[CONF] Apache Camel Articles

2012-06-02 Thread confluence

Page edited by Claus Ibsen

 Changes (1)

* [Gotcha when using Camel Servlet|http://java.dzone.com/articles/gotcha-when-using-camel] \- A blog post with some advice when using the Camel Servlet component. * [Working with EMail attachments|http://jason-sherman.blogspot.se/2012/04/camel-working-with-email-attachments.html] \- by Jason Sherman, whom blogs about how to split emails with multiple  attachments into multiple messages with a single attachment each, for  further processing in Camel. 
* [Using Quartz, Camel and Spring for Distributed Service Orchestration|http://thinkinginsoftware.blogspot.se/2012/05/using-quartz-camel-and-spring-for.html] \- by Nestor Urquiza blogs about using Quartz and Camel to build a distributed solution running a clustered Camel application on multiple Tomcat instances. 
 h3. Tooling / Combination with other Products 

Full Content

See alsoSee also Camel User Stories.

We have collected a number of links to external resources about Camel. The lists are ordered so the newest links are added to the bottom of each list.

Articles on Apache Camel


If you have never used or seen Camel before, then you should start with Apache Camel Tutorial  Introduction to EIP, Routes, Components, Testing, and other Concepts  an article by Kai Wähner, where he puts EIP and Camel into the big   picture and gives a run down of the important Camel concepts. Demo source code can be downloaded at github to get started with your first Camel project easily.

Some further simple introductory articles to learn the basics:

	Simple DSL OSGi bundle example by Andrej Koelewijn
	Realization of EAI Patterns with Apache Camel by Pascal Kolb at the Universität Stuttgart
	Navigating the Integration Landscape - Claus Ibsen on Apache Camel Claus Ibsen was interviewed at DZone discussing the integration landscape
	Enterprise Integration Pattern with Apache Camel 2.0 by Julien Dechmann, how to use Camel to split and transform CSV files to POJO and XML and sending to a JMS destination
	Camellos - Discovering Apache Camel by Gunnar Hillert. A very nice and short blog series about Camel showing its powers in a simple and intuitive way.
	First step with Apache Camel by Lukasz Budnik. Great first steps where Lukas does a fairly complex route as his first encounter with Camel.
	Devoxx talk about Apache Camel  Impressions from the talk by Jos Nieuwenhuis
	LEGO Java: Apache Camel Context and Route Basics shows how to build integration applications using EIPs LEGO style. Building an application to parse HTML pages from web sites.
	LEGO® Java (II): Apache Camel Error Handling, Java Beans and Web Services part 2 of the LEGO Camel blog series. This time we covers error handling and using beans with Camel.

Using Camel

These examples show usage of several different components and other concepts such as error handling.

	A bit more meat: Camel applied : JMS to File by Mike McLean
	Matteo wrote a blog entry about using Camel with iBatis
	Using the Camel aggregator correctly by Torsten Mielke, a great blog entry how to use the Camel aggregator.
	Spring Remoting with JMS Example on Amin Abbaspour's Weblog
	Camel routes and HL7 by Roger Searjeant on using Camel and its HL7 support in the health care space.
	Leverage EIP with Apache Camel and Twitter by Bruno Borges
	Using RSS with Apache Camel by Jeroen Reijn
	Axis 2 ride with Camel how to use Axis 2 with Camel by Sagara
	A Camel based XML payload HTTP polling provider by Christopher Hunt to use Camel with AJAX. Interesting read.
	First steps with Apache Camel on Google App Engine by Martin Krasser posts his findings to get Camel running on the GAE.
	Camel, CXF and JMS by Example by Silvester van der Bijl. Good blog entry how to use CXF and Camel together.
	A simple file monitoring console with camel, cometd and jquery by Andrej Koelewijn. Shows how to use Camel to monitor log files and  push lines changed using cometd to a webpage. All in a few files using  Groovy.
	Advanced Event Notification Framework with Apache Camel by Hendy showing how to use Camel for a lightweight even notification system.
	Camel IRC Message Route Example by James Carr. An IRC bot which can parse _javascript_ and Ruby expressions.
	A composite REST service using Apache Camel by Andrej Koelewijn. A blog entry how to expose a REST service and have  Camel aggregate data from multiple sources to be returned.
	EDA events over system boundaries with Camel by Sculptur team blog.
	Dynamic FTP Client using Apache Camel and Spring by Mattias Severson, showing how to develop an FTP client that could  transmit files to various FTP servers as a part of a delivery system in a  Java enterprise application.
	Using Apache 

svn commit: r819961 - in /websites/production/camel/content: articles.html cache/main.pageCache

2012-06-02 Thread buildbot
Author: buildbot
Date: Sat Jun  2 08:18:11 2012
New Revision: 819961

Production update by buildbot for camel


Modified: websites/production/camel/content/articles.html
--- websites/production/camel/content/articles.html (original)
+++ websites/production/camel/content/articles.html Sat Jun  2 08:18:11 2012
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
 pThese examples show usage of several different components and other 
concepts such as error handling./p
-ullia shape=rect class=external-link 
 rel=nofollowA bit more meat: Camel applied : JMS to File/a by Mike 
McLean/liliMatteo wrote a blog entry about a shape=rect 
 rel=nofollowusing Camel with iBatis/a/lilia shape=rect 
 rel=nofollowUsing the Camel aggregator correctly/a by Torsten Mielke, a 
great blog entry how to use the Camel aggregator./lilia shape=rect 
class=external-link href=http://aminsblog.wordpress.com/2008/05/06/15/; 
rel=nofollowSpring Remoting with JMS Example/a on a shape=rect 
rel=nofollowAmin Abbaspour's Weblog/a/lilia sh
 ape=rect class=external-link 
rel=nofollowCamel routes and HL7/a by Roger Searjeant on using Camel and 
its HL7 support in the health care space./lilia shape=rect 
 rel=nofollowLeverage EIP with Apache Camel and Twitter/a by Bruno 
Borges/lilia shape=rect class=external-link 
 rel=nofollowUsing RSS with Apache Camel/a by Jeroen Reijn/lilia 
shape=rect class=external-link 
rel=nofollowAxis 2 ride with Camel/a how to use Axis 2 with Camel by 
Sagara/lilia shape=rect class=external-link 
  Camel based XML payload HTTP polling provider/a by Christopher Hunt to use 
Camel with AJAX. Interesting read./lilia shape=rect 
 rel=nofollowFirst steps with Apache Camel on Google App Engine/a by 
Martin Krasser posts his findings to get Camel running on the GAE./lilia 
shape=rect class=external-link 
rel=nofollowCamel, CXF and JMS by Example/a by Silvester van der Bijl. 
Good blog entry how to use CXF and Camel together./lilia shape=rect 
 rel=nofollowA simple file monitoring console with camel, cometd and 
jquery/a by Andrej Koelewijn. Shows how to use Camel to monitor log files and 
 push lines changed using cometd to a webpage. All in a few f
 iles using  Groovy./lilia shape=rect class=external-link 
 rel=nofollowAdvanced Event Notification Framework with Apache Camel/a by 
Hendy showing how to use Camel for a lightweight even notification 
system./lilia shape=rect class=external-link 
href=http://github.com/jamescarr/irc-camel-example; rel=nofollowCamel IRC 
Message Route Example/a by James Carr. An IRC bot which can parse JavaScript 
and Ruby expressions./lilia shape=rect class=external-link 
 rel=nofollowA composite REST service using Apache Camel/a by Andrej 
Koelewijn. A blog entry how to expose a REST service and have  Camel aggregate 
data from multiple sources to be returned./lilia shape=rect 
 undaries-with.html rel=nofollowEDA events over system boundaries with 
Camel/a by a shape=rect class=external-link 
href=http://sites.google.com/site/fornaxsculptor/; rel=nofollowSculptur/a 
team blog./lilia shape=rect class=external-link 
 rel=nofollowDynamic FTP Client using Apache Camel and Spring/a by Mattias 
Severson, showing how to develop an FTP client that could  transmit files to 
various FTP servers as a part of a delivery system in a  Java enterprise 

[CONF] Apache Camel Articles

2012-06-02 Thread confluence

Page edited by Claus Ibsen

 Changes (2)

* [Christian Schneiders Blog|http://www.liquid-reality.de/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=131134] \- Christian occasionally blogs about Camel and CXF. * [Hadrian Zbarcea|http://camelbot.blogspot.com/] \- also blogs about Camel. 
* [Marcelo Jarbalis Blog|http://marcelojabali.blogspot.com/] \- Marcelo works in the fields and blogs about Websocket, Camel and integration. 
* [Jean-Baptiste Onofrés Blog|http://blog.nanthrax.net] \- JB blogs about Camel, CXF, Karaf, ServiceMix and OSGi in general. * [Kai Wähners Blog|http://www.kai-waehner.de/blog] \- Kai blogs about Camel, ESB, Cloud, and present Camel at various conferences as well. 
* [Michael Wareckis Blog|http://michalwarecki.blogspot.com/] \- Michael blogs about SOA, BPA and Camel. 

Full Content

See alsoSee also Camel User Stories.

We have collected a number of links to external resources about Camel. The lists are ordered so the newest links are added to the bottom of each list.

Articles on Apache Camel


If you have never used or seen Camel before, then you should start with Apache Camel Tutorial  Introduction to EIP, Routes, Components, Testing, and other Concepts  an article by Kai Wähner, where he puts EIP and Camel into the big   picture and gives a run down of the important Camel concepts. Demo source code can be downloaded at github to get started with your first Camel project easily.

Some further simple introductory articles to learn the basics:

	Simple DSL OSGi bundle example by Andrej Koelewijn
	Realization of EAI Patterns with Apache Camel by Pascal Kolb at the Universität Stuttgart
	Navigating the Integration Landscape - Claus Ibsen on Apache Camel Claus Ibsen was interviewed at DZone discussing the integration landscape
	Enterprise Integration Pattern with Apache Camel 2.0 by Julien Dechmann, how to use Camel to split and transform CSV files to POJO and XML and sending to a JMS destination
	Camellos - Discovering Apache Camel by Gunnar Hillert. A very nice and short blog series about Camel showing its powers in a simple and intuitive way.
	First step with Apache Camel by Lukasz Budnik. Great first steps where Lukas does a fairly complex route as his first encounter with Camel.
	Devoxx talk about Apache Camel  Impressions from the talk by Jos Nieuwenhuis
	LEGO Java: Apache Camel Context and Route Basics shows how to build integration applications using EIPs LEGO style. Building an application to parse HTML pages from web sites.
	LEGO® Java (II): Apache Camel Error Handling, Java Beans and Web Services part 2 of the LEGO Camel blog series. This time we covers error handling and using beans with Camel.

Using Camel

These examples show usage of several different components and other concepts such as error handling.

	A bit more meat: Camel applied : JMS to File by Mike McLean
	Matteo wrote a blog entry about using Camel with iBatis
	Using the Camel aggregator correctly by Torsten Mielke, a great blog entry how to use the Camel aggregator.
	Spring Remoting with JMS Example on Amin Abbaspour's Weblog
	Camel routes and HL7 by Roger Searjeant on using Camel and its HL7 support in the health care space.
	Leverage EIP with Apache Camel and Twitter by Bruno Borges
	Using RSS with Apache Camel by Jeroen Reijn
	Axis 2 ride with Camel how to use Axis 2 with Camel by Sagara
	A Camel based XML payload HTTP polling provider by Christopher Hunt to use Camel with AJAX. Interesting read.
	First steps with Apache Camel on Google App Engine by Martin Krasser posts his findings to get Camel running on the GAE.
	Camel, CXF and JMS by Example by Silvester van der Bijl. Good blog entry how to use CXF and Camel together.
	A simple file monitoring console with camel, cometd and jquery by Andrej Koelewijn. Shows how to use Camel to monitor log files and  push lines changed using cometd to a webpage. All in a few files using  Groovy.
	Advanced Event Notification Framework with Apache Camel by Hendy showing how to use Camel for a lightweight even notification system.
	Camel IRC Message Route Example by James Carr. An IRC bot which can parse _javascript_ and Ruby expressions.
	A composite REST service using Apache Camel by Andrej Koelewijn. A blog entry how to expose a REST service and have  Camel aggregate data from multiple sources to be returned.
	EDA events over system boundaries with Camel by Sculptur team blog.
	Dynamic FTP Client using Apache Camel and Spring by Mattias Severson, showing how to develop an FTP client that could  transmit files to various FTP servers as a part of a delivery system in a  Java enterprise application.
	Using Apache Camel to route SOAP calls through message queues by Glen Mazza
	Virtual ESB - 

svn commit: r819969 - in /websites/production/camel/content: articles.html cache/main.pageCache

2012-06-02 Thread buildbot
Author: buildbot
Date: Sat Jun  2 09:18:00 2012
New Revision: 819969

Production update by buildbot for camel


Modified: websites/production/camel/content/articles.html
--- websites/production/camel/content/articles.html (original)
+++ websites/production/camel/content/articles.html Sat Jun  2 09:18:00 2012
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
 h2a shape=rect name=Articles-Camelbloggers/aCamel bloggers/h2
-ullia shape=rect class=external-link 
href=http://davsclaus.blogspot.com/; rel=nofollowClaus Ibsen's Blog/a - 
Claus is a Camel committer since March 2008, and writes a lot about 
Camel./lilia shape=rect class=external-link 
href=http://janstey.blogspot.com; rel=nofollowJon Anstey's Blog/a - Jon 
occasionally blogs about Camel/lilia shape=rect class=external-link 
href=http://macstrac.blogspot.com/; rel=nofollowJames Strachan's Blog/a - 
James blogs about Camel sometimes too img align=middle class=emoticon 
height=20 width=20 alt= border=0/lilia shape=rect 
class=external-link href=http://willemjiang.blogspot.com/; 
rel=nofollowWillem Jiang's Blog/a - Willem also writes about Camel in 
English and Chinese./lilia shape=rect class=external-link 
href=http://cmoulliard.blogspot.com/; rel=nofollowCharles Moulliard's 
Blog/a - Char
 les occasionally blogs about Camel and OSGi/lilia shape=rect 
class=external-link href=http://benoday.blogspot.com/; rel=nofollowBen 
O'Day's Blog/a - Ben works in the field and sometimes blogs about 
Camel/lilia shape=rect class=external-link 
rel=nofollowOpenSourceKnowledge - Ashwin Karpe's Blog/a - Ashwin is a 
Camel committer and writes about Camel./lilia shape=rect 
rel=nofollowChristian Schneider's Blog/a - Christian occasionally blogs 
about Camel and CXF./lilia shape=rect class=external-link 
href=http://camelbot.blogspot.com/; rel=nofollowHadrian Zbarcea/a - also 
blogs about Camel./lilia shape=rect class=external-link 
href=http://marcelojabali.blogspot.com/; rel=nofollowMarcelo Jarbali's 
Blog/a - Marcelo works in the fields and blogs about Camel and integration./l
 ilia shape=rect class=external-link href=http://blog.nanthrax.net; 
rel=nofollowJean-Baptiste Onofr#233;'s Blog/a - JB blogs about Camel, 
CXF, Karaf, ServiceMix and OSGi in general./lilia shape=rect 
class=external-link href=http://www.kai-waehner.de/blog; rel=nofollowKai 
W#228;hner's Blog/a - Kai blogs about Camel, ESB, Cloud, and present Camel 
at various conferences as well./li/ul
+ullia shape=rect class=external-link 
href=http://davsclaus.blogspot.com/; rel=nofollowClaus Ibsen's Blog/a - 
Claus is a Camel committer since March 2008, and writes a lot about 
Camel./lilia shape=rect class=external-link 
href=http://janstey.blogspot.com; rel=nofollowJon Anstey's Blog/a - Jon 
occasionally blogs about Camel/lilia shape=rect class=external-link 
href=http://macstrac.blogspot.com/; rel=nofollowJames Strachan's Blog/a - 
James blogs about Camel sometimes too img align=middle class=emoticon 
height=20 width=20 alt= border=0/lilia shape=rect 
class=external-link href=http://willemjiang.blogspot.com/; 
rel=nofollowWillem Jiang's Blog/a - Willem also writes about Camel in 
English and Chinese./lilia shape=rect class=external-link 
href=http://cmoulliard.blogspot.com/; rel=nofollowCharles Moulliard's 
Blog/a - Char
 les occasionally blogs about Camel and OSGi/lilia shape=rect 
class=external-link href=http://benoday.blogspot.com/; rel=nofollowBen 
O'Day's Blog/a - Ben works in the field and sometimes blogs about 
Camel/lilia shape=rect class=external-link 
rel=nofollowOpenSourceKnowledge - Ashwin Karpe's Blog/a - Ashwin is a 
Camel committer and writes about Camel./lilia shape=rect 
rel=nofollowChristian Schneider's Blog/a - Christian occasionally blogs 
about Camel and CXF./lilia shape=rect class=external-link 
href=http://camelbot.blogspot.com/; rel=nofollowHadrian Zbarcea/a - also 
blogs about Camel./lilia shape=rect class=external-link 
href=http://marcelojabali.blogspot.com/; rel=nofollowMarcelo Jarbali's 
Blog/a - Marcelo blogs about Websocket, Camel and integration./lilia shap
 e=rect class=external-link href=http://blog.nanthrax.net; 
rel=nofollowJean-Baptiste Onofr#233;'s Blog/a - JB blogs about Camel, 
CXF, Karaf, ServiceMix and OSGi in general./lilia shape=rect 
class=external-link href=http://www.kai-waehner.de/blog; rel=nofollowKai 
W#228;hner's Blog/a - Kai blogs about Camel, ESB, 

svn commit: r1345497 - /camel/trunk/camel-core/src/test/java/org/apache/camel/processor/DynamicRouterExchangeHeaders2Test.java

2012-06-02 Thread davsclaus
Author: davsclaus
Date: Sat Jun  2 11:57:42 2012
New Revision: 1345497

URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=1345497view=rev
Added test based on user forum issue


  - copied, changed from r1345455, 

 (from r1345455, 
 Sat Jun  2 11:57:42 2012
@@ -21,15 +21,18 @@ import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import org.apache.camel.ContextTestSupport;
+import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
+import org.apache.camel.Header;
 import org.apache.camel.Headers;
 import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
  * @version 
-public class DynamicRouterExchangeHeadersTest extends ContextTestSupport {
+public class DynamicRouterExchangeHeaders2Test extends ContextTestSupport {
 private static ListString bodies = new ArrayListString();
+private static ListString previouses = new ArrayListString();
 public void testDynamicRouter() throws Exception {
 getMockEndpoint(mock:a).expectedBodiesReceived(Hello World);
@@ -53,6 +56,12 @@ public class DynamicRouterExchangeHeader
 assertEquals(Hello World, bodies.get(2));
 assertEquals(Bye World, bodies.get(3));
 assertEquals(Bye World, bodies.get(4));
+assertEquals(4, previouses.size());
+assertEquals(mock://a, previouses.get(0));
+assertEquals(mock://c, previouses.get(1));
+assertEquals(direct://foo, previouses.get(2));
+assertEquals(mock://result, previouses.get(3));
@@ -62,7 +71,7 @@ public class DynamicRouterExchangeHeader
 public void configure() throws Exception {
 // use a bean as the dynamic router
.dynamicRouter(method(DynamicRouterExchangeHeadersTest.class, slip));
.dynamicRouter(method(DynamicRouterExchangeHeaders2Test.class, slip));
@@ -75,10 +84,14 @@ public class DynamicRouterExchangeHeader
  * @param body the message body
  * @param headers the message headers where we can store state between 
+ * @param previous the previous slip
  * @return endpoints to go, or ttnull/tt to indicate the end
-public String slip(String body, @Headers MapString, Object headers) {
+public String slip(String body, @Headers MapString, Object headers, 
@Header(Exchange.SLIP_ENDPOINT) String previous) {
+if (previous != null) {
 // get the state from the message headers and keep track how many times
 // we have been invoked

svn commit: r1345498 - /camel/trunk/components/camel-web/pom.xml

2012-06-02 Thread davsclaus
Author: davsclaus
Date: Sat Jun  2 12:03:09 2012
New Revision: 1345498

URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=1345498view=rev
Upgraded to logback 1.0.4


Modified: camel/trunk/components/camel-web/pom.xml
--- camel/trunk/components/camel-web/pom.xml (original)
+++ camel/trunk/components/camel-web/pom.xml Sat Jun  2 12:03:09 2012
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@

svn commit: r1345499 - in /camel/trunk/components/camel-bam/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/bam: model/ProcessInstance.java rules/ProcessRules.java

2012-06-02 Thread davsclaus
Author: davsclaus
Date: Sat Jun  2 12:13:56 2012
New Revision: 1345499

URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=1345499view=rev
CAMEL-5060: Fixed concurrency issue in camel-bam




 Sat Jun  2 12:13:56 2012
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ package org.apache.camel.bam.model;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
 import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
 import javax.persistence.Entity;
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import org.apache.camel.bam.rules.Activi
 public class ProcessInstance {
 private ProcessDefinition processDefinition;
-private CollectionActivityState activityStates = new 
+private CollectionActivityState activityStates = new 
 private String correlationKey;
 private Date timeStarted;
 private Date timeCompleted;

 Sat Jun  2 12:13:56 2012
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
 package org.apache.camel.bam.rules;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
+import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
 import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
 import org.apache.camel.bam.model.ActivityState;
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import org.apache.camel.util.ServiceHelp
 public class ProcessRules extends ServiceSupport {
 private ProcessDefinition processDefinition;
-private ListActivityRules activities = new ArrayListActivityRules();
+private ListActivityRules activities = new 
 public synchronized void processExpired(ActivityState activityState) 
throws Exception {
 for (ActivityRules activityRules : activities) {

svn commit: r820011 - in /websites/production/camel/content: book-component-appendix.html book-in-one-page.html cache/main.pageCache file2.html

2012-06-02 Thread buildbot
Author: buildbot
Date: Sat Jun  2 19:20:56 2012
New Revision: 820011

Production update by buildbot for camel


Modified: websites/production/camel/content/book-component-appendix.html
--- websites/production/camel/content/book-component-appendix.html (original)
+++ websites/production/camel/content/book-component-appendix.html Sat Jun  2 
19:20:56 2012
@@ -3654,7 +3654,8 @@ This option provides the build in strate
 br clear=none class=atl-forced-newline ttchanged/tt is using file 
length/modification timestamp to detect whether the file is currently being 
copied or not. Will at least use 1 sec. to determine this, so this option 
cannot consume files as fast as the others, but can be more reliable as the JDK 
IO API cannot always determine whether a file is currently being used by 
another process. This option is bonly/b avail for the a shape=rect 
href=ftp2.html title=FTP2FTP/a component from bCamel 2.8/b onwards. 
 br clear=none class=atl-forced-newline ttfileLock/tt is for using 
ttjava.nio.channels.FileLock/tt. This option is bnot/b avail for the a 
shape=rect href=ftp2.html title=FTP2FTP/a component. This approach 
should be avoided when accessing a remote file system via a mount/share unless 
that file system supports distributed file locks.
 br clear=none class=atl-forced-newline ttrename/tt is for using a 
try to rename the file as a test if we can get exclusive read-lock.
-br clear=none class=atl-forced-newline ttnone/tt is for no read 
locks at all./td/trtrtd colspan=1 rowspan=1 class=confluenceTd 
ttreadLockTimeout/tt /tdtd colspan=1 rowspan=1 
class=confluenceTdul class=alternate type=squareli/li/ul
+br clear=none class=atl-forced-newline ttnone/tt is for no read 
locks at all.br clear=none
+Notice from bCamel 2.10/b onwards the read locks ttchanged/tt, 
ttfileLock/tt and ttrename/tt will also use a ttmarkerFile/tt as 
well, to ensure not picking up files that may be in process by another Camel 
consumer running on another node (eg cluster). This is only supported by the 
file component (not the ftp component). /td/trtrtd/td/trtrtd 
colspan=1 rowspan=1 class=confluenceTd ttreadLockTimeout/tt /tdtd 
colspan=1 rowspan=1 class=confluenceTdul class=alternate 
 /tdtd colspan=1 rowspan=1 class=confluenceTd Optional timeout in 
millis for the read-lock, if supported by the read-lock. If the read-lock could 
not be granted and the timeout triggered, then Camel will skip the file. At 
next poll Camel, will try the file again, and this time maybe the read-lock 
could be granted. Use a value of 0 or lower to indicate forever. In bCamel 
2.0/b the default value is 0. In bCamel 2.1/b the default value is 1. 
Currently ttfileLock/tt, ttchanged/tt and ttrename/tt support the 
timeout. For a shape=rect href=ftp2.html title=FTP2FTP/a the default 
ttreadLockTimeout/tt value is 2. /td/trtrtd colspan=1 
rowspan=1 class=confluenceTd ttreadLockCheckInterval/tt /tdtd 
colspan=1 rowspan=1 class=confluenceTd tt1000/tt /tdtd 
colspan=1 rowspan=1 class=confluenceTd bCamel 2.6:/b Interval in 
millis for the read-lock, if supported by the read lock. This interval is used
  for sleeping between attempts to acquire the read lock. For example when 
using the ttchanged/tt read lock, you can set a higher interval period to 
cater for emslow writes/em. The default of 1 sec. may be emtoo fast/em 
if the producer is very slow writing the file. For a shape=rect 
href=ftp2.html title=FTP2FTP/a the default 
ttreadLockCheckInterval/tt is tt5000/tt. /td/trtrtd colspan=1 
rowspan=1 class=confluenceTd ttdirectoryMustExist/tt /tdtd 
colspan=1 rowspan=1 class=confluenceTd ttfalse/tt /tdtd 
colspan=1 rowspan=1 class=confluenceTd bCamel 2.5:/b Similar to 
ttstartingDirectoryMustExist/tt but this applies during polling recursive 
sub directories. /td/trtrtd colspan=1 rowspan=1 
class=confluenceTd ttdoneFileName/tt /tdtd colspan=1 rowspan=1 
class=confluenceTd ttnull/tt /tdtd colspan=1 rowspan=1 
class=confluenceTd bCamel 2.6:/b If provided, Camel will
  only consume files if a emdone/em file exists. This option configures 
what file name to use. Either you can specify a fixed name. Or you can use 
dynamic placeholders. The emdone/em file is balways/b expected in the 
same folder as the original file. See emusing done file/em and emwriting 
done file/em sections for examples. /td/trtrtd colspan=1 rowspan=1 
class=confluenceTd ttexclusiveReadLockStrategy/tt /tdtd colspan=1 
rowspan=1 class=confluenceTd ttnull/tt /tdtd colspan=1 
rowspan=1 class=confluenceTd Pluggable read-lock as a 
implementation. /td/trtrtd colspan=1 

svn commit: r1345562 - in /camel/trunk: camel-core/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/component/file/ camel-core/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/component/file/strategy/ camel-core/src/test/java/org/apache

2012-06-02 Thread davsclaus
Author: davsclaus
Date: Sat Jun  2 19:40:22 2012
New Revision: 1345562

URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=1345562view=rev
CAMEL-5324: Improved file component to use marker file in read locks to support 
clustered Camel apps, with multiple file consumers competing for files on a 
shared drive.



  - copied, changed from r1345498, 












 Sat Jun  2 19:40:22 2012
@@ -285,9 +285,14 @@ public abstract class GenericFileConsume
 boolean begin = processStrategy.begin(operations, endpoint, 
exchange, file);
 if (!begin) {
-log.debug(endpoint +  cannot begin processing file: {}, 
-// begin returned false, so remove file from the in progress 
list as its no longer in progress
+log.debug({} cannot begin processing file: {}, endpoint, 
+try {
+// abort
+processStrategy.abort(operations, endpoint, exchange, 
+} finally {
+// begin returned false, so remove file from the in 
progress list as its no longer in progress
 } catch (Exception e) {

 Sat Jun  2 19:40:22 2012
@@ -49,6 +49,20 @@ public interface GenericFileProcessStrat
   Exchange exchange, GenericFileT file) throws Exception;
+ * Called when a begin is aborted, for example to release any resources 
which may have
+ * been acquired during the {@link #begin(GenericFileOperations, 
GenericFileEndpoint, org.apache.camel.Exchange, GenericFile)}
+ * operation.
+ *
+ * @param operations file operations
+ * @param endpoint   the endpoint
+ * @param exchange   the exchange
+ * @param file   the file
+ * @throws Exception can be thrown in case of errors
+ */
+void abort(GenericFileOperationsT operations, GenericFileEndpointT 
+   Exchange exchange, 

svn commit: r820016 - in /websites/production/camel/content: cache/main.pageCache camel-2100-release.html

2012-06-02 Thread buildbot
Author: buildbot
Date: Sat Jun  2 20:18:12 2012
New Revision: 820016

Production update by buildbot for camel


Modified: websites/production/camel/content/cache/main.pageCache
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: websites/production/camel/content/camel-2100-release.html
--- websites/production/camel/content/camel-2100-release.html (original)
+++ websites/production/camel/content/camel-2100-release.html Sat Jun  2 
20:18:12 2012
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
 pWelcome to the 2.10.0 release with approximately XXX issues resolved - 
including new features, improvements, and bug fixes, such as: /p
-ulliAdded support for Java 1.7/liliAdded consumer to a shape=rect 
href=jcr.html title=JCRJCR/a component/liliInternal code cleanup to 
reduce warnings reported by Eclipse/liliMoved a shape=rect 
href=spring-testing.html title=Spring TestingSpring Testing/a from 
ttcamel-test/tt to ttcamel-test-spring/tt component./liliCamel a 
shape=rect href=using-propertyplaceholder.html title=Using 
PropertyPlaceholderProperty Placeholders/a are now supported in embedded a 
shape=rect href=expression.html title=ExpressionExpression/as within 
Camel routes./liliAdded missing options in the XML DSL for the a 
shape=rect href=xpath.html title=XPathXPath/a language to control and 
set which XPath Engine to use, etc./liliAdded option ttlogNamespaces/tt 
to the a shape=rect href=xpath.html title=XPathXPath/a language to 
have ttINFO/tt logging of detected namespaces from message.  This can be 
used to tr
 oubleshoot issues where an a shape=rect href=xpath.html 
title=XPathXPath/a expression doesn't work as expected (as it's often a 
namespace conflict)./liliAdded ttreplyToCacheLevelName/tt option to the 
a shape=rect href=jms.html title=JMSJMS/a component, allowing 
configuration of cache levels for persistent reply consumers when doing 
request/reply over JMS. Some message brokers do not work well with caching, so 
users may need to set this option to ttCACHE_NONE/tt./liliAdded 
ttantInclude/tt and ttantExclude/tt options to a shape=rect 
href=file2.html title=File2File/a and a shape=rect href=ftp2.html 
title=FTP2FTP/a components to make it easier to specify include/exclude 
filters using ANT syntax./liliThe a shape=rect 
href=camel-maven-archetypes.html title=Camel Maven ArchetypesCamel 
archetypes/a for Java and Scala no longer generate projects with Spring 
dependencies./liliImproved ttJdbcMessageIdRe
 pository/tt in the a shape=rect href=sql-component.html title=SQL 
ComponentSQL/a to use custom SQL statements/queries./liliAdded option 
to a shape=rect href=properties.html title=PropertiesProperties/a to 
allow silently ignoring property locations not found, such as a .properties 
file./liliAdded ttmanagementNamePattern/tt attribute to 
ttlt;camelContextgt;/tt to make it very easy to customize and control the 
JMX naming of the Camel application. See details at a shape=rect 
href=camel-jmx.html#CamelJMX-CamelJMXManagementNamingStrategyCamel JMX/a. 
For example, in OSGi environments you can explicitly configure a 
ttmanagementNamePattern/tt in case you do not want the bundleId as part of 
MBean names./liliAdded streaming update support to a shape=rect 
href=solr.html title=SolrSolr/a as well as support for 
SolrInputDocuments/liliAdded SolrJ DirectXMLRequest support to a 
shape=rect href=solr.html title=SolrS
 olr/a to support XML based index updates/liliImproved Camel a 
shape=rect href=mail.html title=MailMail/a to support the 
ttreplyTo/tt option/liliAdded tttraceEnabled/tt option to a 
shape=rect href=jetty.html title=JettyJetty/a component so you have 
control over whether to allow HTTP TRACE calls against your Jetty 
endpoints./liliPolished the a shape=rect 
href=camel-maven-archetypes.html title=Camel Maven ArchetypesCamel Maven 
Archetypes/a to let the projects be prepared for a shape=rect 
href=testing.html title=TestingTesting/a, and fixed any WARNs from 
Maven./liliAdded ttdumpRouteStatsAsXml/tt methods to a shape=rect 
href=camel-jmx.html title=Camel JMXJMX/a to make it easier to get the 
total performance stats as XML, and in one JMX call./lilia shape=rect 
href=graceful-shutdown.html title=Graceful ShutdownGraceful Shutdown/a 
is now more aggressive if timeout occurred during shutdown, r
 ejecting continued processing of messages or redeliveries./liliAdd 
ttShutdownPrepared/tt SPI to allow custom Services (also EIPs) in routes to 
do custom code in preparation for shutdown./liliThe 
ttcamel-archetype-java/tt a shape=rect 
href=camel-maven-archetypes.html title=Camel Maven ArchetypesCamel Maven 
Archetypes/a is now a pure Java DSL based project (no longer 
Spring)/lilia shape=rect href=jms.html title=JMSJMS/a consumer is 