svn commit: r1082093 - in /camel/trunk: parent/pom.xml platforms/karaf/features/pom.xml platforms/karaf/features/src/main/resources/features.xml platforms/karaf/pom.xml tests/camel-itest-karaf/pom.xml

2011-03-16 Thread ningjiang
Author: ningjiang
Date: Wed Mar 16 08:40:47 2011
New Revision: 1082093

Applied the patch of CAMEL-3763


Modified: camel/trunk/parent/pom.xml
--- camel/trunk/parent/pom.xml (original)
+++ camel/trunk/parent/pom.xml Wed Mar 16 08:40:47 2011
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 !-- Note that activemq dependency is only used for testing! --

Modified: camel/trunk/platforms/karaf/features/pom.xml
--- camel/trunk/platforms/karaf/features/pom.xml (original)
+++ camel/trunk/platforms/karaf/features/pom.xml Wed Mar 16 08:40:47 2011
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
-  spring-osgi-version1.2.0/spring-osgi-version
+  spring-osgi-version1.2.1/spring-osgi-version
@@ -243,9 +243,9 @@
- artifactIdslf4j-simple/artifactId
+ artifactIdslf4j-jdk14/artifactId

Modified: camel/trunk/platforms/karaf/features/src/main/resources/features.xml
--- camel/trunk/platforms/karaf/features/src/main/resources/features.xml 
+++ camel/trunk/platforms/karaf/features/src/main/resources/features.xml Wed 
Mar 16 08:40:47 2011
@@ -17,45 +17,12 @@
   limitations under the License.
-  feature name='spring' version='${spring-version}'
-  /feature
-  feature name='spring-dm' version='${spring-osgi-version}'
-feature version='${spring-version}'spring/feature
-  /feature
-  feature name='jetty7' version='${jetty-version}'

svn commit: r1082100 - in /camel/trunk: parent/pom.xml platforms/karaf/features/pom.xml platforms/karaf/features/src/main/resources/features.xml

2011-03-16 Thread ningjiang
Author: ningjiang
Date: Wed Mar 16 09:01:44 2011
New Revision: 1082100

CAMEL-3763 Added the blueprint bundle into feature dependency


Modified: camel/trunk/parent/pom.xml
--- camel/trunk/parent/pom.xml (original)
+++ camel/trunk/parent/pom.xml Wed Mar 16 09:01:44 2011
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@

Modified: camel/trunk/platforms/karaf/features/pom.xml
--- camel/trunk/platforms/karaf/features/pom.xml (original)
+++ camel/trunk/platforms/karaf/features/pom.xml Wed Mar 16 09:01:44 2011
@@ -170,6 +170,12 @@

Modified: camel/trunk/platforms/karaf/features/src/main/resources/features.xml
--- camel/trunk/platforms/karaf/features/src/main/resources/features.xml 
+++ camel/trunk/platforms/karaf/features/src/main/resources/features.xml Wed 
Mar 16 09:01:44 2011
@@ -41,10 +41,6 @@
   feature name='camel-blueprint' version='${pom.version}' resolver='(obr)'
  feature version='${pom.version}'camel-core/feature
   feature name='camel-test' version='${pom.version}' resolver='(obr)'

[CONF] Apache Camel ProducerTemplate

2011-03-16 Thread confluence

Page edited by Torsten Mielke

Added example of converting response to String type. 

 Changes (1)

{code} Object response = template.requestBody(hello/); 
 // you can cast the response directly String ret = template.requestBody(hello/, String.class);  // or specify the endpoint directly String ret = template.requestBody(cxf:bean:HelloWorldService, hello/, String.class); 

Full Content


The ProducerTemplate interface allows you to send message exchanges to endpoints in a variety of different ways to make it easy to work with Camel Endpoint instances from Java code.

It can be configured with a default endpoint if you just want to send lots of messages to the same endpoint; or you can specify an Endpoint or URI as the first parameter.

The sendBody() method allows you to send any object to an endpoint easily.

ProducerTemplate template;

// send to default endpoint

// send to a specific queue
template.sendBody("activemq:MyQueue", "helloworld!/hello");

// send with a body and header 
"CustomerRating", "Gold", 

You can also supply an Exchange or a Processor to customize the exchange

request*() methods

The send*() methods use the default Message Exchange Pattern (InOnly, InOut etc) as the endpoint. If you want to explicitly perform a request/response (InOut) you can use the request*() methods instead of the send*() methods.

e.g. lets invoke an endpoint and get the response

Object response = template.requestBody("hello/");

// you can cast the response directly
String ret = template.requestBody("hello/", String.class);

// or specify the endpoint directly
String ret = template.requestBody("cxf:bean:HelloWorldService", "hello/", String.class);

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[CONF] Apache Camel Camel 2.7.0 Release

2011-03-16 Thread confluence

Camel 2.7.0 Release
Page edited by willem jiang

 Changes (2)

  See documentation at [slf4j|] for more details. * If you have developed custom Camel [Component]s and your {{Endpoint}} class extends {{DefaultEndpoint}} then its advised to use the {{doStart}} and {{doStop}} instead of {{start}} and {{stop}}. 
* camel-cxf endpoint will copy the attachments between the camel message and cxf message when it works in POJO data format, please access the attachment objects from the camel message body. 
* You can not access the attachment by using Message.getAttachement(id) if the camel-cxf endpoint works in POJO data format, please access the attachment objects from the camel message body. 
* [camel-restlet|Restlet] has been upgraded from Restlet 1.1.x to 2.0.5 * [Servlet] does not startup Spring XML file anymore. You should startup the XML file using 100% Spring style using the ContextLoaderListener in the web.xml. See the the [Servlet Tomcat Example] example for details. 

Full Content

Camel 2.7.0 release (currently in progress)

New and Noteworthy

Welcome to the 2.7.0 release which approx XXX issues resolved (new features, improvements and bug fixes such as...)

Dependency changesThe Camel 2.7.0 release has a number of major dependency changes:

	JDK 1.6+ is now required
	Spring 3.x+ is now required if using Spring
	slf4j is used as logger instead of commons logging

In other words support for JDK 1.5 and Spring 2.x has been dropped.

	Switched to use slf4j as the logger instead of commons logging.
	Camel now checks state of Service during starting/stopping the Lifecycle of the Service. This avoids double starting/stopping in case the service was already in the desired state.
	Added support for MDC logging with Camel
	JMS consumer now eager checks if Camel is shutting down and signals that to its DefaultMessageListenerContainer which avoids trying to re-connect/failover during shutdown.
	Introduced option to automatic Mock endpoints during testing. This makes testing without having to add Mock endpoints in your routes a breeze. See more details at Mock component documentation.
	Added assertPeriod option to Mock endpoint, which is a period im milliseconds, that the Mock will pause and then re-assert itself to ensure the assertion is still valid. This can be used as a threshold when testing with expectations that exactly a given number of messages should arrive on the Mock endpoint.
	Added arrives DSL to Mock endpoint to allow you to setup expectations about timespan between messages arriving on the Mock endpoint. See more details at Mock component documentation.
	HTTP4 is upgraded to use Apache HttpClient 4.1
	Fixed an issue with File consumer having absolute starting directory and using absolute paths in the move option as well
	Fixed concurrent append to the same file in the File producer
	Fixed issue with restarting Quartz causing a failure due trigger name already exists issue for stateful jobs.
	Its now possible to use multiple QuartzScheduler's when deploying multiple Camel applications in the same JVM classloader.
	Quartz update checker is now always disabled, see more details here
	Fixed potential issue installing camel-ftp feature in Apache ServiceMix
	New JdbcMessageIdRepository for the idempotent consumer EIP in SQL
	Relaxed how aggressive Camel was registering services as MBeans in JMX. Now Camel will by default only registeres MBeans when starting CamelContext or starting new routes. This avoids registering too many MBeans if using dynamic EIP patterns such as Recipient List using different endpoint urls, causing new endpoints and its associated services to be registered in JMX. This would keep growing over time and consume memory as well. You can use the registerAlways or registerNewRoutes options on ManagementAgent to control this behavior. See Camel JMX for more details.
	Redelivery policy and OnException now supports property placeholders in both Java and XML DSLs.
	Introduced redeliveryPolicyProfile to easily define common profiles for redelivery policies, which you can refer to from errorHandler or onException using the redeliveryPolicyRef attribute. Also Spring Frameworks property placeholders works with redeliveryPolicyProfile.
	Improved the XML based Error Handlers to validate configuration on startup, to fail if they have been misconfigured.
	Spring Integration is upgraded to Spring Integration 2.0.
	Added endChoice() to the Java DSL to be able to use any EIPs inside the Content Based Router. See more details here
	Property placeholders can now be use for any kind of attributes/options in the EIPs in the Camel routes. For example in the Spring XML file you can now use 

[CONF] Apache Camel Articles

2011-03-16 Thread confluence

Page edited by Claus Ibsen

 Changes (1)

* [Transparent Asynchronous Remoting via JMS|] by Harald Wellman, who blogs how to use Camel for asynchronous remoting over [JMS], having the middleware hidden, so the client is unaware of this fact, its just using a interface. * [LEGO Java: Apache Camel Context and Route Basics|] shows how to build integration applications using [EIP]s LEGO style. Building an application to parse HTML pages from web sites. 
* [LEGO® Java (II): Apache Camel Error Handling, Java Beans and Web Services|] part 2 of the LEGO Camel blog series. This time we covers error handling and using beans with Camel. 

Full Content

See alsoSee also Camel User Stories.

Articles on Apache Camel

	Wanna try our Apache Camel developer tools for Enterprise Integration Patterns?  by James Strachan
	A bit more meat: Camel applied : JMS to File by Mike McLean
	Matteo wrote a blog entry about using Camel with iBatis
	Knowledge Tree integration using Apache Camel
	Integrating Apache Camel with JBoss ESB by Edgar Ankiewsky
	Simple DSL OSGi bundle example by Andrej Koelewijn
	Realization of EAI Patterns with Apache Camel by Pascal Kolb at the Universität Stuttgart
	Spring Remoting with JMS Example on Amin Abbaspour's Weblog
	Implementing Fuji integration scenario using Camel SE by Louis Polycarpou on using Camel with Open ESB
	Using the Camel aggregator correctly by Torsten Mielke, a great blog entry how to use the Camel aggregator.
	Camel routes and HL7 by Roger Searjeant on using Camel and its HL7 support in the health care space.
	Combining ApacheCamel+BSF to make JBoss ESB polyglot by Edgard Ankiewsky Silva, a JBoss employeer.
	Groovy and Grape - easiest way to send gtalk message with Apache Camel by Andrej Koelewijn how easy it is to use Groovy and Grape to quickly try out new frameworks such as Apache Camel.
	Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) in Apache Camel (Spanish) by Gema Perdiguero, Tecsisa.
	Apache Camel integration in ServiceMix (Spanish) by Sebastián Gómez, Tecsisa.
	Apache Camel: Integration Nirvana by Jonathan Anstey Great for learning what Camel is and what it can do
	Leverage EIP with Apache Camel and Twitter by Bruno Borges
	Apache Camel Reference Card at DZone (the first card out of two) by Claus Ibsen
	Using RSS with Apache Camel by Jeroen Reijn
	Using Groovy and Camel to pool Google Analyst email reports by Mr. Haki
	Using grails-camel plugin to work with Camel in Grails land by Mr. Haki
	Send mail with Apache Camel from Gails by Mr. Haki
	Navigating the Integration Landscape - Claus Ibsen on Apache Camel Claus Ibsen was interviewed at DZone discussing the integration landscape
	Apache Camel: Enterprise Integration met scripttalen en DSLs (Dutch) by Peter Maas, Finalist IT Group.
	Axis 2 ride with Camel how to use Axis 2 with the Camel report incident tutorial by Sagara
	Introduction to the Open eHealth Integration Platform (based on top of Apache Camel) Excellent DZone article by Martin Krasser
	An IRC alerter written using Apache Camel and Java how to easily integrate IRC with Camel to monitor and do alerts.
	Entreprise Integration Pattern with Apache Camel 2.0 by Julien Dechmann, how to use Camel to split and transform CSV files to POJO and XML and sending to a JMS destination
	A Camel based XML payload HTTP polling provider by Christopher Hunt to use Camel with AJAX. Interesting read.
	Camel vs. JBI by Adrian Trenaman.
	Things to consider when selecting between Apache Camel and Apache Servicemix by Ashwin Karpe
	Groovy and Camel for monitoring ActiveMQ by Eric Hauser how to monitor AMQ Advisory queues from a single groovy file.
	Camellos - Discovering Apache Camel by Gunnar Hillert. A very nice and short blog series about Camel showing its powers in a simple and intuitive way. Highly recommended for new users
	Apache Camel alternatives by Gunnar Hillert. He presents a brief overview of other projects in the integration space.
	First steps with Apache Camel on Google App Engine by Martin Krasser posts his findings to get Camel running on the GAE.
	A jira notification system for irc using Camel by Guillaume Nodet - all code is in a single XML hot deployed in Apache Karaf.
	Camel, CXF and JMS by Example by Silvester van der Bijl. Good blog entry how to use CXF and Camel together.
	A simple file monitoring console with camel, cometd and jquery by Andrej Koelewijn. Shows how to use Camel to monitor log files and push lines changed using