[CONF] Apache ActiveMQ Subscription Recovery Policy

2014-09-25 Thread Dejan Bosanac (Confluence)


Dejan Bosanac edited the page:

Subscription Recovery Policy   


 Policy Name 
 Sample Configuration 

 fixedSizedSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy maximumSize=1024/ 
 Keep a fixed amount of memory in RAM for message history which is evicted in time order. 

 fixedCountSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy maximumSize=100/ 
 Keep a fixed count of last messages. 

 Keep only the last message. 

 Disables message recovery. 

 queryBasedSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy query=JMSType = 'car' AND color = 'blue'/ 
 Perform a user specific query mechanism to load any message they may have missed. Details on message selectors are available here: http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.4/docs/api/javax/jms/Message.html

 timedSubscriptionRecoveryPolicy recoverDuration=6 / 
 Keep a timed buffer of messages around in memory and use that to recover new subscriptions. Recovery time is in milliseconds. 


[CONF] Apache ActiveMQ MQTT

2014-09-25 Thread Dejan Bosanac (Confluence)


Dejan Bosanac edited the page:



 Code Block



 transportConnector name=mqtt uri=mqtt://localhost:1883?transport.defaultKeepAlive=6/ 

 Message Prefetch 
 When MQTT client connects, it locally create JMS-like consumer to the broker. By default this consumer is created with prefetch size of 1 (message prefetching is explained here in more details). Usually, increasing message prefetch size can boost the performance as messages are dispatched to consumers in batches instead of waiting for the individual acknowledges. To increase prefetch size, you can useactiveMQSubscriptionPrefetch transport option, like 

 Code Block

transportConnector name=mqtt uri=mqtt://localhost:1883?transport.activeMQSubscriptionPrefetch=32766/

 Subscription Strategy 
 ActiveMQ is a JMS broker in its core, so there needs to be some mapping between MQTT subscriptions and JMS semantics. Subscriptions with QoS=0 (At Most Once) are directly mapped to plain JMS non-persistent topics. For reliable messaging, QoS=1 and QoS=2, by default subscriptions are transformed to JMS durable topic subscribers. This behaviour is desired in most scenarios. For some use cases, it is useful to map these subscriptions to virtual topics. Virtual topics provide a better scalability and are generally better solution if you want to use you MQTT subscribers over network of brokers. To change subscription 

svn commit: r923536 - in /websites/production/activemq/content: cache/main.pageCache mqtt.html subscription-recovery-policy.html

2014-09-25 Thread buildbot
Author: buildbot
Date: Thu Sep 25 14:20:52 2014
New Revision: 923536

Production update by buildbot for activemq


Modified: websites/production/activemq/content/cache/main.pageCache
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: websites/production/activemq/content/mqtt.html
--- websites/production/activemq/content/mqtt.html (original)
+++ websites/production/activemq/content/mqtt.html Thu Sep 25 14:20:52 2014
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' / 
rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' / 
+  script 
   script type=text/javascript 
@@ -93,9 +94,12 @@
 script class=theme: Default; brush: xml; gutter: false 
type=syntaxhighlighter![CDATA[ lt;transportConnector 
name=quot;mqtt+nioquot; uri=quot;mqtt+nio+ssl://localhost:1883quot;/gt;
 /div/divulliFor more details on using SSL with ActiveMQ see the 
following article (a shape=rect class=external-link 
href=http://activemq.apache.org/how-do-i-use-ssl.html;How do I use 
SSL/a)./li/ulh3 id=MQTT-WorkingwithDestinationswithMQTTWorking with 
Destinations with MQTT/h3pMQTT supports hierarchies and wildcards, though 
the delimiters and characters are different: - Here's the mapping:/pdiv 
class=table-wraptable class=confluenceTabletbodytrth colspan=1 
rowspan=1 class=confluenceThpfunction/p/thth colspan=1 
rowspan=1 class=confluenceThpActiveMQ/p/thth colspan=1 
rowspan=1 class=confluenceThpMQTT/p/th/trtrtd colspan=1 
rowspan=1 class=confluenceTdpseparator/p/tdtd colspan=1 
rowspan=1 class=confluenceTdpcode./code/p/tdtd colspan=1 
rowspan=1 class=confluenceTdpcode//code/p/td/trtrtd 
colspan=1 rowspan=1 class=confluenceTdpelement/p/t
 dtd colspan=1 rowspan=1 
class=confluenceTdpcode*/code/p/tdtd colspan=1 rowspan=1 
class=confluenceTdpcode+br clear=none/code/p/td/trtrtd 
colspan=1 rowspan=1 class=confluenceTdpsub tree/p/tdtd 
colspan=1 rowspan=1 class=confluenceTdpcodegt;/code/p/tdtd 
colspan=1 rowspan=1 class=confluenceTdpcode#br 
clear=none/code/p/td/tr/tbody/table/divpThese values are 
automatically transposed between clients using JMS/NMS/Stomp and clients using 
MQTTT. For example - a client subscribing to foo/#/bar would receive messages 
published on a JMS Topic of foo.blah.bar./ph3 
id=MQTT-MessagetransformationsMessage transformations/h3pMQTT messages 
are transformed into an JMS ByteMessage. Conversely, the body of any JMS 
Message is converted to a byte buffer to be the payload of an MQTT 
message./ph3 id=MQTT-KeepAliveKeep Alive/h3pWhen a client connects, 
it will send a keep-alive dur
 ation, usually defaulting to 10s. ActiveMQ will honor the keep-alive duration 
by setting up an Inactivity Monitor that allows a grace period of 1.5 * 
duration. After that grace period duration elapses a connection could be closed 
if there is no activity. A broker receiving a PINGREQ and sending PINGRESP is 
considered activity to keep the connection opened./ppIf a client sends a 
keep-alive value of 0, ActiveMQ will not set up an a shape=rect 
Monitor/a and connections will not be auto-shutdown due to inactivity. This 
however can lead to potentially leaky connections, so a default keep alive can 
be set on the server side (by an admin, for example) to not allow inactive 
connections to hang. This default keep alive would only be used if specified 
and if the client requests a keep-alive value of 0. The unit for the keep-alive 
value is milliseconds./ppTo enable a default, server-
 side MQTT keep alive:/pdiv class=code panel pdl style=border-width: 
1px;div class=codeContent panelContent pdl
-script class=theme: Default; brush: xml; gutter: false 
type=syntaxhighlighter![CDATA[lt;transportConnector name=quot;mqttquot; 
+script class=theme: Default; brush: xml; gutter: false 
type=syntaxhighlighter![CDATA[lt;transportConnector name=quot;mqttquot; 

[CONF] Apache ActiveMQ How can I monitor ActiveMQ

2014-09-25 Thread James Green (Confluence)


James Green edited the page:

How can I monitor ActiveMQ   

How can I monitor ActiveMQ
 Starting with ActiveMQ 5.8.0Jolokia is bundled which provides aRESTful interface to ActiveMQ's JMX capabilities. 
In ActiveMQ 4.x you can monitor the broker to see what destinations are being used, their activity along with connections and subscriptions using the following tools

 JMX and a JMX console such as jConsole 
The Web Console 
the Advisory Message feature (using JMS messages to monitor the system)
The Command Agent; ActiveMQ.Agent topic that you query for status
The Visualisation plug-in
The Statistics plug-in (from 5.3)

Third Party Tools

 jmstrans which can be used to continuously query ActiveMQ via JMX and write to a chosen output. For instance, write to a graphite database file which can then be used to graph trends over time and be queried by Nagios to alarm should your thresholds be exceeded. 
 ActiveMQ Monitor (AMon) 
 Apache ActiveMQBrowser 
 Hyperic HQ and Hyperic HQ Enterprise 
 FuseHQ (based on Hyperic HQ Enterprise)
 iTKO LISA Test 
 Geronimo Administration Console (JMS Resources)


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  This message was sent by Atlassian Confluence 5.0.3, Team Collaboration Software  

[CONF] Apache ActiveMQ How can I monitor ActiveMQ

2014-09-25 Thread James Green (Confluence)


James Green edited the page:

How can I monitor ActiveMQ   


 JMX and a JMX console such as jConsole 
The Web Console 
the Advisory Message feature (using JMS messages to monitor the system)
The Command Agent; ActiveMQ.Agent topic that you query for status
The Visualisation plug-in
The Statistics plug-in (from 5.3)

Third Party Tools

 jmstrans jmxtrans which can be used to continuously query ActiveMQ via JMX and write to a chosen output. For instance, write to a graphite database file which can then be used to graph trends over time and be queried by Nagios to alarm should your thresholds be exceeded.
 ActiveMQ Monitor (AMon) 
 Apache ActiveMQBrowser 
 Hyperic HQ and Hyperic HQ Enterprise 
 FuseHQ (based on Hyperic HQ Enterprise)
 iTKO LISA Test 
 Geronimo Administration Console (JMS Resources)


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  This message was sent by Atlassian Confluence 5.0.3, Team Collaboration Software  

[CONF] Apache ActiveMQ REST

2014-09-25 Thread James Green (Confluence)


James Green edited the page:


You can map a URI to the servlet and then use the relative part of the URI as the topic or queue name. e.g. you could HTTP POST to

 Code Block



Similarly you could perform a HTTP DELETE GET on the above URL to read from the same queue. In this case we will map the MessageServlet from ActiveMQ to the URI

 Code Block



For example, you can use wget to consume messages, like this:

 Code Block


wget --user admin --password admin --save-cookies cookies.txt --load-cookies cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies  http://localhost:8161/api/message/TEST1?type=queue

Also, if you plan to have multiple consumer using REST, it's advisable to set prefetch size to 1 so all consumers have an equal chance of getting the message. You can do that by passing a special parameter to the MessageServlet 

 Code Block


svn commit: r923543 - in /websites/production/activemq/content: cache/main.pageCache how-can-i-monitor-activemq.html rest.html

2014-09-25 Thread buildbot
Author: buildbot
Date: Thu Sep 25 15:20:55 2014
New Revision: 923543

Production update by buildbot for activemq


Modified: websites/production/activemq/content/cache/main.pageCache
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: websites/production/activemq/content/how-can-i-monitor-activemq.html
--- websites/production/activemq/content/how-can-i-monitor-activemq.html 
+++ websites/production/activemq/content/how-can-i-monitor-activemq.html Thu 
Sep 25 15:20:55 2014
@@ -72,21 +72,7 @@
 td valign=top width=100%
-div class=wiki-content maincontenth2 
id=HowcanImonitorActiveMQ-HowcanImonitorActiveMQHow can I monitor 
-pIn ActiveMQ 4.x you can monitor the broker to see what destinations are 
being used, their activity along with connections and subscriptions using the 
following tools/p
-ullia shape=rect href=jmx.htmlJMX/a and a JMX console such as a 
shape=rect class=external-link 
rel=nofollowjConsole/a/liliThe a shape=rect 
href=web-console.htmlWeb Console/a/lilithe a shape=rect 
href=advisory-message.htmlAdvisory Message/a feature (using JMS messages 
to monitor the system)/liliThe a shape=rect 
href=command-agent.htmlCommand Agent/a; ActiveMQ.Agent topic that you 
query for status/liliThe a shape=rect 
href=visualisation.htmlVisualisation/a plug-in/liliThe a shape=rect 
href=http://activemq.apache.org/statisticsplugin.html;Statistics/a plug-in 
(from 5.3)/li/ul
-h3 id=HowcanImonitorActiveMQ-ThirdPartyToolsThird Party Tools/h3
-ullia shape=rect class=external-link 
 rel=nofollowActiveMQ Monitor (AMon)/a/lilia shape=rect 
class=external-link href=http://sourceforge.net/projects/activemqbrowser/; 
rel=nofollowApache ActiveMQBrowser/a/lilia shape=rect 
rel=nofollowHermesJMS/a/lilia shape=rect class=external-link 
rel=nofollowHermesJMS/soapUI/a/lilia shape=rect 
rel=nofollowHyperic HQ/a and a shape=rect class=external-link 
rel=nofollowHyperic HQ Enterprise/a/lilia shape=rect 
class=external-link href=http://fusesource.com/products/fuse-hq/;
  rel=nofollowFuseHQ/a (based on Hyperic HQ Enterprise)/lilia 
shape=rect class=external-link href=http://www.itko.com/products/jms.jsp; 
rel=nofollowiTKO LISA Test/a/lilia shape=rect class=external-link 
 Administration Console/a (JMS Resources)/li/ul
-h3 id=HowcanImonitorActiveMQ-SeeAlsoSee Also/h3
-ullia shape=rect 
href=how-can-i-monitor-the-connection-with-the-broker.htmlHow can I monitor 
the connection with the broker/a/li/ul
+div class=wiki-content maincontenth2 
id=HowcanImonitorActiveMQ-HowcanImonitorActiveMQHow can I monitor 
ActiveMQ/h2pStarting with ActiveMQ 5.8.0#160;a shape=rect 
class=external-link href=http://www.jolokia.org/; rel=nofollowJolokia/a 
is bundled which provides a#160;RESTful interface to ActiveMQ's JMX 
capabilities./ppIn ActiveMQ 4.x you can monitor the broker to see what 
destinations are being used, their activity along with connections and 
subscriptions using the following tools/pullia shape=rect 
href=jmx.htmlJMX/a and a JMX console such as a shape=rect 
rel=nofollowjConsole/a/liliThe a shape=rect 
href=web-console.htmlWeb Console/a/lilithe a shape=rect 
href=advisory-message.htmlAdvisory Message/a feature (using JMS messages 
to monitor the system)/liliThe a shape=rect 
href=command-agent.htmlCommand Agent/a
 ; ActiveMQ.Agent topic that you query for status/liliThe a shape=rect 
href=visualisation.htmlVisualisation/a plug-in/liliThe a shape=rect 
href=http://activemq.apache.org/statisticsplugin.html;Statistics/a plug-in 
(from 5.3)/li/ulh3 id=HowcanImonitorActiveMQ-ThirdPartyToolsThird Party 
Tools/h3ullia shape=rect class=external-link 
href=https://github.com/jmxtrans/jmxtrans; rel=nofollowjmxtrans/a which 
can be used to continuously query ActiveMQ via JMX and write to a chosen 
output. For instance, write to a graphite database file which can then be used 
to graph trends over time and be 

buildbot failure in ASF Buildbot on activemq-site-production

2014-09-25 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder activemq-site-production 
while building ASF Buildbot.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL: http://ci.apache.org/

Buildslave for this Build: bb-cms-slave

Build Reason: The Nightly scheduler named 'activemq-site-production' triggered 
this build
Build Source Stamp: [branch activemq/activemq-website] HEAD

BUILD FAILED: failed compile

 -The Buildbot

buildbot success in ASF Buildbot on activemq-site-production

2014-09-25 Thread buildbot
The Buildbot has detected a restored build on builder activemq-site-production 
while building ASF Buildbot.
Full details are available at:

Buildbot URL: http://ci.apache.org/

Buildslave for this Build: bb-cms-slave

Build Reason: The Nightly scheduler named 'activemq-site-production' triggered 
this build
Build Source Stamp: [branch activemq/activemq-website] HEAD

Build succeeded!

 -The Buildbot