of the FRBR data model, including using FRBRoo, and the successful user 
interface supported by a FRBRized catalog.

Electronic Resources Security: A look at Unauthorized Users
Heather Tones White
Much of the literature written on electronic resources security focuses on 
systematic downloading.  However, when the unauthorized use from two cases of 
stolen identities at the University of Saskatchewan was studied in more depth, 
different pattern emerged.  By analyzing proxy server data, we found that the 
unauthorized use was coming from all over the world, was focused on science, 
technology and medical resources, and included both small-scale and excessive 
downloading.  This article outlines some steps that libraries can take to 
and prevent small-scale unauthorized use and implications as libraries move 
towards Shibboleth authentication.

Building up a collaborative article database out of Open Source components
Stefan Kandera and Markus Fischer
Members of a Swiss, Austrian and German network of health care libraries 
to build a collaborative article reference database. Since different libraries 
were cataloging articles on their own, and many national health care journals 
can not be found in other repositories (free or commercial) the goal was to 
merge existing collections and to enable participants to catalog articles on 
their own. As of November, 2010, the database contains 45,000 
article references from 17 libraries. In this paper we will discuss how the 
software concept evolved and the problems we encountered during this process.

Subject Guides & More: Creatively Transforming an Open Source Management System
Gemma Blackburn and Mary Walker
This article describes the implementation of SubjectsPlus to manage the subject 
guides at the Wichita State University Libraries. The decision to implement an 
open source solution, the implementation process, and customizations to the 
software are discussed. In addition to the subject guides, SubjectsPlus is also 
used to manage course specific and miscellaneous topic guides, the library 
directory, and database links. The article also covers the reception of 

SubjectsPlus by the librarians and teaching faculty.

WattJournals: Towards an Economic and Lightweight Search Tool Alternative for 
Libraries To Help Their Students and Researchers Keep Up-To-Date
Santiago Chumbe and Roddy Macleod
Learn how Heriot-Watt University Library’s WattJournals could be just the 
tool your patrons need to efficiently find the content that your library 
subscribes to. Built on top of a RESTful search API created by the 
JISC-sponsored JournalTOCs Project, WattJournals is a toolkit for connecting 
fulltext articles to the people who need them. This article provides a 
overview of the system, showing how it uses citation data pulled from the 
JournalTOCs table of contents awareness service to provide access to just your 
library’s subscriptions.

Using an Agile-based Approach to Develop a Library Mobile Website
Matt Critchlow, Lia Friedman, and Dan Suchy
This article discusses how the UC San Diego Libraries developed and implemented 
a mobile website by giving a small collaborative group decision-making 
for all of the library stakeholders. The group used rapid development and 
testing cycles with an understanding that delivering a fast and “good enough” 
service was preferable over slow and seemingly perfect development.

A Method for Visualizing Transaction Logs of a Faceted OPAC
Xi Niu and Bradley M. Hemminger
The authors introduce a method for visualizing user transaction logs from a 
library catalog application. Simple visualization supporting intuitive or 
qualitative analysis to quickly make sense of complicated patterns can be a 
useful supplement or alternative to more common quantitative analysis. To this 
end, a visual flowchart is created illustrating an individual user session. 
visualization can be used to qualitatively grasp user behavior within the 
application, possibly as an aid to identifying patterns or clusters of use. 
These flowcharts are created by automatically pre-processing apache transaction 

logs into an XML representation of meaningful user actions, which are then 
converted via JavaScript in a web browser to HTML table based flowcharts. The 
particular toolkit introduced is named Visualization for Understanding 
Transaction Logs (VUTL), and is available with an open source license. The 
toolkit has been prototyped with logs from the catalog applications of several 
academic and one public library.

The Integrated Library System’s APIs, an Open-source Web 2.0 Catalog, and 
University Computing Live Happily Ever After
Birong Ho
It is widely accepted that students prefer a library catalog that offers the 
features that they find using Google or Amazon. One of these features would be 
dynamically delivered services. This article describes the obstacles faced 
trying to integrate traditional integrated library system (ILS) architecture 
with an open source Web 2.0 search interface, and outlines the path to a 
solution for delivering user services such as the hold and recall functions.

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