[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-22 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r337465801

 File path: setup.py
 @@ -287,46 +286,75 @@ def write_version(filename: str = 
os.path.join(*["airflow", "git_version"])):
 'pylint~=2.3.1',  # to be upgraded after fixing 
   # We should also disable checking docstring at the 
module level
+devel = sorted(devel + doc)

 # IF you are removing dependencies from the above list, please make sure that 
you also increase

-if PY3:
-devel += ['mypy==0.720']
-devel += ['unittest2']
 devel_minreq = devel + kubernetes + mysql + doc + password + cgroups
 devel_hadoop = devel_minreq + hive + hdfs + webhdfs + kerberos
-devel_all = (sendgrid + devel + all_dbs + doc + samba + slack + oracle +
- docker + ssh + kubernetes + celery + redis + gcp + grpc +
- datadog + zendesk + jdbc + ldap + kerberos + password + webhdfs + 
jenkins +
- druid + pinot + segment + snowflake + elasticsearch + sentry +
- atlas + azure + aws + salesforce + cgroups + papermill + 
-# Snakebite & Google Cloud Dataflow are not Python 3 compatible :'(
-if PY3:
-devel_ci = [package for package in devel_all if package not in
-['snakebite>=2.7.8', 'snakebite[kerberos]>=2.7.8']]
-devel_ci = devel_all
+all_packages = (
+async_packages +
+atlas +
+all_dbs +
+aws +
+azure +
+celery +
+cgroups +
+datadog +
+dask +
+databricks +
+datadog +
+docker +
+druid +
+elasticsearch +
+gcp +
+grpc +
+flask_oauth +
+jdbc +
+jenkins +
+kerberos +
+kubernetes +
+ldap +
+oracle +
+papermill +
+password +
+pinot +
+redis +
+salesforce +
+samba +
+sendgrid +
+sentry +
+segment +
+slack +
+snowflake +
+ssh +
+statsd +
+virtualenv +
+webhdfs +
+winrm +
+# Snakebite is not Python 3 compatible :'(
+all_packages = [package for package in all_packages if not 
 Review comment:
   There's an open issue for upgrading/replacing snakebite.
   Removing Kerberos: eek no definetly not. Soem enterprises need kerberos 
support. If it's broken on Py3 then we need to fix that before 2.0.0 can be 

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.
For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at:

With regards,
Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r337073537

 File path: Dockerfile
 @@ -77,252 +75,300 @@ RUN curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | 
bash - \
libssl-dev \
locales  \
netcat \
-   nodejs \
rsync \
sasl2-bin \
sudo \
+   libmariadb-dev-compat \
 && apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
 && apt-get clean \
 && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-# Install graphviz - needed to build docs with diagrams
-RUN apt-get update \
-&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
-   graphviz \
-&& apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
-&& apt-get clean \
-&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-# Install MySQL client from Oracle repositories (Debian installs mariadb)
-RUN KEY="A4A9406876FCBD3C456770C88C718D3B5072E1F5" \
-&& GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)" \
-&& export GNUPGHOME \
-&& for KEYSERVER in $(shuf -e \
-ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net \
-hkp://p80.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 \
-keyserver.ubuntu.com \
-hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 \
-pgp.mit.edu) ; do \
-  gpg --keyserver "${KEYSERVER}" --recv-keys "${KEY}" && break || true 
; \
-   done \
-&& gpg --export "${KEY}" | apt-key add - \
-&& gpgconf --kill all \
-rm -rf "${GNUPGHOME}"; \
-apt-key list > /dev/null \
-&& echo "deb http://repo.mysql.com/apt/debian/ stretch mysql-5.6" | tee -a 
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysql.list \
-&& apt-get update \
-&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
-libmysqlclient-dev \
-mysql-client \
-&& apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
-&& apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
 RUN adduser airflow \
 && echo "airflow ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/airflow \
 && chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/airflow

-# This is an image with all APT dependencies needed by CI. It is built on top 
of the airlfow APT image
-# Parameters:
-# airflow-apt-deps - this is the base image for CI deps image.
+# CI airflow image

-FROM airflow-apt-deps-ci-slim as airflow-apt-deps-ci
+FROM airflow-base as airflow-ci
 SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-e", "-u", "-x", "-c"]
-ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/
+# Setting to 1 speeds up building the image. Cassandra driver without CYTHON 
saves around 10 minutes
+# But might not be suitable for production image
+ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot-amd64/
+# By changing the CI build epoch we can force reinstalling apt dependenecies 
for CI
+# It can also be overwritten manually by setting the build variable.
+RUN apt-get update \
+&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
+ apt-transport-https ca-certificates wget dirmngr gnupg 
software-properties-common curl gnupg2 \
+&& curl -sL https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/api/gpg/key/public 
| apt-key add - \
+&& curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | bash - \
+&& add-apt-repository --yes 
https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/deb/ \
+&& apt-get update \
+&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
+  gnupg \
+  graphviz \
+  krb5-user \
+  ldap-utils \
+  less \
+  lsb-release \
+  nodejs \
+  net-tools \
+  adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot \
+  openssh-client \
+  openssh-server \
+  postgresql-client \
+  python-selinux \
+  sqlite3 \
+  tmux \
+  unzip \
+  vim \
+&& apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
+&& apt-get clean \
+&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
+ENV HIVE_VERSION="1.1.0" HIVE_HOME="/tmp/hive"
+MINICLUSTER_HOME="/tmp/minicluster" \
+RUN mkdir -pv "${HADOOP_HOME}" \
+&& mkdir -pv "${HIVE_HOME}" \
+&& mkdir -pv "${MINICLUSTER_HOME}" \
+&& mkdir -pv "/user/hive/warehouse" \
+&& chmod -R 777 "${HIVE_HOME}" \
+& -R 777 "/user/"

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r336916999

 File path: Dockerfile
 @@ -334,56 +380,52 @@ COPY --chown=airflow:airflow airflow/version.py 
 COPY --chown=airflow:airflow airflow/__init__.py 
 COPY --chown=airflow:airflow airflow/bin/airflow 
-# The goal of this line is to install the dependencies from the most current 
setup.py from sources
-# This will be usually incremental small set of packages in CI optimized 
build, so it will be very fast
-# In non-CI optimized build this will install all dependencies before 
installing sources.
-RUN pip install -e ".[${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS}]"
+# Setting to 1 speeds up building the image. Cassandra driver without CYTHON 
saves around 10 minutes
+# But might not be suitable for production image
-# Copy all www files here so that we can run npm building for production
-COPY --chown=airflow:airflow airflow/www/ ${AIRFLOW_SOURCES}/airflow/www/
+ENV PATH="/home/airflow/.local/bin:/home/airflow:${PATH}"
-# Package NPM for production
-RUN gosu ${AIRFLOW_USER} npm run prod
+# The goal of this line is to install the dependencies from the most current 
setup.py from sources
+# This will be usually incremental small set of packages in CI optimized 
build, so it will be very fast
+# For production optimised build it is the first time dependencies are 
installed so it will be slower
+RUN pip install --user ".[${AIRFLOW_PROD_EXTRAS}]" \
+&& pip uninstall --yes apache-airflow snakebite
 # Cache for this line will be automatically invalidated if any
 # of airflow sources change
 COPY --chown=airflow:airflow . ${AIRFLOW_SOURCES}/
-# Finally install the requirements from the latest sources
-RUN pip install -e ".[${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS}]"
+# Reinstall airflow again - this time with sources and remove the sources 
after installation
+RUN pip install --user ".[${AIRFLOW_PROD_EXTRAS}]"
 Review comment:
   I don't see where we remove the sources?

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.
For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at:

With regards,
Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r336905484

 File path: Dockerfile
 @@ -77,252 +75,300 @@ RUN curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | 
bash - \
libssl-dev \
locales  \
netcat \
-   nodejs \
rsync \
sasl2-bin \
sudo \
+   libmariadb-dev-compat \
 && apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
 && apt-get clean \
 && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-# Install graphviz - needed to build docs with diagrams
-RUN apt-get update \
-&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
-   graphviz \
-&& apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
-&& apt-get clean \
-&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-# Install MySQL client from Oracle repositories (Debian installs mariadb)
-RUN KEY="A4A9406876FCBD3C456770C88C718D3B5072E1F5" \
-&& GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)" \
-&& export GNUPGHOME \
-&& for KEYSERVER in $(shuf -e \
-ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net \
-hkp://p80.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 \
-keyserver.ubuntu.com \
-hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 \
-pgp.mit.edu) ; do \
-  gpg --keyserver "${KEYSERVER}" --recv-keys "${KEY}" && break || true 
; \
-   done \
-&& gpg --export "${KEY}" | apt-key add - \
-&& gpgconf --kill all \
-rm -rf "${GNUPGHOME}"; \
-apt-key list > /dev/null \
-&& echo "deb http://repo.mysql.com/apt/debian/ stretch mysql-5.6" | tee -a 
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysql.list \
-&& apt-get update \
-&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
-libmysqlclient-dev \
-mysql-client \
-&& apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
-&& apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
 RUN adduser airflow \
 && echo "airflow ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/airflow \
 && chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/airflow

-# This is an image with all APT dependencies needed by CI. It is built on top 
of the airlfow APT image
-# Parameters:
-# airflow-apt-deps - this is the base image for CI deps image.
+# CI airflow image

-FROM airflow-apt-deps-ci-slim as airflow-apt-deps-ci
+FROM airflow-base as airflow-ci
 SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-e", "-u", "-x", "-c"]
-ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/
+# Setting to 1 speeds up building the image. Cassandra driver without CYTHON 
saves around 10 minutes
+# But might not be suitable for production image
+ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot-amd64/
+# By changing the CI build epoch we can force reinstalling apt dependenecies 
for CI
+# It can also be overwritten manually by setting the build variable.
+RUN apt-get update \
+&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
+ apt-transport-https ca-certificates wget dirmngr gnupg 
software-properties-common curl gnupg2 \
+&& curl -sL https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/api/gpg/key/public 
| apt-key add - \
+&& curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | bash - \
+&& add-apt-repository --yes 
https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/deb/ \
+&& apt-get update \
+&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
+  gnupg \
+  graphviz \
+  krb5-user \
+  ldap-utils \
+  less \
+  lsb-release \
+  nodejs \
+  net-tools \
+  adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot \
+  openssh-client \
+  openssh-server \
+  postgresql-client \
+  python-selinux \
+  sqlite3 \
+  tmux \
+  unzip \
+  vim \
+&& apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
+&& apt-get clean \
+&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
+ENV HIVE_VERSION="1.1.0" HIVE_HOME="/tmp/hive"
+MINICLUSTER_HOME="/tmp/minicluster" \
+RUN mkdir -pv "${HADOOP_HOME}" \
+&& mkdir -pv "${HIVE_HOME}" \
+&& mkdir -pv "${MINICLUSTER_HOME}" \
+&& mkdir -pv "/user/hive/warehouse" \
+&& chmod -R 777 "${HIVE_HOME}" \
+& -R 777 "/user/"

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r336913399

 File path: setup.py
 @@ -287,46 +286,75 @@ def write_version(filename: str = 
os.path.join(*["airflow", "git_version"])):
 'pylint~=2.3.1',  # to be upgraded after fixing 
   # We should also disable checking docstring at the 
module level
+devel = sorted(devel + doc)
 Review comment:
   Why not just merge the doc extra in to `devel` list in source code above?

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.
For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at:

With regards,
Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r336904053

 File path: Dockerfile
 @@ -334,56 +380,52 @@ COPY --chown=airflow:airflow airflow/version.py 
 COPY --chown=airflow:airflow airflow/__init__.py 
 COPY --chown=airflow:airflow airflow/bin/airflow 
-# The goal of this line is to install the dependencies from the most current 
setup.py from sources
-# This will be usually incremental small set of packages in CI optimized 
build, so it will be very fast
-# In non-CI optimized build this will install all dependencies before 
installing sources.
-RUN pip install -e ".[${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS}]"
+# Setting to 1 speeds up building the image. Cassandra driver without CYTHON 
saves around 10 minutes
+# But might not be suitable for production image
-# Copy all www files here so that we can run npm building for production
-COPY --chown=airflow:airflow airflow/www/ ${AIRFLOW_SOURCES}/airflow/www/
+ENV PATH="/home/airflow/.local/bin:/home/airflow:${PATH}"
-# Package NPM for production
-RUN gosu ${AIRFLOW_USER} npm run prod
+# The goal of this line is to install the dependencies from the most current 
setup.py from sources
+# This will be usually incremental small set of packages in CI optimized 
build, so it will be very fast
+# For production optimised build it is the first time dependencies are 
installed so it will be slower
+RUN pip install --user ".[${AIRFLOW_PROD_EXTRAS}]" \
+&& pip uninstall --yes apache-airflow snakebite
 Review comment:

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.
For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at:

With regards,
Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r336898067

 File path: Dockerfile
 @@ -16,19 +16,17 @@
 # Base image for the whole Docker file
-ARG APT_DEPS_IMAGE="airflow-apt-deps-ci-slim"
-ARG PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE="python:3.6-slim-stretch"
+ARG PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE="python:3.6-slim-buster"
+ARG NODE_BASE_IMAGE="node:12.11.1-buster"

-# This is the slim image with APT dependencies needed by Airflow. It is based 
on a python slim image
-# Parameters:
-#PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE - base python image (python:x.y-slim-stretch)
+# Base image for Airflow - contains dependencies used by both - Production and 
CI images

-FROM ${PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE} as airflow-apt-deps-ci-slim
+FROM ${PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE} as airflow-base
 SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-e", "-u", "-x", "-c"]
-ARG PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE="python:3.6-slim-stretch"
+ARG PYTHON_BASE_IMAGE="python:3.6-slim-buster"
 Review comment:
   It might be worth adding these two ENVS as LABELs too.

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.
For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at:

With regards,
Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r336903775

 File path: Dockerfile
 @@ -77,252 +75,300 @@ RUN curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | 
bash - \
libssl-dev \
locales  \
netcat \
-   nodejs \
rsync \
sasl2-bin \
sudo \
+   libmariadb-dev-compat \
 && apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
 && apt-get clean \
 && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-# Install graphviz - needed to build docs with diagrams
-RUN apt-get update \
-&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
-   graphviz \
-&& apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
-&& apt-get clean \
-&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-# Install MySQL client from Oracle repositories (Debian installs mariadb)
-RUN KEY="A4A9406876FCBD3C456770C88C718D3B5072E1F5" \
-&& GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)" \
-&& export GNUPGHOME \
-&& for KEYSERVER in $(shuf -e \
-ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net \
-hkp://p80.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 \
-keyserver.ubuntu.com \
-hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 \
-pgp.mit.edu) ; do \
-  gpg --keyserver "${KEYSERVER}" --recv-keys "${KEY}" && break || true 
; \
-   done \
-&& gpg --export "${KEY}" | apt-key add - \
-&& gpgconf --kill all \
-rm -rf "${GNUPGHOME}"; \
-apt-key list > /dev/null \
-&& echo "deb http://repo.mysql.com/apt/debian/ stretch mysql-5.6" | tee -a 
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysql.list \
-&& apt-get update \
-&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
-libmysqlclient-dev \
-mysql-client \
-&& apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
-&& apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
 RUN adduser airflow \
 && echo "airflow ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/airflow \
 && chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/airflow

-# This is an image with all APT dependencies needed by CI. It is built on top 
of the airlfow APT image
-# Parameters:
-# airflow-apt-deps - this is the base image for CI deps image.
+# CI airflow image

-FROM airflow-apt-deps-ci-slim as airflow-apt-deps-ci
+FROM airflow-base as airflow-ci
 SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-e", "-u", "-x", "-c"]
-ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/
+# Setting to 1 speeds up building the image. Cassandra driver without CYTHON 
saves around 10 minutes
+# But might not be suitable for production image
+ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot-amd64/
+# By changing the CI build epoch we can force reinstalling apt dependenecies 
for CI
+# It can also be overwritten manually by setting the build variable.
+RUN apt-get update \
+&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
+ apt-transport-https ca-certificates wget dirmngr gnupg 
software-properties-common curl gnupg2 \
+&& curl -sL https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/api/gpg/key/public 
| apt-key add - \
+&& curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | bash - \
+&& add-apt-repository --yes 
https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/deb/ \
+&& apt-get update \
+&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
+  gnupg \
+  graphviz \
+  krb5-user \
+  ldap-utils \
+  less \
+  lsb-release \
+  nodejs \
+  net-tools \
+  adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot \
+  openssh-client \
+  openssh-server \
+  postgresql-client \
+  python-selinux \
+  sqlite3 \
+  tmux \
+  unzip \
+  vim \
+&& apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
+&& apt-get clean \
+&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
+ENV HIVE_VERSION="1.1.0" HIVE_HOME="/tmp/hive"
+MINICLUSTER_HOME="/tmp/minicluster" \
+RUN mkdir -pv "${HADOOP_HOME}" \
+&& mkdir -pv "${HIVE_HOME}" \
+&& mkdir -pv "${MINICLUSTER_HOME}" \
+&& mkdir -pv "/user/hive/warehouse" \
+&& chmod -R 777 "${HIVE_HOME}" \
+& -R 777 "/user/"

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r336914233

 File path: setup.py
 @@ -287,46 +286,75 @@ def write_version(filename: str = 
os.path.join(*["airflow", "git_version"])):
 'pylint~=2.3.1',  # to be upgraded after fixing 
   # We should also disable checking docstring at the 
module level
+devel = sorted(devel + doc)

 # IF you are removing dependencies from the above list, please make sure that 
you also increase

-if PY3:
-devel += ['mypy==0.720']
-devel += ['unittest2']
 devel_minreq = devel + kubernetes + mysql + doc + password + cgroups
 devel_hadoop = devel_minreq + hive + hdfs + webhdfs + kerberos
-devel_all = (sendgrid + devel + all_dbs + doc + samba + slack + oracle +
- docker + ssh + kubernetes + celery + redis + gcp + grpc +
- datadog + zendesk + jdbc + ldap + kerberos + password + webhdfs + 
jenkins +
- druid + pinot + segment + snowflake + elasticsearch + sentry +
- atlas + azure + aws + salesforce + cgroups + papermill + 
-# Snakebite & Google Cloud Dataflow are not Python 3 compatible :'(
-if PY3:
-devel_ci = [package for package in devel_all if package not in
-['snakebite>=2.7.8', 'snakebite[kerberos]>=2.7.8']]
-devel_ci = devel_all
+all_packages = (
+async_packages +
+atlas +
+all_dbs +
+aws +
+azure +
+celery +
+cgroups +
+datadog +
+dask +
+databricks +
+datadog +
+docker +
+druid +
+elasticsearch +
+gcp +
+grpc +
+flask_oauth +
+jdbc +
+jenkins +
+kerberos +
+kubernetes +
+ldap +
+oracle +
+papermill +
+password +
+pinot +
+redis +
+salesforce +
+samba +
+sendgrid +
+sentry +
+segment +
+slack +
+snowflake +
+ssh +
+statsd +
+virtualenv +
+webhdfs +
+winrm +
+# Snakebite is not Python 3 compatible :'(
+all_packages = [package for package in all_packages if not 
 Review comment:
   We should do this better and delcare those deps as 
`'snakebite;python_version<"3"'` etc.

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
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With regards,
Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r336909165

 File path: scripts/ci/ci_flake8.sh
 @@ -22,16 +22,21 @@ MY_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
-export PYTHON_VERSION=3.5
 Review comment:
   I'm not sure about this. If I'm following the code right removing this will 
autodetect the python version to use based on the host python. But we 
_explicitly_ want to run these tests agsinst 3.5 locally. If I have python 3.7 
locally it would attempt to use that version which isn't what we want.

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.
For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at:

With regards,
Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r336896918

 File path: BREEZE.rst
 @@ -912,32 +914,26 @@ Docker images used by Breeze
 For all development tasks related integration tests and static code checks we 
are using Docker
 images that are maintained in DockerHub under ``apache/airflow`` repository.
-There are three images that we currently manage:
+There are those images that we currently manage (all of them are stages in 
+``_ dockerfile.:
-* **Slim CI** image that is used for static code checks (size around 500MB) - 
tag follows the pattern
-  of ``-python-ci-slim`` (for example 
-  The image is built using the ``_ dockerfile.
-* **Full CI image*** that is used for testing - containing a lot more 
test-related installed software
+* ** CI image*** that is used for testing - containing a lot more test-related 
installed software
   (size around 1GB)  - tag follows the pattern of 
-  (for example ``apache/airflow:master-python3.6-ci``). The image is built 
using the
-  ``_ dockerfile.
+  (for example ``apache/airflow:master-python3.6-ci``). It is also used to run 
some of the
+  static checks (pylint, mypy, flake8, as well as to generate the 
+* ** PROD image*** that is a base for Production-ready image of Apache Airflow.
+  (size around 1GB)  - tag follows the pattern of 
 Review comment:
   Do we have a slim image too that just contains airflow core?

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To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
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With regards,
Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r336901053

 File path: Dockerfile
 @@ -77,252 +75,300 @@ RUN curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | 
bash - \
libssl-dev \
locales  \
netcat \
-   nodejs \
rsync \
sasl2-bin \
sudo \
+   libmariadb-dev-compat \
 && apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
 && apt-get clean \
 && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-# Install graphviz - needed to build docs with diagrams
-RUN apt-get update \
-&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
-   graphviz \
-&& apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
-&& apt-get clean \
-&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-# Install MySQL client from Oracle repositories (Debian installs mariadb)
-RUN KEY="A4A9406876FCBD3C456770C88C718D3B5072E1F5" \
-&& GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)" \
-&& export GNUPGHOME \
-&& for KEYSERVER in $(shuf -e \
-ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net \
-hkp://p80.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 \
-keyserver.ubuntu.com \
-hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 \
-pgp.mit.edu) ; do \
-  gpg --keyserver "${KEYSERVER}" --recv-keys "${KEY}" && break || true 
; \
-   done \
-&& gpg --export "${KEY}" | apt-key add - \
-&& gpgconf --kill all \
-rm -rf "${GNUPGHOME}"; \
-apt-key list > /dev/null \
-&& echo "deb http://repo.mysql.com/apt/debian/ stretch mysql-5.6" | tee -a 
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysql.list \
-&& apt-get update \
-&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
-libmysqlclient-dev \
-mysql-client \
-&& apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
-&& apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
 RUN adduser airflow \
 && echo "airflow ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/airflow \
 && chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/airflow

-# This is an image with all APT dependencies needed by CI. It is built on top 
of the airlfow APT image
-# Parameters:
-# airflow-apt-deps - this is the base image for CI deps image.
+# CI airflow image

-FROM airflow-apt-deps-ci-slim as airflow-apt-deps-ci
+FROM airflow-base as airflow-ci
 SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-e", "-u", "-x", "-c"]
-ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/
+# Setting to 1 speeds up building the image. Cassandra driver without CYTHON 
saves around 10 minutes
+# But might not be suitable for production image
+ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot-amd64/
+# By changing the CI build epoch we can force reinstalling apt dependenecies 
for CI
+# It can also be overwritten manually by setting the build variable.
+RUN apt-get update \
+&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
+ apt-transport-https ca-certificates wget dirmngr gnupg 
software-properties-common curl gnupg2 \
+&& curl -sL https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/api/gpg/key/public 
| apt-key add - \
+&& curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | bash - \
+&& add-apt-repository --yes 
https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/deb/ \
+&& apt-get update \
+&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
+  gnupg \
+  graphviz \
+  krb5-user \
+  ldap-utils \
+  less \
+  lsb-release \
+  nodejs \
+  net-tools \
+  adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot \
+  openssh-client \
+  openssh-server \
+  postgresql-client \
+  python-selinux \
+  sqlite3 \
+  tmux \
+  unzip \
+  vim \
+&& apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
+&& apt-get clean \
+&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
+ENV HIVE_VERSION="1.1.0" HIVE_HOME="/tmp/hive"
+MINICLUSTER_HOME="/tmp/minicluster" \
+RUN mkdir -pv "${HADOOP_HOME}" \
+&& mkdir -pv "${HIVE_HOME}" \
+&& mkdir -pv "${MINICLUSTER_HOME}" \
+&& mkdir -pv "/user/hive/warehouse" \
+&& chmod -R 777 "${HIVE_HOME}" \
+& -R 777 "/user/"

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r336914812

 File path: tests/operators/test_operators.py
 @@ -78,8 +78,10 @@ def test_mysql_operator_test_multi(self):
 t.run(start_date=DEFAULT_DATE, end_date=DEFAULT_DATE, 
-@unittest.skipUnless('mysql' in configuration.conf.get('core', 
- "This is a MySQL test")
+This tests is not working for mariadb as it uses not secure API of mysql
 Review comment:
   This tests is not working for mariadb or modern MySQL versions as it uses an 
insecure API of mysql

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.
For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at:

With regards,
Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r336904694

 File path: Dockerfile
 @@ -334,56 +380,52 @@ COPY --chown=airflow:airflow airflow/version.py 
 COPY --chown=airflow:airflow airflow/__init__.py 
 COPY --chown=airflow:airflow airflow/bin/airflow 
-# The goal of this line is to install the dependencies from the most current 
setup.py from sources
-# This will be usually incremental small set of packages in CI optimized 
build, so it will be very fast
-# In non-CI optimized build this will install all dependencies before 
installing sources.
-RUN pip install -e ".[${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS}]"
+# Setting to 1 speeds up building the image. Cassandra driver without CYTHON 
saves around 10 minutes
+# But might not be suitable for production image
-# Copy all www files here so that we can run npm building for production
-COPY --chown=airflow:airflow airflow/www/ ${AIRFLOW_SOURCES}/airflow/www/
+ENV PATH="/home/airflow/.local/bin:/home/airflow:${PATH}"
-# Package NPM for production
-RUN gosu ${AIRFLOW_USER} npm run prod
+# The goal of this line is to install the dependencies from the most current 
setup.py from sources
+# This will be usually incremental small set of packages in CI optimized 
build, so it will be very fast
+# For production optimised build it is the first time dependencies are 
installed so it will be slower
+RUN pip install --user ".[${AIRFLOW_PROD_EXTRAS}]" \
+&& pip uninstall --yes apache-airflow snakebite
 # Cache for this line will be automatically invalidated if any
 # of airflow sources change
 COPY --chown=airflow:airflow . ${AIRFLOW_SOURCES}/
-# Finally install the requirements from the latest sources
-RUN pip install -e ".[${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS}]"
+# Reinstall airflow again - this time with sources and remove the sources 
after installation
+RUN pip install --user ".[${AIRFLOW_PROD_EXTRAS}]"
 # Additional python deps to install
 RUN if [[ -n "${ADDITIONAL_PYTHON_DEPS}" ]]; then \
-pip install ${ADDITIONAL_PYTHON_DEPS}; \
+pip install --user ${ADDITIONAL_PYTHON_DEPS}; \
 COPY --chown=airflow:airflow ./scripts/docker/entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh
-ARG APT_DEPS_IMAGE="airflow-apt-deps-ci-slim"
+# Copy Airflow www packages
+COPY --chown=airflow:airflow --from=airflow-www /opt/airflow/airflow/www 
-COPY --chown=airflow:airflow .bash_completion run-tests-complete run-tests 
-COPY --chown=airflow:airflow .bash_completion.d/run-tests-complete \
- ${HOME}/.bash_completion.d/run-tests-complete
+COPY --chown=airflow:airflow --from=airflow-docs /opt/airflow/docs/_build/html 
-RUN if [[ "${APT_DEPS_IMAGE}" == "airflow-apt-deps-ci" ]]; then \
-   ${AIRFLOW_SOURCES}/scripts/ci/docker_build/ci_build_extract_tests.sh; fi
+RUN mkdir -pv "${AIRFLOW_HOME}" \
 Review comment:
   This first command isn't needed as we have `chown airflow.airflow 
${AIRFLOW_HOME}` earlier in the file - this directory must already exist 
otherwise that previous command would fail.

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.
For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at:

With regards,
Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r336899269

 File path: Dockerfile
 @@ -77,252 +75,300 @@ RUN curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | 
bash - \
libssl-dev \
locales  \
netcat \
-   nodejs \
rsync \
sasl2-bin \
sudo \
+   libmariadb-dev-compat \
 && apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
 && apt-get clean \
 && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-# Install graphviz - needed to build docs with diagrams
-RUN apt-get update \
-&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
-   graphviz \
-&& apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
-&& apt-get clean \
-&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-# Install MySQL client from Oracle repositories (Debian installs mariadb)
-RUN KEY="A4A9406876FCBD3C456770C88C718D3B5072E1F5" \
-&& GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)" \
-&& export GNUPGHOME \
-&& for KEYSERVER in $(shuf -e \
-ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net \
-hkp://p80.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 \
-keyserver.ubuntu.com \
-hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 \
-pgp.mit.edu) ; do \
-  gpg --keyserver "${KEYSERVER}" --recv-keys "${KEY}" && break || true 
; \
-   done \
-&& gpg --export "${KEY}" | apt-key add - \
-&& gpgconf --kill all \
-rm -rf "${GNUPGHOME}"; \
-apt-key list > /dev/null \
-&& echo "deb http://repo.mysql.com/apt/debian/ stretch mysql-5.6" | tee -a 
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysql.list \
-&& apt-get update \
-&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
-libmysqlclient-dev \
-mysql-client \
-&& apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
-&& apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
 RUN adduser airflow \
 && echo "airflow ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/airflow \
 && chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/airflow

-# This is an image with all APT dependencies needed by CI. It is built on top 
of the airlfow APT image
-# Parameters:
-# airflow-apt-deps - this is the base image for CI deps image.
+# CI airflow image

-FROM airflow-apt-deps-ci-slim as airflow-apt-deps-ci
+FROM airflow-base as airflow-ci
 SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-e", "-u", "-x", "-c"]
-ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/
+# Setting to 1 speeds up building the image. Cassandra driver without CYTHON 
saves around 10 minutes
+# But might not be suitable for production image
+ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot-amd64/
+# By changing the CI build epoch we can force reinstalling apt dependenecies 
for CI
+# It can also be overwritten manually by setting the build variable.
+RUN apt-get update \
+&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
+ apt-transport-https ca-certificates wget dirmngr gnupg 
software-properties-common curl gnupg2 \
+&& curl -sL https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/api/gpg/key/public 
| apt-key add - \
+&& curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | bash - \
 Review comment:
   Now we are on Debian Buster we could use 
https://packages.debian.org/buster/nodejs couldn't we? It's 10.15.2 right now.

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.
For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at:

With regards,
Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r336905828

 File path: airflow/contrib/hooks/winrm_hook.py
 @@ -204,6 +203,7 @@ def get_conn(self):
 if self.password and self.password.strip():
+# pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg
 Review comment:
   Unrelated changes?

This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service.
To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
URL above to go to the specific comment.
For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at:

With regards,
Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r336902442

 File path: Dockerfile
 @@ -77,252 +75,300 @@ RUN curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | 
bash - \
libssl-dev \
locales  \
netcat \
-   nodejs \
rsync \
sasl2-bin \
sudo \
+   libmariadb-dev-compat \
 && apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
 && apt-get clean \
 && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-# Install graphviz - needed to build docs with diagrams
-RUN apt-get update \
-&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
-   graphviz \
-&& apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
-&& apt-get clean \
-&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-# Install MySQL client from Oracle repositories (Debian installs mariadb)
-RUN KEY="A4A9406876FCBD3C456770C88C718D3B5072E1F5" \
-&& GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)" \
-&& export GNUPGHOME \
-&& for KEYSERVER in $(shuf -e \
-ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net \
-hkp://p80.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 \
-keyserver.ubuntu.com \
-hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 \
-pgp.mit.edu) ; do \
-  gpg --keyserver "${KEYSERVER}" --recv-keys "${KEY}" && break || true 
; \
-   done \
-&& gpg --export "${KEY}" | apt-key add - \
-&& gpgconf --kill all \
-rm -rf "${GNUPGHOME}"; \
-apt-key list > /dev/null \
-&& echo "deb http://repo.mysql.com/apt/debian/ stretch mysql-5.6" | tee -a 
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysql.list \
-&& apt-get update \
-&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
-libmysqlclient-dev \
-mysql-client \
-&& apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
-&& apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
 RUN adduser airflow \
 && echo "airflow ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/airflow \
 && chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/airflow

-# This is an image with all APT dependencies needed by CI. It is built on top 
of the airlfow APT image
-# Parameters:
-# airflow-apt-deps - this is the base image for CI deps image.
+# CI airflow image

-FROM airflow-apt-deps-ci-slim as airflow-apt-deps-ci
+FROM airflow-base as airflow-ci
 SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-e", "-u", "-x", "-c"]
-ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/
+# Setting to 1 speeds up building the image. Cassandra driver without CYTHON 
saves around 10 minutes
+# But might not be suitable for production image
+ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot-amd64/
+# By changing the CI build epoch we can force reinstalling apt dependenecies 
for CI
+# It can also be overwritten manually by setting the build variable.
+RUN apt-get update \
+&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
+ apt-transport-https ca-certificates wget dirmngr gnupg 
software-properties-common curl gnupg2 \
+&& curl -sL https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/api/gpg/key/public 
| apt-key add - \
+&& curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | bash - \
+&& add-apt-repository --yes 
https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/deb/ \
+&& apt-get update \
+&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
+  gnupg \
+  graphviz \
+  krb5-user \
+  ldap-utils \
+  less \
+  lsb-release \
+  nodejs \
+  net-tools \
+  adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot \
+  openssh-client \
+  openssh-server \
+  postgresql-client \
+  python-selinux \
+  sqlite3 \
+  tmux \
+  unzip \
+  vim \
+&& apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
+&& apt-get clean \
+&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
+ENV HIVE_VERSION="1.1.0" HIVE_HOME="/tmp/hive"
+MINICLUSTER_HOME="/tmp/minicluster" \
+RUN mkdir -pv "${HADOOP_HOME}" \
+&& mkdir -pv "${HIVE_HOME}" \
+&& mkdir -pv "${MINICLUSTER_HOME}" \
+&& mkdir -pv "/user/hive/warehouse" \
+&& chmod -R 777 "${HIVE_HOME}" \
+& -R 777 "/user/"

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r336917284

 File path: Dockerfile
 @@ -334,56 +380,52 @@ COPY --chown=airflow:airflow airflow/version.py 
 COPY --chown=airflow:airflow airflow/__init__.py 
 COPY --chown=airflow:airflow airflow/bin/airflow 
-# The goal of this line is to install the dependencies from the most current 
setup.py from sources
-# This will be usually incremental small set of packages in CI optimized 
build, so it will be very fast
-# In non-CI optimized build this will install all dependencies before 
installing sources.
-RUN pip install -e ".[${AIRFLOW_EXTRAS}]"
+# Setting to 1 speeds up building the image. Cassandra driver without CYTHON 
saves around 10 minutes
+# But might not be suitable for production image
-# Copy all www files here so that we can run npm building for production
-COPY --chown=airflow:airflow airflow/www/ ${AIRFLOW_SOURCES}/airflow/www/
+ENV PATH="/home/airflow/.local/bin:/home/airflow:${PATH}"
-# Package NPM for production
-RUN gosu ${AIRFLOW_USER} npm run prod
+# The goal of this line is to install the dependencies from the most current 
setup.py from sources
+# This will be usually incremental small set of packages in CI optimized 
build, so it will be very fast
 Review comment:
   This is in the prod image section so the comment doesn't make sense anymore

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Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r336900127

 File path: Dockerfile
 @@ -77,252 +75,300 @@ RUN curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | 
bash - \
libssl-dev \
locales  \
netcat \
-   nodejs \
rsync \
sasl2-bin \
sudo \
+   libmariadb-dev-compat \
 && apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
 && apt-get clean \
 && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-# Install graphviz - needed to build docs with diagrams
-RUN apt-get update \
-&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
-   graphviz \
-&& apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
-&& apt-get clean \
-&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-# Install MySQL client from Oracle repositories (Debian installs mariadb)
-RUN KEY="A4A9406876FCBD3C456770C88C718D3B5072E1F5" \
-&& GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)" \
-&& export GNUPGHOME \
-&& for KEYSERVER in $(shuf -e \
-ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net \
-hkp://p80.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 \
-keyserver.ubuntu.com \
-hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 \
-pgp.mit.edu) ; do \
-  gpg --keyserver "${KEYSERVER}" --recv-keys "${KEY}" && break || true 
; \
-   done \
-&& gpg --export "${KEY}" | apt-key add - \
-&& gpgconf --kill all \
-rm -rf "${GNUPGHOME}"; \
-apt-key list > /dev/null \
-&& echo "deb http://repo.mysql.com/apt/debian/ stretch mysql-5.6" | tee -a 
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mysql.list \
-&& apt-get update \
-&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
-libmysqlclient-dev \
-mysql-client \
-&& apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
-&& apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
 RUN adduser airflow \
 && echo "airflow ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/airflow \
 && chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/airflow

-# This is an image with all APT dependencies needed by CI. It is built on top 
of the airlfow APT image
-# Parameters:
-# airflow-apt-deps - this is the base image for CI deps image.
+# CI airflow image

-FROM airflow-apt-deps-ci-slim as airflow-apt-deps-ci
+FROM airflow-base as airflow-ci
 SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-e", "-u", "-x", "-c"]
-ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/
+# Setting to 1 speeds up building the image. Cassandra driver without CYTHON 
saves around 10 minutes
+# But might not be suitable for production image
+ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot-amd64/
+# By changing the CI build epoch we can force reinstalling apt dependenecies 
for CI
+# It can also be overwritten manually by setting the build variable.
+RUN apt-get update \
+&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
+ apt-transport-https ca-certificates wget dirmngr gnupg 
software-properties-common curl gnupg2 \
+&& curl -sL https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/api/gpg/key/public 
| apt-key add - \
+&& curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | bash - \
+&& add-apt-repository --yes 
https://adoptopenjdk.jfrog.io/adoptopenjdk/deb/ \
+&& apt-get update \
+&& apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
+  gnupg \
+  graphviz \
+  krb5-user \
+  ldap-utils \
+  less \
+  lsb-release \
+  nodejs \
+  net-tools \
+  adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot \
+  openssh-client \
+  openssh-server \
+  postgresql-client \
+  python-selinux \
+  sqlite3 \
+  tmux \
+  unzip \
+  vim \
+&& apt-get autoremove -yqq --purge \
+&& apt-get clean \
+&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
+ENV HIVE_VERSION="1.1.0" HIVE_HOME="/tmp/hive"
+MINICLUSTER_HOME="/tmp/minicluster" \
+RUN mkdir -pv "${HADOOP_HOME}" \
+&& mkdir -pv "${HIVE_HOME}" \
+&& mkdir -pv "${MINICLUSTER_HOME}" \
+&& mkdir -pv "/user/hive/warehouse" \
+&& chmod -R 777 "${HIVE_HOME}" \
+& -R 777 "/user/"

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r336896656

 File path: BREEZE.rst
 @@ -912,32 +914,26 @@ Docker images used by Breeze
 For all development tasks related integration tests and static code checks we 
are using Docker
 images that are maintained in DockerHub under ``apache/airflow`` repository.
-There are three images that we currently manage:
+There are those images that we currently manage (all of them are stages in 
+``_ dockerfile.:
-* **Slim CI** image that is used for static code checks (size around 500MB) - 
tag follows the pattern
-  of ``-python-ci-slim`` (for example 
-  The image is built using the ``_ dockerfile.
-* **Full CI image*** that is used for testing - containing a lot more 
test-related installed software
+* ** CI image*** that is used for testing - containing a lot more test-related 
installed software
   (size around 1GB)  - tag follows the pattern of 
-  (for example ``apache/airflow:master-python3.6-ci``). The image is built 
using the
-  ``_ dockerfile.
+  (for example ``apache/airflow:master-python3.6-ci``). It is also used to run 
some of the
+  static checks (pylint, mypy, flake8, as well as to generate the 
+* ** PROD image*** that is a base for Production-ready image of Apache Airflow.
+  (size around 1GB)  - tag follows the pattern of 
+  (for example ``apache/airflow:master-python3.6``).
 Review comment:
   We shouldn't imply that `apache/airflow:master-python3.6` is a suitable prod 
image which this bullet point does to me.

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To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
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With regards,
Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r336895542

 File path: .travis.yml
 @@ -32,39 +33,49 @@ stages:
 - name: "Static checks (no pylint, no licence check)"
+  python: "3.5"
   stage: pre-test
-  script: ./scripts/ci/ci_run_all_static_tests_except_pylint_licence.sh
+  script: 
 - name: "Check licence compliance for Apache"
+  python: "3.5"
   stage: pre-test
-  script: ./scripts/ci/ci_check_license.sh
+  script: ./scripts/ci/ci_run_checklicence.sh
 - name: "Pylint checks"
+  python: "3.5"
   stage: pre-test
   script: ./scripts/ci/ci_run_all_static_tests_pylint.sh
 - name: "Build documentation"
+  python: "3.5"
   stage: pre-test
   script: ./scripts/ci/ci_docs.sh
 - name: "Tests postgres kubernetes python 3.6 (persistent)"
-  env: BACKEND=postgres ENV=kubernetes KUBERNETES_VERSION=v1.15.0 
+  env: BACKEND=postgres KUBERNETES_MODE=persistent_mode 
   python: "3.6"
   stage: test
+  script: travis_wait 30 "./scripts/ci/ci_run_airflow_testing.sh"
 - name: "Tests postgres kubernetes python 3.6 (git)"
-  env: BACKEND=postgres ENV=kubernetes KUBERNETES_VERSION=v1.15.0 
 Review comment:
   Do we not support more than one version of Kube in tests anymore?

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To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
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With regards,
Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [airflow] ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on [AIRFLOW-5704]

2019-10-21 Thread GitBox
ashb commented on a change in pull request #6266: [AIRFLOW-2439] Production 
Docker image support including refactoring of build scripts - depends on 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6266#discussion_r336894816

 File path: .pre-commit-config.yaml
 @@ -20,21 +20,6 @@ default_language_version:
   # force all unspecified python hooks to run python3
   python: python3
-  - repo: local
-  - id: build
-name: Check if image build is needed
-entry: ./scripts/ci/local_ci_build.sh
-language: system
-always_run: true
-pass_filenames: false
-  - id: check-apache-license
 Review comment:
   Why did we move these? (I'm not too familiary with with a "repo" is in 
pre-commit terms.

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