rhtyd closed pull request #2190: CLOUDSTACK-10010: Fixed the negotiation of S2S 
VPN connections
URL: https://github.com/apache/cloudstack/pull/2190

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
the sake of provenance:

As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

diff --git a/systemvm/patches/debian/config/opt/cloud/bin/configure.py 
index 9efc07c7188..5b4b062dba2 100755
--- a/systemvm/patches/debian/config/opt/cloud/bin/configure.py
+++ b/systemvm/patches/debian/config/opt/cloud/bin/configure.py
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ def configure_ipsec(self, obj):
         file.addeq(" lifetime=%s" % self.convert_sec_to_h(obj['esp_lifetime']))
         file.addeq(" pfs=%s" % pfs)
         file.addeq(" keyingtries=2")
-        file.addeq(" auto=start")
+        file.addeq(" auto=route")
         if 'encap' not in obj:
         file.addeq(" forceencaps=%s" % CsHelper.bool_to_yn(obj['encap']))
@@ -582,10 +582,21 @@ def configure_ipsec(self, obj):
             logging.info("Configured vpn %s %s", leftpeer, rightpeer)
             CsHelper.execute("ipsec rereadsecrets")
-        # This will load the new config and start the connection when needed 
since auto=start in the config
+        # This will load the new config
         CsHelper.execute("ipsec reload")
         os.chmod(vpnsecretsfile, 0400)
+        # Check that the ipsec config is ready
+        for i in range(2):
+            result = CsHelper.execute('ipsec status vpn-%s | grep "%s"' % 
(rightpeer, peerlist.split(",", 1)[0]))
+            if len(result) > 0:
+                break
+            time.sleep(1)
+        # With 'auto=route', connections are established with an attempt to 
communicate over the S2S VPN
+        # Attempt to ping the other side to initialize the connection of the 
S2S VPN configuration
+        CsHelper.execute("timeout 0.5 ping -c 1 %s" % (peerlist.split("/", 
     def convert_sec_to_h(self, val):
         hrs = int(val) / 3600
         return "%sh" % hrs
diff --git a/test/integration/smoke/test_vpc_vpn.py 
index ddf76930050..9ed1d0109ac 100644
--- a/test/integration/smoke/test_vpc_vpn.py
+++ b/test/integration/smoke/test_vpc_vpn.py
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
 from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
 import logging
+import subprocess
 import time
@@ -1177,3 +1178,447 @@ def tearDownClass(cls):
             cleanup_resources(cls.apiclient, cls.cleanup)
         except Exception, e:
             raise Exception("Cleanup failed with %s" % e)
+class TestVPCSite2SiteVPNMultipleOptions(cloudstackTestCase):
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        cls.logger = logging.getLogger('TestVPCSite2SiteVPNMultipleOptions')
+        cls.stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+        cls.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+        cls.logger.addHandler(cls.stream_handler)
+        testClient = super(TestVPCSite2SiteVPNMultipleOptions, 
+        cls.apiclient = testClient.getApiClient()
+        cls.services = Services().services
+        cls.zone = get_zone(cls.apiclient, testClient.getZoneForTests())
+        cls.domain = get_domain(cls.apiclient)
+        cls.compute_offering = ServiceOffering.create(
+            cls.apiclient,
+            cls.services["compute_offering"]
+        )
+        cls.account = Account.create(
+            cls.apiclient, services=cls.services["account"])
+        cls.hypervisor = testClient.getHypervisorInfo()
+        cls.logger.debug("Downloading Template: %s from: %s" % 
+                         cls.hypervisor.lower()], 
+        cls.template = Template.register(cls.apiclient, 
+        )], cls.zone.id, hypervisor=cls.hypervisor.lower(), 
account=cls.account.name, domainid=cls.domain.id)
+        cls.template.download(cls.apiclient)
+        if cls.template == FAILED:
+            assert False, "get_template() failed to return template"
+        cls.logger.debug("Successfully created account: %s, id: \
+                   %s" % (cls.account.name,
+                          cls.account.id))
+        cls.cleanup = [cls.account, cls.compute_offering]
+        return
+    def _get_ssh_client(self, virtual_machine, services, retries):
+        """ Setup ssh client connection and return connection
+        vm requires attributes public_ip, public_port, username, password """
+        try:
+            ssh_client = SshClient(
+                virtual_machine.public_ip,
+                services["virtual_machine"]["ssh_port"],
+                services["virtual_machine"]["username"],
+                services["virtual_machine"]["password"],
+                retries)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail("Unable to create ssh connection: " % e)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(
+            ssh_client, "Failed to setup ssh connection to vm=%s on 
public_ip=%s" % (virtual_machine.name, virtual_machine.public_ip))
+        return ssh_client
+    def _create_natrule(self, vpc, vm, public_port, private_port, public_ip, 
network, services=None):
+        self.logger.debug("Creating NAT rule in network for vm with public IP")
+        if not services:
+            self.services["natrule"]["privateport"] = private_port
+            self.services["natrule"]["publicport"] = public_port
+            self.services["natrule"]["startport"] = public_port
+            self.services["natrule"]["endport"] = public_port
+            services = self.services["natrule"]
+        nat_rule = NATRule.create(
+            apiclient=self.apiclient,
+            services=services,
+            ipaddressid=public_ip.ipaddress.id,
+            virtual_machine=vm,
+            networkid=network.id
+        )
+        self.assertIsNotNone(
+            nat_rule, "Failed to create NAT Rule for %s" % 
+        self.logger.debug(
+            "Adding NetworkACL rules to make NAT rule accessible")
+        vm.ssh_ip = nat_rule.ipaddress
+        vm.public_ip = nat_rule.ipaddress
+        vm.public_port = int(public_port)
+        return nat_rule
+    def _validate_vpc_offering(self, vpc_offering):
+        self.logger.debug("Check if the VPC offering is created successfully?")
+        vpc_offs = VpcOffering.list(
+            self.apiclient,
+            id=vpc_offering.id
+        )
+        offering_list = validateList(vpc_offs)
+        self.assertEqual(offering_list[0],
+                         PASS,
+                         "List VPC offerings should return a valid list"
+                         )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            vpc_offering.name,
+            vpc_offs[0].name,
+            "Name of the VPC offering should match with listVPCOff data"
+        )
+        self.logger.debug(
+            "VPC offering is created successfully - %s" %
+            vpc_offering.name)
+        return
+    def _create_vpc_offering(self, offering_name):
+        vpc_off = None
+        if offering_name is not None:
+            self.logger.debug("Creating VPC offering: %s", offering_name)
+            vpc_off = VpcOffering.create(
+                self.apiclient,
+                self.services[offering_name]
+            )
+            self._validate_vpc_offering(vpc_off)
+            self.cleanup.append(vpc_off)
+        return vpc_off
+    @attr(tags=["advanced"], required_hardware="true")
+    def test_01_vpc_site2site_vpn_multiple_options(self):
+        """Test Site 2 Site VPN Across VPCs"""
+        self.logger.debug("Starting test: 
+        # 0) Get the default network offering for VPC
+        networkOffering = NetworkOffering.list(
+            self.apiclient, 
+        self.assert_(networkOffering is not None and len(
+            networkOffering) > 0, "No VPC based network offering")
+        # Create and Enable VPC offering
+        vpc_offering = self._create_vpc_offering('vpc_offering')
+        self.assert_(vpc_offering is not None, "Failed to create VPC Offering")
+        vpc_offering.update(self.apiclient, state='Enabled')
+        vpc1 = None
+        # Create VPC 1
+        try:
+            vpc1 = VPC.create(
+                apiclient=self.apiclient,
+                services=self.services["vpc"],
+                networkDomain="vpc1.vpn",
+                vpcofferingid=vpc_offering.id,
+                zoneid=self.zone.id,
+                account=self.account.name,
+                domainid=self.domain.id
+            )
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail(e)
+        finally:
+            self.assert_(vpc1 is not None, "VPC1 creation failed")
+        self.logger.debug("VPC1 %s created" % vpc1.id)
+        vpc2 = None
+        # Create VPC 2
+        try:
+            vpc2 = VPC.create(
+                apiclient=self.apiclient,
+                services=self.services["vpc2"],
+                networkDomain="vpc2.vpn",
+                vpcofferingid=vpc_offering.id,
+                zoneid=self.zone.id,
+                account=self.account.name,
+                domainid=self.domain.id
+            )
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail(e)
+        finally:
+            self.assert_(vpc2 is not None, "VPC2 creation failed")
+        self.logger.debug("VPC2 %s created" % vpc2.id)
+        default_acl = NetworkACLList.list(
+            self.apiclient, name="default_allow")[0]
+        ntwk1 = None
+        # Create network in VPC 1
+        try:
+            ntwk1 = Network.create(
+                apiclient=self.apiclient,
+                services=self.services["network_1"],
+                accountid=self.account.name,
+                domainid=self.account.domainid,
+                networkofferingid=networkOffering[0].id,
+                zoneid=self.zone.id,
+                vpcid=vpc1.id,
+                aclid=default_acl.id
+            )
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail(e)
+        finally:
+            self.assertIsNotNone(ntwk1, "Network failed to create")
+        self.logger.debug("Network %s created in VPC %s" % (ntwk1.id, vpc1.id))
+        ntwk2 = None
+        # Create network in VPC 2
+        try:
+            ntwk2 = Network.create(
+                apiclient=self.apiclient,
+                services=self.services["network_2"],
+                accountid=self.account.name,
+                domainid=self.account.domainid,
+                networkofferingid=networkOffering[0].id,
+                zoneid=self.zone.id,
+                vpcid=vpc2.id,
+                aclid=default_acl.id
+            )
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail(e)
+        finally:
+            self.assertIsNotNone(ntwk2, "Network failed to create")
+        self.logger.debug("Network %s created in VPC %s" % (ntwk2.id, vpc2.id))
+        vm1 = None
+        # Deploy a vm in network 2
+        try:
+            vm1 = VirtualMachine.create(self.apiclient, 
+                                        templateid=self.template.id,
+                                        zoneid=self.zone.id,
+                                        accountid=self.account.name,
+                                        domainid=self.account.domainid,
+                                        networkids=ntwk1.id,
+                                        hypervisor=self.hypervisor
+                                        )
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail(e)
+        finally:
+            self.assert_(vm1 is not None, "VM failed to deploy")
+            self.assert_(vm1.state == 'Running', "VM is not running")
+        self.logger.debug("VM %s deployed in VPC %s" % (vm1.id, vpc1.id))
+        vm2 = None
+        # Deploy a vm in network 2
+        try:
+            vm2 = VirtualMachine.create(self.apiclient, 
+                                        templateid=self.template.id,
+                                        zoneid=self.zone.id,
+                                        accountid=self.account.name,
+                                        domainid=self.account.domainid,
+                                        networkids=ntwk2.id,
+                                        hypervisor=self.hypervisor
+                                        )
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail(e)
+        finally:
+            self.assert_(vm2 is not None, "VM failed to deploy")
+            self.assert_(vm2.state == 'Running', "VM is not running")
+        self.debug("VM %s deployed in VPC %s" % (vm2.id, vpc2.id))
+        # default config
+        config = {
+            'ike_enc'       :'aes128',
+            'ike_hash'      :'sha1',
+            'ike_dh'        :'modp1536',
+            'esp_enc'       :'aes128',
+            'esp_hash'      :'sha1',
+            'esp_pfs'       :'modp1536',
+            'psk'           :'secreatKey',
+            'ike_life'      :86400,
+            'esp_life'      :3600,
+            'dpd'           :True,
+            'force_encap'   :False,
+            'passive_1'     :False,
+            'passive_2'     :False
+        }
+        test_confs = [
+            {}, # default
+            {'force_encap': True},
+            {'ike_life': ''},
+            {'esp_life': ''},
+            {'ike_life': '', 'esp_life': ''},
+            {'passive_1': True, 'passive_2': True},
+            {'passive_1': False, 'passive_2': True},
+            {'passive_1': True, 'passive_2': False},
+            {'passive_1': False, 'passive_2': False, 'dpd': False},
+            {'passive_1': True, 'passive_2': True, 'dpd': False},
+            {'passive_1': True, 'passive_2': False, 'dpd': False},
+            {'passive_1': False, 'passive_2': True, 'dpd': False},
+            {'passive_1': True, 'passive_2': False, 'esp_pfs': ''},
+            {'ike_dh': 'modp3072', 'ike_hash': 'sha256', 'esp_pfs': 
'modp2048', 'esp_hash':'sha384'},
+            {'ike_dh': 'modp4096', 'ike_hash': 'sha384', 'esp_pfs': 
'modp6144', 'esp_hash':'sha512'},
+            {'ike_dh': 'modp8192', 'ike_hash': 'sha512', 'esp_pfs': 
'modp8192', 'esp_hash':'sha384'}
+        ]
+        # 4) Enable Site-to-Site VPN for VPC
+        vpn1_response = Vpn.createVpnGateway(self.apiclient, vpc1.id)
+        self.assert_(
+            vpn1_response is not None, "Failed to enable VPN Gateway 1")
+        self.logger.debug("VPN gateway for VPC %s enabled" % vpc1.id)
+        vpn2_response = Vpn.createVpnGateway(self.apiclient, vpc2.id)
+        self.assert_(
+            vpn2_response is not None, "Failed to enable VPN Gateway 2")
+        self.logger.debug("VPN gateway for VPC %s enabled" % vpc2.id)
+        # 5) Add VPN Customer gateway info
+        src_nat_list = PublicIPAddress.list(
+            self.apiclient,
+            account=self.account.name,
+            domainid=self.account.domainid,
+            listall=True,
+            issourcenat=True,
+            vpcid=vpc1.id
+        )
+        ip1 = src_nat_list[0]
+        src_nat_list = PublicIPAddress.list(
+            self.apiclient,
+            account=self.account.name,
+            domainid=self.account.domainid,
+            listall=True,
+            issourcenat=True,
+            vpcid=vpc2.id
+        )
+        ip2 = src_nat_list[0]
+        # acquire an extra ip address to use to ssh into vm2
+        try:
+            services = self.services.copy()
+            del services["account"]
+            vm2.public_ip = PublicIPAddress.create(
+                apiclient=self.apiclient,
+                zoneid=self.zone.id,
+                account=self.account.name,
+                domainid=self.account.domainid,
+                services=services,
+                networkid=ntwk2.id,
+                vpcid=vpc2.id)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail(e)
+        finally:
+            self.assert_(
+                vm2.public_ip is not None, "Failed to aqcuire public ip for 
+        natrule = None
+        # Create port forward to be able to ssh into vm2
+        try:
+            natrule = self._create_natrule(
+                vpc2, vm2, 22, 22, vm2.public_ip, ntwk2)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.fail(e)
+        finally:
+            self.assert_(
+                natrule is not None, "Failed to create portforward for vm2")
+            time.sleep(20)
+        # setup ssh connection to vm2
+        ssh_client = self._get_ssh_client(vm2, self.services, 10)
+        if not ssh_client:
+            self.fail("Failed to setup ssh connection to %s" % vm2.public_ip)
+        for test_c in test_confs:
+            c = config.copy()
+            c.update(test_c)
+            services = self._get_vpn_config(c)
+            self.logger.debug(services)
+            customer1_response = VpnCustomerGateway.create(
+                self.apiclient,
+                services,
+                "Peer VPC1",
+                ip1.ipaddress,
+                vpc1.cidr,
+                account=self.account.name,
+                domainid=self.account.domainid)
+            self.logger.debug("VPN customer gateway added for VPC %s enabled" 
% vpc1.id)
+            self.logger.debug(vars(customer1_response))
+            customer2_response = VpnCustomerGateway.create(
+                self.apiclient,
+                services,
+                "Peer VPC2",
+                ip2.ipaddress,
+                vpc2.cidr,
+                account=self.account.name,
+                domainid=self.account.domainid)
+            self.logger.debug("VPN customer gateway added for VPC %s enabled" 
% vpc2.id)
+            self.logger.debug(vars(customer2_response))
+            # 6) Connect two VPCs
+            vpnconn1_response = Vpn.createVpnConnection(
+                self.apiclient, customer1_response.id, vpn2_response['id'], 
+            self.logger.debug("VPN connection created for VPC %s" % vpc2.id)
+            time.sleep(5)
+            vpnconn2_response = Vpn.createVpnConnection(
+                self.apiclient, customer2_response.id, vpn1_response['id'], 
+            self.logger.debug("VPN connection created for VPC %s" % vpc1.id)
+            # Wait for config
+            time.sleep(15)
+            # Run ping test
+            packet_loss = ssh_client.execute(
+            "/bin/ping -c 3 -t 10 " + vm1.nic[0].ipaddress + " |grep 
packet|cut -d ' ' -f 7| cut -f1 -d'%'")[0]
+            self.logger.debug("Packet loss %s" % packet_loss)
+            self.assert_(int(packet_loss) == 0, "Ping did not succeed")
+            # Cleanup
+            Vpn.deleteVpnConnection(self.apiclient, vpnconn1_response['id'])
+            Vpn.deleteVpnConnection(self.apiclient, vpnconn2_response['id'])
+            cleanup_resources(self.apiclient, [customer1_response, 
+            # Wait 130s for complete cleanup
+            time.sleep(130)
+    def _get_vpn_config(self, c):
+        ike_policy = '%s-%s;%s' % (c['ike_enc'], c['ike_hash'], c['ike_dh']) 
if c['ike_dh'] else '%s-%s' % (c['ike_enc'], c['ike_hash'])
+        esp_policy = '%s-%s;%s' % (c['esp_enc'], c['esp_hash'], c['esp_pfs']) 
if c['esp_pfs'] else '%s-%s' % (c['esp_enc'], c['esp_hash'])
+        out =  {
+            'ipsecpsk': c['psk'],
+            'ikepolicy':ike_policy,
+            'esppolicy':esp_policy,
+            'dpd':c['dpd'],
+            'forceencap':c['force_encap']
+        }
+        if c['ike_life']:
+            out['ikelifetime'] = c['ike_life']
+        if c['esp_life']:
+            out['esplifetime'] = c['esp_life']
+        return out
+    @classmethod
+    def tearDownClass(cls):
+        try:
+            try:
+                cls.template.delete(cls.apiclient)
+            except Exception: pass
+            cleanup_resources(cls.apiclient, cls.cleanup)
+        except Exception, e:
+            raise Exception("Cleanup failed with %s" % e)


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