rubenada commented on code in PR #2988:

@@ -40,6 +40,14 @@
  * Transforms the projection of a geometry.
+ *
+ * This class uses Proj4J to transform the projection of a geometry
+ * and should not be used beyond the scope of the Spatial Type Extensions.
+ * Proj4J is released under the Apache License 2.0, however, it also uses the 
EPSG dataset,
+ * which has restricting <a href="";>terms of 
+ * As a result, Proj4J is not suitable for inclusion in Apache Calcite
+ * and this class will throw {@code ClassNotFoundException}s
+ * if Proj4J is not added to the classpath by the user.

Review Comment:
   Would we need to add a similar warning in the web documentation 
(``) in the spatial section?

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