Lorina Poland created CASSANDRA-16029:

             Summary: Create better Apache Cassandra 4.0 docs
                 Key: CASSANDRA-16029
                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-16029
             Project: Cassandra
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: Documentation/Website
            Reporter: Lorina Poland
            Assignee: Lorina Poland
         Attachments: CurrentDocs.png, NewImprovedDocs.png

The proof of concept to create new Documentation showed that a combination of 
the static site generator (SSG) Antora + Asciidoc files would provide the most 
flexibility in redesigning the Apache C* OSS pages.

Current proof of concept: [https://polandll.github.io/site/Cassandra/4.0/]

To update the docs, the tools to write needed an update, too, to provide a 
better UX and modern look and feel. The old tools (reStructured Text, Sphinx) 
will be replaced with the new tools ([AsciiDoc|http://asciidoc.org], 

See the attachments for screenshots of the current docs and the POC docs.

The advantages of asciidoc+antora:
 * Rich markdown language that is directly editable.
 * Good organizational structure for docs files
 * Flexible build/publishing capabilities, including content from multiple 
repositories and branches
 * Flexible web UI, built separately from the doc files and static site.
 * JS extensions that enable additional functionality.

To complete the conversion, the following steps are required:
 * Pandoc used for conversion of rSt files to adoc files
 ** Followed by significant manual editing to fix the errors left over after 
 * Creation of new antora files (site.yml, antora.yml, CSS and layout)
 ** Integration with plug-ins (lunr for search, tabs for additional codeblock 
 ** Finish the UI to match current Apache C* UI, or engage designer to do a new 
 *** Put the ASF pulldown in the main header banner, like Apache Spark does 
 * Modification of build scripts to work with Antora
 ** Modification of python scripts that generation YAML and nodetool docs
 *** Make sure that these scripts are run for each version
 ** Modification of cassandra/doc Makefile 
 ** Dockerfile and docker-entrypoint.sh files to use Docker for documentation 
 * Modification of cassandra-website to work with Antora
 ** Dockerfile and docker-entrypoint.sh files to use Docker for documentation 
 * Figure out how to handle older versions that are not converted to asciidoc 
 ** Put in TBD? Copy 4.0 branch with note to rewrite later?
 * Figure out why tabs-block antora extension is working locally but not in GH 
pages (may or may not be important)

Other tasks:
 * Complete conversion, plus editing the current docs before Apache C* 4.0 GA
 * Further improvements for docs organization 
 ** Get some sections out of Docs, like Developing Code info -> Community
 * Solve the issue of CQL highlighting/lexer/parser issue
 ** Need CQL to be submitted to pygments
 * Addition of more useful documentation - tutorials, how-to guides, separate 
reference guide

Current work: 


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