Author: humbedooh
Date: Wed Apr  5 17:44:33 2023
New Revision: 1908988

fix up mailglomper to work with lists.a.o. initial work, more to be done


Modified: comdev/
--- comdev/ (original)
+++ comdev/ Wed Apr  5 
17:44:33 2023
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
    Reads public mailing list data from
    - listing of mailboxes
    and from each:
    - messages per week and per last two rolling quarters (92 days)
    data/maildata_extended.json - output data for display
    data/cache/maildata_weekly.json - cache of weekly email stats
 import sys
 if sys.hexversion < 0x03000000:
     raise ImportError("This script requires Python 3")
-import re, json, os, time, email.utils, signal, calendar
+import json
+import time
+import signal
 from datetime import datetime
-import urlutils
-import urllib.error
 import traceback
-import errtee
-import committee_info
+import asyncio
+import aiohttp
+import requests
 SECS_PER_DAY = 86400
 SECS_PER_WEEK = 604800
@@ -32,33 +32,37 @@ __RAO_HOME = "../"
 __MAILDATA_EXTENDED = __RAO_HOME + "data/maildata_extended.json"
-__MAILDATA_CACHE    = __RAO_HOME + "data/cache/maildata_weekly.json"
+__MAILDATA_CACHE = __RAO_HOME + "data/cache/maildata_weekly.json"
-def tsprint(s): # print with timestamp
+def tsprint(s):  # print with timestamp
     msg = "%s %s" % (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()), s)
     if isinstance(s, Exception):
         print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
-        type, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
-        traceback.print_exception(type, value, tb)
+        etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
+        traceback.print_exception(etype, value, tb)
 interrupted = False
 def handle(signum, frame):
     Handles signals, e.g. ^C (SIGINT) and kill (SIGTERM)
     Sets the interrupted flag on first signal (graceful shutdown)
     Raises KeyboardInterrupt on second signal (abrupt shutdown)
-    global interrupted # otherwise handler does not set the same variable
+    global interrupted  # otherwise handler does not set the same variable
     if signum == 2:
-        print("") # ensure newline after ^C
+        print("")  # ensure newline after ^C
     tsprint("Interrupted with %d" % signum)
-    if interrupted: # second interrupt
-        raise KeyboardInterrupt # not generated by Python because we catch its 
+    if interrupted:  # second interrupt
+        raise KeyboardInterrupt  # not generated by Python because we catch 
its signal
     interrupted = True
 startTime = time.time()
@@ -66,7 +70,7 @@ startTime = time.time()
 mls = {}
-    with open(__MAILDATA_CACHE,'r') as f:
+    with open(__MAILDATA_CACHE, "r") as f:
         mldcache = json.loads(
     tsprint("Read maildata cache successfully")
@@ -78,11 +82,11 @@ currentMonth = DTNOW.month
 currentYear = DTNOW.year
 NOW = time.time()
-after = NOW - (SECS_PER_DAY*92)
-wayafter = NOW - (SECS_PER_DAY*92*2)
+after = NOW - (SECS_PER_DAY * 92)
+wayafter = NOW - (SECS_PER_DAY * 92 * 2)
 months = []
-for i in range(0,7):
+for i in range(0, 7):
     date = "%04u%02u" % (currentYear, currentMonth)
     currentMonth -= 1
     if currentMonth == 0:
@@ -91,7 +95,7 @@ for i in range(0,7):
 # Remove any stale entries
-obsolete = [] # list of keys to remove (cannot do it while iterating)
+obsolete = []  # list of keys to remove (cannot do it while iterating)
 for mld in mldcache.keys():
     yyyymm = mld[-6:]
     if yyyymm not in months:
@@ -101,104 +105,36 @@ for key in obsolete:
     tsprint("Dropping obsolete cache entry: " + key)
     del mldcache[key]
-fc = urlutils.UrlCache(interval=30, silent=True) # generates too much output 
if not silent
 # Get the index of mailing lists
 # Not strictly necessary to cache this, but it makes testing easier
-data = fc.get("";, "mod_mbox.html", 
+data = requests.get("";).json()
 tsprint("Fetched %u bytes of main data" % len(data))
-N.B. The project name empire-db is truncated to empire in the main list
-Rather than fixing this here, it is done in the scripts that read the output 
-This is because those scripts assume that the first hyphen separates the
-project name from the mailing list name.
-Since list names may contain hyphens (e.g. lucene-net-dev) that is a necessary 
-Potentially the generated file could use a separator that is not allowed in 
project names,
-but this would require converting the input file and potentially allowing both 
separators in
-the files that process the output for a short while.
-def weekly_stats(ml, date):
+async def weekly_stats(client, listpart, domainpart, date):
-       Read the weekly stats from a mbox file, caching the counts.
+    Read the weekly stats from a mbox file, caching the counts.
-    fname = "%s-%s" % (ml, date)
-    stampold = None
-    lengthold = None
-#     etagold = None
-    if fname in mldcache:
-#         tsprint("Have json cache for: " + fname)
-        entry = mldcache[fname]
-        ct = entry['ct']
-        stampold = entry['stamp']
-        try:
-            lengthold = entry['length']
-        except:
-            lengthold = 'N/A'
-#         try:
-#             etagold = entry['etag']
-#         except:
-#             etagold = 'N/A'
-        weekly = {}
-        # JSON keys are always stored as strings; fix these up for main code
-        for w in entry['weekly']:
-            weekly[int(w)] = entry['weekly'][w]
-    else:
-#         tsprint("Not cached: " + fname)
-        ct = None
-        pass
-    url = ""; % (ml, date)
-    stamp, mldata = urlutils.getIfNewer(url, stampold, silent=True) # read 
binary URL
+    project = domainpart.replace("", "")
+    if not project:
+        return {}
+    ldate = date[:4] + "-" + date[4:]  # Convert to lists.a.o format, yyyy-mm
+    url = 
+    mldata = await (await client.get(url)).json()
+    weekly = {}
+    count = 0
+    if mldata:  # we have a new/updated file to process
+        for email in mldata.get("emails", []):
+            timestamp = email["epoch"]
+            count += 1
+            try:
+                rounded = timestamp - (timestamp % SECS_PER_WEEK) + 
+                weekly[rounded] = weekly.get(rounded, 0) + 1
+            except Exception as err:
+                tsprint(err)
+    return count, weekly
-    if mldata: # we have a new/updated file to process
-        try:
-            length = mldata.headers['Content-Length']
-        except:
-            length = 'unknown'
-#         try:
-#             etag = mldata.headers['Etag']
-#         except:
-#             etag = 'unknown'
-        tsprint("Processing %s (%s > %s) Length: %s (%s)" % (fname, stamp, 
stampold, length, lengthold))
-        # INFRA-11661 - spurious date changes so we check the length
-        if ct != None and length == lengthold:
-            tsprint("Unchanged length, using cached data (%d)" % ct)
-            mldata.close()
-            mldcache[fname]['stamp'] = stamp # update the stamp so we don't 
keep trying to download the same file
-            return ct, weekly
-        ct = 0
-        weekly = {}
-        l = 0
-        for line in mldata:
-            l += 1
-            c = re.match(b"^From \S+ (.+)", line) # match as binary
-            if c:
-                ct += 1
-                try:
-                    d = email.utils.parsedate('latin1')) # 
convert match to string
-                    timestamp = int(calendar.timegm(d))
-                    rounded = timestamp - (timestamp % SECS_PER_WEEK) + 
-                    weekly[rounded] = (weekly[rounded] if rounded in weekly 
else 0) + 1
-                except Exception as err:
-                    tsprint(err)
-        # create the cache entry        
-        mldcache[fname] = {
-                              'ct': ct,
-                              'weekly': weekly,
-                              'stamp': stamp,
-                              'length': length
-#                               'etag': etag
-                            }
-    else:
-#         tsprint("Returning cache for: " + fname)
-        pass
-    # return the new or cached values
-    return ct, weekly
 def add_weeks(total, add):
     for e in add:
@@ -207,90 +143,79 @@ def add_weeks(total, add):
             total[e] = add[e]
-signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle) # This stops Python from raising 
+signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle)  # This stops Python from raising 
 signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handle)
-pmcmails = committee_info.PMCmails()
-if 'empire-db' in pmcmails: # append entry
-    pmcmails.append('empire')
-# get all the mailing lists so we can drop only those that are no longer 
present even if the process is stopped early
-mlists = []
-for mlist in re.finditer(r"<a href='([-a-z0-9]+)/'", data):
-    ml =
-    pfx = ml.split('-')[0]
-    # skip all but current projects
-    if not pfx in pmcmails:
-#         tsprint("Skipping " + ml) # temporary for checking
-        continue
-    mlists.append(ml)
-lastCheckpoint = time.time() # when output files were last saved
-for ml in mlists:
-    tsprint("Processing: " + ml)
-    start = time.time()
-    mls[ml] = {}
-    mls[ml]['quarterly'] = [0, 0];
-    mls[ml]['weekly'] = {}
-    mlct = 0
-    try:
-        for date in months:
-            key = ml + "-" + date
-            try:
-                begin = time.time()
-                ct, weeks = weekly_stats(ml, date)
-                add_weeks(mls[ml]['weekly'], weeks)
+async def gather_stats():
+    # get all the mailing lists
+    mlists = []
+    for domainpart, lists in sorted(data["lists"].items()):
+        if "" in domainpart:  # Only project domains
+            mlists.extend([f"{listpart}@{domainpart}" for listpart in lists])
+    lastCheckpoint = time.time()  # when output files were last saved
+    for mailinglist in mlists:
+        listpart, domainpart = mailinglist.split("@", maxsplit=1)
+        project = domainpart.replace("", "")
+        ml = f"{project}-{listpart}"
+        start = time.time()
+        mls[ml] = {}
+        mls[ml]["quarterly"] = [0, 0]
+        mls[ml]["weekly"] = {}
+        mlct = 0
+        try:
+            tsprint(f"Processing {listpart}@{domainpart}")
+            async with 
aiohttp.ClientSession(timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(30)) as client:
+                results = await asyncio.gather(*[weekly_stats(client, 
listpart, domainpart, date) for date in months])
+            for result in results:
+                ct, weeks = result
+                add_weeks(mls[ml]["weekly"], weeks)
+                mlct += ct
                 for week in weeks:
                     if week >= after:
-                        mls[ml]['quarterly'][0] += weeks[week]
+                        mls[ml]["quarterly"][0] += weeks[week]
                     elif week >= wayafter:
-                        mls[ml]['quarterly'][1] += weeks[week]
-#                 tsprint("Debug: %s has %u mails (%u)" % (key, ct, 
time.time() - begin)) # total for month
-                mlct += ct
-            except urllib.error.HTTPError as err:
-                if err.code == 404: # Can happen for new lists
-                    tsprint("Warn: could not open %s - %s" % (key, err.reason))
-                else:
-                    tsprint(err)
-            except KeyboardInterrupt: # intercept the handlers signal so we 
can report it
-                tsprint("Interrupted processing of %s" % key)
-                raise # propagate, so does not get confused with graceful stop
-            except Exception as err:
-                tsprint(err)
-            if interrupted: # break at end of file
-                tsprint("Stopping after processing %s" % key)
-                break
-    except KeyboardInterrupt: # catch the handlers signal
-        tsprint("Interrupted processing of %s" % ml)
-    if interrupted:
-        break
-    tsprint("Info: %s has %u mails (%u secs)" % (ml, mlct, time.time() - 
start)) # total for mail group
-    now = time.time()
-    if now - lastCheckpoint > 600: # checkpoint every 10 minutes
-        lastCheckpoint = now
-        tsprint("Creating checkpoint of JSON files")
-        with open(__MAILDATA_EXTENDED,'w+') as f:
-            json.dump(mls, f, indent=1) # sort_keys is expensive
-        with open(__MAILDATA_CACHE,"w") as f:
-            json.dump(mldcache, f, indent=1) # sort_keys is expensive
-tsprint("Completed scanning, writing JSON files (%s)" % str(interrupted))
-with open(__MAILDATA_EXTENDED,'w+') as f:
-    json.dump(mls, f, indent=1, sort_keys=True)
-# all the possible lists and dates
-found = [ ml + "-" + date for ml in mlists for date in months]
-obsolete = mldcache.keys() - found # drop any left over
-for key in obsolete:
-    tsprint("Dropping unused cache entry: " + key)
-    del mldcache[key]
-with open(__MAILDATA_CACHE,"w") as f:
-    json.dump(mldcache, f, indent=1, sort_keys=True)
-tsprint("Dumped JSON files")
-elapsed = time.time()-startTime
-tsprint("Completed in %d seconds" % elapsed)
+                        mls[ml]["quarterly"][1] += weeks[week]
+        except KeyboardInterrupt:  # catch the handlers signal
+            tsprint("Interrupted processing of %s" % ml)
+        if interrupted:
+            break
+        tsprint("Info: %s has %u mails (%u secs)" % (ml, mlct, time.time() - 
start))  # total for mail group
+        now = time.time()
+        if now - lastCheckpoint > 120:  # checkpoint every 2 minutes
+            lastCheckpoint = now
+            tsprint("Creating checkpoint of JSON files")
+            with open(__MAILDATA_EXTENDED, "w+") as f:
+                json.dump(mls, f, indent=1)  # sort_keys is expensive
+            with open(__MAILDATA_CACHE, "w") as f:
+                json.dump(mldcache, f, indent=1)  # sort_keys is expensive
+    tsprint("Completed scanning, writing JSON files (%s)" % str(interrupted))
+    with open(__MAILDATA_EXTENDED, "w+") as f:
+        json.dump(mls, f, indent=1, sort_keys=True)
+    # all the possible lists and dates
+    found = [ml + "-" + date for ml in mlists for date in months]
+    obsolete = mldcache.keys() - found  # drop any left over
+    for key in obsolete:
+        tsprint("Dropping unused cache entry: " + key)
+        del mldcache[key]
+    with open(__MAILDATA_CACHE, "w") as f:
+        json.dump(mldcache, f, indent=1, sort_keys=True)
+    tsprint("Dumped JSON files")
+    elapsed = time.time() - startTime
+    tsprint("Completed in %d seconds" % elapsed)
+if __name__ == "__main__":

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