[CONF] Apache Camel Component List Grouped

2013-09-30 Thread Robert Liguori (Confluence)

Component List Grouped
Page edited by Robert Liguori

Reverted from v. 45

 Changes (2)

h2. An informal grouping of Camel components.  h3. Automating Tasks  || Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || | [Timer] / camel-core {code:none} timer:timerName[?options] {code} | Used to generate message exchanges when a timer fires. Events can only be consumed from this endpoint. | | [Quartz] / camel-quartz {code:none} quartz://groupName/timerName[?options] {code} | Provides a scheduled delivery of messages using the [Quartz 1.x scheduler|http://www.quartz-scheduler.org/]. | | [Quartz2] / camel-quartz2 {code:none} quartz2://groupName/timerName[?options] {code} | Provides a scheduled delivery of messages using the [Quartz 2.x scheduler|http://www.quartz-scheduler.org/]. |  h3. Amazon  || Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || | [AWS-CW|AWS-CW] / [camel-aws|AWS] {code:none} aws-cw://namespace[?options] {code} | For working with [Amazons CloudWatch (CW)|http://aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/]. | | [AWS-DDB|AWS-DDB] / [camel-aws|AWS] {code:none} aws-ddb://tableName[?options] {code} | For working with [Amazons DynamoDB (DDB)|http://aws.amazon.com/dynamodb/]. | | [AWS-SDB|AWS-SDB] / [camel-aws|AWS] {code:none} aws-sdb://domainName[?options] {code} | For working with [Amazons SimpleDB (SDB)|http://aws.amazon.com/simpledb/]. | | [AWS-SES|AWS-SES] / [camel-aws|AWS] {code:none} aws-ses://from[?options] {code} | For working with [Amazons Simple Email Service (SES)|http://aws.amazon.com/ses/]. | | [AWS-SNS|AWS-SNS] / [camel-aws|AWS] {code:none} aws-sns://topicName[?options] {code} | For Messaging with [Amazons Simple Notification Service (SNS)|http://aws.amazon.com/sns/]. | | [AWS-SQS|AWS-SQS] / [camel-aws|AWS] {code:none} aws-sqs://queueName[?options] {code} | For Messaging with [Amazons Simple Queue Service (SQS)|http://aws.amazon.com/sqs/]. | | [AWS-S3|AWS-S3] / [camel-aws|AWS] {code:none} aws-s3://bucketName[?options] {code} | For working with [Amazons Simple Storage Service (S3)|http://aws.amazon.com/s3/]. |  h3. Basics  || Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || | [Bean] / camel-core {code:none} bean:beanName[?options] {code} | Uses the [Bean Binding] to bind message exchanges to beans in the [Registry]. Is also used for exposing and invoking Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs). | | [Class] / camel-core {code:none} class:className[?options] {code} | Uses the [Bean Binding] to bind message exchanges to beans based on the class name. Is also used for exposing and invoking POJOs. | | [Context] / camel-context {code:none} [context:]camelContextId:localEndpointName[?options] {code} | Used to refer to endpoints within a separate CamelContext to provide a simple [black box composition|Context] approach so that routes can be combined into a CamelContext and then used as a black box component inside other routes in other CamelContext. | | [Data Format|DataFormat Component] / camel-core {code:none} dataformat:name:marshal|unmarshal[?options] {code} | For working with [Data Format]s as if it was a regular Component supporting Endpoints and URIs. | | [Exec] / camel-exec {code:none} exec://executable[?options] {code} | For executing system commands. | | [Language] / camel-core {code:none} language://languageName[:script][?options] {code} | Executes [Languages] scripts. | | [Printer] / camel-printer {code:none} lpr://hostName[:port]/printerPath[?options] {code} | The printer component facilitates creation of printer endpoints to local, remote and wireless printers. The endpoints provide the ability to print camel directed payloads when utilized on camel routes. | | [Properties] / camel-core {code:none} properties://key[?options] {code} | Facilitates using property placeholders directly in endpoint URI definitions. | | [Ref] / camel-core {code:none} ref:name {code} | Component for lookup of existing endpoints bound in the [Registry]. |  h3. Chat  || Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || | [IRC] / camel-irc {code:none} irc:[login@]hostName[:port]/#room[?options] {code} | For Internet Relay Chat (IRC) communication. | | [XMPP|XMPP|XMPP and Jabber support] / camel-xmpp {code:none} xmpp://[login@]hostname[:port][/participant][?options] {code} | Working with Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP), formerly called Jabber. |  h3. Clusters  || Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || | [JGroups] / camel-jgroups in [camel-extra|http://code.google.com/p/camel-extra/] {code:none} jgroups://clusterName {code} | Provides exchange of messages between Camel infrastructure and JGroups clusters. | | [ZooKeeper] / camel-zookeeper {code:none} zookeeper://zookeeperServer[:port][/path][?options] {code} | Working with [ZooKeeper|http://hadoop.apache.org/zookeeper/] cluster(s). |  h3. Content Repositories  || Component / ArtifactId / URI || 

[CONF] Apache Camel Component List Grouped

2013-09-24 Thread Robert Liguori (Confluence)

Component List Grouped
Page edited by Robert Liguori

 Changes (34)

 h3. Automating Tasks 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
| [Timer] / camel-core {code:none} 
 h3. Amazon 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
| [AWS-CW|AWS-CW] / [camel-aws|AWS] {code:none} 
h3. Basicsbean, class, [dataformat|DataFormat Component], language, properties, ref,  
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
 h3. Chat 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
| [IRC] / camel-irc {code:none} 
h3. Clusters jgroups, zookeeper  
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
 h3. Commands  dns, exec, flatpack, hdfs, scp, log, lpr, [stream|Stream], ssh 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
 h3. Content Repositories 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
| [CMIS] / camel-cmis {code:none} 
h3. Databases CouchDB, Db4o, EJB, HBase, Hibernate, iBATIS, JDBC, JPA, Krati, [mongodb|MongoDB], MyBatis, SQL, Spring Neo4j 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
 h3. ESB JBI, NMR 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
 h3. Feeds Atom, RSS 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
 h3. File I/O [file|File2], ftp, ftps, sftp  
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
 h3. Google guath, ghttps, glogin, gmail, gtask, guava-eventbus 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
 h3. http ahc, cometd, http, http4, jetty, servlet 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
 h3. In-Memory Management direct, direct-vm, disruptor, disruptor-vm, seda, vm 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
 h3. JMS activemq, activemq.journal, jms, rabbitmq, sjms, stomp, zeromq 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
 h3. LDAP 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
| [LDAP] / camel-ldap {code:none} 
h3. mail pop3, pop3s, smtp, smtps, imap, imaps 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
 h3. Maintenance and Monitoring 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
| [Browse] / camel-core {code:none} 
h3. Messaging amqp, javaspace, jt400, kestrel, mqtt, sip, sips, smpp, smpps, snmp, quickfix 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
 h3. Networking mina, mina2 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
 h3. Netty  
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
| [Netty] / camel-netty {code:none} 
 h3. OSGI 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
| [EventAdmin] / camel-eventadmin {code:none} 
 h3. Routing 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
| [Context] / camel-context {code:none} 
 h3. Security 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
| [Crypto (Digital Signatures)|Crypto (Digital Signatures)] / camel-crypto {code:none} 
 h3. Search Engines  
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
| [ElasticSearch] / camel-elasticsearch {code:none} 
 h3. Social Media  
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
| [Facebook] / camel-facebook {code:none} 
h3. Spring camel-spring, spring-batch, spring-integration, spring-redis 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
 h3. Templates freemarker, mustache, mvel, scalate, string-template, velocity 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
 h3. Testing  
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
| [DataSet] / camel-core {code:none} 
h3. XML bean-validator, fop, msv, rnc, rng, stax, squery, xslt, validation 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
 h3. Web Services and Remoting [cxfbean|CXF Bean Component], [cxf|CXF], [cxfrs|CXFRS], restlet, rmi, spring-ws, websocket 
|| Component / ArtifactId / URI || Description || 
 h3. Platform support apns, salesforce, sap-netweaver, vertx 

[CONF] Apache Camel Component List Grouped

2013-09-14 Thread Robert Liguori (Confluence)

Component List Grouped
Page  added by Robert Liguori



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