Re: an old thread!searchin/codenameone-discussions/statement$20expected%7Csort:relevance/codenameone-discussions/jBNoy1bSKM4/ZrW5in1dCwAJ

This is still an extant problem that crops up randomly; today I got to the 
bottom of it.  The problem
is that the asm package is generating duplicate labels, albeit in different 
classes.  Of itself this
is probably not a problem, but parpavm maintains a static global list of 
used labels.  When one
of these unused but duplicate labels appears at the end of a function, 
xcode is unhappy.

Here's the direct evidence from one of my recent builds

G:\temp\btest\build\dist\Launch-src>grep -i "L590511187" *

> com_codename1_ui_Display.m:label_L590511187:
> online_game_commonCanvas.m:label_L590511187:
> online_game_commonCanvas.m:    if (ilocals_8_<ilocals_9_) /* IF_IMPLT 
> CustomJump */ goto label_L590511187;

The best way to fix it is not completely obvious - does this really need to 
be a global static set?  It seems
likely to me that the maximum scope of a label is a single method.

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