[CONF] Apache Camel Metrics Component

2014-08-30 Thread Claus Ibsen (Confluence)


Claus Ibsen edited the page:

Metrics Component   

Themetrics:component allows to collect various metrics directly from Camel routes. Supported metric types arecounter,histogram, meterandtimer.Metricsprovides simple way to measure behaviour of application. Configurable reportingbackendis enabling different integration options for collecting and visualizing statistics. The component also provides aMetricsRoutePolicyFactory which allows to expose route statistics using codehale metrics, see bottom of page for details.
Each metric has type and name. Supported types are counter, histogram,meterand timer. Metric name is simple string. If metric type is not provided then type meter is used by default.


Whether to report fine grained statistics to JMX by using the com.codahale.metrics.JmxReporter.Notice that if JMX is enabled on CamelContext then a MetricsRegistryService mbean is enlisted under the services type in the JMX tree. That mbean has a single operation to output the statistics using json. Setting useJmx to true is only needed if you want fine grained mbeans per statistics type.

The JMX domain name

Whether to use pretty print when outputting statistics in json format


Allow to use a shared com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry. If none is provided then Camel will create a shared instance used by the this CamelContext.

The unit to use for rate in the metrics reporter or when dumping the statistics as json.

[CONF] Apache Camel Metrics Component

2014-08-17 Thread Claus Ibsen (Confluence)


Claus Ibsen edited the page:

Metrics Component   

Themetrics:component allows to collect various metrics directly from Camel routes. Supported metric types arecounter,histogram, meterandtimer.Metricsprovides simple way to measure behaviour of application. Configurable reportingbackendis enabling different integration options for collecting and visualizing statistics. The component also provides aMetricsRoutePolicyFactory which allows to expose route statistics using codehale metrics, see bottom of page for details.
Each metric has type and name. Supported types are counter, histogram,meterand timer. Metric name is simple string. If metric type is not provided then type meter is used by default.


Whether to report the fine grained statistics to JMX by using the com.codahale.metrics.JmxReporter

The JMX domain name

Whether to use pretty print when outputting statistics in json format


Allow to use a shared com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry. If none is provided then Camel will create a shared instance used by the this CamelContext.


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[CONF] Apache Camel Metrics Component

2014-08-17 Thread Claus Ibsen (Confluence)


Claus Ibsen edited the page:

Metrics Component   

Themetrics:component allows to collect various metrics directly from Camel routes. Supported metric types arecounter,histogram, meterandtimer.Metricsprovides simple way to measure behaviour of application. Configurable reportingbackendis enabling different integration options for collecting and visualizing statistics. The component also provides aMetricsRoutePolicyFactory which allows to expose route statistics using codehale metrics, see bottom of page for details.
Each metric has type and name. Supported types are counter, histogram,meterand timer. Metric name is simple string. If metric type is not provided then type meter is used by default.


Whether to report fine grained statistics to JMX by using the com.codahale.metrics.JmxReporter.  Notice that if JMX is enabled on CamelContext then a MetricsRegistryService mbean is enlisted under the services type in the JMX tree. That mbean has a single operation to output the statistics using json. Setting useJmx to true is only needed if you want fine grained mbeans per statistics type.

The JMX domain name

Whether to use pretty print when outputting statistics in json format


Allow to use a shared com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry. If none is provided then Camel will create a shared instance used by the this CamelContext.


[CONF] Apache Camel Metrics Component

2014-08-13 Thread Lauri Kimmel (Confluence)


Lauri Kimmel created a page:

Metrics Component   

Metrics Component
 Available as of Camel 2.14 
Themetrics:component allows you to collect various metrics directly from Camel routes. Supported metric types arecounter,histogram, meterandtimer.Metricsprovides simple way to measure behaviour of your application. Configurable reportingbackendis enabling different integration options for collecting and visualizing statistics.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:

!-- use the same version as your Camel core version --

URI format

metrics:[ meter | counter | histogram | timer ]:metricname[?options]

 Metric Registry 
Camel Metrics Component uses by default MetricRegistry with Slf4jReporter and 60 second reporting interval. Default registry can be replaced with custom one by providing bean with name metricRegistry in Camel registry.For example using Spring Java Configuration. 

public static class MyConfig extends SingleRouteCamelConfiguration {

public RouteBuilder route() {
return new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() throws Exception {
// define Camel routes here

@Bean(name = MetricsComponent.METRIC_REGISTRY_NAME)
public MetricRegistry getMetricRegistry() {
MetricRegistry registry = ...;
return registry;


 MetricRegistry uses internal thread(s) for reporting. There is no public API in version 3.0.1 for users to clean up on exit. Thus using Camel Metrics Component leads to Java classloader leak and my cause OutOfMemoryErrors in some cases.

Each metric has type and name. Supported types are counter, histogram,meterand timer. Metric name is simple string. If metric type is not provided then type meter is used by default.
Metric name defined in URI can be overridden by using header with name CamelMetricsName.
For example


[CONF] Apache Camel Metrics Component

2014-08-13 Thread Lauri Kimmel (Confluence)


Lauri Kimmel edited the page:

Metrics Component   

Themetrics:component allows you to collect various metrics directly from Camel routes. Supported metric types arecounter,histogram, meterandtimer.Metricsprovides simple way to measure behaviour of your application. Configurable reportingbackendis enabling different integration options for collecting and visualizing statistics.
Each metric has type and name. Supported types are counter, histogram,meterand timer. Metric name is simple string. If metric type is not provided then type meter is used by default.

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[CONF] Apache Camel Metrics Component

2014-08-13 Thread Lauri Kimmel (Confluence)


Lauri Kimmel edited the page:

Metrics Component   

Themetrics:component allows to collect various metrics directly from Camel routes. Supported metric types arecounter,histogram, meterandtimer.Metricsprovides simple way to measure behaviour of your application. Configurable reportingbackendis enabling different integration options for collecting and visualizing statistics.
Each metric has type and name. Supported types are counter, histogram,meterand timer. Metric name is simple string. If metric type is not provided then type meter is used by default.

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